Strange: I have a small dream world

Chapter 227 Swallowing the strange, merging rules

Chapter 227 Swallowing the strange, merging rules

Of course, it must be a very long time before those strangely evolved ways of heaven can reach the point where they can shepherd all sentient beings in the world.

Even, they may not grow to that point.

What's more, it's still unknown whether they can become sentient beings.

Even if it is possible, I don’t know how long it will take.

After all, they only have one rule now. Whether they want to become a sentient being or want to evolve countless sentient beings, it is obviously difficult to achieve one rule.

However, it is somewhat difficult to evolve and obtain other rules based on their current situation.

After all, they are in vast chaos, where can they find other rules?
Only in the future, after Lu Yu merges the rules with the power of chaos to form true chaos, can they swallow the power of chaos and analyze and obtain the rules bit by bit.

As for now, they can only continue to use their own strange power to resist the impact of the waves of chaos, while constantly absorbing the power of mild chaos that has not been fully transformed to repair and strengthen the dream world where they live.

And in this process, the strange rules they possess are also being swallowed up and fused by chaos bit by bit.

Lu Yu looked at those dream worlds and pondered for a long time, and finally gave up on integrating the Great Dao Mark with them.

Anyway, those weird things will eventually evolve into the way of heaven.

And when the dream world and rules in which they live are completely integrated into the endless void dimension, they will also be connected with the Dao Skynet and become part of it.

There is really no need for Lu Yu. Now he integrates into the Dao Seal and forcibly shapes the way of heaven.

However, their appearance gave Lu Yu some special ideas.

That is to collect the spiritual dreams of dying people, or in other words, the spiritual dreams of those who control the devil.

After all, there is no weirdness in the spiritual dreams of ordinary people to help them withstand the impact and erosion of the power of chaos.

In Lu Yu's dream world, he would only be instantly defeated and swallowed up by the power of chaos.

When Lu Yu withdrew his gaze from those dream worlds and looked at the other three weird ones again.

The two b+ level weirdos have only the last remaining remnants left.

When Lu Yu looked over, they were completely swallowed up.

Two pieces of rule information appeared in Lu Yu's mind at the same time.

Clairvoyance, level B, can see thousands of miles away.

Smell the world, level B, can distinguish all smells in detail.

"Huh~? Why is it also one level lower?"

After feeling the information in his mind, Lu Yu frowned.

I don't know why, but the strange rules that Lu Yu swallowed this time are all one level weaker than the strange ones.

Is it possible that, like mirages, they are all incarnations of certain existences?Or something similar?
Fortunately, his eyes are already integrated with the rules of the clairvoyance. Integrating the rules of clairvoyance only adds to his background and adds the ability of far-sightedness.

But smelling the world, although the rules about the nose are only B-level.

It's not that it can't be integrated, it just feels a little different.

However, thinking about the weird footsteps that were originally only B level, it seems that with the completion and amplification of other weird rules, it has reached A- level.

This sniffing world skill rule should also be able to be upgraded to A-level, right?

Moreover, he seems to have no other choice now.

Besides, when there are weird rules in this regard in the future, he can continue to fuse.

After thinking about this, Lu Yu felt relieved for a moment.

Then, Lu Yu looked at the A-level weird thing again.

At this time, the A-level weirdo had only the last core rules left.

Under Lu Yu's gaze, he was quickly swallowed and fused by the power of chaos.

A piece of information flowed into Lu Yu's mind.

Similarly, the level of the newly acquired strange skills has also dropped by one level.

Divine ears, A-level, can hear all sounds within a thousand miles, and can distinguish and adjust freely.

At the same time, if what Lu Yu said is heard by others, Lu Yu can even get certain feedback information.

This is not so much a divine ear or a rule of the ear as it is a rule of sound, which can completely resonate with the tricky throat and provide a greater complement.

Then, Lu Yu looked into the strange space.

He hasn't forgotten that there is a B+ Level Trick Controller suppressing him in the Trick Tomb.

