Strange: I have a small dream world

Chapter 451 The independent earth and star world, the transformation of concepts and chaos

With the birth of many lives in the world, another halo of heaven bloomed behind Ji's head, blessing it with the power of life.

"This is really full of surprises!"

Feeling the power of life blessing her with caution, Ji couldn't help but murmur in her heart again.

However, the birth of life in the world also attracted the attention of humane will.

At this time, the humane will that bloomed brilliantly in every world of chaos instantly locked onto the world of silence.

In an instant, the radiance of humanity has begun to envelope this place, wanting to penetrate into the world, assimilate the will of all living beings in it, and evolve the humanity of this world.

However, after noticing the glorious power of humanity, Ji was instantly alert, and instinctively had the idea of ​​excluding it.

As a pseudo-chaos demon god and a veritable evil god from outside the realm, he is naturally extremely wary of the forces that want to enter his world.

And following the thoughts in his mind, the Heavenly Dao in this world immediately began to move, and the power of Heavenly Dao spread across the world barrier, instantly blocking the glorious power of humanity.

"Haha, not bad."

Feeling the actions of heaven that follow his heart, Ji couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

Glancing at the outside world, I saw that because of the shield of heaven, I could not lock the will of all living beings in the world, and then slowly retreated from the will of humanity.

Ji looked at the world in front of him again. The overall radius was billions of miles. Although it seemed vast at first glance, it was far from the limit of his current power.

Involuntarily, Ji burst out with power again.


Rules and power, one after another, quickly poured into this world, and the world expanded rapidly again.

The rules of heaven were also quickly completed, and their intensity increased rapidly.

It wasn't until the world reached the point of one light-year that it stopped rapid expansion.

This has not reached the limit of silence, but it has reached the limit of his incarnation.

Before he himself entered this world, the world he opened up and evolved would not have been able to expand as quickly as before.

At this point, Ji is looking towards the real world again.

At this time, the area covered by the Earth Star and Heavenly Dao has been completely wrapped by a world barrier, completely cutting off the connection with the rest of the real world, turning into an independent world, gradually going deep into chaos, and being enveloped by boundless chaos.

Doing this is like taking a big bite out of a whole apple.

In an instant, a huge gap appeared in the dimensional barrier of the real world. Endless chaotic energy continued to pour into reality, constantly devouring and assimilating real matter and energy, causing great damage to the starry sky.

At the same time, the real power of the real world is instantly filled with endless chaos.

If this happened in the past, it would definitely arouse the excitement and excitement of many immortals.

After all, this is the real aura of power that they have always been pursuing.

But now that their true identities have appeared on Earth and Star in the real world, they naturally no longer care about the aura of power that pervades chaos.

However, many immortals and gods did not care, but they firmly attracted Ji's attention.

With such a large gap, there must be omissions that cannot be taken into account by the rules of the real world.

And this is the best time for him to enter the real world.

In an instant, he took a step forward and left his own world, entering boundless chaos, heading towards the real world.

Step by step, Ji traveled through the chaos at extremely fast speeds, thousands of miles in just a blink of an eye.

In this process, Ji Ziran also discovered many worlds in the chaos.

Involuntarily, a touch of surprise arose in Ji's heart.

Could it be that the existence that evolved chaos, Tian Ping, really wanted to evolve chaos towards the boundary sea?

But, how can it be that easy?

Otherwise, it wouldn't be out of control.

Thinking of this, Ji couldn't help but sneer.

In the beginning, when Ji saw the world in chaos, he would stop and observe it. Only when it attracted the attention of the Lord of the World, would he stay away instantly.

After all, they are all powerful immortals. Once someone discovers his existence, he will inevitably be besieged by many immortals.

And with the power of his current incarnation, he cannot fight against many immortal gods.

By then, all the plans he had made before would be completely in vain.

Therefore, when facing immortals and gods, it is natural to avoid them whenever possible.

And after that, as he saw more and more of the world, he became accustomed to the strange things and just hurried on quickly.

Finally, he stopped in front of a huge world.

This world is at least a thousand light-years in diameter. The world barrier is blooming with brilliance, creating brilliant ripples in the hazy chaos.

If it were just like this, it would naturally not cause Ji to stop.

Along the way, it was not like he had never seen such a huge world.

The worlds evolved by those top immortal gods who are close to Tianzun are even larger than this, and they are still expanding rapidly.

Therefore, although such a world that is thousands of light years old can be considered a huge world in the chaos, it is not very outstanding.

The reason why Ji stopped in this world is because of the true intensity of this world.

Although many other worlds have evolved into the real world, they are still only dimensional worlds attached to the main world. Compared with the real main world, their strength is still much weaker.

The world in front of us, not counting its scope, is definitely on the same level as the real world in terms of realism and intensity.

When he saw this, Ji felt a hint of uneasiness in his heart, as things seemed to be a bit beyond his expectations.

Moreover, the place where the power of the real world pours into chaos is exactly behind this side of the real world.

