Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 881 Repeating the same trick

Chapter 881 Repeating the same trick
In fact, when the "White Saint" Catalina proposed to exchange Triss Chick for the secret of George III, Angel was moved for a moment.

But she had seen Triss wearing a sapphire ring and looking strangely like she was possessed, and she knew the meaning of the name "Chik", and she had an inexplicable resistance to handing it over to the "Witch Sect".

What if the "Witch Sect" gets hold of this divine container, and the damage caused is even worse than the smog?

Moreover, Triss planned the "Alfalfa Massacre" and tried to curse the survivors of the passenger ship. She needs to be punished accordingly, but Angel will hand her over to the Night Watchers for trial by the Templar after completing the investigation of the "Great Smog" instead of sending her to the evil sect and the "Original Witch".

On the other hand, the other "pain" witch could be the best bargaining chip. Katarina rushed from Backlund to the Port of Berens in the southern continent, and was obviously very concerned about her daughter. Whether it was because of family affection, blood relationship, or not wanting to lose such a talented descendant, it could be a reason for her to agree to the deal.

"Tracy? I don't think anything will happen to her. Even though you've trapped me here, you can't go to the southern continent. With just that red-haired girl and her Beyonders, what kind of threat can they pose to a witch of pain?"

Catalina replied calmly, her eyes full of confidence in her daughter's abilities.



Another ball of fire exploded on the beach, followed by two crisp sounds of mirrors shattering. The two witches used the magic mirrors they carried to avoid the scorching flames, but happened to appear in the same place and instantly became entangled in a fight.

Tracy used her rapier, which did not have much supernatural power but was extremely strong. It had the advantage of length but lacked flexibility. Sherman waved a dagger with flames constantly surging on its surface, constantly looking for blind spots in the rapier's defense and stabbing Tracy in various parts of her body.

There is a gap in sequence. Except for the lack of the "disease" ability, Sherman does not have much disadvantage in close combat. She destroyed the opponent's protective bracelet when she first detonated the "flame blade" in her hand, and now she seems to be more at ease.

However, she continued to use spider silk to adjust her body's position, harass the opponent, and detonated the flames on the dagger twice in succession, which caused her Sequence 6 spiritual power to gradually dissipate, and she was also at a disadvantage in the confrontation with frost and black flame.

Tracy immediately noticed this subtle change. She stabbed out with the rapier in her hand continuously, forcing Sherman to use the flame jumping of the "hypocrisy" ring to temporarily avoid the attack. Then, her figure suddenly disappeared on the beach and she entered invisible state.

Want to escape? No, she wants to delay time and wait for the disease to break out... Even if we continue to use flames to clean up the pathogens around us, some of them should have already entered our bodies. I'm afraid that in less than a minute or two, the high fever, coughing, and weakness in our limbs will make us lose our ability to fight...

Sherman's mind raced, and he was about to ignite the flame on the dagger to "explode" again, but he felt dazed and his spirit was difficult to control.

Oh no, after using various extraordinary abilities continuously, my spiritual power is being consumed much faster than I expected...

Just as she understood, countless spider silks entangled her in the darkness. Some were as hard as iron wires trying to bind her, while others were as soft as fingertips caressing different parts of her body, making her heart beat faster and her blood rush, accelerating the onset of the "disease".


Another flame surged from her side, cleverly bypassing Sherman's body and igniting the spider silk around it, drawing a crisscrossing pattern on the beach, covering an area of ​​dozens of meters. They all extended in one direction, marking the position of the invisible Tracy.


Elaine shouted, but she did not put down the hand that caused the flames. Another flaming spear quickly condensed in her palm and was thrown towards the place where the burning threads gathered.

At the same time, her eyes turned golden, her pupils erected, and she activated the ability of the "Ring of Madness".

Attracted by the angry shout, Tracy couldn't help but look at Elaine. When she met her eyes, her neck tilted back, her head buzzed, all kinds of messy thoughts poured out, and the outline of her body gradually emerged, and she came out of her invisible state.

The next second, her fragile body was covered by flames and turned into pieces of mirror fragments, mixed with sand and gravel, making it impossible to distinguish one from the other.

