Strange: I have a small dream world

Chapter 453: Changes and Development in the Earth and Star World, Silence into the Earth and Star Wo

In the earth and star world, the way of heaven has completely controlled all the star root rules of the entire world.

This makes all the stars and rules in the entire world become active, unified under the law of heaven, and turned into the rules of heaven.

Moreover, all the galaxies and stars in the Earth Star world are all aligned with the Earth Star, and each of them expands more than ten thousand times, turning into a giant planet one by one.

At the same time, the earth and star world swallowed up the chaotic power of the outside world, and the power of heaven began to permeate the world.

Gradually, all the planets in the entire world, even among the stars, began to pulse with life, and it seemed that life on their respective planets was about to be born.

It can be said that the power of Heavenly Dao has been improved by a transformation, far exceeding what it was before.

However, after Lu Yu thoroughly analyzed the root rules of the earth and stars and completed the transformation of the avenue and the power of chaos, Lu Yu also analyzed the major stars in the solar system one after another.

It makes the power of Dao become more mysterious and powerful.

In addition, although Tiandao controls all the root rules of the earth and star world.

However, the rules of other galaxies may be different from those of the solar system, but after all, they belong to the same world, and are basically the same.

Therefore, there is actually no essential difference between the Tao that controls the root rules of the solar system and the Tao of Heaven that controls the root rules of the entire world.

The only difference between the two is the amount of strength.

And with the scope that Lu Yu's power now covers, the dream space beyond the earth and stars, as well as the entire universe, the dream spaces of many other civilizations, as well as the earth, star, solar system and so on.

The combination of all these factors makes the power of the Great Dao surpass that of the Heavenly Dao.

Coupled with the power of the Earth and Star Humanity, although the Heavenly Dao was not completely suppressed, it was only similar to the Dao Dao of Humanity, and could no longer suppress the two in turn.

Taking this opportunity, Lu Yu's mind instantly descended to the Proxima Galaxy and began to analyze its rules.

In this way, in the next period of time, Lu Yu began to analyze all the rules of the Earth Star World.

As time went by, the power of Dao became stronger and stronger, and Lu Yu was even able to use part of Dao's computing power to help him analyze the rules of the Earth Star world.

After so many decades, Lu Yu had completed the analysis of all the rules of the entire earth and star world.

At this point, the power of the Dao completely overwhelmed the Dao of Heaven again, and the relationship between the two parties returned to its original state.

The way of heaven is derived from the imprint of the great road and the rules of the world.

But with the passage of time, Dao Dao began to break away from the state of fighting against the Dao of Heaven little by little, and returned to its original state.

Standing at the highest place and overlooking all the ways, creating thousands of creations from below

Without the common confrontation between the great avenues, when heaven and man were fighting against each other, humanity gradually came to a disadvantage, and was eventually completely suppressed by heaven. All kinds of visions and rules between heaven and earth gradually became peaceful.

Those countless living beings who were immersed in the manifestation of rules and evolving rapidly were gradually returning to their past.

However, although the way of heaven has completely suppressed the way of humanity, it can only suppress it, and there is no way to expel it from the level of rules.

Even as time goes by, humanity will eventually rise and regain balance with heaven.

Even now, within the solar system, heaven and humanity are relatively balanced and complementary to each other.

Decades have passed, and while humans and other forms of life have evolved rapidly, they have also continued to develop and multiply. The number of humans alone exceeds hundreds of billions, distributed across major planets and strange worlds in the solar system.

Rune technologies such as the golden elixir of the avenue, the bloodline of the godhead, rune bombs, suspended cities, and interstellar shuttles have all developed by leaps and bounds during this great change in the earth and star world.

Aren't the rules derived from endless combinations of runes?

The vision of the rules directly manifests into the world. While everyone is instinctively able to tolerate the evolution of the power of the rules, their research on rune technology is also progressing rapidly.

Take Dao Jindan as an example. It has now gone through 20 or 30 generations of iterations and has almost reached perfection. The initial level limit has reached the three S+ level.

Moreover, it can also be completely integrated with people, and as it acquires more analytical knowledge, it will continue to evolve and improve its level.

The first batch of people who integrated the golden elixir of the Perfect Way

, have now taken advantage of the external rules to manifest and reached the peak of the emperor level, and may transform again at any time and achieve the realm of immortals.

But the most important thing is the latest generation of Perfect Avenue Golden Elixir, which can leverage the rules of heaven and earth and imprint the rules of heaven and earth through rune technology equipment.

To a certain extent, this eliminates the need to forcibly plunder other weird rules and solves the most important core material problem.

This allows Perfect Avenue Golden Elixir to be mass-produced.

In the past few decades, all citizens of Xia Kingdom have been replaced with the latest generation of Perfect Avenue Golden Pill one after another.

In other countries, the divine bloodline, genetic sequence, etc. may not be as good as the latest generation of Perfect Avenue Golden Elixir, but it will definitely not be too different. Basically, the lowest level has reached the three S+ level.

