Strange: I have a small dream world

Chapter 56 The paper figurine is activated and discovered

Chapter 56 The paper figurine is activated and discovered

The power of the clothes on Lu Yu's body at this moment can only be said to allow him to walk on the street without being unintentionally ignored.

But once someone notices him, this power to distort the senses and reduce the sense of presence will lose its effect.

Today, its ability basically doesn't have much effect.

Could it be that he was going to find a collision on the road?

After all, if the driver inadvertently ignored his existence, wouldn't he just hit him directly?

Besides Lu Yu's clothes, the surrounding stone tables and benches, as well as the marble floor, became extremely smooth at this moment, as if they had been cut and polished by the extremely sharp sword energy.

However, it is not the kind of smooth like a mirror, without a sense of force, but a comfortable touch that is as warm as jade.

However, that was only where Lu Yu came into contact with.

But in other places, there was a sudden 180-degree reversal, and the painting style suddenly became weird.

A trace of grayness and oldness climbed up the stone table and bench, as well as the surrounding marble floor.

It seems that they have been eroded by the ancient years and become mottled and old. Occasionally, a faint bloody handprint can be seen.

The originally bright light also suddenly dimmed, as if the light had been swallowed up.

But at the same time, the light was pale, weird and gloomy.

"Da da da"

A looming sound of footsteps resounded abruptly in it, piercing into the depths of one's heart, but one couldn't help but follow his rhythm.

In addition, there is a looming voice that keeps echoing in it.


The strange voice entered the ears, making people unable to understand the meaning clearly. They couldn't help but feel agitated, but couldn't help but want to listen carefully.

As time goes by, one will vaguely discover that the voice in it seems to be the voice of the person he is most familiar with, either extremely kind or extremely resentful.

In short, people can't help but turn back and talk to him.

In addition to these, there is also a layer of dreamy light and shadow looming in the field.

It seems that, besides the superficial layer of domain, there is another layer of domain.

It also seems that it is another space-time dimension that overlaps with reality.

In the dream world, as Lu Yu's realm began to break through, the dream world transformed and evolved.

The power of chaos in the dream world also began to continuously integrate into the dream world.

One o'clock, two o'clock, three o'clock, five o'clock.
With the transformation and evolution of the dream world, the consumption of the power of chaos is getting faster and faster.

Ten, twenty, fifty.
When the metamorphosis and evolution reached half, the consumption of the power of chaos had already reached 20 points, and there were only more than [-] points left.

However, the transformation and evolution of the dream world, the power of chaos that needs to be consumed seems to have no end.

On the contrary, it consumes more and more power, and the power consumed by every bit of transformation is multiplying.

When it completely completes its transformation, it may not be enough to add another hundred points of Chaos Power.

Feeling this kind of situation, Lu Yu couldn't help feeling rejoicing in his heart. Fortunately, he was well prepared before, and he had considered it well.

Otherwise, if he breaks through at home, he probably just wants to copy the process of the last round, and there is no such condition here.

After all, the nearest house is Xie Mingxiang, which is more than 200 meters away.

In addition, it is probably some flowers, birds, and caterpillars, which will not have much effect.

And when Lu Yu felt that his strength was close to being insufficient, he immediately had an idea, which activated the paper-cut men in the county seat of Hexian County in the branch.


Accompanied by the sound of slight shaking of the paper, all the hidden paper figurines started to move.

Wisps of black mist invisible to ordinary people quickly emitted and disappeared into the night.

When the black mist touched the nearest living body, a trace of it immediately submerged into its body, arousing the fear deep in its heart.

In fact, at this time, there are only a few people who really belong to humans, and most of them are small bugs like cockroaches.

Of course, they are only the first contact, which does not mean that humans can avoid them.

Following the traces of the power of fear rising from their bodies and blending into the surrounding power of fear, the stronger power of fear immediately expanded outward at a faster speed, and soon touched the person who had fallen into a deep sleep.


In an instant, they frowned and moaned softly, as if they had fallen into a nightmare of fear.

Waves of power of fear overflowed, merged into the surrounding power of fear, and continued to spread outward.

This cycle goes on and on, and the power of fear soon covers a building, and even expands outward, until it reaches the limit of the feedback power that the paper-cut man can receive.

The power of fear began to flow into the dream world continuously through the medium of the paper-cut man, and under the influence of the rules, it quickly transformed into the power of chaos and merged into the dream world.

There are more than 100 paper-cut figures, that is, more than 100 rivers of power of fear.

Just like a hundred rivers returning to the sea, they flowed into the dream world, providing a steady stream of energy for Lu Yu and the transformation of the dream world.

And just when Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief and devoted himself to promoting the transformation of the dream world.

At the location of the He County Conspiracy Bureau, a piercing siren sounded.

"Beep beep, beep beep"

As soon as he heard the siren, Zhang Wei, who had been sitting in the bureau and was ready to support emergencies everywhere, immediately changed his face and rushed to the monitoring center.

A large screen clearly displayed a [-]D map of the entire He County.

At this moment, dense red dots suddenly appeared in the center of Hexian County.

"This is? D+ level weird?! How could there be so many suddenly?"

Zhang Wei muttered in a low voice with an ugly face.

"Boss, the strength of those weird forces seems to be increasing
Those weird strengths just now are at most D-level.

but now"

"What's going on? Is there something wrong with the equipment?"

The surveillance personnel on the side looked at each other in blank dismay, how did they know what was going on?As for whether there is a problem with the equipment, they also don't know.

After all, they are users, not makers, let alone researchers.

However, they are more likely not to be a device issue.

Because, according to the above statement, the monitoring equipment that monitors the entire He County in front of us should be more inclined to weird items.

Even if there is interference with A-level power, it can still mark the approximate direction.

Of course, other people know about this, how could Zhang Wei not know?

However, the things in front of him made him a little unbelievable.

(End of this chapter)

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