Strange: I have a small dream world

Chapter 244: Elegant tongue, Antai reappears

Chapter 244: Elegant tongue, Antai reappears

Long Tongue is too confident in his abilities.

However, he forgot that his ability to distort other people's perceptions requires other people to believe him first.

What if the person he wants to deceive has never believed him?
And there were only three of them at the scene, so how could he distort the cognition of the other two people?
With his own power, he cannot distort the cognition of the same level, and can only influence it to a certain extent.

If the other party never believes it, this influence will actually have limited effect.

"Oh, it's time for me to take action too!"

Glancing again at the direction the two were leaving, Long Tongue said with a strange chuckle.

"Well, it's really time to take action!"


Long Tongue suddenly realized that there were other people here, and he turned around to look.

However, he didn't see anyone or anything strange.

The last scene he saw was an intertwined and flowing five-color divine light.

Lu Yu could harvest other weird things slowly, but he couldn't wait any longer for the weird rules related to the completion of weird bodies.

After devouring and integrating the strange long tongue, Lu Yu gained a new skill.

Smooth tongue: A+ level, if enough people believe what you say, then even if it is false, it can be turned into truth.

For example, if Lu Yu said to someone, I have exerted some invisible power on you and you are about to die.

If the person opposite believed this, he would die because of it.

This ability is really powerful if it is said to be powerful. If everyone believes it, what it says will become a reality.

However, the premise of all this is that people believe it. If no one believes it, it will not lead to any substantial changes, and it is really useless.

However, Lu Yu felt that with his weird throat and other sound rules he had mastered, he might be able to produce unexpected effects.

He originally thought that this was a weirdo who liked to spread gossip and stir up trouble.

I didn't expect that he would have such a strange ability, which was an unexpected gain.

After glancing at the many strange things in Fu County again, Lu Yu withdrew his mind and consciousness.

As for the decapitation and other strange things, Lu Yu didn't care what kind of reaction he would make after discovering that Long Tongue was mysteriously missing.

When Lu Yu regained his consciousness, the walking corpse that was the carrier of his arrival had already reached the A-level, which could be said to have soared into the sky.

Moreover, as the carrier of Lu Yu's arrival, he will always be favored by Heaven until he does nothing that harms this dream realm.

The rules and power that permeate the world will slowly converge towards it until it reaches the highest level of Lu Yu's corpse control skill, S-level.

After that, it needs to break through on its own.

And its breakthrough will also lead to the advancement of Lu Yu's regular skills.

After Lu Yu returned, he immediately integrated the skill of Elegant Tongue to further complete the mysterious body.

Sure enough, as he expected, the fusion of glib skills made his ability to follow his words even more enhanced, and he could even change some rules for a long time.

For example, flowers in a flower garden can be kept alive forever.

Of course, as time goes by, the strange power will gradually disappear, and the flowers that will never wither will return to normal.

This time can probably reach one or two years.

It may also be affected, and the flowering season becomes very long, and even the flowering season is all year round, but there will inevitably be withering and blooming.

And if he uses it in front of everyone's witness, and everyone is sure that the flowers will never wither.

Then the beliefs, thoughts, etc. generated by everyone's recognition will completely reverse the rules and truly make them never wither.

Even if it lost the blessing of Lu Yu's strange power, it would still be the same.

In addition to the improvement in speaking ability, due to the level of the glib skill, the overall level of the treacherous body began to slowly transform towards the A+ level.

But now, all he lacks is his feet.

After gaining the ability to use both feet, Lu Yu's strange body will be completely completed, and he can freely upgrade the level of the dream world.

And now.
Lu Yu looked to the west.

A paper-cut man seems to have discovered a special little mouse.

In a plain jungle near the sea in Libya, ripples suddenly appeared in a space.


"Click! Click click."

At a certain moment, a huge fist punched through the space, and then blocked the healing of the space barrier with a backhand.

Then there was another fist, which fiercely penetrated the space barrier.

Immediately afterwards, these hands grabbed the edge of the space and pulled it to both sides.


With the force of these big hands, the space barrier between the dream and reality was instantly torn open by a space crack.

When the space crack expanded to a certain extent, a head suddenly emerged from inside, followed closely by the shoulders, squeezing outward with force.

Doesn't this look like a mouse?
On a tree in the distance, there was an inconspicuous scrawl attached to the branch, and the scarlet eyes suddenly blinked.

Looking at the figure that was struggling outwards, the red lips painted with blood were slightly split on both sides, as if they were laughing silently.

About half an hour passed before the figure finally squeezed out of the space crack.


When his feet landed on the ground, a mysterious vibration spread.

The next moment, a mysterious force rose from the earth and blessed him.

At the same time, there were ripples in the ocean in the distance, and a trace of water-blue light fell on him, making him stronger and more violent, while also bringing a trace of the softness and life of the water.


Standing on the ground, the man yelled loudly, venting his new life's hardship and anger.

"Hercules, I, Antaeus, have finally come to the real world again.

Just wait for me and I won't let you go.

I want to tell the world that I am the real master of power, the real Hercules. "


Hearing Antaeus reveal his name, Lu Yu was slightly startled at first, and then felt happy in his heart. This was really hard to find, and it took no effort to get it.

But then again, isn't Antaeus a god in Greek mythology?
How did you get here?

While Lu Yu was murmuring in his heart, he also quickly communicated with Dao Tianwang.

Afterwards, Lu Yu showed a look of surprise.

It turns out that Antaeus, according to myths and legends, originally lived in Libya.

He is the son of the earth goddess Gaia and the sea god Poseidon. Standing on the earth, he will have endless power.