It's just that it's a little difficult to break through.

If we say that as long as the Dao Jindan obtains enough knowledge, rules information, etc., it can achieve a 90% or even 100% breakthrough probability.

Then the probability of breakthrough in the divine bloodline and genetic sequence can only reach 50%, or even lower.

Of course, the probability of such a breakthrough is low, and that is only relative to the Great Dao Golden Pill.

If this is compared to the past Trickster Controllers, it is simply a perfect path of cultivation, okay?

Whose popular practice method can achieve a 50% breakthrough rate?

And with three S+ level, or even emperor level power, even in the expanded earth star world, they can easily break away from the gravity of the earth star and travel in the starry sky of the universe.

Coupled with various rune technologies.

Today's human beings can travel to and from the major planets in the solar system at will, and establish stations on every major planet except the sun.

Then, through various golden elixirs and bloodline rules of the gods, these planetary environments are transformed into great blessed lands, divine kingdoms on earth, etc., making them suitable for human survival.

Today, too many people have migrated to other planets and strange worlds.

Nowadays, although humans have a population of hundreds of billions.

However, there are actually less than 10 billion on the Earth Star.

If we put it in the past, a population of tens to tens of billions would actually have been a lot, but if we put it on the earth that has expanded ten thousand times, it is simply a drop in the ocean.

Most of the place is occupied by other rapidly transforming creatures.

If not for the first-mover advantage of humans and the addition of rune technology.

It’s really hard to say whether humans can maintain their current dominance.

Up to now, other planets in the solar system, including the moon and other satellites, all have human footprints.

Even those with a very adventurous spirit have now approached the Proxima Galaxy.

It is precisely because of this situation that humans have spread all over the solar system. Combined with the native life of other planets in the solar system, as well as the migrating animals and plants from the earth and stars, etc., the power of humanity has been completely revived in the solar system, and will never be inferior to the way of heaven.

In this way, in the solar system, heaven and humanity, which have reached relative balance, begin to enter a state of harmony, complementation, and mutual promotion between heaven and man.

However, in other places in the Earth Star World, the situation is completely different.

Firstly, humans have not reached those planets, and secondly, the life in those planets is only in the budding stage. Although it is also covered by weak human power, it is absolutely suppressed by the law of heaven.

Even the flourishing of life within it is suppressed and restrained.

This has led to the germination of life on those planets. It is unknown how long it will take for it to be truly born.

Of course, if a large number of life forms migrate from the solar system and then develop and multiply on those planets, humanity can be completely activated and get rid of the suppression of heaven.

In addition to migrating toward the solar system and traveling across the universe and the sea of ​​stars, humans have also begun to explore the chaos of the outside world.

Some shuttles manufactured through rune technology can even resist the erosion of chaos to a certain extent, and can locate and shuttle through chaos.

Moreover, they will open up the inner world within the fused golden elixir of the avenue, and evolve the dream world outside the soul space.

They will also transform the special Dao Jindan, and use it as the core to develop a small world in the chaos outside the world.

Then, they will use the small world as a boat to explore the chaotic space, which is far safer and safer than the chaotic shuttle made by Rune Technology.

In short, the chaotic space of today's level can no longer be an obstacle to human beings. There are already frequent exchanges between the major worlds in the chaos, just like the various countries of the Earth Star.

However, because each world has its own master, they are all absolutely independent and private. If the Lord of the World wishes, they can implement absolute seclusion.

Not even a shred of outside information can flow in.

Likewise, not even a shred of inside information can be leaked out.

However, because the improvement in the strength of all living beings in the world will feed back and feed back to the world, enhancing the strength of the Lord of the World.

The collision of different principles and practice methods often inspires different inspirations. Accepting the impact of external information and practice methods will cause local practice to continuously improve, update and iterate, and enhance the speed of practice.

Therefore, basically no one is stupid enough to close the country.

Of course, this situation still exists.

However, it is not in the ordinary sense, but a secluded country in order to cut off life in the world and obtain information from the outside world. What it wants is to seal off the leakage of internal information.

And these worlds are the worlds opened up and evolved by silence.

The rules and power among them are undoubtedly extraterrestrial forces. Anyone who has seen the extraterritorial evil gods or has come into contact with the power of extraterrestrial evil gods will instantly discover the essence of these worlds.

Naturally, for fear of exposing his identity, he will not open up these worlds.

However, after reincarnating himself again and completely condensing his extraterritorial power, he continued to enter and leave the major worlds.

Especially the strange world that leads directly to the earth and star world has been his permanent place for a long time.

Human beings in the earth and star world are exploring and developing beyond the planet and towards chaos.

The development of the strange world has not stopped.

Today's strange world has reached thousands of light years, and can be said to be vast and endless.

But even so, there are traces of human presence in every corner of the world.

They have even begun to use aircraft to set foot in the starry sky above the strange world.

