Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 874 Mind Pollution

Chapter 874 Mind Pollution
Iron? Some magical item belonging to the Hunter Demigod?

A trace of doubt flashed through Herwin's mind, and he used his front paws to try to crush the witch, who looked like an insect compared to his body size. However, the latter easily pushed his claws aside. An orange-red light flashed in her hand, and a simple straight sword appeared in her hand. The air around her also became scorching hot.

Is she a witch or a hunter?

Feeling the burning sensation in his hands that penetrated the dragon scales and reached deep into his body, Herwin was curious, but also realized that hand-to-hand combat would not give him any advantage. He flapped his wings violently a few times, and his heavy body floated upwards, breaking away from the opponent.

It was not until then that he noticed that the witch Christine, who was originally pinned down by his claws, was engulfed in flames. The blue-green flame that could burn everything did not burn the dress she was wearing, but it made Herwin feel a little palpitated.

That was a high temperature that could kill him directly.

Subconsciously, the "manipulator" who had transformed into a giant dragon gave up all means of physical combat, flew high into the sky, and quickly scanned the streets in the night. He noticed that there was something amiss in this area that had become completely silent at some point.

Except for him and the witch below, there were no people or animals in the area with a radius of about 200 meters, and there were no dreams for him to use. Outside this range, gray fog enveloped everything, and even his exploration in the sea of ​​consciousness could not go deeper.

This is a virtual world that replicates the real streets... no, it's a "mirror world"?
Herwin, who had had a brief exchange with a certain demigod witch, immediately thought of this possibility, and knew that he had been pulled by the witch below into an area that overlapped with reality but could not affect each other.

I must leave as soon as possible, otherwise many of my abilities will not be able to have the desired effect here... As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, he felt his wings, which were flapping continuously and stirring up the strong wind, become stiff, and the scales on the surface of his body also tightened, as if they were fixed together.

He became alert and looked down. The witch, whose steel skin color had faded and whose body was on fire, was looking at him with purple-black eyes. In one hand, she held a straight sword with flames on the blade, and the other hand was raised forward with five fingers spread out, as if she was manipulating some invisible threads.

This is the "petrification" of the "ageless" witch... She is a Sequence 3 witch!
He had an epiphany, and without hesitation he flapped his wings, which had become somewhat difficult to move, and randomly chose a direction, swooping down like a chariot, thereby getting rid of the invisible thread that had touched him at some point. The moment his body became relaxed, his figure disappeared from the other party's sight.

Of course, Hwin knew that both the "Witch" and the "Hunter" had various range killing capabilities, and he was probably now suffering from a fatal disease, and psychological invisibility would soon be ineffective. Therefore, the moment he hid in the opponent's blind spot, he separated one Hwin Rambis after another, who still maintained their human form, with cold eyes and sinister expressions, and used the sea of ​​subconsciousness to rush towards the witch below.

They came in groups to the islands representing consciousness and subconsciousness. Some were responsible for creating huge waves, letting this "mental storm" wash over the islands. Some materialized gray-white stairs and were about to land on the islands and indiscriminately destroy the boulders and trees!

Hwin, who was the first to step onto the stairs and reach the beach, felt a flash before his eyes. All the symbols of purpose consciousness that were within reach disappeared. The beach was empty, and it seemed as if there was a barrier separating him from the depths of the island.

His spirituality spread out like tentacles and he quickly grasped his own situation.

This is a "mirror maze" set up by the witch in her own consciousness. It conceals the part deep in the consciousness that can be modified by the "manipulator", trapping invaders in a maze that looks normal but is actually difficult to find an exit, making them waste time in vain!

How can there be such a thing... Even if a witch is proficient in mirror magic, can she really do this?

The Herwins who invaded the consciousness could not help but have the same idea. They all belonged to different personalities of the original body and possessed corresponding mental bodies. They could dive into the sea of ​​consciousness like the original body and modify the subconscious of others. Naturally, they also knew that the battle outside was extremely urgent, so they quickly assigned different directions and began to try every possibility at a very fast speed to try to solve this maze.

At the same time, Herwin, who had transformed into a giant dragon, also realized the predicament his virtual personalities were facing, and a hint of fear flashed in his golden vertical pupils.

Faced with this mysterious and "ageless" witch who seemed to possess some of the abilities of a hunter, he would have flapped his wings and run away if he had not been trapped in an inescapable "mirror world".

But now, in the Colosseum with a radius of 200 meters, there are only himself and the other party. Whoever wins will have the right to go out alive... Hewin couldn't help but have negative thoughts, and he quickly comforted himself and regained some fighting spirit.

At this moment, Angel, who was surrounded by flames below, raised the straight sword in his hand that was burning with blue flames.

The next second, she "turned into flames" and her entire body emitted an intense light. The scorching flames exploded with her as the center. The air was heated, squeezed, and exploded. The shock wave swept the surrounding streets and buildings into the gray fog in the distance, and the entire sky became red, and the clouds in the distance changed color.

The violent explosion swept through the entire "mirror world", sweeping away Hvin Rambis who was still in a state of "psychological invisibility".

