Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 854: Arrodes Returns to Normal

Chapter 854: Arrodes Returns to Normal

As he communicated with the archbishop in depth, Angel was frustrated to find that it was difficult for him to reasonably, legally, and safely take over the factories and land belonging to Severia. Even the villas in Backlund became quite hot.

Although they became the assets of "Eileen Watson" through formal procedures and were just waiting for her to reveal her identity and complete the handover, this identity itself was implicated in the smog incident. As long as they showed up, they would inevitably be under the attention of the Storm Church, the Steam Church and the military, and even the "Witch Sect" and the "Aurora Society" would come knocking.

If Angel still maintains the identity of "Christine Theresa", she will have nothing to do with these properties and lands, let alone getting them into her own hands in a formal way.

In the end, she had no choice but to accept the compromise plan proposed by Anthony, which was to sell all these properties to the Church of the Goddess of Night in the name of Irene. In order to acquire these properties, the church would pay the corresponding gold pounds to Irene Watson, also known as Angel.

"After deducting relevant taxes and fees, I was left with less than 11 pounds..."

Angel muttered, feeling sad that he had lost 10% of the profit before he got it.

Besides, the church has helped a lot in this matter, so I have to show my appreciation accordingly... She looked into Anthony's deep eyes, and said with a move in her heart:

"I will donate any proceeds above £10 to the church to, uh, repair the old churches in the East End."

She originally wanted to renovate Saint Samuel's Church, but this church, Backlund's and even the entire Loen's largest church, already had countless believers vying to donate, and it was being renovated and improved every year, so it didn't need her money at all.

It would be better to donate it to the impoverished East District so that the church can preach more conveniently there... She thought about it and suddenly said:

"Also, I have something to report... about an informant I developed in the East District, a witch who does not belong to the 'Witch Sect'..."


Late at night, Angel returned exhausted to 8 Birningham Road in Hillston. Looking at the villa rented at 300 pounds a year, her mind came to Baron Langdon's luxurious villa in the West End, which was said to be worth 15000 pounds and was appreciating every year.

Unfortunately, it doesn't belong to me anymore... She took a deep breath, and in her heart she mourned over the asset she had "lost and gained". After washing up casually, she returned to the bedroom.

According to the method proposed by the Archbishop, the converted amount of the assets that originally belonged to "Eileen Watson" could be handed over to her next month at the latest. That was a full 10 pounds in cash, which exceeded the value of all Angel's assets except magical items and extraordinary characteristics. It was enough to buy two Iris wineries and renovate them according to the standards of "Justice" Audrey.

When I get this money, I can consider investing more in Sherman’s canning factory, allowing her to expand her product line and produce some consumer goods that should have appeared in this era but have not, such as carbonated drinks... And Elaine can also buy a few more ships and expand the "Redhead Girl" into a whole fleet. When she is promoted to Sequence 5, there may be an extra pirate admiral on the sea...

She happily spent the gold pounds that she had not yet received in her mind, and then sat down in front of the dressing table in the bedroom. She used her fingers as a pen to draw symbols on the dressing mirror that mixed the nature of "secret" and "voyeurism".

After a moment, ripples appeared on the mirror's surface. Silver light emerged from the depths, outlining a line of Rune text:

"My wise mistress, your humble servant Arrodes is at your service!"

It seemed to have recovered from the "Amon phobia"... Angel's mouth curled up, and he hesitated for a moment before asking a few questions. Just as he was about to speak, he found that silver words continued to flow out of the mirror:

"Madam, in accordance with your instructions, I randomly punished some of them when the Mechanical Heart unsealed me for questioning, and showed hostility towards other seals. Sure enough, it didn't take long for them to decide to upgrade my danger level and send me to the underground area of ​​​​the '1' level seals... Although I haven't received a new number yet, I have been regarded as a highly dangerous seal that needs to be isolated and kept. I live in a dedicated single room. Amons, don't even think about getting close to me anymore!"

At the same time, a series of still images were displayed below the words. They were all scenes of "Mechanical Heart" members being struck by lightning or being driven crazy by some problems. Unfortunately, most of them belonged to the butler with stubbornly raised hair, Ikanser Bernard.

Saying it was my order makes me feel a little guilty, but it was obviously you who did it... Angel muttered, and quickly interrupted Arrodes's display of Ikanser being struck by lightning from various angles, and asked:

"Arrodes, I want to know the details of the political faction that Duchess Georgina belongs to, who are their members, and what are their demands?"

