Mystery: Outlander Gods of Bloodborne

Chapter 114 Medical level of unlicensed pharmacists

Chapter 114 Medical level of unlicensed pharmacists

Hundreds of miles away from Damir Port, on the calm Sunya Sea, Victory.

At noon, Yager returned to the guest room after lunch, carrying a medical kit from the ship's infirmary, apparently planning to heal the wounded prisoners who had been in the room all morning with aggrieved eyes.

Under preliminary observation, Danitz's shoulder blade was indeed broken.

Although there was no trauma, there were large and terrifying bruises on his shoulder. If he didn't deal with it in time, he might have bone deformities and even affect the normal function of his right arm.

As for why not use hymn bells?

It is totally unwise to expose your abilities to strangers.

Of course, there is another main reason for this - because Yagel is going to happily experiment with the new abilities he has acquired after drinking the 'Pharmacist' potion.

If it wasn't for this need, he would have ignored Danitz without hesitation, and waited to send him to the police station, and let him step on the sewing machine in prison to pay for the operation.

"Okay, sit by the window."

Yagel put down the medical kit on the coffee table in the living room, and briskly pointed out the three thousand pounds who were still gasping for air because of the pain.

"Okay, okay."

Danitz clutched his right shoulder, and tremblingly sat on a bright sofa chair next to the porthole.

It was originally set up for the nobles in the living room to bask in the sun and drink afternoon tea.Since the beginning of the Fifth Epoch, these two concepts have quickly become popular in Intis and Loen, bringing the ecstasy of giving the people another excuse to go to work and catch fish.

Therefore, the sofa is also designed with the backrest half lying down, which is convenient for people to relax completely here.

This just became a simple operating table.

"Doctor. Are you sure about this?"

After Danis lay down, he asked in a panic.

He nervously watched Jagel busy around, arranging the items in the medical box in order on the small table that was moved over.

"Of course." The black-haired young man replied without raising his head.

But this didn't ease Danitz's emotions, and instead made him even more terrified.

"Are you sure these are what I need?!"

The muscles on his face twitched unconsciously in a panic, expressing the excitement of his owner wishing to flee the scene immediately.

Danitz was so frightened that he couldn't speak clearly.

The blue eyes of the Mr. Three Thousand Pounds stared wide at the row of sharp weapons on the table in front of him.

Less than two feet away, on the unfolded surgical supply bag, was a series of shiny blades.From the sharp scalpel and the wide blade with the folding handle, to the half-meter-long saw blades stacked below, none of them is not cold and sharp!

As for healing supplies?
His gaze drifted desperately to the corner, the only thing that appeared was a poor roll of bandages.

When the sea breeze blew, it also fell to the ground desolately.

Done!It's all over!

The doctor really thought there was nothing wrong with his plan!
It's all over! ! ! !
Tears welled up in the corners of Danitz's eyes, and he suddenly felt that there was nothing wrong with his broken shoulder blades.

At least it's better than losing another arm! ! ! !

No!He doesn't want to change his name to 'One-armed' Danis from today
Captain, save me! ! ! ! !
He shouted the name of the savior hoarsely in his brain. The imposing 1.8-meter strong man almost really wanted to cry.

It's a pity that no one can hear his voice.

Next to him, an unscrupulous doctor who practiced without a license calmly ignored the patient's doubts, picked up the bandages that fell on the ground, and stuffed them back in an inconspicuous corner.

"Don't worry, this is indeed the right treatment for you."

Yager made a promise, and confidently sat down on the high chair that was dragged over, assuming the posture of the attending doctor preparing for the operation.

"I specifically inquired about the instructions posted in the clinic. The medical devices are also prepared according to the professional guidelines. There will be absolutely no problems in the process."

Because he was attacking the mice that were randomly captured outside, he calmed the patient's emotions very patiently.

But this has little effect.

"Don't lie to me! What kind of guidelines would write on it that you need to use these things! I also had surgery before!" Danitz was about to burst into tears.

Like a salted fish unwilling to be slaughtered, he jumped up and down on the sofa chair twice, trying to get up and escape the horrible slaughter scene.

However, he was defeated by a huge gap in strength.

Yager easily held down the bouncing Danitz with one hand.

With his other free hand, he took out an old pamphlet from his pocket and waved it at the patient.

"This one."

"Okay, don't struggle anymore. As I said, there will be no accidents in the operation."

"If there is a problem, you can go to the Church of Evernight to complain to me later."

He said calmly.

Cooperating with the very professional and ecclesiastical instruction manual on the cover, his words sounded a lot more credible.

And Danitz finally became quiet under his forceful suppression.

"Okay, okay. Then please pay attention. I will pay you extra later!"

The pirate looked at the words in the old manual that he couldn't understand at all, and said tremblingly, trying to control the instinct that couldn't help but want to run away.

But what he doesn't know is.
In addition to the horrible details of the manual being old but not turning over the creases, this medical guide has a fatal problem——

Its cover reads:

"Healing Church 3rd Edition Medical Malpractice Emergency Handbook"


In the cabin, Yager, who was the only one who could understand these words, once again ignored the strange title on the front, and after all the items were ready, he gently put in the three thousand pounds that were ready to be slaughtered in front of him. Anesthetic.

The operation officially begins.

The light green liquid was slowly pushed into the blood vessels, bringing an illusion of tranquility.


Feeling that there was no problem with this potion effect, which could even be considered outstanding, Danitz, who had been frightened by the knives, was finally relieved and let out a deep breath.

Fortunately, fortunately, the church kidnappers are still reliable.

Maybe it's just that the supplies are a little scary, but I won't really use them.

He thought so.

However, it is extremely coincidental that Yagel next to him thinks so too.

'Well, since there is no problem in the first step, and the extraordinary potion configured by the pharmacist's ability is also stably functioning, the second step can now be carried out. '

Yagel stretched out his slender, bloodless left hand, and gently flipped the manual on the table to the next page that he hadn't read before.

"Step one: sedate the patient enough to make sure they don't have any agitated reactions during the procedure."

"Step [-]: Use a diamond thorn to cut the patient's lesion into a small opening about one centimeter in length and width, and initially drain the internal blood."

The sun shines in from the window, lighting up this line of English fonts that send chills down your spine.

And the dark-haired youth who was already doing the same.

This backlit thin figure picked up the oddly shaped short-handled scalpel with weird multi-layered blades on the table, and gently lifted it up.
The young man and the murder weapon in the process cast a terrifying silhouette on the ground!

In the next second, the hand raised the knife and fell!

In response, a huge amount of blood splashed on the originally spotless porthole.

(End of this chapter)

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