Even with the protection of dragon scales, this "manipulator" felt like he was stuffed into a hot and stuffy tank. His whole body was in severe pain. The pain was accompanied by a burning sensation, which penetrated into his flesh through the gaps in the scales, harvesting his sanity and making it impossible for him to hide in the opponent's blind spot. His body transformed into a giant dragon emerged from the air.

Found you... Angel, who was also swept by the flames and blast winds but was not hurt because he could control the flames, immediately locked onto the giant dragon in the air and aimed the sharp blade in his hand at the opponent. He was about to infuse his spirituality and pierce the opponent with a destructive ray that was a hundred meters long and could almost sweep across the entire "mirror world".

In battle, she restrained herself from using witch-related abilities, and tried the "Iron Knight" fighting style as much as possible, in order to familiarize herself with the abilities granted by this different potion route in the battle with the demigod. From now on, the effect is quite good.

The only problem is that the dragon-like Herwin doesn't seem to be very good at fighting. Even if she didn't wear the "Rose Necklace" and didn't summon the "Reaper Legion", she would have almost won the battle...

But at the moment when the sharp blade was aimed at the opponent, Angel suddenly hesitated.

Klein now only has two Sequence 5 puppets, and their strength is far inferior to that of the trickster Sophia who guards the Fountain of Youth. If he makes Hvin Rambis into a puppet, his strength will be significantly improved... No, I have no confidence in trapping a "manipulator" without killing him, let alone waiting for Klein to come here. Then I will have a good talk with him, and let him go as a condition to obtain information about the smog. Maybe I can also get the formula of the Sequence 4 potion and sell it to Audrey...

The straight sword she held high slowly dropped down, and she became entangled.

Looking at Christine Theresa who suddenly stopped attacking, Hvin Rambis, whose scales were already somewhat charred and whose body was still steaming, smiled.

His virtual personalities that had traversed all the routes in the "Mirror Maze" finally found the exit and stepped onto the opponent's consciousness island. During the intervals between battles, they quickly implanted the subconscious idea of ​​"not killing Hwin, but trying to capture him alive."

This was not a life-threatening arrangement for the "immortal" witch who had an absolute advantage, so she did not encounter much resistance.

Next, plant a mental plague in her, and get rid of her when she has an attack, and the "mirror world" will naturally collapse... Herwin let out a long sigh, and pulled out a blue metal cylinder with his front paw from somewhere, and pointed it at the stunned witch below.

This is a sealed item with extremely powerful side effects, called "Rotten Meteor". It is said that the materials used to make it come from the starry sky. As long as it is held, there is a chance that it will be noticed by the eyes in the starry sky and be contaminated. If it weren't for that existence that helped him seal most of the negative effects, Herwin would definitely not dare to carry it himself.

Countering this unbearable negative effect is its terrifying lethality. The metal cylinder can shoot out dark green bullets like a gun. Once hit, the person will be poisoned and rotten instantly, and the body and spirit will quickly decay and die. Even demigods cannot avoid it.

Aiming the cylinder at the opponent, Herwin exerted a little force with his front paws, clenched the "Rotten Meteor", and was about to send meteors to the witch below who had freed herself from the dilemma of "whether to kill the opponent" and looked at him again with murderous eyes.

He could already feel a burning sensation in his body, his heartbeat was getting faster and heavier, and he realized that the witch's "disease" had infected him without his knowledge and was accumulating to a level that would kill him.

Only by quickly and decisively leaving this "mirror world" immediately can we escape from the dangerous environment full of pathogens.

But at this moment, the virtual personalities who had been assigned various tasks by him and had already set foot on the other party's consciousness island kept sending out thoughts mixed with horror and fear, as chaotic as noise.

what happened……

Hwin paused, and several dark green spheres were launched and landed on Angel almost instantly, dissolving her body into the same dark green juice and pieces of mirror fragments.

Those spheres that missed their target fell onto the street and turned into sticky liquid, which quickly corroded the ground. The area they covered was not large, but it made the entire street flicker constantly, as if the mirror reflecting these scenes was shaking, causing the image to be unstable.

Perhaps by firing a few more spheres, the "Rotten Meteor" might be able to completely collapse this "mirror world" and return the two to the real world.

But this "manipulator" had no time to continue his attack, as his mind was already filled with images transmitted to him by those virtual personalities.

That was the image of another "Christine" who appeared on Christine Theresa's island of consciousness at some point in time, looking and wearing the same clothes as her.

That was a scene where the virtual personalities surrounded each other with gloomy faces, trying to infect each other with a contagious mental plague.

That was the scene where "Christine" greeted Hwin and the others with a smile on her face and said something, which caused the virtual personalities to be horrified.

It was a scene where each Hewen burst like a soap bubble, their mental bodies completely dissipated and merged into the sea of ​​consciousness.

No...what did she do? My avatar seemed to have heard something that would cause them to go insane, or even lose their existence...

Hewin's spiritual madness sounded the alarm, and he cut off ties with all virtual personalities without hesitation.

But a trace of those forbidden knowledge and information still passed through the connection between them and entered his mind.

"Starry Sky...Old Days...What did she say?"

Caught between the desire for knowledge and spiritual alertness, Herwin subconsciously repeated that short piece of information in his mind.

The next second, his body, which had turned into a giant dragon, covered with hard scales and with its front claws grasping the "rotten meteor" from the starry sky, collapsed in front of Angel's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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