However, looking at Antaeus' performance just now, it is obvious that there is a slight deviation from the myth and legend.That is, he is not only blessed by the power of the earth, he can also be blessed by the ocean.

Lu Yu blinked his eyes and instantly saw Antai Russia's strength level, which was the limit of B+ level and could break through to A level at any time.

"Huh~? The upper limit of the world is relaxing.

No wonder I got in so easily, is that so?
Looks like I need to speed up.

However, the relaxation of the world limit will allow me to improve faster."

Feeling the surrounding environment, Antaeus frowned in surprise, and then calmed down, communicating with the power of the earth and the ocean, and combined with his own powerful rules, his strength began to increase rapidly.

Listening to Antaeus' low voice, Lu Yu also felt the surrounding environment.

Sure enough, although now, the strange power radiating outwards from Fu County has not spread all over the world, or even to the entire Little Japan Country.

However, even on the other side of the Earth Star, the rules of heaven and earth have been slightly loosened.

And Antaeus was originally a legendary ancient god, with a power level far beyond what it is now.

Therefore, as long as the rules of heaven and earth allow it, Antaeus' breakthrough will naturally be easy.

In just a few breaths, Antaeus reached the A-level.

In an instant, a mysterious realm covering a hundred meters in radius was formed around it.

At the same time, a looming shadow of the world appeared in the strange realm, and under its control, it faintly merged with the earth beneath its feet.

Seeing Antaeus' movements, Lu Yu couldn't help but think of what the long tongue said strangely in the dream realm of Fu County.

All major pantheons are integrating with the real world.

In the past, Lu Yu had some mistrust.

After all, just listening to the conversation of the three people, Long Tongue's strange name, and the strange rules he possesses, one can know that this is not a very reliable strange thing.

But at this moment, after seeing Antaeus' behavior, Lu Yu was convinced.

There is also news from Mrs. Bones, which also proves that Heaven seems to be planning something.

Now it seems that the plan made by Heavenly Court should also integrate the power of Heavenly Court into the real world.

If what the major gods have done can really be achieved.

Then, the real world will completely enter an era of extraordinary dominance and the manifestation of gods and goddesses.

This is undoubtedly a good thing for those strong people. This represents the extraordinary era that will never recede.

However, for ordinary people, this may not be a good thing.

It's okay to meet righteous gods and good gods, and you may even get a little help.

However, if you encounter evil gods or evil gods, you may die without knowing how, and it will be the kind of death that covers a large area.

If there is no divine intervention, then you are really dead and dead. No one will speak for you, and no one will complain for you.

Ordinary people can only offer their faith in despair, or wait for death in despair.

Lu Yu blinked his eyes, he might not be able to do something in it, let alone become a savior saint.

However, at least some restrictions can be placed on those powerful gods, which can give ordinary people a glimmer of hope for life.

And more importantly, he will also be able to gain great fortune.

Even if it is done properly, he may not be able to become the ultimate beneficiary, the rule maker and controller of Earth Star.

However, that is all a matter for the future.

Lu Yu now wanted to devour Antaeus in front of him.

If he swallows it and controls its rules, then his mysterious body will be completely completed.

By then, his strength will surely experience a surge.

Coupled with the subsequent promotion to the dream world, his strength will usher in another rapid improvement.

Lu Yu had no idea what level he would be able to reach and what kind of strength he would have by then.

Anyway, it filled him with yearning and reverie.


Lu Yu shook his head and sighed. If he could obtain the regular aura of Hercules, he could disguise himself as Hercules.

But now.
He could only use his strongest power to defeat Antaeus as soon as possible, and then devour him.

Feeling the rapidly increasing strength and aura of Antaeus, Lu Yu hesitated slightly, not knowing whether to take action now or wait a little longer.

After all, he felt that the Antaeus in front of him should also be the incarnation of a mirage.

Even though he has reached the A- level, after Lu Yu swallows it, he will probably be able to obtain the B+ level rules, which makes him look down upon.

After all, this is a god, and it's a bit unwilling to accept only a few b+ level rules.

He just wants to take action later. When Antaeus' strength is completely improved, it may not be so easy for him to take him down easily.

At the moment when Lu Yu was hesitating, Antaisi's strength had once again achieved a breakthrough and reached true A level.

The treacherous realm expanded instantly, reaching a radius of 300 meters. The shadow of the world became clearer, and it was already faintly resonating with the earth beneath its feet, and there were real signs of integration.

Immediately afterwards, Antaeus' power and momentum continued to soar, and soon reached the peak of A level again, and began to sprint towards the A+ level.

Seeing this, Lu Yu finally stopped waiting.

The strength of Antaeus has improved too fast. If he were to break through to S level, Lu Yu would not be confident that he would be able to defeat him in a short period of time given his level as a god.

If he were allowed to escape again, or if other changes occurred, he would really regret it.

Five colors of light!

The five-color rays of light flowed, and Lu Yu instantly merged into the tree below him, and then merged into the earth below again.

Five colors and five elements, five elements escape.

As the power of the five elements increased again, it was still difficult for Lu Yu to brush real objects.

However, the Five Elements Escape, which evolved with the power of the Five Elements, can already travel between the Five Elements objects in the real world at will.

Of course, the speed leaves something to be desired.

There is still a gap between the dream space that represents the spirit and the real material world.

However, it is still a rare and strange ability, and it is even more difficult for people to detect.

Just like now, even though Antaeus controlled part of the earth, he still didn't notice Lu Yu's approach.

Only when Lu Yu came to the mysterious realm of Antaos did he realize it belatedly.


Antaeus spoke with a rumble and at the same time stamped his feet hard.


In an instant, the earth trembled, and a terrifying shock force spread to the surroundings.

(End of this chapter)

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