Strange: I have a small dream world

Chapter 233: Plane fusion, changes in the strange body and strange realm

Chapter 233: Plane fusion, changes in the strange body and strange realm
As for the god who killed his own incarnation, Antaeus was naturally suspicious of him.

That was the despicable Hercules. He clearly used despicable means to defeat himself, but he was worshiped as the god of Hercules.

And he, Antaeus, should be the god known as Hercules, the most powerful being on the earth.

Thinking of what happened, An Tai couldn't help but feel angry. He would take revenge one day.

Now, he has almost made up for his shortcomings.

As long as his kingdom of God is integrated with the original world of reality, his power will no longer have any shortcomings and will have endless power, unless someone destroys the original world of reality.

Naturally, Lu Yu didn't know what was happening here, and he didn't know that the incarnation of Antaeus he was looking for had been killed.

At this time, Lu Yu had already incorporated the Smosir Holy Light Plane into the Mosiwa Holy Light Plane.

In an instant, the two planes began to resonate, and traces of vibrations spread out, opening up a blank area in the surrounding dreamland light mist.

Afterwards, the Smosil Holy Light Plane collapsed, turning into countless space fragments and endless rules, gradually integrating into the Mosiwa Holy Light Plane.

Almost instantly, the Mosiwa Holy Light Plane once again began to expand outward at a faster rate.

Ten miles, twenty, thirty.
This time, the Mosiwa Holy Light Plane expanded more than 20 times, reaching a radius of more than 200 miles before stopping. This is already much larger than many countries.

At this time, it is already somewhat inappropriate to call it the Mosiwa Holy Light Plane.

Lu Yu looked at the vast plane of Holy Light and suddenly had an idea. Isn't there a paradise where God lives in the Holy See?
Then this place is the paradise where the Holy Light exists. It can be called the Holy Light Paradise or the Holy Church.

After thinking about it carefully, Lu Yu felt that this name was quite good.

From now on, this place will be called the Holy Light Heaven, or the Holy Church for short.

This time, in addition to the increase in the area of ​​the Holy Light Paradise, its spatial intensity has also been greatly enhanced. At least A-level controllers should not think about breaking the space here at all.

However, as the area grew, the power of Holy Light in Holy Light Heaven suddenly became much thinner.

Including the filthy evil power in hell, it has also become extremely thin, which makes the weird monsters inside become a little uncomfortable for a while.

Although, they have just experienced that kind of evil and strange power, and it doesn't take long for it to be strong enough to turn into reality.

However, they seem to have become accustomed to that environment.

On the contrary, the current environment, which was already considered a paradise for them back then, makes them somewhat uncomfortable.

It is really easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

However, Lu Yu didn't care whether they adapted or not.

After stabilizing the sudden expansion of the Holy Light Paradise, he had withdrawn his mind and consciousness, leaving only Alvaro who acted as the NPC guide for later believers.

In the dream world, the seven weird ones he collected had almost been swallowed up. Pieces of rule information were integrated into the dream world and began to give birth to corresponding weird rule skills.

And most of the vampire's blood core has been swallowed up by the power of chaos, and information about the rules of blood and sound began to be absorbed by the dream world.

Although he didn't understand why vampires had rules about sounds, Lu Yu was still very happy. It was always good to have one more rule, and it would also complement the sound rules he had mastered.

In about an hour, the blood core of the vampire was completely swallowed by the power of chaos, and the complete information emerged in Lu Yu's mind.

Blood control: A-level, control blood, condense blood core.

As long as the blood core is immortal, it can be resurrected after drawing enough blood.

Ultrasound: b-level, can hear and emit infrasound waves, and can receive feedback information when infrasound waves come into contact with objects.

To be honest, Lu Yu was actually a little disappointed with the blood control skills he gained after swallowing the blood core.

Because this is not the kind of blood tricking skill he imagined, but just the control of blood.

Regarding this, Lu Yu, who has integrated the brain control rules, can actually do it.

