Strange: I have a small dream world

Chapter 95 Paper-cut Fighter, Misunderstanding

Chapter 95 Paper-cut Fighter, Misunderstanding
Now that everything that needs to be said has been said, Lu Yu said goodbye to Zhang Wei, and instantly withdrew the consciousness and strength of the paper-cut man.

In an instant, the color on Lu Yu's body began to fade rapidly. From human skin, it gradually turned into blood-stained white paper, and finally turned into a paper-cut man the size of a palm.

Afterwards, the blood color faded, and even the paper-cut man the size of a palm, weathered into a wisp of smoke and dust as the strange power dissipated.

Yu Xiaowan"

Zhang Wei raised his hand, but in the end he still didn't have time to say what Yu Xiaowan asked him to convey.

Looking at the empty room, Zhang Wei couldn't help showing a wry smile, hoping that the little girl would not complain that he was unreliable.

Lu Yu, who withdrew his mind and consciousness, naturally would not know that he missed the invitation of a beautiful woman.

And after Lu Yu returned, he did not come to the Cemetery in the west of the city, or went to the Mingqu Park, but put his mind and consciousness into the dream world.

The strange descended body of the walking corpse, as well as the large amount of strange power, were collected by him.

In this short period of time, those pure strange powers have been swallowed and absorbed, leaving only the corpse that was split in half, being swallowed and digested bit by bit.

However, perhaps because of the weirdness of the walking corpse, it is the reason for the B+ limit, so the speed of devouring is a bit slow.

Therefore, it was Lu Yu who decided to enter the dream world, personally manipulate the power of chaos, and complete the final devouring.

At the moment when the figure manifested in the dream world, four halos of radiant light bloomed in circles behind his head.

The four halos represent the four fundamental concepts of the dream world.

In an instant, the power of the entire dream world was mobilized by it, and the devouring of the strange fog and the strange corpses of the walking corpses was instantly raised to a higher level.

In particular, the strange corpses of walking corpses without origin are swallowed and melted even faster.

And with the strange power of the walking corpse, it was continuously swallowed by the power of chaos.

The weird skill that was already being bred has finally completed the final bred.

Moreover, as the strangeness of the walking corpse continued to be devoured, the skill level and strength continued to increase.

In the end, after the strange corpses of the walking corpses were completely devoured, the power of the dream world increased to a certain extent again, gradually approaching the C-level limit.

At the same time, that weird skill has also reached the C+ level.

Corpse control: C+ level, able to corrode and assimilate various corpses with strange power, turning them into puppets to control.

And in this process, the corpse puppet will in turn accumulate the strange power in the body.

When necessary, it can devour the larger and strange power in those corpse puppets.

After completely devouring the strange corpse of the walking corpse, Lu Yu looked at the situation of the strange fog again.

Although the activity level is not high, he is still constantly resisting the engulfment of the dream world. Even if Lu Yu does his best, it will still take some time before it can be completely engulfed.

That being the case, Lu Yu left the dream world directly.

After thinking about it, Lu Yu decided to go to the cemetery in the west of the city first.

But before that, Lu Yu ordered Hong Yu beside him to fetch a thick stack of paper for him.

Lu Yu pressed his palm, and a strange force invaded.
After a short time, Lu Yu moved his palm away, and the paper-cut figures stood up quickly one by one.

But at the end, fighter jets the size of toy airplanes floated up.

In the past, Lu Yu had already thought about making some other things, such as some cars, birds, beasts, airplanes and so on.

But after much deliberation, Lu Yu simply made a batch of paper-cut fighters in one step.

Even if it ends up unsatisfactory, it is nothing more than a loss of a batch of paper-cuts.

Of course, because Lu Yu didn't know the structure of fighter jets, although these suspended fighter jets had various systems and modules.

But after all, they are only superficially similar, and their fundamental power, weapons, etc., all come from strange forces.

Even their flight is assisted by strange powers, which allows them to fly normally.

Those who made paper-cuts, as well as the scraps left over from fighter jets, were used by Lu Yu's waste to make shells one after another.

Although the paper-cut plane can be transformed into the ammunition it needs by condensing strange forces.

