Strange: I have a small dream world

Chapter 218 The fusion of brain rules, the "boy chasing the wind" in the desert

Chapter 218 The fusion of brain rules, the "boy chasing the wind" in the desert

A trace of strange power bloomed at Lu Yu's fingertips, slowly sinking into the ivy, causing the leaves of the vine to tremble.

Lu Yu wanted to try to integrate the rules.

However, it is impossible for him to just integrate into the rules directly.

Not only will it fail to fuse, it may also cause the ivy to collapse and explode.

As the strange power was incorporated bit by bit, the ivy began to flow and bloom with strange power, and even grew a little visible to the naked eye.

However, it soon became sluggish and sluggish.

Lu Yu sensed it through his mind and discovered that a strange force was stimulating the ivy's growth while also eroding its life.

How could a small ivy resist the erosion of strange forces?

If it weren't for the strange power that Lu Yu had integrated into it, it would have withered completely.

However, even if the reason was discovered, it would be difficult for Lu Yu to solve it.

Taking back the power has no effect, increasing the power will kill it.

Looking at the increasingly sluggish ivy, Lu Yu knew that his experiment would most likely fail.

In the end, Lu Yu simply integrated a trace of the Secret Vine Rules and a trace of the Aoki Rules into the ivy's body.

In the next moment, the ivy, which was still sluggish, became a hundred times more energetic, and even grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, the seedling of the ivy had reached a height of one or two meters, climbing along the wall like a living creature, covering a large area of ​​the wall.

However, Lu Yu knew clearly that this fast-growing ivy was doomed, because its rapid growth came at the expense of its lifespan potential.

Sure enough, when the ivy reached more than two meters, the ivy's growth gradually slowed down and became languid. The leaves at the roots had turned yellow and withered.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu could only shake his head helplessly, turned around and went back to his room, and ordered the paper-cutting maid to clean up the withered ivy.

The ivy on the other side is still growing slowly, blooming and bearing fruit.

Eventually, it completely withered and died.

However, those shriveled fruits fell to the ground with the wind, and a trace of strange power surrounded them.

After returning to the room, Lu Yu sat on the sofa and fell into deep thought.

Don't forget, what he received this time was not just three strange organs, but also Alvaro's head.

Although it was not devoured, the rules it mastered had been learned and fused by Lu Yu.

The strange rules ability he mastered were not the rules for the entire head, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, etc., as Lu Yu had guessed before.

The rules it controls and its main strange organ is the brain.

And the weird rule abilities derived from it are the memory, control, calculation, and deduction abilities derived from the brain.

Originally, Lu Yu should be extremely happy to be able to integrate with the rules of this most important organ of the human body.

However, it was precisely because it was so important that Lu Yu just hesitated.

If anything went wrong, Lu Yu would be doomed.

Even if he wouldn't die, Lu Yu's brain would be severely damaged.

Therefore, after Lu Yu fused the other three organs, he did not follow the rules of merging the weird brain.

However, after some contemplation, Lu Yu decided to fuse it.

After all, the dream world is the foundation of everything for him. Even if something goes wrong, it may not be irreversible.


After thinking about it, Lu Yu took a deep breath, slowly closed his eyes, and began to adjust the rules of his strange brain little by little, slowly integrating into his own brain.


Lu Yu groaned instantly, and a feeling of numbness, itching, and pain came to his heart.

What followed immediately was a feeling of drowsiness. On the contrary, the feeling of numbness and pain became like a layer apart and no longer so uncomfortable.

At the same time, another special feeling of wakefulness began to emerge from the drowsiness.

Various memories of what I had seen and heard began to arise in my mind, and were quickly sorted out and summarized.

Gradually, the feeling of clarity and clarity became stronger and stronger, and the feeling of drowsiness gradually subsided.

But at the same time, the feeling of numbness, itching, swelling and pain came again.

Fortunately, Lu Yu's brain remained clear and transparent, and he was able to withstand all kinds of painful feelings.

