Strange: I have a small dream world

Chapter 10 The Birth of the Nightmare, Unreal!Devour!

Chapter 10 The Birth of the Nightmare, Unreal!Devour!
Of course, Lu Yu didn't intend to disconnect this connection on his own initiative.

Lu Yu has already discovered that the power that seems to be fed back from humans or succubi can be easily absorbed by him.

But it is even more difficult for him to transform the light and mist.

Therefore, since it has already been affected by the power of fear, it will not have too much influence on the girl.

Then this kind of follow-up fear force feedback, which Lu Yu naturally enjoyed, why did he interrupt it?
Everything, just let it go with the flow and fade away with the passage of time.

After gaining an understanding of the fearful power that was still pouring into the dream world, Lu Yu turned his attention back to the outside.

The ghost chasing the girl did not disappear because the girl woke up in reality and the dream collapsed.

Instead, it appeared in the haze.

It seems that the surrounding light and mist are extremely lethal to the ghost.

To be more precise, the ghost is rapidly disintegrating, constantly merging into the surrounding light and mist.

And at this moment, a fragment of the collapsed black sphere accidentally hit the ghost.


Like a stone falling into the water, the fragment of the black sphere sank straight into the body of the ghost.

In an instant, the ghost's body solidified a bit, and it seemed that even the decomposition speed of its body was weakened and slowed down a bit.

This seemed to activate the survival instinct of the ghost, and began to chase other black sphere fragments.

Lu Yu stood aside, wrapped himself in the domain, shielded all his power from leaking out, just disappeared in the light and mist, watching every move of the ghost curiously.

As time went by, except for those black sphere fragments that had already melted into the mist of light, the other black sphere fragments were quickly swallowed up by that ghost.

By this time, the ghost seemed to have stabilized completely, and the whole was like a thin and tall figure like a bamboo pole.

Although there are hands, feet and heads, they are all vague, and there is only a general shape.

Feeling the aura on his body, Lu Yu revealed a thoughtful look.

"This is probably the firstborn body of the succubus.
I just don’t know if all succubi are born like this, or there are other ways of birth.”

And after the succubi was born, it immediately sent out strange fluctuations, as if it was using this method to detect the surrounding information.

However, when that strange fluctuation touched Lu Yu's domain, it was instantly absorbed by it.

And after swallowing that weird fluctuation, although it did not bring Lu Yu an increase in strength.

However, it can prevent him from being discovered by the succubus, and he can feel the power nature of it.

Fear, and one other weird force
However, I don't know if it's because the tall and thin succubi was just born and lacks strength, that kind of ability has not been fully formed.

"Tsk tsk, what a pity."

While the succubus was emitting strange fluctuations and exploring its surroundings.

He is still constantly swallowing wisps of light mist, using it to increase his own strength, but the speed is very slow.


Looking at the succubus in front of him, Lu Yu pondered slightly. Can he use the way the succubus explores the surroundings?

Involuntarily, Lu Yu mobilized the power in his body and radiated it outward.

It's a pity that the power emitted by Lu Yu did not spread out in the form of that strange power.

Instead, it expanded outwards directly.

Although, Lu Yu can indeed detect the surroundings in this way.

However, while exploring the surroundings in this way, the surrounding life will also be affected by the power of fear.

While detecting the target, the target will also be aware of his existence.

For example, when Lu Yu's power of fear spread out and enveloped the tall and thin Dream Demon in front of Lu Yu at this time.

The thin and tall dream demon instantly stiffened and mechanically turned to look in Lu Yu's direction.

Afterwards, the tall and thin succubus knelt down straight down, its whole body trembling.

Lu Yu looked at all this and frowned in thought.

The tall and thin succubus' kneeling did not seem to be due to fear.

Because, he didn't get the feedback of the power of fear.

That seems to be one of a kind.
Low-level life, facing the instinctive surrender of high-level life.


After thinking for a while, Lu Yu also understood.

The tall and thin succubus was just born, facing him who also mastered the power of fear and completed an advanced transformation.

Doesn't that mean that Lu Yu is a more advanced fearful succubus?
In this way, it is not difficult to understand that the tall and thin dream demon surrendered to him.

Moreover, this seems to be the succubus here, an instinctive behavior in the face of superiors, and will not produce other changes due to their emotions and so on.

Just like now, even though the thin and tall dream demon was trembling in front of Lu Yu.

But in fact, he didn't have any fear or other thoughts, he just kowtowed and surrendered instinctively.

This kind of newly born succubus only acts according to its own instinct and will not have other thoughts.

"Well, if that's the case, let's swallow it."

After understanding the state of the thin and tall succubus, Lu Yu just pondered for a while, then quickly stepped forward, covered it with the dream world domain, and then moved it into the dream world.

After all, he actually doesn't have any means of attack now, the only thing he has is the power of fear, but that can only make people fear, and cannot carry out other attacks.

But the tall and thin dream demon just had no fear. If he wanted to deal with it, he would naturally need to transfer it into the dream world, and rely on the power of the dream world to kill it.

After bringing the tall and thin dream monster back into the dream world, Lu Yu glanced around again, and seeing that there was nothing else, he also returned to the dream world with a thought.

Exploring outward requires Lu Yu to walk step by step, but returning to the dream world only requires one thought of him, and he can return instantly.

In the endless void of Lu Yu's dream world, countless colorful lights and mist appeared.

However, Lu Yu didn't pay attention to these at all. Instead, he looked at a place where there was no light and fog.

The tall and thin succubus was trembling in that void.

Because of the endless void, Lu Yu's aura of power is everywhere.

"What is illusory is illusory!"

As Lu Yu's words fell, the tall and thin dream demon immediately became unreal, as if it was just an illusory phantom.

Afterwards, Lu Yu manipulated the power of the void to suppress it.


In an instant, that thin and tall dream demon, like an illusory bubble, exploded in an instant, turning into a mass of power mixed with fear, and blending into the void.

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(End of this chapter)

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