At this time, the Devil Controller was being imprisoned in the prison cell of the Lord's Mansion of Strange Tomb City.

When various buildings were evolving in the strange tomb, Lu Yu also evolved the City Lord's Mansion, including the cells of the City Lord's Mansion.

He originally thought that if someone violated the rules he set, he could put them in a cell.

However, he did not consider that after violating the rules in the strange space, why would he need to be imprisoned?It was just a weird attack.

At this time, the first prisoner was finally welcomed into the cell of the City Lord's Mansion.

The ghost controller who was thrown into it by Lu Yu and imprisoned still hasn't figured out what happened.

They were still waiting to die, but they didn't expect that with a flash of five-colored light in front of their eyes, he would already appear in this dark cell.

How could he be held in a mere prison cell?

However, this is obviously not an ordinary cell. All the strange abilities he possesses are restrained and suppressed by the cell. He is just like an ordinary person and cannot open the cell door at all.

The only good news is that he doesn't have to die for the time being.

And just when he was thinking hard about how to leave here, he only felt a force emerging out of thin air, instantly going deep into his body, locking his spiritual dream and the weirdness in it.

Before he could react, the power had been withdrawn again.

Along with it, there are spiritual dreams and weirdness in his body.


The mental dream and the strange pain of being forcibly stripped away made him hold his head fiercely, curling up his body and wailing in pain.

However, Lu Yu showed no mercy to him and directly absorbed the spiritual dream into the dream world.

As for the Trickster, let him fend for himself in that cell.

If you meet this kind of person again in the future, or if you offend him, you can throw them into the cell of the city lord's mansion.

On the second level of the void dimension, there is once again a spiritual dream.

But this side of the spiritual dream is much more complete, and there are no cracks all over the spiritual dream.

After all, its owner was not dead yet. He was forcibly stripped off by Lu Yu, so naturally there were no signs of rupture.

After entering the second void dimension and losing the suppression of the Strange Controller, the strangeness in the mental dream is gradually reviving.

However, the power of chaos from the outside world is also constantly impacting the spiritual dream. With repeated shocks and erosions, the spiritual dream is rapidly weakening, and it is obvious that it cannot last long.

It just depends on whether the weirdness among them revives first, or whether the power of chaos breaks the spiritual dream first.

However, Lu Yu estimated that it was most likely that the spiritual dream was broken first.However, Lu Yu had no intention of verifying it.

Among them, there is one with a weird B+ skill. Even if you can't get a B+ skill, it's good to get a B-level skill.

Lu Yu stretched out his hand and scratched it gently, as if he had burst a bubble.


The mental dream was shattered instantly and was soon swallowed up by the power of chaos.

However, due to the shattering of the spiritual dream and the impact and erosion of the power of chaos, the weirdness finally fully recovered.

However, facing the impact of the endless waves of chaos, even if it recovers, it will be of no avail.

They can only fall into eternal silence in endless pain and fear.

Possession, level b+, can attach one's spiritual consciousness to other lives or objects, and possess a small part of one's own power.

This is the weird skill this time.

After feeling the skill information, Lu Yu couldn't help but be disappointed.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is already a good ability, but for Lu Yu, it is very useless.

This is really far different from his ability to cut paper into soldiers.

Compared with cutting paper into soldiers, its only advantage is probably that there are no material restrictions.

However, with the current distribution of paper-cutting figures, Lu Yu doesn't need to worry about this at all. They can come instantly from a short distance and use more than [-]% of his power.

It's not like possession, which requires the consciousness to leave the body and then find the possessed object nearby, which is too inconvenient and has distance limitations.

However, since it is about consciousness, it is somewhat consistent with the fear and despair skills or the unmemorable skills. Maybe they can be integrated.

Whether someone has memories of him, or someone has feelings of fear or despair about him, he can possess him.

If this is the case, this skill has great potential.

Lu Yu looked thoughtful in his heart.

However, there is no rush.

