Strange: I have a small dream world

Chapter 415 Deciphering the Power of Immortals and Alienation Rules

After Master Yunguang and Huang Yuanwai returned to the strange world, they also exchanged some information with each other.

Master Yunguang knew the general situation of the strange world, and Huang Yuan also knew some situations of the immortals and gods outside.

All immortals and gods are in the fifth-level dream space and have their own independent dream realms, including those supreme immortals, supreme gods, deities, etc.

In addition, they also have their own Taoist temple in the deepest and outermost part of the dream world.

As for why they are the deepest and the outermost, they are actually relative.

If they enter the dream world normally, then the place where they are is the deepest part.

But in comparison, they should be the outermost, the boundary of the dream world, and even the outermost of the stars in the real world that can radiate power, where there are all kinds of foreign forces and life invasions.

These powerful men in the immortal realm are basically there to suppress and block invading forces and lives.

From this point of view, they protect the relative peace of the dream world, and even protect the terrain world.

Although this may not be their intention, it is just because they are in the dream world and will inevitably face those invaders, so they have to fight them.

But this is still worthy of their name as immortal gods.

After learning this information through Huang Yuanwai, Lu Yu couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Dream space, dream world, invasion from outside.

Then Lu Yu thought about the national destiny war space in the Mengling Realm, and the battle space where he evolved in the strange world.

How does he feel that this dream space also has the dream world, which is the earth star, or even the real world, a special battle space derived from the invasion from outside the world?

However, this battle space does not even require real life beings to participate in the battle in person. As long as they have mental activities, they can continuously produce strange combat arms.

It can be said that those weird things that repeatedly invade reality, in addition to being a disaster for humans, may also be the vanguard to deal with the invasion.

However, if the power of real dreams is imbalanced, these weirdness will also invade reality until the power of real dreams is rebalanced.

Just because of the suppression and rejection of real rules, the existences that invade the real world are basically weak and weird.

Even if they reach the peak moment of weird recovery, those truly powerful weird ones, such as emperor level, triple S level and even double S level, will still be unable to enter the real world.

Not to mention those real powerful immortals.

It can be said that those existences above double S level can only survive in the dream space and the dream world, facing the forces and intruders from outside the world.

In order to survive, they can only keep fighting, and there may never be a chance of stopping.

Probably, this is one of the reasons why they have always wanted to enter the real world.


After knowing these things, Lu Yu felt a little hesitant.

If the dream space is truly integrated with reality, these powerful people will indeed be able to enter the real world, and even be able to reverse the nature of their own form and become real powerful immortals.

But at the same time, can those outside forces and invaders also use this to enter the real world, and then launch a real and comprehensive invasion of the entire world?

However, after thinking hard for a while, Lu Yu gave up and continued thinking. There was no point in thinking about it now.

Not to mention that with his current power, he cannot stop the fusion of reality and dreams.

As for the specific considerations of those immortals and gods, he couldn't find the answer at his current level.

What he wants to do now is to improve his own strength. If his strength reaches the realm of immortals, he will naturally know all the secrets in it.

Even if his power transcends everything, his worries can be completely ignored.

Thinking of this, Lu Yu cast his gaze into the depths of the strange world.

The endless flow of heavenly rules formed a ban that suppressed and banned everything, just to ban the center, that strand of power that was not even as powerful as a hair.

However, even so, Lu Yu actually didn't have much confidence in his heart.

In the past, the power Huang Yuanwai exerted, combining his own power and that of Master Yun Guang, had definitely reached the peak of the emperor level.

However, this kind of power instantly collapsed and melted under this trace of power.

If it weren't for Master Yunguang and didn't want to directly confront the strange world's heavenly law, with the power of the strange world's heavenly law, it might not be possible to ban it.

But no matter what the reason is.

Now, it's time for Lu Yu to reap the rewards.

The strange world's Tiandao, Daodao Skynet, and Lu Yu's own various sensing and snooping methods began to work together, constantly scanning to decipher the trace of power.

