
Chapter 408: The Horrible Bear Clan

Ye Hanjun bid farewell to Mie Fist, Shi Qiong, Buddhist Song, Morning Dew... one by one.

Later, he went to Lieyang Waterfall.

He once promised that if he were to leave the Sun Abyss, Sister Lieyang named "Lie Xinxin" would be one of his companions.

"Tiannu Ba has revived?"

Lie Xinxin asked this as the first sentence they met.

At this moment, she was floating on the golden water, the little sun on her neck was blooming with dazzling light spots, and the curiosity deep in her heart was revealed.


Ye Hanjun nodded slightly and replied selectively:

"There is something wrong with his condition and he needs extra rest time."


Lie Xinxin sighed:
"How could the Supreme One be dormant and not show up in the world if he were in perfect condition?"

"I hope that adult can adjust as much as possible."

"In this way, I, Sun Abyss, can have the confidence to face all kinds of enemies in the world..."

Ye Hanjun and Lie Xinxin had a brief chat and expressed feelings for each other.

Unconsciously, a day passed by, and Lord Ye Han raised the ring in his hand:

"Are you ready? I plan to leave now."

"Of course, I've been looking forward to this day for a long time."

"Being able to see the outside world has been my dream since childhood."

Lie Xinxin smiled, and the little sun suddenly squirmed and gradually turned into a human female head looking forward to it:
"You don't have to worry about me standing next to you, because of the shape, the bloodline and the affiliation of the camp will be exposed."

"Look, just like this, I can transform into a head and disguise the species. You should recognize it, right?"

"Sun Witch?"

Before Ye Hanjun could answer, Ye Liuying's eyes lit up.

Not only does Lie Xinxin have a human-like head, but her clothes have also changed, and her overall appearance perfectly matches another holy life form.

"Although Sun Witches are also holy beasts, they can be born anywhere and are not exclusive to the Sun Abyss."

"When I go out in this form, as long as I don't go all out to participate in the battle, or encounter the prying eyes of the embryo of a god or a half-step god, my identity is pure and no one will be suspicious."

"But the Golden Crow next to you is a bit conspicuous."

Lie Xinxin clicked on the two big birds behind Lord Ye Han and smiled slightly:
"In ancient times, the Golden Crow was one of the symbols of the Sun Abyss, second only to the Eight Gods."

"Although I don't know if any individuals are missing from the outside world, I think it's always good to have a little bit of wisdom."

Saying that, Lie Xinxin pointed out a finger, and the golden sunshine wrapped the Golden Sky Skin and the Golden Sky Egg, and also covered Lie Sheng:

"You guys, I'd like to apologize to you."


It seemed like the sparkling lake surface reflected on the bodies of the three behemoths.

In about three sticks of incense, the forms of the three beasts changed drastically.

Golden Sky Skin and Golden Sky Egg transformed into two golden birds the size of fists, like sparrows, with piercing eyes that are quite cute.

Liesheng suddenly transformed into a little fox. Apart from his dangerous eyes, fluffy red hair and triangular ears, he could easily charm thousands of girls.

"Wow! What a benefit!"

Guagua, who is well versed in the art of transformation, is extremely curious.

Its spells can only be used by oneself, but Lie Xinxin can give them to other creatures. As long as the other person's rank is lower than his own, the probability of success is very high.

"It's just a small trick."

Lie Xinxin smiled sweetly and said:

"Okay, everything is ready, let's go!"

"set off!"

Guagua raised her little hands, happily.



Lord Ye Han rubbed the crimson ring, and dazzling red light flooded over.

Lie Xinxin, Lieyan Mu Shou Cong, Ye Liuying... disappeared instantly.

What follows is a long and boring space transfer. The body seems to be drifting in the boundless ocean, and can only drift with the current, unable to find its own direction.


When the second crisp sound echoed in the soul, the groggy consciousness gradually woke up.

The blazing sunshine no longer shines on Lord Yehan's shoulders.

In the air, there seems to be the sweet aroma of flowers and plants, and there is also mist formed by the condensation of a large number of water molecules. This is... a forest?
With such thoughts passing through his mind, Ye Hanjun opened his eyes.

