Strange: I have a small dream world

Chapter 60 Subsequent processing, power transformation

Chapter 60 Subsequent processing, power transformation

In fact, to be honest, Zhang Wei was able to persist for so long because he was suppressed by that mysterious person when he was dealing with the strangeness of the bloody handprints, and Sly Hand's resistance was greatly weakened.

And his breakthrough in strength, reaching the D-level spirit building realm, extracting the power of Sly Hand, forging the foundation of self-energy, and being able to compete with Sly Hand for one or two reasons.

But even so, he can't maintain it for a long time.

At most, it can last for half a day.

After crushing the thread of power of fear in his hand, Zhang Wei immediately threw himself into his busy affairs.

Although they confounded the Bureau, they did not participate in other things except for the weird incidents.

But this time, it was caused by weirdness.

Who knows if there are any strange existences or remnants of strange powers in those communities?

And this needs to be checked by the staff of their Conspiracy Bureau.

And you must know that in their deception bureau, there are only a dozen or so deceitful masters.

What about the neighborhood where weird events broke out?

That's more than 100 of them, enough for them to work for a whole day.

However, this time the matter did not end with the departure of the paper-cut man.

Instead, the turmoil broke out and became more and more intense.

What happened this time was not a trivial matter, and most of the county was alarmed.

There are different opinions, which makes people panic.

Especially those who had nightmares in the middle of the night were even more terrified.

At first I thought I was just having a nightmare, but when someone mentioned it, everyone suddenly realized that it was not one person or two people, but hundreds or thousands.

There are more than 100 communities, so that is 10,000+?
10,000+ people have nightmares at the same time, what do you think, why is it abnormal?

Immediately, some people were already thinking about resentful spirits and ghosts.

Moreover, this situation has intensified and continued to spread outward.

After all, these more than 100 communities already covered most of the entire county.

Once there are really some resentful spirits and ghosts claiming their lives, it will almost affect the entire county.

No one can guarantee that those wraiths and ghosts will not find themselves.

Naturally, everyone was panicked.

Even many qualified people have already left He County, or went to the countryside, or to the next city.

Xia Guo's official statement is that the gas pipes in these communities are aging and there is a danger of explosion, which is why the residents are evacuated.

Moreover, later on, a large number of gas pipeline maintenance personnel were dispatched to these communities for inspection and maintenance.

Of course, this may still be a reasonable reason for ordinary outsiders.

But for those who have personally experienced it, everyone doesn't believe it very much.

Especially those who are affected by the power of fear and have nightmares, they don't believe this statement at all.

After all, it is understandable for one person to have nightmares, and it is also understandable for several people to have nightmares, but it is somewhat incomprehensible for most people in the community to have nightmares.

What's more, it is even more unusual for more than 100 communities to fall into a nightmare at the same time.

However, the official statement is that the gas pipes are aging, and some gas leaks, causing some of them to fall into a coma and nightmare, and they have repeatedly emphasized not to believe or spread rumors.

And those experts are all bubbling one after another.

So many people all have nightmares, it should be that the spirits of these people are all at the same mental frequency at a certain moment, resulting in a phenomenon of quantum entanglement.

So, this is all at the same time, having a nightmare.

As the saying goes, indecision, quantum mechanics.

Of course, in addition to these, there are also some weapon experts who came out of nowhere, pointing out that in this world, some kind of weapon has actually been manufactured, which can make people fall into a deep nightmare.

If there is no one to rescue, this weapon can even make people die in a frightening nightmare.

They believed that the large-scale nightmare incidents occurred in these communities at the same time. It should be that there is a terrorist organization that sneaked into Hexian County, and then used this weapon to create terrorist incidents.

Therefore, this is what alarmed the entire high-level of He County, and even dispatched armed forces.

Moreover, they also appealed to Xia Guo officials to return the truth to the people and announce the name of the terrorist organization.

Well, there was even a small organization that claimed responsibility for the incident.

Then the next day, he was stuck at home.

It turned out that it was just a group of young people getting together for oral sex.

In short, all kinds of specious claims and theories are flooding the Internet and rumors, making it difficult to tell which is true and which is false.

In addition to this, there are a lot of other remarks, gossip about celebrities and big names, and so on.

With the passage of time, this nightmare incident was submerged in other incidents, and finally disappeared without attention.

But in three or two days, except for those who know the inside story, there are basically few people discussing it.

During this period of time, Xie Mingxiang and Zuo Youchang, who had experienced strange incidents, also called Lu Yu to inquire.

And Lu Yu's answer was that there was indeed a strange aura at that time.

However, he was not sure whether the nightmare event was caused by weirdness.

However, Xie Mingxiang and Zuo Youchang, after hearing the appearance of a strange power, immediately believed that it was caused by the weirdness.

Under such circumstances, the two came to the door one after another, asking Lu Yu for some life-saving things such as talismans.

Naturally, Lu Yu had no reason to refuse the door-to-door offer.

They sold [-] pieces of talismans to two people directly at the price of [-] pieces.

In other words, it is a hundred scarlet letters.

Now that the two of them knew about it, he had real abilities.

Then Lu Yu was naturally a lot more casual. He didn't draw talismans in a fake way, but directly wrote the town characters and chop characters, and gave them to the two as body protection.

The town characters are written by blood handprints and other forces that suppress weirdness.

As for the chopping character, it is naturally evolved from the blood handprint and the blood sword, and there is a trace of the sword energy of the blood sword inside, but after the transformation, most of its power has been weakened.

But at the same time, he is no longer blood-red, but has a silvery metallic luster, which is similar to the blood sword's predecessor - the rusty long sword, which initially cut out the sword light.

When it erupts, it pours down like silver light. Not only does it not have any weirdness, but it has a sense of sacredness and sharpness. It really feels like a fairy family talisman.

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(End of this chapter)

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