Standing on the edge of the blast, with her brown hair flying everywhere, Sherman squinted her eyes and quickly looked around for the landing point of Tracy's "mirror substitute".

"over there!"

She pointed to the junction of the beach and the woods, where a shadow appeared and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Invisibility again... Sherman picked up the dagger and was about to use the flames that had not yet completely dissipated to jump to that position, but suddenly he felt an itchy throat and could not help coughing. The "flame jump" that was about to be launched also failed.

It's a "disease"... The "joy" transmitted by the spider silk just now has greatly accelerated the outbreak of pathogens in my body... Sherman held his forehead with one hand, confirming that his body temperature was already above normal. With the other hand, he let go of the dagger that could no longer ignite the flame due to lack of spiritual power, and reached for his pocket.

"Elaine, hold her back for a moment!"

She shouted to the other side of the beach. Elaine was holding a flaming spear in one hand and directing the floating fire crows beside her with the other, trying to find Tracy's location. She nodded when she heard it:

"Be careful, I'm also sick, we need to end the battle as soon as possible."

There was a barely perceptible hint of weakness in her forced calm words.

Elaine was also infected... According to Miss Angelica's introduction, the "Pain" witch's disease takes only about one minute from the onset to the inability to fight, and after two minutes it would be difficult to even save her life... Sherman pursed her lips and quickly searched the surroundings. Invisible threads also spread everywhere, floating in the air, trying to touch the invisible Tracy.

"Oh, you're holding me back? In one minute, you'll be lying down obediently and letting me do whatever I want to you," Tracy's sarcastic laughter came from somewhere, causing Sherman and Elaine to look around. "Look back, that ugly red sailboat is about to be sunk by the Black Death. Whose time is more urgent?"

Although she understood the "instigative" meaning in the words, Elaine still couldn't help but turn around and look at the position of the "red-haired girl".

The two sailboats, one red and one black, had become entangled with each other. Their speed had slowed down and they were almost stagnant on the sea. The sounds of weapons colliding, flames exploding, and faint gunfire could be heard from time to time.

Strangely, the armed sailors on the two ships did not fight each other, but covered their ears. A sharp noise like nails scratching on glass came with the sea breeze, and Elaine recognized it as the singing of the "Siren" Ariel.

Unlike the melodious songs that attract fish to jump into the trawl, this kind of singing that is almost like noise will trigger dark thoughts in people's hearts, making them depressed or crazy, unable to maintain basic emotional stability. Although it is not very effective for Extraordinary People, it can completely make a boatload of ordinary people lose their combat effectiveness.

Therefore, there were only a few Beyonders on the Black Death and the Redhead who could fight at this time. However, compared to the former, which had the elite of Vice Admiral Disease's entire fleet, the latter only had five Beyonders. Except for William the Lucky One and Tia the Witch, the others were all Sequence 9 sailors. They were undoubtedly at a disadvantage in the short battle. If it weren't for Ariel's singing that took care of the Redhead's crew and mainly affected them on the side of the Black Death, I'm afraid that this three-masted sailing ship, which was essentially just a cargo ship and lacked armament, would have been completely occupied long ago.

At this moment, near the port of Berens, a small boat that could almost be called a sampan appeared in the night. When it was less than 200 meters away from the two fighting ships, a long spear with white and blue flames rose from the ground, drew a dazzling light on the sea, and quickly pierced the deck of the "Red-haired Girl".


The spears exploded, flames surged, bypassing the crew members on the "Red-haired Girl" who were enduring the shrill singing, and swept through the "Black Death" Beyonders who had attacked the deck, forcing them back one after another.

The landing point was filled with smoke, and on the charred deck stood a man with short blond hair, green eyes, and an unbuttoned black vest with the hem fluttering in the wind.

Immediately, many sailors recognized him as the "strongest hunter" on the foggy sea, the "reaper" Anderson Hood, whose hands were stained with the blood of many wanted pirates, and they all shouted.

"Yes, it's me," Anderson smiled brightly, pointing the black dagger in his hand, and speaking words that made people's blood boil. "I'm glad you recognized me. So please cooperate. Pirates without a bounty will jump into the sea by themselves, and the rest will line up according to the bounty amount. Help each other and tie up everyone."