Even, the scope of control is wider, he can control every ounce of strength and every inch of flesh and blood in his body.

The only advantage of the vampire's blood control skills is that after condensing the blood core, the blood core can be immortalized and the person himself can become immortal.

Apart from this, there is simply no redeeming quality for Lu Yu.

The acquisition of ultrasonic skills made Lu Yu slightly stunned.

Could this ultrasonic wave be the infrasound wave of that bat?bat infrasound
That means that the vampires in this world are the kind who can transform into bats.

Of course, the power it can exert is definitely not what ordinary bats can do. This can be called an ultrasonic weapon, and it can definitely make people die without knowing where the attack came from.

Moreover, because it has a weird ability, it also has some weird characteristics.

For example, the transmission of ultrasonic waves does not even require a medium. It only needs to lock on the target and it will be reached, even in a vacuum environment.

Similarly, the information fed back by the ultrasonic wave contacting the object is not obtained by receiving the reflected ultrasonic wave, but is obtained out of thin air without delay.

In other words, the moment the ultrasonic wave touches the object, Lu Yu can already receive the object's information simultaneously.

Including ultrasonic waves emitted by the device, as long as the source is Lu Yu, he can receive the information simultaneously.

After integrating the sound rules he controls, he can further control the sound, follow the rules of his words, and the power of listening to the wind becomes a little stronger.

Although Lu Yu felt that the blood control skill was a bit useless, he still integrated it. After all, he still had blood core ability, which was somewhat of a consolation.

As for the other seven weird ones, there are only three weird rules that actually complete the weird body.

That's not to say that other weird rules don't have to do with weird organs.

However, Lu Yu already possesses these strange organs.

Therefore, they can only complete the weird organs of Lu Yu's weird body to a certain extent.

This time, the rules for strange organs are the remaining three internal organs, namely the liver, gallbladder, and kidneys.

At the moment when the three merged, Lu Yu's entire strange body completed a transformation, reaching A level together, and the entire body almost became a whole.

Only the muscles in the chest, abdomen, and back, as well as the tongue, feet, and blood were slightly uncoordinated.

However, under the operation of the overall rules of the strange body, these places are also rapidly becoming strangely regular.

Lu Yu estimated that even if he did not obtain other strange rules, his strange body would completely complete the strange rules within a year and evolve into a complete and complete strange body.

Of course, Lu Yu couldn't wait any longer.

After merging the liver, gallbladder, and kidneys, Lu Yu's five internal organs were completely intact, and they actually began to resonate with Lu Yu's Five Elements skills.

The five internal organs and five elements are heart, spleen, lungs, kidneys and liver, fire, earth, metal, water and wood.Even the corpse control skills are faintly resonating with the body.

After all, zombie control skills are, to put it bluntly, the skills of walking zombies, and the most suitable ones are naturally the weird walking zombies.

Although Lu Yu is not a walking zombie, his body is indeed similar to the strange walking zombie after it has completed its strange transformation. Both evolved from strange power and have a complete body. It can be said that it is extremely consistent with it.

Even other weird rule skills are resonating with Lu Yu's body, but they are just stronger or weaker.

For example, the inability to remember, fear and despair, the resonance level is very deep and strong.

Skills such as Blood Sword, Fog, and Trading are not as strong.

However, after thinking about it, Lu Yu temporarily suppressed this fusion. He wanted to fuse other rules after the strange body has completely evolved. Maybe there will be other changes?

Later, Lu Yu integrated other strange rules one by one, which increased the overall ability of the strange body by one point again.

Feeling the changes in his body, Lu Yu stood up, his mind moved slightly, and the mysterious realm of the mysterious body suddenly unfolded.

The next moment, the entire 500-meter radius was shrouded in its mysterious realm.

Compared with ordinary mysterious realms, this is already equivalent to an A+ level mysterious realm.

Lu Yu didn't care much about this.

After all, his Misty Mist skill has reached the S- level and can completely cover a kilometer radius.

In addition to the change in scope, Lu Yu's strange body and strange domain also experienced a bigger change.

