Chapter 126 – Komaji


Lowering his eyes, he looked at the headless corpse lying on the ground.

"...I see, I see."

"Hei Si Mou, half-day dog, whore Taro..."

Yiwozuo's face was gloomy. He stood at the corner of the street and looked towards the end of the street from a distance, in the direction of the other two Ghost Killers:
"Now, is it my turn?"

During the time he was looking for [the ghost hunter who killed One of the First Quarters], the ghosts of the First Quarter Moon continued to be killed and wounded.

Now, even the pipa girl has come to the position where she used to be [Shangxian No. [-]].

——Ghosts are definitely stronger than humans.

Yiwozuo has always believed in this concept.

Humans are fragile.

They will be injured, and their limbs will lose blood if they touch their limbs lightly, and their stamina will be exhausted after a slightly prolonged battle.

You will get sick, you will get old, your strength cannot be maintained at its peak, and even your inner emotions will affect your strength.

It is a weak creature that is easy to die if you are not careful.

But Twelve Ghost Moon was forced to this point by such human beings.


"...It's really an eyesore."

Yi Wozuo stared straight at the end of the street, with blue veins on his forehead, and his tattooed hands clenched into fists.

The ghost killers on the other side of the street haven't noticed anything strange here yet.

The resentment in his heart surged, his pupils shrank a little because of the rage, and his body trembled as he prepared to move forward.


During the boiling of emotions, Yiwozuo's eyes gradually became excited.

—He suddenly thought of a brilliant way.

——Since I can't find the guy who killed Shang Yi anywhere.

——Then why don't you make a big noise and let him come to find you?

As a ghost hunter, as long as enough people die, they will definitely come.

It must be very powerful to be able to kill so many wounded humans one after another.

Fighting against the strong has always been what Yiwozuo pursues.

He looked at the two unaware ghost killers at the end of the street.

Just start here.


Yiwozuo just took a step.

in mind.

The pitch-black figure slowly condensed, and Meihong's eyes lit up in the darkness, staring at Yiwozuo who was advancing.

Wuyou's gloomy and cold voice resounded in his mind:

He shouted word for word:


The coercion from the depths of the blood burst out immediately.


! !
Yi Wozuo, who was walking forward, was forced to open his eyes wide, Wu Mi's sudden words oppressed him like an extreme blow.

The strength under his feet became stronger, and a pothole was stepped on the street floor.

Yi Wozuo barely resisted the gravity attached to his body, he choked his neck, the blood vessels burst out on his neck, and raised his head with difficulty.

His face was flushed red:

"Wu Mi... my lord...?"

His eyes were bloodshot, and he thought desperately:


His vision was a little blurred under the heavy pressure, and he stared angrily at the players in the distance, feeling very puzzled.

Obviously the ghost hunters were right in front of him, so he had no reason not to kill them.

It's like the instinct of the body.

【Destroy Kill · Luo Needle】

Like ice crystals and snowflakes, the spell automatically extended under the feet, emitting light towards the surroundings.

"Ask why?" Wu Kuai opened his narrow scarlet eyes, staring coldly at Yi Wo Zuo:
"Are you questioning me?"

With a muffled sound, Yi Wozuo could no longer support the pressured body, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and he half-knelt on the ground with a bang.

He supported the ground with his fists, raised his head with difficulty, and said hoarsely:

"...No, the subordinates don't have..."


Wu Mi seemed to be looking for something, and said casually, but her tone became more and more cold:
"So you were lying to me just now...?"


"Ho—cough!!" Yi Wozuo opened his eyes forcefully, his pupils trembling crazily, and the sticky blood from the corner of his mouth dripped onto the ground.

There was also the crisp sound of bones breaking in the body.

"I'm very disappointed in you, Yiwozuo."

"Is it because you are so kind to you that you don't listen to my orders at all?"

The distorted male voice seemed to be ringing in the ears, it was very strange, and Wu Mi muttered in a low voice:

"Last time, what was the task I gave you to wind up?"

Yiwozuo's Adam's apple wriggled up and down, but he could only spit out fresh blood from his mouth.

As if knowing that Yi Wozuo was speechless, Wu Mi withdrew his gaze:

"—Looking for the blue Bana flower."

Wu Mi suddenly leaned in front of Yi Wozuo, his scarlet pupils almost stuck to Yiwozuo's face, staring straight at him, his voice became very close:
"And what are you doing?"

"Running around in a human town..."

"Don't you want to become stronger?"

After a long while of silence, Wu Mi slowly faded from Yiwozuo's consciousness.

The pressure on his body seems to be slowly easing.

"Poo-ho-ha! Ha!"