However, what leaps into view is not the lush virgin forest, but the sky.

White clouds can be seen everywhere, and the pure and translucent color makes people feel relaxed and happy inexplicably.

"Eh? Is this the sea of ​​clouds?"

Ye Liuying was stunned for a moment, rubbed her eyes, and looked again.

The picture did not change. It was not an illusion, but a real existence.

There was a confused look in her eyes, and she looked back at Lord Ye Han's face in a strange way.

"Don't look at me. Didn't Mie Quan say that Crimson can't teleport to a designated location?"

"It can only throw us into a safe place as much as possible, and it can't do much else."

Ye Hanjun shrugged, but his heart was shaking.

The scene as far as the eye can see is definitely a sea of ​​clouds.

As one of the Nine Seas, this ocean is not the blue sea in ordinary people's eyes, but hangs in the sky. The entire sky is the "ocean" and the clouds are the "land", thus building a magical ecosystem.

"Ah! Ahhh!!"

The two golden sparrows standing side by side on the left shoulder flapped their wings and flew up.

The little red fox curled up in Lord Yehan's sleeves suddenly opened his eyes and observed the outside world calmly.

"One of the nine seas...the sea of ​​clouds..."

"In ancient times, it seemed that the Witch Clan ruled here. Now, who is the master here?"

"I know! It's the Light Witch God!"

Guagua spoke enthusiastically:
"But that happened in the last era. In the second era of the new universe, since the death of the Light Witch God, we don't know the situation here. Maybe a new ruler will be born..."

"Tadpole, do we want to explore it? It doesn't look right to come back empty-handed after you came here!"

The implication of Guagua is that although he has to take Lan Qiji back to the West Sea, he will go to the Mechanical God Mountain with Old Man Xiahou.

But when I came to this place unexpectedly, I felt itchy and uncomfortable without taking a stroll.

"How did I sense Ye Yin's life fluctuations?"

Ye Hanjun suddenly frowned and looked suspicious.

He sensed carefully and confirmed that the thread of fate that had been blurred for a long time became more or less clear as it left the Sun Abyss.

These threads connect the missionaries, Su Mei, Li Jingming, Wang Xinfei... the seven disciples seem to be very far away.

Yu Ruxin was further away, and even her side was still blurry, as if it was cut off by something, which seriously affected Lord Ye Han's judgment.

But Ye Yin suddenly became clear. The distance seemed to be within the scope of the sea of ​​clouds, otherwise there would be no strange feeling.

"Grandpa Ye Yin?"

Guagua tilted her head and immediately changed her words:

"No, you can't call him grandpa anymore!"

"He has turned back into a young man and is quite handsome!"

"How about Ben Gua calling him 'The Cockroach Leader'? If that doesn't sound right, just call him 'Lucky One'!"

"The cockroach leader..."

Ye Liuying squeezed her eyebrows. Although it was a little funny, she also felt that this title was quite appropriate.

Ye Yin's contracted spirit is the "immortal cockroach", known as the "unkillable powerful". It is good at hatching and can breed a bunch of cockroach babies wherever it goes.

Back then, he was forced to leave a lot of the isolated island on the 15th floor of Shura's Tomb, unable to take them all away.

This kind of behavior of sowing seeds everywhere is called "cockroach leader", and there is really no objection.

"No news from him for a long time."

"Jun Ye Han, let's go find him and see what he has been doing all these years."

"Before you came back, he was mysterious and always messing around by himself."

"In the blink of an eye, more than 1000 years have passed since the second era of the new universe. He must have changed a lot."

"I think so."

Ye Hanjun chuckled and changed the topic:
"But don't forget, we are all in the sea of ​​clouds, there is no layered space barrier."

"With my current rank, I can just call him here."

"Yeah, you still have that door."

Yeliu Ying realized it later and her expression changed slightly. "There are no creatures around here, so don't worry about casting spells."

Although Lie Xinxin didn't know exactly what Ye Hanjun was going to do, she was the king of the holy beasts and consciously took on the job of protecting the law.

Ye Hanjun nodded, and with a thought in his mind, a gray stone door standing high in the sky appeared from scratch, and its outline was outlined.

"The Gate of Holy War, open!"