There were many strange things happening in Lu Yu's house, but now they all fell into complete silence.

It's as if they are really just ordinary household items, without anything weird or extraordinary about them.

Lu Yu could even feel that these items at this time could be destroyed by ordinary means.

In other words, under the power of Lu Yu's strange body and strange realm, all weirdness and abnormalities will be suppressed.

In the strange realm, except for the power of human beings, nothing extraordinary exists.

It can be said that apart from myself, all laws are forbidden.

Of course, it is definitely impossible for Lu Yu to do this now.

Not to mention the A-level weirdos or the weird masters, they are B-level existences. If the weird realm naturally suppresses low-level weirdos, Lu Yu may not completely ban the power of B-level weird rules.

However, this is also a future evolutionary trend.

If the strange realm can cover the entire planet, it will be the end of the law and the absence of transcendence.

Feeling the power of the strange body and strange realm, Lu Yu couldn't help but imagine that in the future, wherever he passed, there would be no way to avoid the scene.

But soon, Lu Yu came to his senses. The future was only the future, and he still had to focus on the present.

After integrating other strange rules and increasing the power of the strange body by one point, Lu Yu began to think about where to get the remaining parts of his strange body.

He felt that there was no need to look for the muscles in the chest and abdomen. Even if he wanted to look for them, it would probably be difficult to find them.

Is it possible that he wants to find the incarnation of Xing Tian and evolve into another face?
But feet, tongues, and blood are not impossible to collect.

Regarding the weirdness of tongues and feet, Lu Yu did find out a lot through the calculations of Daodao Tianwang.

However, their levels are too low and do not meet Lu Yu's requirements at all.

Lu Yu felt that unless the strange resurgence intensified in a short period of time, the powerful strangeness he needed could be born in a short period of time.

In comparison, he already had a direction regarding the weirdness of blood.

That is the Blood God of the American Mystic Church.

In an inconspicuous corner of Kansas City, a paper-cut man stood up with a clatter, and with a twist of his body, he transformed into a white man.

After walking out of the corner, Lu Yu started wandering around the city, with strange power flowing in his eyes and his ears trembling slightly, collecting information around him.

The place where the Mystic Church and the Blood God's information was discovered is Kansas City.

Lu Yu wanted to find traces of the Blood God, so he naturally came here to search.

With Lu Yu's current abilities of eyes and ears, it would be very easy to collect information about this city.

Just a few minutes later, Lu Yu had obtained the information he wanted.

As to why this information was not obtained previously.

That's because the paper-cut figure made of red jade doesn't have Lu Yu's eyes and ears.

To collect such detailed information, Lu Yu still needs to come in person.

We strolled to the busiest street in the city and the shopping mall with the most people.

Looking at the five or six-storey super-large shopping mall in front of him, which covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters and can easily accommodate tens of thousands of people, Lu Yu fell into deep thought. Is this a hidden sight in the city?

After touching his chin, Lu Yu finally entered.

As for waiting until there is no one around.
It seems that the gatherings of the Mysterious Church occur during this peak period of crowds.

Upon entering the mall, Lu Yu felt a strange aura and immediately restrained all his strength.

People were coming and going in the entire shopping mall, and everyone's faces were filled with smiles, and cheerful smiles could be heard from time to time.

Even people who were depressed and sad before entering the mall will soon be affected by the surrounding atmosphere and gradually become happy after entering the mall.

Lu Yu blinked his eyes, strange power flowed secretly, and the scene in his eyes changed rapidly.

Everyone's eyes were still filled with smiles.

However, they are all exuding various colorful and bright emotional thoughts.

Although the thoughts are different, these emotions and thoughts are all filled with joy and joy.

Countless emotions and thoughts gathered together, turning the entire shopping mall into a sea of ​​joy.

In the end, these countless happy emotions and thoughts continued to rise and merged into the highest level of the shopping mall, almost turning into a colorful and bright auspicious cloud.

(End of this chapter)

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