Yi Wozuo opened his mouth suddenly, sweating profusely, supported the ground with his hands like a relief, and took a big mouthful of breath like a fish coming ashore.

"If you understand."

Wu Mi's last faint voice echoed in his mind:

"Just do your duty."

"Don't waste your time on other things."

pat, pat.

Yi Wozuo put his hands on the ground and knelt on the ground, staring straight at the piece of the ground that was soaked in his own sweat.

"...The subordinates know."

At this time.

In his unconscious, self-activated vampire technique [compass needle].

Perceived a faint grudge approaching.

His compass needle can autonomously perceive the enemy's fighting spirit.

Like the positive and negative poles of a magnet.

The enemy's attack carries vindictiveness, and he will automatically avoid the attack as if repelling it.

But the attack he launched hits the enemy's weakness precisely like opposites attract.

Everyone in the world has fighting spirit, even newborn babies have fighting spirit like gossamer.

With his compass needle, almost no attack can touch him.

This is also one of the reasons why Yiwozuo can become a winding.


At this time.

"Hey!...Did you do this!"

A trembling shout came from in front of him, Yi Wozuo wiped the sweat from his eyelashes and looked forward.

The member of the ghost killing team held the handle of the knife. He was short of breath, his face was pale, and he was pointing the blade at himself in horror.

The weak grudge that he felt also came from the other party.

Yiwozuo glanced at the end of the street, and another team member was watching from a distance.

Obviously, the noise just now was louder, which attracted these two guys.

——Just kill him casually, he's just an ordinary ghost hunter.

His eyes dimmed.

Click, click.

This is the sound of the hand holding the knife trembling, and the handle of the knife.

Yiwozuo didn't make a sound, his heart was full of the words reprimanded by Mr. Wu Mi just now.

Stand up silently.

"Hey!" The team members took a step back in fright.

He looked at the stumps of his teammates on the ground in horror.

Because Cun Tou hadn't come back for a long time, he just wanted to take a look.

The team members stared at Yiwozuo in front of them in horror, and the hand holding the knife was already so frightened that they lost consciousness.

This guy!
What is written in the eyes - it is winding! !


Both legs trembled violently, and the team members had lost their will to fight before they started fighting.

You can't win a frontal battle!
What I should do now is...

The team members looked sideways slightly, their hearts beating faster, and they glanced at the direction of their teammates who were staying in place far behind.

Then he took a deep breath, and he almost shouted out with the sound reinforcement effect brought by the breathing method:
"Here is the winding!!"

"Run -!"

——Send the news as much as possible, and delay the time, let the crow pass the news back!


The team member was thinking in his heart, clenched the handle of the knife tightly, turned his head suddenly, and met Yiwozuo with fearful eyes.

Now!Stay here!

Not caring about the ghost hunter's mood, Yi Wozuo stood up unsteadily, clenched his fists.

[No matter what kind of predicament you face, don’t give up. ]
[Unyielding Spirit]

In Yiwozuo's mind.

The uncle with a beard and wearing a white martial arts uniform whispered to himself:

[We are not warriors, we have no swords]

The muscles in the arms were tense, and the compass needles under the feet shone slightly.


The uncle poked his chest with rough fingers, he smiled, his thick black eyebrows drooped slightly to the sides:
[But I have a knife in my heart]

Yiwozuo's upper body leaned forward slightly.

[Use only my fist]
next moment,
The boxing skills that have been honed for hundreds of years turned into an afterimage, powerfully blasting towards the face of the Ghost Slayer team member in front of him!
So fast!

The pupils of the team members constricted, and the tattooed fists instantly enlarged in the field of vision.

At this moment, he was extremely grateful that he had chosen to yell to deliver the news at the first moment.

Almost instantly, Yi Wozuo's fist touched his forehead.

At this time.

"Ho!" The wind of the fist blew the player's hair that closed his eyes in fright, he clenched his teeth tightly, and shrank his neck in fear.

However, the imaginary death did not come.

In doubt, the team members quietly opened their eyes.

The clenched fist stopped firmly in front of him.

In front.

Yi Wozuo looked at his arm in surprise.

"...Why don't you swing it down?" He was in a daze, his brows trembling unconsciously.

But no matter how hard he tried, his fist seemed to be blocked, unable to advance an inch.

"Hey!" Yiwozuo's face turned ferocious, he exerted himself for a long time, his face turned red, and he still didn't swing his fists with all his strength.

what happened? !
He looked at his hands suspiciously.

In a place where Yiwozuo cannot detect.

"Komaji..." The man was tall, with black hair and lean, but the corners of his eyebrows were drooping, and his expression was sad.

On the back of his pure white martial arts uniform, there are two brush characters written forcefully: "Su Liu".

At this moment, the man is extending a hand.