However, the essence of that power was too high. Even if Lu Yu used all his methods, he could not decipher and deduce it in a short time like other powers.

Even as time goes by, the banned forces around that thread of power, including the power of the Great Dao Skynet, are being reversely infected by that thread of power.

Because the foundation of Dao Tianwang is in Lu Yu's natal world, its power intensity is stronger, so it can transform and transform at any time, constantly stripping away those powers.

However, there was no way to avoid the banning rules of the strange world, and it began to turn yellow and pale, thick and yet a bit ethereal at the same time.

Even at the end, the infection went further and began to form wriggling and twisted pale tentacles, covered with pieces of yellow crystals, like dense scales, constantly beating the surrounding banning rules.


Looking at the tentacles in the seal, Lu Yu felt a little numb all over his body. He hated these slippery strips the most.

At the same time, a thoughtful look appeared on Lu Yu's face.

Perhaps Master Yunguang allowed Heaven to block his power because he had other considerations.

For example, relying on the extremely high nature of power, it can reversely erode the rules of heaven little by little, and even erode the law of heaven.

Haven't you seen that in just a few dozen days, the rules of heaven within the ban have been completely infected?

After pondering for a moment, Lu Yu pointed out, and a spiritual message instantly fell into the strange world of heaven.


The strange world of heaven, which was originally mechanically operating, suddenly experienced a slight fluctuation, and some of its rules were slightly adjusted.

In the next moment, this fine-tuning has affected the entire strange world and the rules of heaven everywhere.

Naturally, the heavenly ban deep in the strange world space is also included.


In an instant, the rules of heaven that formed the ban began to tremble slightly, and the power of heaven vibrated, forming layers of different spatial dimensions in an instant.

The infected rules of heaven were peeled off and broken bit by bit, and were sealed in different spatial dimensions.

Master Yun Guang, who had just left the Huang Mansion outside Huang Yuan and was about to go to the Red Flame Desert to occupy a place and develop his own territory, suddenly paused slightly.


Master Yun Guang raised his head slightly, narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a trace of rays of light flowing in them. At this moment, it seemed as if his sight spanned multiple spaces and saw the heavenly ban deep in that space.

"Sure enough. Compared with the ordinary rules of the dream realm, the laws of heaven in the strange world are much more flexible and can even adjust themselves according to the situation."

Feeling the changes in the ban around that ray of power, Master Yunguang couldn't help but secretly think in his heart.

In fact, the way of heaven does adjust itself according to the situation.

However, this process is extremely long unless the conflict is too intense.

And with that little bit of power, one must at least break through the innermost rules and regulations to deal with the surrounding erosion, and then it will cause changes in the way of heaven. When the complete adjustment is completed, it may take hundreds of years or thousands of years.

That's why Lu Yu made adjustments himself.

"It's just that the rules of this world are fundamentally inferior. After all, they can only be alleviated, but there is no way to completely solve them."

Master Yun Guang's thoughts were flowing in his mind, and a smile appeared on his face.

Indeed, as he said, even if Lu Yu adjusted the operation of the rules of heaven in advance and divided and banned the infected rules, it would only treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

As time goes by, more rules will eventually be invaded, even affecting the way of heaven.

However, Lu Yu never wanted to completely ban that power, and he didn't even care about its intrusion into the laws of heaven.

When those infected rules of heaven were separated, the strength immediately dropped to the bottom. Lu Yu's various abilities came into play and finally began to decipher the power aura bit by bit.

In an instant, there were rules and information one after another, which began to be continuously integrated into the Great Dao Skynet and the strange world's Heavenly Way.

Several days passed, and Lu Yu finally deciphered all the power auras above one of the rules.

And Lu Yu also discovered that although it contained a large amount of rule information, in the end, it was just cloud and earth rules. They just needed to be more perfect and condensed, and contained a hint of dimensional transformation.

Although it is a transformation from an illusory dimension, its essence is far beyond ordinary rules.

