Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 95 Death List

Chapter 95 Death List
In the second half of July, the temperature in Tingen gradually dropped. Although it is not yet a crisp autumn, even on a sunny noon, the sun is only dazzling, and there is no need to hide in the shade to escape the heat.

A week had passed since Angel and Klein "officially joined" the Nighthawks and were introduced to other members by Dunn Smith during a dinner.

During this period of time, Angel performed official shifts, read newspapers in the entertainment room, lost money in "Fighting Evil", guarded "Chanis Gate" late at night, and jointly patrolled the area under the jurisdiction with other Nighthawks. The cemetery has also dealt with many cases transferred by the police in which extraordinary forces are suspected of being involved.

She has not forgotten the purpose of joining the Nighthawks. She has read most of the internal documents and books in her spare time, and even tried to translate the notes of Emperor Russell Gustav together with Old Neil. Back to Earth" still came up with nothing.

Maybe stay a little longer and try to borrow some documents from other dioceses, which can be beneficial?

She comforted herself like this.

"Five 10p lunches, thanks!"

The waiter at the Old Well restaurant came to the Blackthorn Security Company on time to accept the lunch order.Angel looked around at the members in the reception hall, counting Kenli who was on duty at the Chanis Gate and Old Neil who was guarding the armory, and ordered a working meal for them together.

Dunn Smith, Luoyao Leiding and Frye had already gone out for daily routine inspections of the jurisdiction. They would settle their lunch outside as usual. Leonard Mitchell was notified and went to the police station to collect documents. Jia Thon is on vacation today, and besides Angel, only Rosanne and Klein are left in the reception hall.

Watching the waiter who took down the order leave, Roseanne shook the coffee pot, listening to the sound of liquid sloshing inside, and refilled her already empty coffee cup with fragrant coffee.

"Should we order from another restaurant? I feel like I'm tired of lunch in Oldville. They have the same dishes every day, and they are far from delicious."

She said in a low voice to Angel, who got up and closed the door, and Klein, who opened a new issue of Tingen Daily, her eyes turned to the door, as if she was afraid that the waiter would come back and hear her negative comments.

"But their lunch is the most affordable and can be delivered to the company on time. I'm afraid you won't find another restaurant like this on Zouterand Street."

Angel sat back on the sofa and replied with a smile.

She doesn't mind a change of taste, but the nearby restaurants that provide food delivery services are either more expensive, or the business is so hot that they can't be delivered in time. Overall, Oldville is still the most suitable choice for night warriors.

Klein nodded with his head hidden behind the newspaper, agreeing with Angel's evaluation.

Since the dinner last week, his attitude towards Angel has been a little strange. It can't be said that it has become worse, but there are always some people who are on the verge of leaving, and seem to be worried about something, not just the gossip-loving Roseanne and Sika Ton, even the dull Angel felt it.

But she was also confused and didn't know what happened.

Could it be that he found out that he was secretly promoted to "Instigator" while he was on a business trip?

After thinking about it, it was only before and after going to Enmat Port that his own behavior of upgrading from Sequence 9 to Sequence 8 might have caused the other party's attitude to change.

But I didn't use the ability of "Instigator", and I didn't say anything, so how could anyone see that I was a Sequence 8?
Just as she was secretly guessing, the door of the reception hall was pushed open from the outside.

Roseanne complained about the whispers of the Old Ville restaurant, and she immediately swallowed them back. Several people looked at the door at the same time. The "Midnight Poet" Leonard Mitchell, with black hair and green eyes, and a fluttering windbreaker, strode in.

With a thick stack of documents under his arm, he went straight to the coffee table in the center of the reception hall, put the documents on the table with a "bang", and sat in the only vacant seat left.

"Miss Roseanne, please make me a cup of coffee, thank you."

After dismissing the only civilian staff present without concealing his intentions, he distributed the documents he brought to Angel and Klein.

"The police from Tingen City have just transferred here. Please take a look first, and then tell us your thoughts."

Angel curiously took the document that was handed to him, flipped through it briefly, then returned to the first page and began to read it carefully.

That's nearly 30 death reports, concentrated in a ten-day period in mid-to-late July.

Based on the population and average life expectancy of Tingen City, the annual death toll is about [-], and an average of about eight people die every day from various diseases, accidents, and even crimes.

But Angel read page by page, and found that the situation was not simple.

Most of the deceased in the report were young or middle-aged, and the various ways of death were shocking.

At 7:22 pm on July 5, after beating the foreman who had been underpaying for a long time, Wells, a porter, jumped from a tall building in the West End and ended his life.

