Strange: I have a small dream world

Chapter 424 The development of Dao Jindan, the Great Wall

As for those gods who controlled the dream world when they were in the outside world and became the masters of heaven, do they also have the authority of heaven and even enter the real world?

They do have the authority of Heaven, but that just prevents Heaven from targeting them specifically.

After all, their core rules are not integrated into those dream worlds.

Moreover, the dream world attached to the weird world is still different from the weird world itself.

Because after those dream worlds develop to their limit, it is possible to go out independently and escape from the strange world of heaven.

Even if the Heavenly Dao among them is a secondary Heavenly Dao evolved from the projection of a strange world, this is still possible.

As long as the strength of those Heavenly Dao is close to or even exceeds that of the Weird World's Heavenly Dao, they can achieve this level.

Although under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible.

After all, while the heavenly ways in those dream worlds complement and grow, they will also feed back the heavenly ways in the strange world.

Under such circumstances, how could they possibly catch up with the strange world of Heaven?

However, there are exceptions.

For example, with the power and nature of the rules of those immortal gods, as long as they are willing, this situation is basically bound to happen.

Even the strange world of heaven cannot receive all the rules and information of the gods and deities in a short period of time and deduce and integrate them.

In this case, it is almost inevitable that the heavenly ways of those dream worlds will reach or even exceed the heavenly ways of the strange world.

However, those territories in the home world are blocked and it is absolutely impossible to break away.

Even if the lords leave the strange world, they cannot take their territory with them.

With such a comparison, it is already clear which way the way of heaven will lean.

Of course, if those immortals and gods are willing to integrate their own core rules into the strange world, heaven will naturally favor them, or even be more biased.

It can even make them become existences like the five masters.

It's just that for now, no immortal has done this.

In their view, although today's weird world does have its extraordinary features, it is not worth their efforts.

What's more, it is only at the level of the five masters. If they become the masters of heaven, maybe they will consider it.

Unfortunately, that is obviously impossible.

At least for now, Lu Yu has no intention of letting anyone become the master of heaven in the strange world.

This is the perfect place to implement his ideas.

Because of this, these powerful immortals can only find other ways to attack and erode the way of heaven.

There is no doubt that the power of faith is the best choice.

Correspondingly, if these powerful men in the strange world can believe in them, the power of faith they can generate is naturally far beyond that of ordinary people.

It's a pity that the strong have their own arrogance. Even if they are facing the gods, it is difficult for them to have sincere faith?

Unless you believe in a certain immortal god from the beginning.

Anyway, the worst case scenario is that they will just return to the real world. What can those gods and gods do to them?

As for those immortals and gods, it’s not that they haven’t thought about entering reality.

It's a pity that they have long been excluded from the rules of reality. Even if there is a strange world as a transit, they cannot fully come to reality.

Unless the real world completely recovers, or the weird world merges into reality, or they ban their own strength.

However, once their forbidden strength enters reality, they will only be able to reach A level at most. With the power that humans now have, it will be hard to say who is stronger and who is weaker.

Therefore, those immortals and gods who enter the strange world do not dare to force humans too much, and they do not dare to enter reality.

This has led to the fact that nowadays, urban territory is basically the world of humans, and outside the city, it is the gods and gods who have the final say.

It has been a long time since anyone left the city.

Even if you want to go to other cities, you have to transfer through reality.

Suddenly, the scope of human activities was completely compressed.

Seeing this situation, Lu Yu could only temporarily stop his advancement in the weird world.

After all, if the weird world is promoted again, the upper limit of the power that those immortals and gods can exert will inevitably be raised by one level again, reaching the three-s level. Then it will be really difficult for humans and the local weird side to support it.

However, it won't take long

Turning our attention to reality, the pressure brought by those gods and gods caused all countries to invest more energy and support in researching and developing various avenue rune technologies, and also opened up many scientific research results.

For example, the golden elixir of the great road, the godhead, etc., those first-generation products that have been perfected have completely entered the market and among the people.

Suddenly, all the people in the Xia Kingdom had C-level Dao Jindan, and they were no longer afraid of ordinary weird events.