Maybe the same rules, the same power, even if everything is the same, but the rules of the gods can crush the ordinary rules.

After thinking for a moment, Lu Yu mobilized a bit of rule power and began to constantly adjust the structure and complete the corresponding rule information based on the rule information he had deciphered.

Gradually, the power of rules in his hand began to reveal a real, solid and heavy meaning, as well as an illusory and uncertain meaning that seemed not to exist in the real world.

The two artistic conceptions exist at the same time, but they do not conflict at all, but blend into one very harmoniously.

Immortals, people in the mountains, misty clouds.

Looking at the power in his hand, a smile appeared on Lu Yu's face. The words created by the ancient sages indeed had their own profound meaning.

With a flick of his fingers, the regular power in his hand shot out tens of thousands of miles away in an instant.


In an instant, a terrifying energy shock wave exploded, and the dream light mist covering thousands of miles was instantly annihilated.

This power must be at least a hundred times greater than its original power.

And this is just the result of Lu Yu deciphering the breath of some immortal gods' power and then adjusting the evolution.


He was able to decipher the true power of an immortal god, and even became a powerful immortal god himself. How powerful should his power be?

Facing the aftermath of the explosion, Lu Yu's hair was dancing wildly, his clothes were rustling, but his heart was lost in his imagination.

After a while, the shock wave of the power explosion dissipated, and Lu Yu came back to his senses. He turned his gaze back to the depths of the strange world and once again chose an infected rule of heaven.

But this time, the time for deciphering will be much shorter. It only takes a day or two in total.

After all, they come from the same source. Even if they are not exactly the same, they are still very similar.

What makes them stronger than ordinary rules is just the transformation of the essence of dimensions. Even if the information contained in them is more complicated than ordinary rules, it is not immeasurable.

What's more, it's just the infection of the aura of power.

After that, Lu Yu's deciphering of other power auras accelerated again and again.

At the end, Lu Yu could take everything in his mind with just one glance.

After a little thought, Lu Yu integrated all the gains and improvements he had gained into the strange world of heaven.

Well, what Lu Yu gained from the strange world of heaven can be obtained at the same time.

However, the strange world of Tiandao cannot be known by the Daodao Skynet and the information that Lu Yu deciphered through other means.

Therefore, although the strange world's Tiandao has also deciphered a lot of power information and its speed has improved a bit, it is far behind compared to Lu Yu.

Even Lu Yu's power could be deciphered at a glance, but the strange world of heaven still took several days.

But now, Lu Yu has integrated everything he gained into the strange world of heaven.

In an instant, the strange world of heaven has completed a transformation, and the deciphering of those power messages has also reached the point of sweeping away the known.

At the same time, the resistance of the laws of heaven in the strange world to that trace of power has also been greatly transformed. The mere aura of power can no longer infect the laws of heaven.

In an instant, all the power information spread by Master Yunguang's power had been deciphered and integrated, and began to touch the body of that power.

However, every time he comes into contact with that ray of power, some of the rules of heaven will be infected and alienated.

Obviously, although the rules of heaven have been transformed, there are still some differences compared with the real power of immortals.

However, the strange world of Heaven did not stop there, but came into contact with that power more and more frequently.

Because of direct contact, those rules of heaven that have been infected and alienated contain more information about that power.

You can get more gains after splitting and banning.

As time went by, Lu Yu deciphered more and more power information.

Similarly, more and more alienation rules are appearing.

Gradually, the different dimensional spaces that the entire ban has evolved into are filled with various alienation rules.

Looking at the countless alienation rules, Lu Yu fell into deep thought.

To a certain extent, these alienated rules are actually almost the same as weird ones. They are all evolved from rule fragments.

It’s just that one evolved from fragments of the rules of spiritual fusion of all living beings;

One is the evolution of the rules infected by the power of immortals, which can be regarded as the strange descendants of Master Yunguang.

If this is the case, can he also put these alienation rules and special dependents into the strange world? (End of chapter)

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