After another moment passed, the rules were completely integrated, all the feelings subsided, and a strange and strange power instantly spread throughout the body.

The various strange organs that Lu Yu had once integrated began to complete further splicing and integration under the integration of the brain.

The intensity and amplification both increased by one point, almost doubling the original intensity of their respective weird organs.

At the same time, the levels of their respective weird organs are becoming more unified.

Of course, it is to align with the high level.

Whether it was the previous sneaky footsteps or the newly integrated sneaky lungs, spleen, and throat tubes, they all reached the A- level.

As for the brain, it is originally at the A- level.

Now Lu Yu's strange body has gathered bones, skin, three of the five internal organs, the heart, lungs and spleen, hands and arms, as well as eyes, brain, hair, mouth, and intestines.

All that's left is the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, legs, and ears, nose, and tongue. Even if he doesn't get a lot of weirdness, as long as he can gather the liver, gallbladder, and kidneys, Lu Yu is confident that he can assimilate them bit by bit.

It can be said that Lu Yu now seems more weird than human.

However, Lu Yu didn't care about this.

After pondering slightly, the strange realm belonging to the strange body instantly expanded, covering a radius of 300 meters in an instant, and the entire villa was enveloped. It was already equivalent to an A-level strange realm.

It is true that Lu Yu's strange body has been integrated with too many strange organs. Even though the strangeness level is still at the A- level, the area covered by the strange domain has been greatly enhanced.

Moreover, Lu Yu merged with the strange realm and felt like he was in control of everything and could move with his thoughts.

With a gentle breath, a strange wind has been set off in the entire strange realm, which seems to be able to weather and dissolve everything.

It was as if he had become the controller and creator of this area, and all material energy and rules would move according to his will.

Of course, that is definitely impossible.

However, as long as he thinks about it, at least the entire villa now will disappear in an instant.

This made Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his hand. "Huh~!"

But the next moment, Lu Yu exhaled a breath and gently put his hand down. This is his home in this world and cannot be destroyed.
With a thought, the mysterious realm covering a radius of 300 meters was quickly put away.


After closing his eyes for a while, Lu Yu finally let out a long breath and relaxed slowly. He slowly sat down next to Hong Yu and let her massage his shoulders.

The feeling of being in control of everything and following everything is so fascinating that even Lu Yu, who has evolved his brain and entered the realm of emptiness and clarity, can't help but be a little intoxicated.

After regaining consciousness, Lu Yu thought about developing and applying the rules he had mastered to a deeper level.

In fact, it mainly depends on the brain's ability, memory and control, plus some calculations and deductions.

What is this? This is the same as the jade dish created by the sacred artifact of that day, isn't it?

With a slight change, Lu Yu could completely use the rules as the core, accommodate thousands of rules, and evolve a sacred instrument that records the rules of heaven, the jade plate of creation.

Of course, Lu Yu doesn't need this thing. Since he already has this ability and the existence of Dao Skynet, why does he need to create a superfluous holy weapon of heaven?
Therefore, he just wanted to further integrate this ability with Dao Tianwang to push it further.

The weird rules of the brain are now A-level, and the level of Dao Tianwang is also A-level. In addition, there are some overlaps and similarities between the abilities of both parties, so there is no problem in merging them.

The rules of the strange brain flowed, the avenue skynet vibrated, and the two sides began to intertwine and merge bit by bit.

As time goes by, the interweaving and integration between the two parties continues to deepen.

Until the past day and night, the two sides were finally completely intertwined and merged into one.


A mysterious sky sound resounded through the dream world, and the sky network became more complete and powerful. Although there was no sign of breaking through to level A, it was already almost there.

Affected by the improvement of the Great Avenue Skynet, those Heavenly Ways formed by the Great Avenue Skynet have also undergone slight changes. The rules of the Heavenly Way have become easier and smoother, as if a heavy burden has been lifted off.

Feeling the many changes in the heavenly path connected to the avenue, Lu Yu couldn't help but look thoughtful.

He seemed to vaguely understand the dangers of practicing in the dream world.

