Strange: I have a small dream world

Chapter 294 Ping An’s Fall, Changes in the Integration of God’s Kingdom

Countries no longer care much about whether holding such high-level meetings via video will lead to the leakage of confidential information.

At least there is some sense of letting things go in the zombie restricted area.

First of all, the monitoring of the zombie restricted zone in Lingdi, Fu County is something that all countries know about, and there is nothing to hide.

Coupled with the last super tsunami, it is actually difficult to conceal the situation there, and it is impossible to say whether the secrets are leaked or not.

However, everyone was speechless when they looked at the screen displayed on the computer in front of them.

This is a zombie restricted area. It's either causing trouble, or it's on the way to causing trouble.

Something big would happen from time to time, which not only made them feel a little anxious, but also made them somewhat accustomed to it.

Are you saying that you can't do it like other weird restricted areas?

After it was formed, it almost stopped moving. Even if the degree of strange resurgence intensified again and again, there were no demon moths in those places, and there was no intention of expanding outwards.

As for the zombie restricted zone in Little Japan, unpredictable events have continued to occur since its formation.

First, the U.S. missile bombing caused the restricted area to suddenly cover the entire county and even some nearby areas.

Immediately afterwards, another A-level war broke out, and another S-level war broke out. In the end, it even triggered a super tsunami, which directly flooded the other two counties and cut off the entire small Japanese country.

Later, those zombies seemed to have obtained the division rules that existed above the third S level, and they were given a scene where gods and gods gathered together.

Now, another huge ball of light appeared, hitting the sea area like a falling sun.

This will not set off another super tsunami.

Looking at the rapidly falling ball of light, everyone in the Xia Kingdom was slightly startled. They all expressed their sympathy for the disaster in Little Japan.

At this time, the senior officials of Little Japan were almost crying. Why was their Little Japan so troubled?

As for the leaders of other countries, most of them don't take it seriously. Anyway, a super tsunami has broken out.

Even if there is another super tsunami, it will be nothing more than experiencing what happened before.

Besides, there is nothing left to destroy in Xinshan County and Xingxian County. Even if another tsunami breaks out, it will just wash the walking dead and zombies into the sea.

What I really need to worry about is that it’s just a country close to Xiaori, and it really doesn’t have much to do with them.

While everyone was looking nervously, expectantly, or indifferently, Jiang Hai suddenly took action.

The rules of heaven were mobilized with thoughts, and layers of soft barriers were laid down below the falling kingdom of God, slowing down the falling speed of the kingdom of God.

At the same time, in the sea below, a water column with a diameter of several thousand meters suddenly rose up, rushing straight upward.

He wasn't worried about what harm causing a super tsunami would do to him.

However, he worries about the consequences of a super tsunami.

Most of the zombie army under his command was washed away in the last tsunami, except for those A-level and some B+-level experts.

Nowadays, the zombies and weird things in his territory have become sparse.

He was thinking about how to migrate zombies and weirdos from other people.

However, other people also suffered a lot of losses in the last tsunami.

A large number of zombies and weirdos were rushed out of the restricted area.

The lives within their territory also suffered heavy losses, but they were much stronger than Jiang Hai.

But even so, it is not easy for Jiang Hai to obtain zombie weirdness from them.

Originally, they didn't really care much about those low-level zombies and weird losses.

However, as they integrated the Heavenly Dao Seal, especially after returning to their own territory, they discovered the importance of life in the territory.

First of all, they need strong beings to bear the pressure brought by the rules of heaven for them.

No matter whether this powerful life is a zombie, a weirdo, or a human controller.

However, no matter which type, if you want to obtain more powerful lives, you need to have the existence of these lives in the territory, or even the existence of a large number of these lives.

Only when there is a large amount of life can higher levels of life be born.

As for that, even if there are a large number of ordinary beings, there may not necessarily be higher-level beings born.

However, if you don't have these lives as a foundation, it will be more difficult to give birth to high-level life.