After all, they did not resonate and fuse immediately like the Illusion and Mirage skills.

Although there are some fluctuations in agreement between them, it is not strong.

Perhaps, Lu Yu also needs to acquire some similar skills and finally reorganize and merge them.

Just like the various rules and skills of the strange body, although they are both on the human body, the relationship between them has not reached such an intimate level.

However, as more and more strange skills are connected, the combination between them becomes closer and closer, gradually becoming a whole.

Skills related to consciousness such as fear and despair, unmemorability, possession, etc. should also be able to be integrated together through many related skill puzzles.

However, there is no rush for this. We will complete the strange body first.

With a slight movement of mind, Lu Yu has returned to the real world.

Without stopping at all, Lu Yu directly communicated the rules of the strange skills and began to integrate them with himself.

The first thing to fuse is the eyes that have been fused with the trick eye skill.

Or, it can be more appropriately called completion.

With his eyes completed, Lu Yu didn't feel any pain, but instead felt tingling and very comfortable.

Lu Yu opened his eyes again, and his vision was greatly improved again.

Blinking, everything in front of him blurred, and Lu Yu actually saw the scene inside Xingfu Supermarket. Everything was ready and waiting for the final opening.

Many zombies were wearing uniforms and walking back and forth throughout the Happy Supermarket.

As long as no one violates the rules of Happy Supermarket, or anyone asks, they will follow their instincts and the instructions given by Lu Yu, and continue to patrol back and forth in the supermarket, directly pointing them to the birth of consciousness or death.

Lu Yu shifted his gaze and directly saw the Tucker Desert thousands of miles away.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yu couldn't help but look in the direction of the capital.

Still in the ordinary courtyard, Situ Feng placed some illusion fragments in front of him. From time to time, he took out some strange objects, carved some strange symbols on them, and connected them with the illusion fragments with strange power.

After seeing those strange symbols, Lu Yu couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, and a smile appeared on his face.

Because the weird symbols depicted by Situ Feng are the basic symbol units of the weird program.

Perhaps because Lu Yu's view was too naked, Situ Feng felt vaguely aware of it and raised his head to look in his direction.

For a moment, Lu Yu felt a little embarrassed when their eyes met.

But soon, Lu Yu discovered that Situ Feng probably didn't notice him. He just sensed someone peeping with his keen sense.


Lu Yu smacked his lips and looked away.

Clairvoyance is indeed very useful, but just like the invisible eye, it will also be discovered when facing a strong person.

In other words, no matter what kind of detection skills you have, you will be discovered by those strong ones.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yu integrated the skill rules of Sniffing the World into his nose.

In an instant, Lu Yu covered his nose, tears streaming down his face.

The pain was sore, and it was really uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the fusion of the nasal cavity was completed quickly.

Lu Yu wiped away his tears and sniffed slightly.

In an instant, Lu Yu covered his nose again and rolled his eyes.

"It stinks so bad!"

All kinds of smells are mixed together and pour into the nasal cavity, which is definitely not a pleasant experience.

After a long while, Lu Yu finally calmed down and began to adjust his sense of smell from the weakest, blocking out unnecessary smells, and then gradually strengthened it.

In the end, Lu Yu could clearly distinguish the existence and origin of all smells within a few miles.

Even, in Lu Yu's mind, there was a faint scene of several miles around. It was a variety of different smells, and the images in his mind were extremely strange.

The subsequent changes are the transformation that occurs after being integrated into the body and due to the completion and amplification of other weird rules.

At this time, Xiu Wentianxia, ​​who was originally only B-level, had already reached A- level.

Finally, Lu Yu integrated the divine ear's regular skills into his ears.

As soon as his ears moved, all the sounds within a thousand miles were absorbed into his ears.

But this time, with his previous experience, Lu Yu had tried carefully from the beginning, so nothing unbearable happened.

Moreover, when the ears receive sounds, they will not be affected by anyone. After all, this is just the instinctive reception of sounds.

(End of this chapter)

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