Chapter 105 Xu and Zen

"Jia Xu?"

The mountains are towering, and Su'e hiked on them, and reported the latest information outside the caves in the mountains.

In the cave, there was a confused voice.

"He saw the anomaly of the Liaodong Mission, and he also caught the chow. After I silenced him, I wanted to use Xia Houshang's power to solve him, but Jia Xu was naturally alert, so he let him escape."

"This Jia Xu should not be underestimated."

Sue nodded.

"If he flees back to Yecheng and tells Cao Cao the truth, our plan will fail."

"Let Xia Houshang deploy elite soldiers on the road leading to Jizhou, and Jia Xu must not be allowed to escape back."


"Be careful in everything.",

Su'e's complexion changed.

"what happened?"

"Over there in Guanzhong, the plan has failed!"

"Prince of Shu, is it so difficult to deal with?"

"Not only did the one who started the attack die, but our two mies who were lurking in the Kingdom of Shu also died. Fortunately, the two lines over there have nothing to do with this place, and we are still safe here."

A laugh made Su'e's complexion change drastically.

"I don't want to talk big like that!"

She turned around and saw a young man walking towards him with a smile on his face.

"you go first!"

The voice in the cave was like an order, Su'e didn't disobey at all, and ran away.

When Liu Chan saw the figure like a gust of wind in the dark night, he didn't chase him either.

"Are you the boss?"

"Boss, how did you find me?"

"The paperwork for arresting Jia Xu is posted everywhere. Follow the people in Xiahoushang's mansion, don't they all know?"

"The prince is really powerful, no wonder both Mie died in your hands."

"Do you want to surrender?"

"I'm not like them!"

In the cave, a huge figure slowly appeared.

It was a snow-white giant wolf with extremely beautiful fur, but the aura exuding from it could make all animals frightened.


In the legend of Heishuidi, Sirius is a god-like existence.

It is powerful and can summon wind and snow, and is revered and worshiped by the Hu people.

"Are you parasitic on Sirius?"

"It's not so much parasitism, it's better to say becoming, perfectly becoming the parasitic object, and controlling all the power of the parasitic object. This is extinction!"

Sirius roared his head and charged towards Liu Chan at an extremely fast speed.

In the dark night, with boundless power.

Liu Chan didn't move, a black tide surged all over his body.

The Kuroshio, like a sharp arrow, collided head-on with Sirius.

The moment he came into contact with the Kuroshio, Sirius felt threatened.

The power in the Kuroshio has a level of suppression from the soul, which makes Sirius feel more uneasy.

The Kuroshio restrained the power of Sirius and changed the direction of Sirius' impact.

Liu Chan stayed where he was, staring at the Sirius as he passed him and crashed into a rock not far away.

Manshu slowly emerged from the black tide and stood beside Liu Chan.

"Master, can I accept this Sirius as an apostle?"


"My family can accept powerful demons and gods as apostles. With my current strength, it is not enough to subdue Sirius. However, this Sirius is a bit special, its inner part has been occupied by destruction, and its original consciousness has been weakened. It has reached the extreme. Therefore, as long as I suppress it, I can tame this Sirius."

Liu Chan agreed to Manshu's request.

This Moon Lin had the face of a young girl, standing in front of the huge Sirius, her face had an ethereal look.

The Kuroshio is constantly surging from the ground, and its scope is getting bigger and bigger.

The Sirius had just stood up, only to find that the surrounding area was engulfed by the Kuroshio.

From the Kuroshio, eight chains flew out, immediately locking Sirius' body.

"what are you going to do?"

Sirius' voice was a little trembling, with a bit of fear.

Sirius finally understood how the two Mie died.

The girl in front of her, the power in her body is almost oppressive to Mie.

Under the eight chains, with enormous power, he wanted to drag Sirius into the black tide.

Sirius struggled continuously, but found that his struggle was futile, he could only keep looking at his body, submerged in the black tide.

Liu Chan walked in front of Sirius. At this moment, only one wolf's head was still exposed on the ground.


"Don't worry, you won't be alone!"

When the wolf was completely swallowed by the black tide, the ceremony of subduing the apostles was completed.

Liu Chan found that there was a strange mark of a wolf's head on his arm.

He could feel the existence of that Sirius.

Liu Chan looked at Manshu and asked.

"How is this going?"

"Master, my power can be shared with you, and my apostles can naturally serve the master."

Liu Chan felt the power and tried to use it.

Following his thoughts, a black tide surged above the ground, and the Sirius reappeared.

But at this time, the killing intent and fierceness just now were gone, and there was even a sense of gratitude.

Manshu separated the Sirius from Mie.

The Kuroshio took the shape of a Sirius and fell to the ground, dying.

Looking at the shadow of Sirius formed by the black tide, Liu Chan asked.

"Where is the Chuan Guo Yuxi?"

"It has been sent to Liaodong."

"In whose hands?"

"I don't know! The trace of Kong is not something we can know."

With just a few words, Mie, who was separated from Sirius, lost his vitality and was completely submerged in the Kuroshio.

After gaining freedom, Sirius, whose consciousness reoccupied his body, looked at Liu Chan and Manshu, and said.

"Thanks for your help, I was able to get rid of the nightmare. But, can you do me one more favor?"


"I was originally the patron saint of the twelve tribes of the Blackwater Land, but not long ago, these guys who claimed to be remnants broke into my territory and ravaged the tribes I guarded. Even I suffered from their The poisonous hand has occupied the body. I implore you to go to my tribe and help me save my people. After I succeed, I will willingly become your apostle and offer my tribe’s treasure, the Xuanwu Crystal.”

Crystal of Xuanwu?

That is the same as the spirit of the green dragon, as a key material for the construction of the Four Spirit City.

There is no doubt that Liu Chan agreed to Sirius' request.

In the dark night, Liu Chan and Man Shu rode on the back of Sirius.

With a whistling sound, Sirius headed towards the Black Water Land at an extremely fast speed.

Su'e, who has been hiding in the distance and has not left, can only watch all this happen, but there is nothing she can do.

Su'e planned to pass the information here back to Liaodong, but before she had gone a few steps, she was stopped by a person.

"Jia Xu!"

Su'e was very surprised.

"You didn't escape back to Jizhou, but you came here?"

"Liu Chan, an outsider who is thousands of miles away, knows to follow the people in Xiahou Shang's house. I am in the middle of the game, how can I not understand?"

"You, die for me!"

Su'e ran towards the old and weak Jia Xu at a very fast speed, but she didn't get close to her, but was grabbed by him with her backhand and locked her throat.

"You actually have such a good skill?"

"Through the years in troubled times, it's just a way to save your life."

At this time, Jia Xu showed no sign of old age at all.A Mie was caught in his hands, but this powerful existence was completely unable to break free from the shackles.

"You want to take me to Yecheng?"

"No, go to Liaodong!"

(End of this chapter)

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