However, ammunition that is simply a change of strange power is not as good as one that has a physical body.

"Ha ha."

Looking at the more than 20 fighter jets floating in front of him, Lu Yu couldn't help laughing out loud.

He asked, who else?
The fighter group went through it once, no matter what kind of weirdness he is, isn't it all wiped out?
Lu Yu stood up in high spirits, and shouted loudly in the second grade:

"Soldiers board the plane, and the kings are victorious!"

The moment the voice fell, the fighter jets landed slowly.

And the paper-cut people moved their soft short legs one after another, picked up the paper ammunition made of leftover materials, and entered the fighter jet.

"set off!"

After all the paper-cut people entered the fighter plane, Lu Yu waved his hand violently and shouted loudly.

In the next instant, the more than 20 fighter jets flew up in a silent levitation.

Immediately afterwards, they drew a series of beautiful arcs, flew straight out of the room, and went straight into the sky, at a speed much faster than that of the paper-cut man.

Moreover, there was no trace of noise during the period.

This alone surpassed all fighters in the world.

Seeing the paper-cut fighter plane disappear in front of his eyes, Lu Yu then withdrew his gaze.

Thinking of his appearance in middle school just now, Lu Yu couldn't help but smile again, his old face blushed slightly, and he sat down on the sofa.

Immediately, Lu Yu took a deep breath, closed his eyes slightly, and connected the batch of paper-cut planes with his mind and consciousness.

And in such a short period of time, that batch of paper-cut planes has already crossed half of the urban area.

Accompanied by the whistling wind, it took only about 1 minute to arrive at the cemetery in the west of the city.

Looking down, a misty yellow mist almost enveloped the entire cemetery, and it continued to expand outward.

In other words, it was a piece of raised loess fine sand.

And in a place farther away, Zhang Wei led Chen Jie and a dozen other people, looking at this place eagerly, and in a place farther away, there were a large number of soldiers waiting in battle.

"How did it expand so fast? Why hasn't Mr. Lu come yet?"

Looking at the weird yellow sand that was expanding in front of him, Zhang Wei looked anxious.

After dealing with the affairs of the central hospital, he immediately received a call from Tian Guoxin who was staying here, saying that the strange yellow sand here was spreading rapidly.

Without saying a word, Zhang Wei rushed over immediately.

However, facing the weird yellow sand, he had no choice but to rush over. He could only watch the yellow sand expand and hope that Lu Yu would come over quickly.

Above the sky, after circling the yellow sand area and sensing its strength, which was probably only B-level, Lu Yu finally made up his mind.

As soon as his thoughts moved, the fighter jets circling in the sky rapidly expanded.

Basketball size, one meter size, two meter size
Seeing those fighter jets, they quickly approached the size of real fighter jets.

However, there was no joy on Lu Yu's face, instead his expression became extremely ugly.

Because as the fighter jet got bigger, the power in Lu Yu's dream world poured out rumblingly at an astonishing speed like a flood that opened the gate.

Even the power that devoured the mist was faintly drawn, so that the mist, which felt the changes in the surrounding forces, suddenly struggled violently, stirring up the power of chaos around it.

Even the space is full of ripples, and another layer of space dimension faintly emerges.

After feeling the changes in the dream world, Lu Yu immediately turned ugly, and stopped the changes of the fighter jets.

"how come?"

Lu Yu was puzzled. Although the fighter jet was huge, it shouldn't consume so much?

After Lu Yu pondered for a long time, Fang Shi slowly came back to his senses.

The reason why fighter jets consume such a huge amount of energy, apart from the huge size of fighter jets, is probably also related to the structure of fighter jets, which is too complex.

Think carefully about the previously transformed paper figurines, although they seem to be no different from real people.

But in fact, except for the special paper figurines elaborately made by Lu Yu, most of the paper-cut figurines are just changing appearances, and there are no tissues and organs inside their bodies.

Even for those special paper-cut people, the internal tissues and organs have only evolved roughly with his skills.

For example, a blood sword is used as a bone, a bloody handprint is used as blood, and a treacherous voice is used as a vocal organ, etc.