Humans have entered many star caves, exploited and obtained their special resources, and even turned them into holy places for tourism and survival.

And Ji, it can be said that he has witnessed the development and spread of human beings in the strange world, from the initial shock to the final numbness.

He felt that the strongest group of human beings now, combined with various rune technologies, were even able to compete with some weak World Sea Walkers.

And how long has it been?

It's just a matter of decades, in the blink of an eye.

They have developed from an ant civilization that can destroy its civilization thousands of times with just a single World Sea Walker, to a point where they can compete with the weak World Sea Walkers.

He simply couldn't imagine how far human beings would be able to reach in another thousand years.

Will he be able to fight against the top Jiehai Walker? Although I think it should be impossible.

But every time he thinks of these, Ji's heart can't help but throb.

He felt that he should find something for human beings to do, so that they could not continue to develop in such a stable manner.

Therefore, after making sure that his identity would not be exposed and there should be no danger, he quietly entered the Earth Star World.

Today's earth and star world still has tall buildings as before.

They have even become taller, with some high-rise buildings even reaching tens of thousands of floors, which can be said to be extremely exaggerated.

And this is not the limit of human construction technology, but it is no longer necessary.

Moreover, these high-rise buildings are basically businesses, shopping malls, or some special places.

As for residential buildings, they have been restored to the ancient style of independent courtyards.

And the smallest ones are estates covering hundreds of acres.

In fact, today’s world does not lack land, and humans do not lack strength.

If you dare to restrict the use of land and let me live in the cramped tube house, I will go to the wilderness to enclose the land.

Even if they are desperate, they can leave the earth star and go to other planets.

With their three-S+ strength, even without high-end rune technology aircraft, they can reach all major planets in the solar system, but at a slower speed.

However, as long as they reach their goal, they can use the rules they control, or even specially loaded Dao Jindan rules, to transform an area as a place for life and survival.

Even if that doesn't work, it's possible to use the golden elixir of the Great Dao to transform the small world and directly enter the chaos.

It can be said that today's earth and star world is entering a new stage of reshuffle of forces and classes, as well as the reorganization of individuals, families, countries, and even civilizations.

The past national civilization and even the way families were organized are somewhat out of date in today's era.

It’s not obvious now, but in the future, once you practice practice or go out to explore, it may take hundreds of years or thousands of years. Is the way of getting along like that in the past really suitable?

Even because the Dao Jindan has networking functions, ordinary heavenly and divine systems are not suitable for today's situation.

In short, all of this requires adaptation and running-in, and new forms of civilization need to be explored.

Of course, they are not a primitive society after all. With heaven, the divine system, and modern society as reference, it is actually not that difficult to form a new civilization.

However, now is the initial stage, so it seems a bit chaotic and impatient.

Walking on the streets of the earth and star world, there are sci-fi-style shuttles in the sky, and there are also "sword fairies" flying with flying swords;

There are neon advertising malls with 3D stereoscopic projection, as well as ordinary small shops;

The mixture of ancient residential areas and high-tech commercial areas shows a different kind of beauty.

Ji came to a huge inland sea covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

A few words of introduction from the tour guide floated faintly in the distance.

"Back then, when our country's prime minister and emperor were paying homage to our ancestors and martyrs, something strange suddenly invaded."

"The great Emperor, in order to prevent Weird from harming more people, chose to work with the Prime Minister and the original Weird Controllers to resist the invading Weird."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone was already laughing and mocking.

"Chichichi, how did I hear that they wanted to escape?"



"Uh haha"

After hearing someone ridicule, some of the young people who were listening with interest, as well as the tour guide who was talking about it with spit, immediately looked at him with displeasure.

However, after seeing clearly what he was wearing and what was happening on his body, they all immediately stopped talking and turned around as if they hadn't heard.

Wearing a Xia Kingdom ancient costume gown, ten rounds of heavenly halo faintly appeared behind his head, which was the symbol of an emperor-level powerhouse.

They are just ordinary people. Although they also have three-S+ level strength, that is incidental to their own divine status.

Although it is said that it is possible to continue to improve, it is actually very difficult. Those who can reach the emperor level now are definitely those with the strongest qualifications and talents.

Moreover, even if someone who can break through the realm is at the same level as them, those of them who can only passively master the rules of the divine position will be at an absolute disadvantage, or even be crushed.

It's like being a race car driver compared to an average driver driving an automatic.

In comparison, Xia Guo's Dao Jindan can break through more easily because it is more perfect.

Nowadays, as long as they are soldiers in the army, they are basically emperor-level beings.

Even many ordinary civilians have now reached the emperor level.

It can be said that today's Xia Kingdom has replaced the original United States and has become the strongest hegemonic country that is difficult to shake.

Therefore, whether it was the identity of the person Xia Guo who just laughed at, or his own strength, it was enough to make them shut up obediently.

And after pretending that nothing happened and turning around, the tour guide immediately started talking eloquently again. (End of chapter)

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