Countries with this technology abroad have also begun to sell similar products.

Just because it started late, the products sold will inevitably have some minor flaws.

But compared to weird, it is much stronger.

The military has even popularized the B-level golden elixir.

However, in comparison, foreign B-level products such as Godhead have more defects.

Of course, this does not mean that Xia State's scientific research is much better than other countries, it is just because Xia State has the first-mover advantage.

Other countries only started researching similar products after learning about Xia's Dao Jindan, so they would inevitably fall behind.

The stronger and relatively rare A-level golden elixir has only begun to be popular among some high-level and elite troops.

As for foreign products of the same level, they are still in the experimental stage and have not been fully produced, let alone the further S-level godhead and genetic sequence. They are just ideas.

On the other hand, Xia Guo has successfully developed a further S-class golden elixir, and has even entered the clinical stage.

What's more, Hua Lao and others have also entered the experimental stage in their research and development of double S-level golden elixirs.

Even the third-S level Dao Jindan is trying to deduce it.

But at this point, their research has completely hit a bottleneck.

After all, level three S is the complete fusion of weirdness, rules and oneself.

However, the Great Dao Golden Pill is ultimately a foreign object, which has a certain gap with the audience. It is not a pure evolution of regular energy, and cannot be completely compatible with people.

Therefore, they cannot follow the previous ideas and deduce the advanced route of the Trickster Controller.

And if there are all weird rules created, then it will be back to the old way of controlling weirdness, which also requires the audience to control it a little bit and endure the weird backlash.

However, although there is no clue about the third-S level Dao Jindan.

But just the successful development of the Double S-Class Avenue Golden Elixir is enough to break the strange world dilemma in front of us.

When the time comes, countless S-class experts will enter the strange world.

Even if the power they can exert is not as good as the real double S-level controllers.

However, the power that those immortal gods can exert is beyond that of double S-level magic controllers.

However, the Dao Jindan developed by humans has an advantage that cannot be matched by gods. That is, once the Dao Jindan is finalized and mass-produced, it can be mass-produced as long as there are sufficient resources. If the human side has countless pairs of S-class strong men, even if the immortals are stronger, they can only temporarily avoid the sharp edge of humans.

At that time, Lu Yu will naturally be able to control the weird world to advance and increase the upper limit of the weird world's power.

But now, Lu Yu doesn't have anything to do.

Lu Yu's eyes bloomed with brilliance and he looked into the depths of the dream world.

He had long wanted to go and find out.

With Lu Yu's promotion again, the feedback from the power of Dao Tianwang, and the luck rules integrated into the dream world, finally expanded again.

The dynasty that had been shrouded in the rules of luck before was now aware of the existence of luck, and was even changing the destiny of the country.

Especially in the Tang Dynasty, Sui Dynasty, and the Eastern and Western Han Dynasties, which were the first to discover the existence of the rules of luck, most of the national luck had been transformed by this time.

A faint golden light enveloped the land, and a ten thousand-foot golden dragon hovered over the capital, its majestic dragon eyes scanning every inch of the land.

Everyone has a faint rising of luck, which is eventually connected to the pale golden national luck, gathering at the location of the emperor of the land, turning into an endless sea of ​​luck clouds, carrying the golden dragon of luck.

As for the original Qing Dynasty, Ming Dynasty and other countries, the transformation of their national destiny has been completely completed at this time, with a rich golden light shrouding them and thousands of feet of golden dragons circling.

And because of the special luck, the two sides will no longer be able to use the loose rules of the dream world to develop a continent between the two countries due to the conflict of national luck.

Therefore, the two countries are currently at fierce war.

Facing the fierce offensive of the Ming army, although the Qing army continued to drop troops to resist, they were still retreating steadily and had to retreat in another direction.

In addition to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, other neighboring countries such as the Yuan Dynasty, the Song Dynasty, the Jin Kingdom, and North Korea were also somewhat ready to start national wars to expand their territories.

Lu Yu saw all this, but didn't care. Anyway, no matter the final fusion, it was an evolutionary expansion of luck, and corresponding rule information would be fed back to Lu Yu.