In the blink of an eye, the situation on the sea battlefield reversed. The addition of a Sequence 5 Hunter made the balance of combat power infinitely tilt towards the "Red-haired Girl".

Seeing that the pirates on the "Black Death" were all shrinking back, obviously intimidated by his momentum, Anderson chuckled, but in his mind he imagined himself holding a huge revolver in his free hand and making a threatening gesture, looking handsome.

"It's a pity that the revolver that belonged to me was taken away by that blonde girl. She has now become some 'Golden Queen'... If it weren't for the clues to the 'Iron Knight' formula, I would never want to have anything to do with her again... The battle over there seems to be almost over, so there's no need for me to help..."

He muttered, and when he mentioned the "blonde girl", he couldn't help but shrink his neck. He looked around secretly, and when he saw that no one noticed, he glanced at the beach not far away. His hawk-like eyes quickly locked onto the three people fighting.



Just as Anderson Hood transformed into a flaming spear and threw it at the "Red-haired Girl", Elaine also turned into a stream of red flames, flew over a distance of about twenty meters, and landed accurately next to Tracy.

The same scorching flames swept across the invisible Witch of Pain beside him, making her body outline appear.

The red-haired Elaine who emerged from the flames had a calm expression and steady movements, and did not look like she was "sick" at all.

She is able to control fire and purify pathogens around her, so her resistance to "disease" is much stronger than Sherman of the same sequence. Most of her pretending just now was just an act.

This is a misleading message from "conspirators"!

The moment she looked into her eyes, Tracy understood. She clenched her teeth with a distorted expression, held the rapier in both hands, leaned down slightly, and suddenly stabbed the sword at Elaine who was just a few feet away.

This is a charged attack from the Witch of Pain, which can easily penetrate any defense below that of a demigod.

Looking at Tracy's painful expression, Elaine's eyes flashed with hesitation, but the sword at her body gave her no time to think. She could only point the flaming spear in her hand at the opponent and meet the opponent's attack with a defensive counterattack posture.

The two figures collided at an extremely fast speed, and the rapiers and spears swept past each other and pierced each other's flesh.

At the last moment, Tracy looked at the other person's green eyes, but she didn't have the heart to kill him. She shifted the tip of her sword and pointed it at Elaine's left shoulder.

Puff, the rapier pierced Elaine's shoulder, but the reaction force transmitted to Tracy's hand seemed a little empty. She looked carefully and found that Elaine in front of her had turned into scattered mirror fragments.

At the same time, the flaming spear pierced through Tracy's shoulder, setting her whole body on fire and turning her into a thin black magic wand.

Sure enough, she still loves me...

Tracy was surprised and happy when she saw the figure re-appeared not far away, but doubts soon followed:

Could it be that the "joy" witch gave her the mirror substitute? That object can only be connected by smearing blood, which means that the relationship between the two has reached the point where they can safely give blood to each other... I haven't even taken her blood!

What is their relationship? Could it be that this witch's "joy" is...

As soon as a chaotic thought popped up in Tracy's mind, a bright flame exploded in front of her eyes, and the hateful witch jumped out of it, with her empty hands reaching forward.

No, she was holding a talisman in her hand!

The memories deep in Tracy's mind were awakened, and her hands drew the invisible silk threads to instantly wrap around the other party, but she was a step too late. Sherman raised both hands, each holding a silver piece engraved with complex patterns, and almost put them on Tracy's face.

"Dark night!"

The difficult ancient Hermes language was heard, and the talisman in her hand exploded with a dark red flame. A quiet and sleepy force dissipated and quickly surrounded Tracy.

I always feel that this scene... is somewhat familiar...

An absurd thought flashed through the mind of the pirate general who had been dealt with by the "Golden Queen" who was not even a demigod in the same way. His eyes rolled back, his knees went weak, and he fell to the ground, falling into a deep sleep on the soft beach.

The same as her was Sherman, who had activated the "Sleeping Spell" close to her body. She had tried to enter a dream many times and had developed a certain resistance and was mentally prepared, but the combined effect of the two spells still made her stagger and fall headfirst, lying together with Tracy, who had already torn her into pieces in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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