And that's the case, those special paper-cut people will also consume more weird power.

Although the paper-cut fighter that Lu Yu is making now is not the same as the real fighter, there are many mechanical parts, etc., Lu Yu has not evolved it.

However, when Lu Yu was changing fighter jets, he was still trying to be as close to reality as possible.

Even the various instrument buttons, etc., are all in the list, and even have some corresponding functions.

But think about it, are these really necessary?

They don't need it at all.

And besides these, there are many other things that are not needed.

Such as contact call station, such as power transmission device and so on.

Although paper-cut fighters seem to be the same as ordinary fighters, they have various functions.

But in fact, they are actually formed in one body. The transmission of power and the connection with each other do not require another system at all.

After thinking about these things clearly, Lu Yu's mind immediately moved, all the unnecessary things on the fighter jet dissipated instantly, turned into pure strange power, and merged into the fighter jet.

In an instant, these fighter jets more than doubled in size, reaching a height of five or six meters.

It's just that these fighter jets want to continue to grow, but that's impossible.

Because Lu Yu didn't have any more power supply at all.

Not to mention that in the dream world, there is still a strange fog that needs his strength to suppress.

It's just the consumption of fighter jets in subsequent battles, which also requires a lot of strange power, which even exceeds the power contained in fighter jets today.

In other words, although Lu Yu changed into a fighter jet, he was basically just a showman.

Because they don't have enough energy as ammunition.

There was a smile on Lu Yu's face. Sometimes after breaking through the limitations of his own cognition, many problems were no longer a problem.

The next moment, the more than 20 fighter jets shrank rapidly, turning into a fighter jet with a size of more than one meter.

At this time, Zhang Wei and others in the distance also found these more than 20 fighter jets that were suddenly large and small.

Of course, they didn't think about making the fighter itself bigger or smaller.

They just think that these fighter jets are moving away from each other for a while and approaching for a while.

At this time, Zhang Wei's face was a little ugly, he took out the walkie-talkie, and roared angrily in a low voice.

"Who? Who sent these fighter jets? Don't you know that modern weapons can't do any harm to these weird things at all, but will hurt teammates?
What a bastard, which bastard ordered this? .”

On the other side, everyone listened to the words coming out of the walkie-talkie, their faces were extremely gloomy, and they immediately called to ask which air force unit the fighter jets in the sky came from.

However, when they called to inquire, they all fell into silence.

The fighter group in the sky does not come from any air force.

Here, after Zhang Wei received the feedback, he couldn't help being stunned. Since the fighters in the sky are not theirs, where did they come from?

Is it possible that they can still come from abroad?
But how is that possible?That would underestimate Xia Guo's technology too much. Even if there are strange forces involved, wouldn't Xia Guo have no means of monitoring?

Eh~, weird power?
Zhang Weimeng came to his senses, quickly took out the trick-searching instrument, and looked down.

A huge blood-red dazzling light spot is unusually eye-catching on it, and around that light spot, densely packed blood-colored light spots are constantly revolving around it.

What the hell!

Zhang Wei's heart trembled, he raised his head in disbelief, and looked at the group of fighter jets in the sky.

Seeing Zhang Wei's movements, Chen Jie and Tian Guoxin, who were standing beside him, couldn't help but pull out their pockets to search for tricks.

Looking at the blood-colored light spot like the stars arching the moon on it, and looking at the fighter jets in the sky, they all lost their voices in astonishment.

"Team, Captain."

"How is this possible?"

"Why is it impossible?"

Zhang Wei asked back aloud.

"I didn't expect that this is really a fighter with strange power.

During the training at the General Administration, I heard people say that the country is researching the combination of weird power and modern technology.

Could it be that this is the research result?
Just, why hasn't anyone informed us?

Or is this a temporary test? .”

Zhang Wei looked at the sky with some ecstasy, the group of fighter jets roaring back and forth, murmuring incessantly.

 I beg you guys to give me a recommendation and follow-up reading, so that the book of the young author can stand out and be seen by others.

  o (╥﹏╥) o
  Thank you Starfire!


(End of this chapter)

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