The bright starlight appeared briefly, and then a simple gray mist lingered around me.

The stone door opened, and on the other side of the door, a young man in black robe sat cross-legged, with a raised brow and a moved expression.

He seemed to be in darkness, and the airtight dark element had enveloped him.

But when the "darkness" began to squirm, Ye Liuying was shocked to realize that the darkness was made up of insects, densely packed with human-faced cockroaches and undead cockroaches, surrounding Ye Yin, as if he was the emperor among cockroaches, and everything followed his lead. .


The Flame Wood Shou Cong shuddered. It had been bitten by holy-level insects and almost died in battle.

The army of cockroaches everywhere not only scares it with its numbers, but also has an extremely terrifying aura that is enough to threaten its life.

"Isn't that right? This guy has been promoted to a saint?"

"God-killing Shura is not that fast. How did he do it? Did he pick up treasures along the way?"

Lieyan Mu Shoucong raised strong doubts and could not believe his own judgment.


Ye Yin stood up, and the cockroaches swarmed on his arms and thighs, and finally quietly returned to the ground.

He slowly crossed the stone door, and his true body arrived on this side. His calm face suddenly showed three parts sigh, seven parts sigh, and ninety parts desolation:

"Long time no see. How have you been these past years?"

"Almost okay, how about you?"

Lord Ye Han stepped forward and hugged Ye Yin lightly, then looked him up and down with a look of surprise in his eyes:

"The 8th level?"


Ye Yin grinned and sighed with a smile:

"It's not that easy to become a saint. The aura you just sensed is the guardian Holy Spirit around me."

"Okay, we all have guardian saints, and we are developing well!"

Lieyan Mu Shou Cong stretched his neck and wanted to peek at the door, but as the night passed by, the door gradually disappeared into nothingness.

Obviously, the ones behind the door are not the contracted spirits. They do not meet the transmission conditions of the Holy War Gate and cannot jump through space with Ye Yin.

"You guys came just in time. I encountered something very difficult and I need your help."

Ye Yin also hugged Ye Liuying lightly, and the faint blood-related affection flowed invisible.

Then, his face immediately became serious and he said straight to the point:

"Ye Mochou has been arrested. His life or death is uncertain. We have to rescue him."


Lieyan Mu Shoucong suddenly jumped to his feet and his eyes were extremely wide:

"Ye Mochou? That emperor?"

"When he was sent out, he was protected by the Holy Spirit."

"Who dares to catch him blindly? How could he easily fall into the hands of the enemy?"

"This is...the mutated Mushou Cong?"

Ye Yin stared at the Flame Wood Shou Cong twice, barely confirmed its identity, shook his head and said:

"Ye Mochou is indeed surrounded by the Holy Spirit."

"After hundreds of years of development, he has also developed a force of his own, and the power he has gathered cannot be underestimated."

"But the enemy is very powerful, it is the old Holy King family."

"When I learned the news, he had already been poisoned. To this day, the situation is not optimistic."

"Speak carefully."

Lord Ye Han narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression extremely serious.

"Let me get right to the point."

Ye Yin said:
"Since leaving Mingdeng, I started to develop alone, exploring ruins, searching for secrets, and luckily accumulated a lot of treasures."

"Later, by chance, I joined the "Melancholy Rose" and became a "Dark Councilor" to secretly carry out missionary work. "

"This force is a typical 'opportunist'. Wherever there is 'delicious prey' or 'emotional treasure', it will attract their attention."

"Soon, I followed the "Dark Speaker" and arrived at the sea of ​​clouds. "

"The Light Witch God has fallen, Yunhai has lost its gods, and there have been no new gods to occupy it for hundreds of years. The internal situation has become increasingly chaotic, and there are many potential opportunities."

"Melancholy Rose is focused on this, and there are countless similar speculators. They come to the sea of ​​​​clouds from various places just to plunder under the chaos and fill their pockets as much as possible."

Ye Yin paused once, and suddenly his eyes showed a cold light:

"When everything was going according to plan, the Haixiong clan also came to Yunhai."

"They are obviously latecomers, but their behavior is extremely high-profile. They don't care about the life and death of others. For the benefit of their own family, they do all kinds of evil and their methods are extremely cruel."