Put it firmly on the fist that Yiwozuo swung, and hold it.

Yi Wozuo struggled hard.

Seeing this, the man drooped his thick black sword eyebrows.

With his illusory figure, he has no ability to touch Yiwozuo's body at all.

The one who really restricted Yiwozuo's punching was not him.


Yi Wozuo shook his hand vigorously, then staggered back two steps.

He raised his head as if to vent his anger, and swung his fist twice at the team members.

--Nothing happened.


After realizing that he couldn't even use [Empty Form], Yi Wozuo looked at the team members in disbelief.


Yi Wozuo turned his head, gritted his teeth unwillingly, stepped on his feet, and disappeared in place as an afterimage.

The team member was stunned for a while, and he looked suspiciously at the place where Yiwozuo disappeared.


"... survived."

Both feet went limp, and the whole person collapsed on the ground as if exhausted, his back was already soaked in sweat, and a sense of joy for the rest of his life welled up in his heart.

After staring blankly at the night sky for a long time, he seemed to have remembered something, and quickly got up.

Turning his head to look at the distance behind him, he shouted:
"Did you spread the news!!"



The next day.

Butterfly House.

"...dangerous place."

Inosuke hid in the bushes in the courtyard, with two branches above his head, looking around from side to side, muttering in his mouth.

The wound on the top of the head is still aching.

He looked at Tanjuro who was reading a letter on the roof.

——The red-haired uncle is even more of a monster.

No matter what I do, there is no sound.

Inosuke's eyes were serious.

Uncle Monster!
At this time.

"Inosuke—!" Tanjiro held a plate of tempura, and he stood in the courtyard, stretching out his hand and shouting slightly.

After shouting a few times but getting no response, he scratched his head in confusion:

"Strange, it was near here just now."

He walked around casually, just approaching the bushes on the edge of the courtyard.


From the bushes in front of him, a hand suddenly stretched out!

He snatched away a fried shrimp from Tanjiro's plate with lightning speed.

Tanjirou was looking away for a moment.

He glanced quietly at the bushes in front of him.


Then a smile appeared on his face, pretending to be troubled: "I can't find Inosuke, what should I do?"

"As expected of the king of the mountain, the hidden technology is really top-notch."


With that said, he bent down and put the plate on the ground:
"No way, just put it here first."

"Don't let the little animals steal it."

With a gentle smile on Tanjiro's face, he nodded towards the bushes in front of him.

Then turned around and walked away.


in the bushes.

"Hmph ha ha ha!"

"Be convinced by this uncle!" Inosuke took a fried shrimp in one hand, and ate it with a mouthful of oil while laughing in a low voice.

at the same time.

on the roof.

Tanjuro was holding the letter and looking at it carefully.

"Mr. Zaomen, what's wrong!"

Purgatory Kyojuro sat on the side, with his hands folded, looking at Tanjuro with piercing eyes, and asked confidently:

"Have you encountered any problems? Frown like this!"

"No." Tanjuro shook his head slowly.

The letter appears to have been rewritten by Tomioka, and the text on it is slightly illegible.

At this moment, while Tanjuro was turning a page.


A photo fell out of the crack in the envelope.

Tanjuro lowered his head in doubt, picked up the photo, and looked at the contents.

After seeing the back in the photo, wearing a short shirt and tattooed all over his body.

He was stunned.

"Oh! So it's a new mission?" Xing Shoulang also saw the photo, and he smiled helplessly:

"Unfortunately, I also want to work with Mr. Zaomen again."

His bright red eyes shone brightly in the sun, and he straightened his back and looked straight at the courtyard:

"However, now I have to complete the agreement with Miss Butterfly Ninja and protect Butterfly House!"

"I'm afraid we can only wait until Miss Shinobu comes back..."

At this time.


The door of the Butterfly House was suddenly pushed open, and Butterfly stuck her head in with a smile.

 Yiwoza, no, it’s Komaji, my last book has 40 chapters dedicated to Komaji

  push book

  Have you ever seen a husband and wife discord, have you ever seen a husband and wife who are not familiar with each other?

  What would it be like to skip the love stage and form a couple with unfamiliar classmates?
  Respect each other as a guest, the two don't know each other, let's get along.

  Jiang Xiaosong thought that the ideal love would end hastily, but unexpectedly returned to the school days.

  I planned not to have too much involvement with my future wife, but I couldn't bear to wonder what kind of person she was when she was a student.

  In the process of searching, he found that his wife liked to tease him very much, and she seemed to be more than just teasing.
  This book is also known as "The Wife Who Is Good at Teasing Wants Me to Confess" and "About the Annoying Wife"

  【Dog Food】【Pure Love】【Love】【Full Sweetness】

(End of this chapter)

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