After a moment of silence, Ji finally decided to bypass the world in front of him.

Anyway, with his strength and speed, even if he bypasses the world, it won't take long.

And just when it was detouring towards the gap in the dimensional barrier of the real world.

The real world in front of him, which can also be said to be the earth and star world, is undergoing fundamental transformation.

The avenue, the way of heaven, and the way of humanity are intertwined, and the world barrier is completely transformed, tearing apart the spatial dimension of the real world and becoming independent from it.

And as the world barrier is completely formed, although the avenue, the way of heaven, and the way of humanity are still entangled with each other, they no longer need to separate their strength to integrate into the world barrier.

At this time, Lu Yu took his mind off the entanglement between the three, went deep into the root rules of the Earth Star, and began to analyze the rule information bit by bit.

Although the way of heaven has integrated all the root rules of the entire solar system, Lu Yu can also go deep into it.

However, Lu Yu decided to start analyzing the rule information from the Earth Star Rules.

After all, today's Heavenly Dao is beyond control, and it has become very difficult to directly penetrate into the Heavenly Dao space and analyze the rules of Heavenly Dao.

In this case, it is better to analyze only the earth and stars.

And as Lu Yu separated from the entanglement of the three paths and lost his control, the conflicts and confrontations between the three paths became more and more obvious.

The entire world where the Earth Star is located is filled with the brilliance of the Dao, the Dao of Heaven, and the Dao of Humanity. Endless mysterious principles and rules and information fill the space between heaven and earth.

Heaven, earth, mountains, rivers, and everything in the world are all undergoing intense transformation in this endless power.

The tiniest bugs have all been deformed into giants, just like the bugs in movies and TV shows.

As for other animals, they are also deformed. They have longer tentacles and more eyes. These are all normal phenomena.

Even if it is deformed into a completely different life species, it is still happening.

Evolution that originally took hundreds of millions of years can now be accomplished overnight.

If it weren't for today's human beings, who are all B-level at the lowest level, I'm afraid they would be one of the aberrations.

But even so, they can't survive in this environment for a long time. Otherwise, they will inevitably experience distortion.

Therefore, every once in a while, when they feel that their bodies cannot bear it, they will go to the strange world to cultivate, and only after their condition recovers, will they return to the Earth Star again.

As for why he still returns to the Earth Star, it is because the rules and information of the Great Dao, the Dao of Heaven, and the Dao of humanity that fill the world will not only cause the distortion of life, but also promote the rapid evolution of life.

In this way, when they recover, they will naturally be eager to return to the Earth Star.

When this evolutionary feast is over, I am afraid that they will lose their golden elixir, divine bloodline, etc., and their own strength will not be much weaker.

While the three paths were intertwined and intertwined with each other, the law of heaven's erosion of the rules of the planet within its coverage did not stop there.

Gradually, first the planets in the adjacent galaxy, and then further out, the root rules of the planets one after another were deeply integrated by the way of heaven.

The power of heaven began to grow little by little.

If not for this process, Dao Dao and Human Dao have also gained some benefits, and their strength has been greatly improved, I am afraid they would have been suppressed by Heavenly Dao.

But even so, the power of heaven is gaining the upper hand bit by bit.

Fortunately, as Lu Yu freed his mind and concentrated on analyzing the rules of the origin of the earth star, the concept of the avenue was quickly being completed and his strength continued to increase.

Coupled with the power of humanity, Heavenly Dao was finally restrained.

And with the rules of the origin of the earth star being thoroughly analyzed by Lu Yu, the concept of the avenue has once again undergone a complete transformation.

Together with Lu Yu's natal world, many concepts and origins have all undergone the most essential transformation.

The reality derived from the root rules of the real world was completely integrated by Lu Yu.

At this point, Lu Yu merged the ultimate reality of the real world with the ultimate illusion of the dream world, and finally ushered in an ultimate transformation.

The realm of the Supreme God and Heavenly Lord!

Lu Yu only felt that his mind was shaken, the world was completely different, everything was under him, he could move according to his heart and do whatever he wanted.

Born before all things in the heaven and earth, riding on the eternal path of the imageless and empty way, it is transported by the infinite and inaction and becomes natural.

It's so precious that it cannot be described as noble. It has no superiority. It encompasses everything. It is everything that is detailed. It has wonderful principles.

At this moment, he seemed to have truly become the great road that gave birth to the world and everything in the world, and everything was derived from it.

In fact, ordinary Tianzun realms, even the most powerful Tianzun, cannot do these things.

However, Lu Yu was different.

First of all, it combines the ultimate rule power of reality and illusion at the same time.

A normal Heavenly Lord, even the most powerful among them, only understands and controls the ultimate illusory rules. Even if it has begun to turn from illusory to reality, it is still in the realm of illusion after all, and does not really involve reality.

There is an essential difference from Lu Yu today.

Secondly, a normal Tianzun basically just masters a few powerful rules.