In the blink of an eye, those dense words and images disappeared in the mirror, and the silver-white dots of light reorganized into new text: "Georgina Augustus's political inclination is conservative. She is not optimistic about the parliament and the nobles' attempts to launch local wars and seize benefits from the Feysac Empire, and she has a negative attitude towards some of the king's recent policies... Those who share the same opinion include: Prince Sonia Grove Augustus, Duke Nigan, Earl Levitt..."

One by one, Angel's names, some unfamiliar and some familiar, appeared on the mirror. There was a prince who was born decades ago and should have grown old, a young duke who inherited the title of the assassinated old Duke Negan, Admiral Amyrius's brother, and many Conservative MPs and nobles.

It seems that Duchess Georgina's power is not small... She should not be the leader of this force, but just a messenger, but it is enough to prove their weight. At least Prince Sonia, who has lived for nearly a hundred years, is also a saint, or even an angel... Angel was thinking, and suddenly found that the silver text ended with a sentence:
"I'm sorry, dear mistress, there are some people who are in 'secret' and I can't see them... Are you satisfied with this answer?"

Secret... Angel chewed on this word, nodded after a moment, and replied:

"I am very satisfied."

"Thank you for your affirmation. Do you have any other questions?"

It was buy one get one free again. Arrodes really returned to his dog-licking state before being bullied by Amon... Angel smiled and continued to ask:

"What good suggestions do you have for my promotion from 'immortal' to 'disaster' witch?"

This question was very broad, including the role of "immortality", the materials of the Sequence 2 potion, and the solution of the corresponding ritual, but she believed that Arrodes would give the best answer.

"At the Sequence 2 level, there are very few scattered characteristics. Most of them have a certain degree of aggregation, becoming important components of some extremely rare extraordinary creatures, or true angels. The latter are often easier to find and deal with."

Words slowly appeared on the mirror, and their solemnity made Angel feel heavy in his heart.

Arrodes meant that instead of finding the ingredients for the potion, it would be better to kill a "disaster" witch and use her extraordinary characteristics to advance... This also fits the description of the Sequence 2 potion formula on the "Witch" card. Unlike the first seven sequences, the Sequence 2 potion formula directly mentions the extraordinary characteristics...

As she pondered, she looked at the subsequent text.

"When acting out potions, you may need to start with the concepts of 'immortality' and 'immortality'. The former means living a long life and getting enough feedback. Most 'immortal' witches achieve this by interacting with different people in different identities, and even getting married and giving birth to children. The latter is achieved by 'resurrecting from the dead' and reappearing in front of people you know, completing the conceptual loop.

"As for the rituals required for promotion, there has always been a method of 'replacing quantity with quality'. For example, when you were promoted to 'Despair', you killed a demigod and made him fall into despair, instead of a ritual that required a large number of ordinary people to feel despair. This is a very successful example. However, the basis of the ritual will not change due to the promotion of status, only the 'quantity' can be changed."

Therefore, when I am promoted to "Disaster", I can use Beyonders or Extraordinary Creatures of higher status to replace ordinary people as the target of "disaster" to reduce casualties, but the basis of the ritual cannot be changed, and the restriction of "disaster affecting an entire area" must still be met...

But Arrodes's answer seemed to be that I thought that the way I killed the demigods according to the potion formula was a "substitution", and killing a large number of ordinary people was the "original" ritual? Wensa also said something similar... But the formula on the "Witch" card clearly mentioned killing demigods... Was the formula recorded by Emperor Roselle on the "Blasphemy Card" wrong?
Thoughts kept flashing through Angel's mind, and his eyes swept over the words "marriage" and "offspring" until the words disappeared into the mirror again.

Keeping in mind the key points about promotion that Arrodes mentioned, she asked again:
"What information do you know about Viscount Stratford?"

This concerns how she should deal with the captain of the palace guard who has an important secret in his heart.

This time, Arrodes responded very quickly:
"After William Sykes was killed, he had become alert and applied for special protection from the military, trying to get information from the attacker about those who were looking for the truth about the Great Smog... He had traces of anti-divination on him. This method came from a high-sequence witch. I can only get this information. Wise mistress, you won't blame Arrodes for his hard work, right?"

These silvery words made Angel look solemn, and he didn't even bother to answer the question from the magic mirror.

This means that Stratford is likely to be just like Sherman, trying to get information from her about the person who assigned her to seduce him... But who will be the high-sequence witch protecting him? In Backlund, she is probably the only one who meets the requirements and has cooperation with the military and the royal family...

Slowly, a plan took shape in Angel's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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