"Melancholy Rose has been avoiding them and not having any direct conflict with them."

"But more than a month ago, the Haixiong clan suddenly claimed that they had captured the remnants of the Ming Lantern and would hold a grand banquet next month, inviting all the heroes of the sea of ​​clouds to come and watch."


Ye Hanjun repeated these two words, with murderous intent also surging in his eyes.


Ye Yin took a deep breath and said expressionlessly:

"The people they mainly invite are the light witch clan and the cloud witch clan."

"Although the high-end power of these two tribes has all been destroyed, the tribesmen guarding their base camp still have the strength to fight."

"Coupled with their own divinity, they are still powerful and unrivaled."

"Everyone knows the plan of the Horrible Bear clan. They want to use our clan's emperor as a gift to show their goodwill to the light witches and cloud witches, and then form an alliance with them. From then on, they will unite and control the future of the sea of ​​​​clouds."

"What a gift!"

Yeliu Yingqi smiled and said angrily:
"Hai Xiong Clan, if I remember correctly, flourished in the tenth era of ancient times, and there were many holy kings in charge."

"In the first era of the new universe, they were so complacent that they were almost doomed."

"How long has it been since then? The scar has healed and the pain has forgotten. How dare you insult the emperor of my clan?"

Lieyan Mu Shou Cong also bared his teeth and said:
"In the past, the Ye family would have raised their troops and would not give up until they killed all the enemy clan."

"But now the situation is different after all. In the eyes of the outside world, although I, the Ye clan, killed the Light Witch God and the Clown Emperor, the results were impressive."

"But the God of Death in the belly, Ye Shitian, must also have an irreversible problem."

"Otherwise, it would be impossible for Him not to take over the world of mortals and the sea of ​​clouds, and to let the remnants survive, and it would be impossible for the Underworld Lamp to turn itself off. Overnight, the vast abyss disappeared without a trace, and overnight, the name of the night was as silent as a cicada."

"All signs are enough to show that our clan is declining, like a candle in the wind, about to be extinguished."

"In this way, the forces that once looked up to us, whether it is old hatred or new hatred, would be very happy to step on our head at the right time and speed up our demise."

"How dare a mere Holy King family provoke the Son of God?"

Lie Xinxin raised her thin eyebrows and smiled sweetly:
"I didn't expect that just after leaving my hometown, I would encounter such interesting things in the blink of an eye, which refreshed my knowledge."

"Son of God, what will you do? Brothers and sisters must be saved, right?"

"We must save him, there is no doubt about it."

Ye Hanjun said in a deep voice:

"Although competition is encouraged among our clan, there is no problem in fighting each other."

"But the premise is that they are members of the same race. Once exposed to the outside world, there is no difference in which one is more important."

"But... after all, we no longer have the family power we had in our heyday, and we have no backer."

"With us alone, it will be very difficult to deal with the remaining Cloud Witch Goddess, Light Witch Goddess, the Horrible Bear Clan, and other ethnic groups that may be on the opposite side at once."

"Ye Yin, how much high-end combat power does your "Melancholy Rose" have? "

"not many."

Ye Yin shook his head and said:
"Before you showed up, my plan was to take over the position of Dark Speaker and gain command of other guardian saints."

"Then, I will try my best to win over the forces I can win over, and then spread panic rumors to delay the banquet as much as possible."

"Even so, I have almost no chance of winning."

"Because the absolute strength gap is there, once I take action or reveal my true surname, I will become one of the exhibits at the banquet. Not only will I not be able to save Ye Mochou, but if I take advantage of myself, Ming Deng Ye will be ruined." It has become a complete joke.”


"It's true that Ye Mochou, as an emperor, carries the hope of the family's re-emergence, but he is so careless..."

Lieyan Mu Shou Cong muttered twice and racked his brains:
"Mu Yi has re-cultivated his rank and is only in the realm of the Holy Saint."

"Jianleizi is very important."

"And Sister Sister, she is our highest combat power."

"But she has no divinity, and she can't hold on to a holy beast king. If she encounters the same level of the God's legacy, she will be suppressed immediately..." (End of this chapter)

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