However, there is no need to consider those now. His main goal now is still to focus on the remaining weird organs.

Moreover, the current Daodao Tianwang has taken a step further, so he naturally wants to experience it.

The Avenue of Communication Skynet, with the pouring and consumption of the power of chaos, the flow of information passed by, the Avenue of Skynet began to quickly go back to the past.

The further Dao Tianwang, as well as more information obtained in the past few days, the Dao Tianwang retroactively obtained more information, and it also goes back further.

In the end, Lu Yu worked backwards for less than half a month, obtained a large amount of past information, and corrected some previous biased information.

At the same time, he once again obtained some information about some strange organs that he needed.

Ten days ago, a Hercules seemed to have appeared in ancient Greece in the far west.

As for this Hercules, Lu Yu instantly thought of a person, or a god, the son of Poseidon, the God of the Sea, and Antai, the Mother Goddess of the Earth.

That is a god with endless power as long as his feet are on the ground.

Although his unparalleled power would be lost if his feet were off the ground, Lu Yu would never dislike this ability.

Moreover, Lu Yu's strange body has many abilities, which may not be impossible to complete.

After all, the fusion of strange organs is never just about simply increasing their respective powers, but also has a certain complementary effect.

Moreover, Lu Yu also masters the power of the five elements. If he integrates it with the rules of earth, can he avoid this shortcoming?

In the legends of immortals and gods in the Xia Kingdom, isn't there a magical power that shrinks the earth into an inch?

When the two sides work together, they may not be unable to do this, and they will also gain infinite power.

However, that information was from ten days ago. In the past ten days, there has been no trace or information about him.

Lu Yu could only use it as a candidate list, and at the same time mobilize the paper-cutters there to secretly investigate the authenticity of the information.

Apart from that, there is still the Guild of Ghosts.

Although this time, no other bases were found.

But vaguely, the information deduced by Daodao Tianwang shows that the Weiling Society seems to have a base for researching weird organ transplantation.

It just needs to be investigated as well.

In addition, there seems to be a god of joy in the Mysterious Church in the United States.

Listening to this name, you can know that it is either related to mental emotions or certain abilities.

Then, he naturally became one of Lu Yu's targets.

There is also the Blood God of the Mystic God Church, who is also one of Lu Yu's targets.

This made Lu Yu wonder whether he would go to the United States next.

However, it also has to face the previous problems. The traces of the gods are always elusive, and it is not that easy to find them.

Otherwise, the Mystic Church would have been eradicated by the United States long ago and would not have developed prosperously.

After deducing the results for a long time, the only certain result was that a young man chasing the wind appeared in the desert northwest of Xia Kingdom.

In fact, it is a very fast speed.

Someone had seen it from a distance. It was a strange humanoid figure with two slender legs.

As he ran, he set off a long earth dragon directly in the desert, even reaching a speed of more than a thousand meters per second, as if he was teleporting.

Although I don’t know its specific level, just based on its speed, it must be at least B+ level, right?
Even if it wasn't, Lu Yu still felt that with that weird ability, it was worth trying.

If that doesn't work, just trap it in a weird space and wait for it to grow and then devour it.

Anyway, after Lu Yu merged with other weird rules, it wasn't like he couldn't continue to merge the rules.

Now that he had made a decision, Lu Yu immediately had a thought, and his mind and consciousness descended on a nearby paper-cut figure.

Opening his eyes, Lu Yu moved the body of the paper-cut man. The body twisted slightly, gradually expanded and grew, and once again transformed into a strong man.

A chiselled, tough face and taut muscles, full of explosive power, are impressive.

"Tap Tap"

With powerful steps, Lu Yu strode forward along a road leading to the depths of the desert.

The young boy who chases the wind is strange. He seems to have been discovered by a desert traveler outside this desert road.

After entering the desert, the strange rules of the yellow sand controlled by Lu Yu began to slowly come into operation.

In this vast desert, what kind of ability can compare with the strange rules of the yellow sand?
(End of this chapter)

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