Secondly, although the spiritual beliefs generated by these lives cannot be used by them, they can serve as support for the heavenly network.

Promoting the operation of the laws of heaven and mobilizing the power of heaven require the consumption of mental power.

But the faith of all sentient beings can support the operation of the network of heaven.

Even when they need to use the power of heaven, they only need a thought to use the belief of sentient beings as motivation to mobilize the power of heaven, which can reduce the loss of their mental and mental power.

In addition to these, the beliefs of sentient beings are also the rules of heaven and further qualifications.

Whether it is to delve deeply into the rules of heaven and earth and capture more rule information, or to use the beliefs of sentient beings as the source to deduce more rules and concepts, to promote the evolution of heaven to a higher level, etc., all require a large amount of sentient beings' beliefs.

And all of this requires a lot of life.

But now, he has not yet thought about how to exchange zombie weirdness and gain a lot of life.

Good guy, a huge light ball with a diameter of one thousand meters appeared suddenly and fell down at a very fast speed.

If there is another super tsunami, who knows how many of the weird and zombies in his territory will be washed away.

Moreover, he obtained some information based on some memory fragments in his mind.

The fall of such a large ball of light may not be as good as the meteorite that wiped out the dinosaurs in ancient times, but there is no problem in destroying his territory.

Naturally, he wanted to take action immediately.


"bang bang bang"

The Kingdom of Dreams fell, and the layers of blocking barriers laid down by the sea were instantly smashed through layer after layer.

However, with the obstruction of these flexible barriers, the speed of Dream Kingdom's fall finally slowed down.

When it hit the water column rising into the sky, it immediately fell hundreds of meters, setting off waves of tens to hundreds of meters, spreading rapidly to the surroundings.

However, he finally completely slowed down the fall of the Kingdom of Dreams.

As for the tsunami flood that washed up on the coast, it was only a few dozen meters long, and there was no continuous power.

Therefore, those tens of meters high waves only flooded large areas of the coast at the beginning.

But in just a short moment, the flood that flooded the coast quickly receded.

The leaders of various countries who saw all this through surveillance footage were relieved.

Finally, this time, nothing unpredictable happened.

However, it turned out that everyone was happy too early.As the dreamy divine kingdom slowly fell into the sea, the rules of heaven and earth within Fuxian County Spiritual Land began to shake rapidly.

However, as the integrator of the Heavenly Dao Seal and the controller of the rules of heaven and earth in the Eastern Territory, Jiang Hai discovered something different at this time.

Many laws of heaven and earth are indeed shaking together, but that is to celebrate and cheer for the growth of heaven and earth.

There are only two rules that are different, one is the ocean rules, and the other is the weapons rules.

These two laws of heaven, the moment the huge ball of light appeared, started to circulate at an extremely fast speed with excitement.

When the Kingdom of Dreams fell into the sea and gradually stabilized, it quickly moved forward. Even around the huge ball of light, two rays of light appeared.

One is blue and the other is bright white.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Hai always felt a little familiar. After a while of contemplation, he couldn't help but look astonished.

Isn't this the rule of the god he killed back then?

Jiang Hai looked at the huge ball of light.

Could this be the kingdom of that god?

Looking at the light blooming on it, the power that conforms to the rules of the ocean and weapons instantly determined the sea. This must be the kingdom of that god.

And as the rules of the ocean and weapons emerged, they continued to resonate with the rules of the Kingdom of God, eroding and invading bit by bit.

Perhaps because of the breakdown of the Kingdom of God's barrier, the erosion of the two rules is not slow.

In just a dozen breaths, the two laws of heaven had already begun to penetrate deep into the barrier of the Kingdom of God.

If things go according to normal circumstances, Zuobi Mochigami's dream kingdom will probably be like what is described in some novels, a special secret realm integrated into the real world.

As time goes by and the rules of heaven and earth are eroded, the barrier of the secret realm will gradually become weaker, eventually allowing life to pass through, and then completely integrate into the real world.