For example, Pangu mastered the Avenue of Power and the Avenue of Open Heaven. As for the surrounding chaos, it was just a derivative of the two. Not only would it not increase it, but it would restrict and constrain it to some extent.

After all, when Pangu opened the sky, it was chaos that broke through, and chaos would in turn suppress it.

It is precisely because of this that when Lu Yu's chaotic power began to engulf the chaos around him, Pangu took the initiative to suppress its resistance.

This is not only perfecting Lu Yu, but also purifying his own way.

Only what remains.

strength! Open the sky!

When the time comes, not only will his strength not be weakened, but it may go further and even reach a higher level.

Another example is the Sanqing, Haotian God, Holy Light God, etc., all of which are divided into one or a few rules, and there is never an existence that encompasses all rules.

For example, the Three Purities are divided into the origin, past, present existence, and future end;

Haotian God, the person with vast vitality is Haotian, God, another name for heaven.

From here, it can be seen that God Haotian is the personification of nature in the sky, and the power of rules he controls is naturally the rules of the sky and vitality.

The rest of the power is just derived from two rules.

The Holy Light God actually controls the rules and power of the Holy Light. The creation of the world in seven days, the creation of life, etc. are just derivatives of the rules of the Holy Light.

Reaching the realm of the Supreme God and Heavenly Lord, they are all the masters of the gods, and can completely derive ten thousand ways from one.

It's just the basic rules, still just the core one or several rules from the beginning.

Lu Yu is in a different situation. Endless avenue rules merge, all are core rules, and all are non-core rules.

It is precisely because he controls the endless rules at the same time and combines reality and illusion that Lu Yu's power far exceeds that of ordinary Tianzun.

To give an inappropriate example, an ordinary Tianzun strongman is a slender pipe with a height comparable to the depth of the sea.

And Lu Yu is the sea. The depth and height of both sides are the same, but how can the size of that slender pipe be compared to the sea?

Finally, and the most important point is that the foundation of everything Lu Yu is is the final concept condensed by his own setting.

Let them grow and when they reach the top of the world, then everything will be below them.

The great road transcends the will of the world and unifies all rules;

Chaos, the beginning and the end, the birth and final belonging of all heavens and worlds;

World, a world concept that can cover everything;

And all these can be attributed to being, and combined into the ultimate nothingness;

Whether or not, everything is under Lu Yu's control.

Maybe he can't do this now.

However, after he thoroughly analyzed the root rules of the Earth Star, he was able to understand, to a certain extent, the real illusory rules that control this world. All things arise and die in a single thought.

At this time, his various conceptual powers were finally able to completely penetrate this world. Rules were no longer important, power was no longer important, and concepts were his foundation.

In this world, the concepts he condensed are completely integrated into the roots of the world and become a real existence.

Even if everyone no longer has the knowledge of these concepts, the concepts themselves will not disappear.

And Lu Yu has become an immortal and immortal existence in this world.

When Lu Yu woke up again, he glanced at the boundless chaos.

In an instant, boundless chaos rolled, power transformed instantly, order and disorder intertwined, reality and illusion coexisted.

Ji, who was about to reach the gap in the real dimension, suddenly discovered that in the boundless chaos, real power and breath were everywhere, and there was no specific position in the real dimension.

In other words, the chaotic energy flowing around has turned into reality at this moment, or it can be said that reality and illusion are intertwined.

The first time the power of the real dimension enters the chaos, it has been assimilated by the chaos and can no longer be distinguished.

"This, this, this"

Involuntarily, Ji was stunned on the spot, scanning the chaos blankly, not knowing which direction to go.

You must know that this vast chaos is intertwined in order and disorder. It is not that time and space do not exist, but it does not have any rules, and there is no difference between up and down.

It's not as chaotic as the chaotic time and space that trapped him before, but it's also difficult to pinpoint the specific location.

In the past, with the aura of power from the real dimension as an anchoring target, he would naturally not lose his way.

But now, the power of the real dimension has been assimilated by Chaos, causing him to lose his target direction.

If he still proceeds in the original two-way direction, I believe that the place he finally arrives at will definitely not be the gap in the reality dimension he imagined.

For a moment, Ji looked extremely violent, the power in his body rose violently, and the surrounding chaos boiled like a tide.

Moreover, a halo of heavenly light bloomed unconsciously behind his head, further enhancing his power.

But at the same time, the emergence of the Heavenly Dao Halo also caused its explosive power of rules to fall into a certain Heavenly Dao order.


The rules flow, the boundless chaos differentiates into pure and turbid, and a "small" world evolves in an instant.

Well, compared to the light-year-long world he originally created and evolved into, this world where rules flow and instinct evolves is only tens of thousands of miles in radius. Naturally, it is a world that cannot be smaller.

And compared with the earth and star world thousands of light years away, it is even more vastly different.

Sensing the world in front of him, as well as the aura of heaven and the blessing of strength, even if he fell into a irritable state, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He thought that this heavenly halo would increase his power in the world.

Unexpectedly, he could continue to open up the world and continuously add status and power. (End of chapter)

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