Strange: I have a small dream world

Chapter 44 Devouring, Ability Acquisition

Chapter 44 Devouring, Ability Acquisition


Seeing the black mist that suddenly appeared and quickly dissipated, everyone was startled.

How weird is this?
However, didn't it mean that Weird couldn't be killed?

Isn't he dissipating?
Everyone who was puzzled in their hearts could not help turning their heads to look at Lu Yu.

At this time, Lu Yu was already sitting on the sofa and closed his eyes slightly.

"This is?"

"Shh~, I'm afraid that weirdness is not dead yet, the master should be dealing with that weirdness now.

Let's not disturb each other! "

Seeing Lu Yu's appearance, Xie Mingxiang couldn't help being moved, and quickly stopped everyone from speaking, for fear of disturbing Lu Yu's 'casting'.


On the other side, Zuo Youchang and He Xueling, husband and wife, couldn't help nodding when they heard the words, looked at Lu Yu nervously, and glanced around from time to time, for fear that something strange would suddenly appear.

Even Zuo Mengjie was affected by the tense atmosphere around her. She grabbed the kitten with one small hand and covered her mouth with the other for fear of making a sound. Her two big eyes rolled around, and she looked extremely cute.

At this time, Lu Yu was indeed dealing with the weird one just as Xie Mingxiang guessed.

The black mist that suddenly appeared and disappeared just now is just the projection of the real weird succubi itself in the real world.

If it was normal to deal with the weirdness, it would have been regarded as driving it away from the real world just now, and it would be regarded as the completion of the task. As for killing it completely, it is a bit unrealistic.

However, it won't work for Lu Yu. His main target is the weird nightmare.

Only by devouring the strange body can Lu Yu gain the strange ability.

Originally, Lu Yu wanted to deal with the strange body, or he encountered it in the fog of the dream.

Either he was trying to find a way to let the strange body-the succubus come to the real world, or directly enter his dream world.

Just like the bloody handprints before, and the paper figurines are weird.

The strangeness of the bloody handprint came to the real world, and the strangeness of the paper figurine meant that it was delivered directly to Lu Yu's dream world.

As for the rusty sword that was suppressed last time, it should be a special case and a strange item.

It seemed that the rusty sword was its real body. Anyway, after Lu Yu suppressed him, he didn't see it leave the reality.

However, after Lu Yu acquired the sword light skill, he could directly attack his body by locking the strange power and consciousness.

Of course, even if there are weird succubi themselves, they can actively break through the barrier between the dream world and the real world, and be able to lower their power projection.

However, it is still unrealistic for Lu Yu to rely on his sword light skills to directly kill the strange main body—the Dream Demon.

Lu Yu's sword light skill is only D-level in the final analysis.

Even if it weren't for the special nature of the dream world, he wouldn't be able to show his power in reality.

As for why it was able to exert such a powerful power when fighting Rust Sword earlier.

That's because within the scope of the Rusty Sword, the barrier between reality and the dream world becomes weaker, and the power of many strange skills will increase.

In addition, the abilities of the two sides are highly overlapping, and the rusty sword does not have any intelligence, so the sword light skill will also be instinctively blessed by its power radiation.

And Lu Yu superimposed several sword lights, as well as the power increase of the paper man and the blood handprint, so that he could burst out with a power comparable to C-level.

Otherwise, the sword light emitted by Lu Yu would be just a nice empty shell.

The sound of footsteps in front of him was weird. The two sides were originally at the same level. In addition, he was just a projection of his arrival, so he couldn't resist Jianguang's attack.

You know, although the sword light skill is only a D-level skill.

But it has a characteristic of cutting everything, whether it is a real object or an illusory spiritual consciousness, it is within the scope of his killing.

Although it can only work on existences below C-level.

However, the sound of footsteps in front of him was weird, but it didn't exceed the category of D-class.

Even if he was only a hair away from breaking through to C-level, he was still at D-level, and still within Jianguang's cutting range.

Of course, because of the gap in the strength of the two parties, its effect will inevitably be greatly weakened, let alone cross the boundary of reality and fantasy.

However, Lu Yu didn't think about relying on Jianguang to kill the body with strange footsteps.

Let alone whether he could do it, even if he could do it, Lu Yu would not do it.

Killing the strange body, what can he gain?Swallow a group of strange energy?
What else?nothing.

What Lu Yu wanted has always been to collect the weirdness into the dream world, and then devour and fuse it, acquire weird skills, and increase the strength of the dream world.

Only in this way can he break through to a higher realm.

Therefore, Lu Yu just wanted to rely on Jianguang's ability to lock consciousness and lock the strange body.

And now, of course, he has locked onto the strange body.

Consciousness uses the sword light as the medium, and it also descends into the fog of the dream in an instant.

And the fact is not as expected by Lu Yu, facing the Jianguang who was chasing across the space, the footsteps sounded strange, and he just raised his foot and stepped on it.


A strange sound of footsteps spread, and Jian Guang froze for an instant.



The sword light trembled slightly, and exploded in the next moment.

However, taking advantage of this time, Lu Yu's mind and consciousness had also condensed and manifested into a figure.

Seeming to have discovered Lu Yu's existence, that strange figure raised its foot again, and was about to step down heavily.

Naturally, Lu Yu wouldn't watch him do what he did. With a slight thought, bright red blood oozes from the palm of his hand, and bloody handprints quickly appeared around him.

The strange power spread out, directly covering a radius of tens of meters, directly suppressing the strange footsteps.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yu mobilized the power of the dream world, instantly swept away the strange footsteps, and dragged him into the dream world.

Afterwards, Lu Yu also moved his mind again, and while withdrawing the power of the blood handprint, his mind and consciousness also entered the dream world.

But in such a short time, the footsteps being dragged into the dream world sounded strange, and they were already drowned by the tumbling chaos, swallowing half of their body.

After all, the footsteps sounded weird, at most D+ level.

But the power of chaos in the dream world has reached the B-level.

The difference between the two sides is more than a big level. When facing the power of chaos, he naturally has no resistance.

At this time, information about the strange footsteps began to flood into Lu Yu's mind little by little.

And with the devouring power of chaos, the information becomes more complete and clear.

After the strange footsteps were completely swallowed up, and no more information poured in, the skills were finally completely stabilized and presented.

Footsteps: D+ level, when you hear the footsteps, you will be marked. When the marked target's footsteps are synchronized with the footsteps, you can achieve the instant death effect.

(End of this chapter)

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