Strange: I have a small dream world

Chapter 85 Thoroughly Suppressed, Leaving a Weird Remnant

Chapter 85 Thoroughly Suppressed, Leaving a Weird Remnant
As the sky cleared, the concentration of the strange breath decreased, and the weak points in the space recovered.

In the light and mist space of the dream, the real image reflecting reality also began to dissipate little by little.

Only occasionally in some places, due to the gathering of enough dream light mist, some fragments will remain.

And the dream light mist in these fragments, after being compressed and condensed, becomes extremely pure and solid. For the strangeness of the dream light mist space, it is no less than the spirit stone in the novel of cultivating immortals, or pure energy crystallization.

In an instant, countless weirdnesses swarmed over, scrambling to devour those fragments.

And in the process, some weirdnesses grabbed the fragments, and their strength was greatly improved.

And some weirdos not only failed to snatch the fragments, but were torn into pieces under the attacks of other weirdos, and were even devoured by food.

It wasn't until the reality reflection fragments condensed by the dream light and mist that they were scrambled by many weirdnesses that they gradually calmed down.

Some of the weirdness left here, and some of the weirdness stayed, wandering around constantly.

Constantly separate out strange forces to attack the weak points of space, hoping to project their own power into reality and harvest the lives of the real world.

In Lu Yu's Tomb Space, the vibration of the Space has stopped, and even his domain has rarely fluctuated.

Obviously, the gray mist of the B+ level was weird and was about to be completely suppressed by Lu Yu.

However, Lu Yu was still unhurried, just manipulating the blood sword, constantly separating the gray mist and strangeness, and bringing it into the dream world bit by bit.

Facts have proved that Lu Yu's caution is not a big deal.

In the following period of time, the gray mist will launch a more violent impact every once in a while.

However, because Lu Yu never relaxed, the gray mist erupted strangely, and was finally suppressed one by one by him.

Finally, after another hour or two passed, Hui Wu strangely and completely lost the power to resist, and was taken into the dream world by Lu Yu in one fell swoop.

Although, even if it is included in the dream world, it will take a long time to completely devour it.

However, that no longer required Lu Yu to worry too much.

Anyway, the gray mist was weird and couldn't escape, even if Lu Yu didn't interfere, he could slowly swallow it up.

Sensing the dream world, the gray mist that was suppressed and restrained time and time again by the power of the dream world despite the constant struggle and resistance was strange.

Divided by the bloody sword light, swallowed by the power of chaos little by little, influenced by the power of nothing, assimilated by it, returning from being to nothing.
There was a happy smile on Lu Yu's face.

At the same time, he also estimated the time until the gray mist was completely swallowed up.

It will take about three days, which is the longest time Lu Yu has devoured until now.

Even at the beginning, the blood sword, which also surpassed Lu Yu's many skills, did not take that long.

In fact, at the beginning, Weird had just recovered, and the power of the blood sword had not been fully recovered. Coupled with the suppression of the real world, it could only burst out with C-level power.

It was only then that Lu Yu picked up a leak and gradually devoured its power, and at the last moment, devoured its core in one fell swoop.

And the gray mist in a complete state is weird, even if it has been imprisoned and trapped in the dream world, it is not so easy to swallow.

However, Lu Yu was not in a hurry, this was the most weird thing he had devoured now, so it was understandable to spend some more time.

Afterwards, Lu Yu withdrew his sense of sensing the dream world, and turned to look at the space of the tomb.

It was no longer empty, just around Lu Yu, there was a ruined wall.

It was the weak points of the space that returned to normal, the light and mist of the dream space no longer reflected real images, and the gathered light and mist of the dream were not strong enough, which eventually led to the collapse of the villa, and then formed this piece of ruins.

And on the outskirts of this ruined wall, a dozen or so strangely wandered back and forth, but they seemed to be afraid of something, and they didn't dare to get too close, just looking greedily at the ruined wall.


Seeing those dozen or so weird ones, Lu Yu couldn't help being extremely disappointed.

Obviously before, there must have been at least twenty or thirty, okay? Why are there only so few left now?What about the other weirdnesses?

Lu Yu couldn't help but look up and look outside the space of the strange grave.

However, apart from the enveloping and flowing gorgeous light mist, there is no other existence.

Seeing that there were no more strange things in the outside world, Lu Yu turned his gaze back to the dozen or so strange things in the space of the strange tomb.

The four D-class ones are one eye, one right foot, one dark green flame, and one mouth.

Lu Yu can understand the eyes, right foot, or flames, but the mouth makes Lu Yu feel very strange.

It can clearly see the back from the front, but it is constantly devouring the pure and strange power around it between the sheets and the closing, and the efficiency is far more than other strange.

I don't know how it swallowed it, wouldn't it come out from the other side of the mouth?
The six E-level ones are an ear, a strand of hair that stretches and wriggles, a black vine that twists and climbs like a snake, a floating blood-colored oil-paper umbrella, a scarecrow with a weird smiling face, and the weird skeleton from before.

There are three F-level ones, namely the original Die Butterfly, a blood-colored ribbon floating in mid-air, and a piece. But it is under the Die Feet, which is a shadow.

If it weren't for the entire space of the strange tomb, which was under Lu Yu's control, he might not have been able to discover that shadow, which turned out to be a strange one.

Besides these weirdnesses, it was the walking corpse trapped by Lu Yu.

A dead gray palm suddenly protruded from a grave, followed by another palm.

With a while of struggling and twisting, it opened a hole in the strange grave, and then struggled to climb out.


After crawling out of the grave, the walking corpse let out a hoarse roar, showing that he was born again.

Well, Lu Yu who has mastered the strange tomb, if he wants to trap the strange, it is naturally best to bury the strange.

Up to now, apart from the one weird fragment that is not considered weird, there are a total of fourteen weird ones in this weird tomb space, including the walking corpse that crawled out again.

And these fourteen weird ones are exuding one after another weird aura fluctuations, constantly blending into the strange tomb space.

The dream light mist from the outside world was swallowed piece by piece, and then transformed into pure strange power, which was swallowed by these strange things.

This allowed their strength to all begin to increase a little bit.

Especially the mouth of the D+ level, Lu Yu felt that it would not take long before it could be promoted to the C- level.

At that time, if Lu Yu doesn't want to continue to cultivate, he can already devour it and obtain its strange skills.

(End of this chapter)

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