At 7 p.m. on July 22, Megham of Sapphire Street in the West District tried to set fire to the house of a neighbor who had been feuding for a long time, but accidentally ignited the inflammables he was carrying, and became the only deceased in the arson case.

At 7 o'clock in the morning on July 21, Lawrence, who had lost money and bankrupted the factory, took out a pistol, cursed the former mayor of Tingen, and then swallowed himself in the street.


At 7:12 a.m. on July 6, Val, who was on the lower street of the Iron Cross, was found dead in his bed. It was preliminarily determined that he died of a heart attack at night.

In just ten days, more than 30 people died intensively, and almost all of them were caused by sudden events or serious diseases, rather than the common old people who died of underlying diseases or simple accidents.

After browsing through the documents, Angel looked up at Klein who was sitting across from him. The other party also looked over in shock, and then immediately looked away.

Well, what happened to him...

A flash of unhappiness flashed in Angel's heart, but after the case, it didn't happen. Instead, he looked at Leonard who was sitting on the sofa with his hands folded.

"Do you think the number of deaths and the way of death are strange?"

He changed his position to make himself more comfortable before continuing.

"This is just a part of the death list, the part that happened in our jurisdiction, 'Punisher' and 'Mechanical Heart' have only a lot more than us."

"In the past two weeks, the number of deaths in Tingen City was more than four times the normal value in previous years, and the age distribution was significantly younger, and the cause of death was also very different from the past. The Tingen City Police Headquarters found a problem in the statistics. Only then passed these materials to us, to the Extraordinary people of other churches."

"They think there is extraordinary power involved?"

Klein put down the document in his hand and asked with a frown.

"Not necessarily, but it is very possible. I met the captain on the way back. He told me to go back to Zouterand Street first, find you, and investigate this part." He pointed to the part of the death report in Angel's hand, "The ones in Klein's hands stay here, and the captain will arrange for others to investigate."

"We..." Angel looked at "Seer" Klein, and suddenly realized, "Captain needs the help of ritual magic or divination?"

"That's right, so the other team will bring Old Neil, and now only he and Klein can help in this regard."

Leonard nodded, confirming Angel's guess.

At this time, Ms. Luoshan returned to the reception hall with the hot coffee. They silently closed their mouths and began to sort out the documents on the table.

The large number of deaths in a short period of time was too shocking, and they didn't want the kind-hearted Roseanne to know.


By the time Leonard retrieved the documents from the police headquarters, new names were still being added to the death list, which meant that if there really was a common perpetrator behind all the deaths, he or she was still active in the city of Tingen , Keep creating new tragedies.

In view of this, Angel and Klein had no intention of waiting for lunch. After bidding farewell to Miss Roseanne in a hurry, they hired a carriage on the street and headed straight to the scene of the case.

On the carriage, Leonard carefully closed the window leading to the driver's position before turning around and asking in a low voice, "Did you see any patterns in these death records?"

"The distribution of death time is relatively regular, every day, almost every time period."

Klein was the first to answer. He pointed to the list that Angel held in his hand to strengthen his tone: "We must first exclude the normal deaths among them, and classify all the abnormal deaths by time and place. Find the pattern."

"Yes, that's what the captain asked, so we score two teams, otherwise we won't be able to catch up with the footsteps of death..." Leonard's tone was a little melancholy, he looked out the window at the receding street scene, and hurried past Pedestrians, "Just now, another innocent person may have died in this incident."

"What is his purpose? These deaths seem to be caused indirectly. If it is a serial killer, it should not be such a crime style. They prefer to do it directly, enjoying the fear of the dead and the joy of killing."

Angel also frowned and analyzed. She had looked through the list several times in the car, and found that most of the dead were lower-class people in Tingen City, and had no other gains.

"This is the answer we need to find, maybe it's a sacrifice to an evil existence, maybe it's trying to hide the real target among the innocent dead, maybe it's even a promotion ceremony for some kind of potion... "

Promotion ceremony?Isn't it enough to just drink the potion?

Angel looked at Leonard curiously, but the latter did not continue the topic.

There was an eerie silence in the carriage.

Klein loosened and fastened the silver chain tied to his left wrist, as if he wanted to directly perform divination here.

Leonard kept looking out the window, but his eyes were not focused.

Angel had no choice but to continue looking through the records in his hand, trying to find some undiscovered patterns.


The car was knocked from the outside, and the coachman's voice sounded a little muffled through the wooden boards.

"The boulevard of the West End has arrived."

(End of this chapter)

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