However, it is obviously not normal now.

The Zombie Forbidden Zone does have an owner.

In addition, this is still Jiang Hai's territory, so he naturally won't just let the rules slowly erode.

Just thinking for a moment, Jiang Hai communicated with the Heavenly Dao talisman in his mind, and instantly entered the state of being in tune with the Heavenly Dao, and began to mobilize more Heavenly Dao power to assist the two rules to invade the heaven and earth of the Kingdom of God.

In an instant, the erosion speed of those two rules rose several steps again.

Gradually, the divine light blooming from the barrier of the Kingdom of God began to dim little by little, and the barrier of the Kingdom of God began to collapse bit by bit.

Finally, after a few hours, the barrier of the Kingdom of God completely collapsed, turning into countless azure brilliance and bright white brilliance, slowly integrating into the world.



In an instant, violent conflicts occurred between spatial dimensions and rules that were completely different in nature.


The rules of heaven shook slightly, and instantly spread towards the area where the Kingdom of Dreams was located, stabilizing the heaven, earth and rules within it.

If it weren't for this world, which once merged with a dream realm, and was harmonized by the way of heaven, the moment the barrier of the dream kingdom collapsed, the dream kingdom of Zuobi would have been crushed by the rules of reality in an instant.

But that's it. In the area where Dream Kingdom is located, there are also large space cracks, and the endless sea water around them pours into that area.

Because the quality of the seawater in the Fantasy Kingdom is far inferior to that of the real world.

Naturally, after coming into contact with the real world and the sea water in the real world, the sea water in it will be assimilated and absorbed by the real sea water.

And during this process, the sea water in Dream Kingdom will naturally shrink significantly.

In addition, the area of ​​the dream kingdom is a thousand times larger than the actual range.

Naturally, this will cause the surrounding large areas of sea water to continuously pour into the area where Dream Kingdom is located.

At the same time, the entire space area of ​​the Fantasy Kingdom seems to be overlapping and merging with the space of the real world.

The entire space of the Dream Kingdom, including the islands within it, is shrinking rapidly.

Even the lives within it will shrink along with it.

However, the changes in the body shape of life, the changes in the rules of heaven and earth, those powerful weirdos, the weird masters and the like can still barely persist.

But the ordinary humans among them had no resistance at all. As the space collapsed and shrunk, they themselves began to deform at an extremely rapid rate.

They were no longer human-sized, but had become grotesque.

Some humans who live with fish actually directly integrate fish genes, or rules and concepts, and directly become fish-men.

And other human beings in the same place as other life forms have more or less undergone similar integration.

Those who merge with butterflies and insects become butterfly people and insect people.

Some of them merged with the vegetation and became tree people, vegetation and flower spirits, etc.

And some people were even distorted into a bunch of wriggling monsters, or humanoid monsters covered with tentacles, etc.

Regarding these changes in human beings, neither Jianghai nor Jiangji showed any signs.

After all, it makes no difference to them whether it is a human or a monster, as long as it is life in their territory.

However, leaders of various countries watching via satellite did not think so.

Looking at the shrunken and deformed humans, their expressions changed drastically.

"What happened? Why did there suddenly appear so many humans? Why did those humans become like that again?"

"God, what's going on?"

"Mr. Andre, do you know what's going on?"

The President of the United States looked at Andre.


Andre was a little hesitant. He knew the origins of those humans, but he didn't know why those humans became like this.

After all, he was considered the number one figure at the time.

But to be honest, the existences that can come to the earth now are basically the marginalized group among the top figures at that time, and their knowledge of some inside information is really limited.

"Any questions?"

Seeing Andre's hesitation, someone couldn't help but ask.

Andre pondered for a moment, and then said:
"I know a little bit about those humans.

Some powerful divine kingdoms can allow their believers to enter and live in the divine kingdom.

Those humans are probably such believers. "(End of chapter)

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