Lu Yu's eyes flashed past, and he looked towards the depths of the dream world. He saw an almost endless Great Wall lying on the ground. A faint trace of luck was looming above the Great Wall.

As I thought about it, a space within the Great Wall began to fluctuate slightly.

In an instant, it seemed that he was stimulated, and the faint luck that filled the world fluctuated instantly.

But in the next moment, the fluctuating space suddenly calmed down, and the fluctuations in luck also returned to stability.

"Eh~? What a solid space."

Looking in the direction of the Great Wall, Lu Yu couldn't help but scream in surprise.

Although he just did it casually.

However, even in the real world, it is enough for him to travel around the planet at will.

But he didn't expect that he didn't break through the space where the Great Wall was.

After pondering for a moment, Lu Yu finally did not force himself to do it. Instead, with a thought in his heart, he tore a spatial rift at the edge of the Han Dynasty near the Great Wall.


This time, there was no accident. Lu Yu easily tore a spatial rift.


In an instant, a paper-cut figure was teleported over.

With a thought in his mind, the paper-cut man twisted and transformed into Lu Yu's body.

Feeling the surrounding environment, with the transformation of the national destiny of the Han Dynasty, the space enveloped by the national destiny has indeed become more stable.

However, it is still far inferior to reality, let alone the space within the Great Wall.

This is also related to the fact that the national destiny of the Han Dynasty has not been completely transformed.

After looking at the Han territory shrouded in pale golden light behind him, Lu Yu then rushed towards the Great Wall.

The dynasties and empires after the Han Dynasty have all been shrouded in fate. What Lu Yu wants to know can naturally be easily known.

On the contrary, it was the situation within the Great Wall. Because the rules of luck had just spread and luck had just begun to grow, Lu Yu could not feel much of the situation.

Walking on the vast land, looking at the surrounding environment, there are strange monsters one after another.

After all, the rules of luck have just been covered here, and the world has just changed, so it is not much different from the previous dream world.

Endless creeping monsters, huge rivers, and high mountains.

However, Lu Yu's current strength is far from what it used to be.

I think back then, Lu Yu had just entered the dream world and saw thousands of miles of desolate and populated areas. It took him several months and half a year to find the border of the Qing Dynasty.

And in the opposite direction, it takes countless thousands of miles to reach the territory of the Ming Dynasty.

But now, even if Lu Yu doesn't use the power of luck rules, it's enough for him to see the boundary of the Great Wall.

Similarly, Lu Yu's current speed is not comparable to his original speed.

But just one random step can lead to millions of miles.

However, in more than half a day, Lu Yu had arrived at the boundary of the Great Wall. Even with the eyesight of an ordinary person, he could clearly see the outline of the Great Wall.

After advancing for a while, Lu Yu finally approached the Great Wall.

Majestic, magnificent, boundless

The green and black wall tiles have a strong historical atmosphere.

An unspeakable feeling surged into his heart, making Lu Yu unable to help but sigh.

And let’s talk about the first impression of the Great Wall.

Then there is only one word


Incomparably big.

It was so tall that it spread to both sides. Even with Lu Yu's eyesight, he couldn't see the end.

At first glance, this is not the Great Wall. It is simply an endless mountain, a barrier connecting heaven and earth.

Outside the Great Wall, there is a vast flat land without any cover, covering an area of ​​more than ten miles.

After stopping for a moment, Lu Yu continued to move forward.

However, when he stepped onto the vast flat land, he immediately felt his body sinking, as if a huge mountain was pressing down on him.

At the same time, Lu Yu also felt the line of sight and locked them instantly.

Before he could speak, a loud shout came from the Great Wall.

"Who is it? How dare you approach the border of Da Qin?"

The voice was rumbling, containing an iron-blooded domination.


Hearing the loud shouting, Lu Yu couldn't help but be slightly startled.

Are the Great Wall defenders so sensitive? He had just approached, and he was only one person, but he actually attracted loud questions from the defenders of the Great Wall. (End of chapter)

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