Chapter 15 He's Still a Child!
The moonlit night was quiet.

The warm wind blows the shadows, and the candles flicker.

Wen Dan was lying on the bed, staring at Lu Lingqi who was coaxing her to sleep, feeling a little lonely.

"Brother Dai is weak, will it be very hard to walk such a long distance?"

Thousands of mountains and rivers, all the way is difficult, how can it not be hard.

A gentle smile appeared on Lu Lingqi's face, comforting Wen Dan.

"How could it be? Your elder brother Dai went there in a carriage, and there were so many people taking care of him, so he wouldn't suffer from the cold."

After hearing Lu Lingqi's words, Wen Dan felt a little comforted, moved his neck slightly, and moved his head out of the bed.

"Aunt Lu, let me tell you, I saw that young master again."

As soon as Lu Lingqi stopped holding the fan, her tone became a little anxious.

"When did you meet?"

Wen Dan didn't feel the change in Lu Lingqi, she was already sleepy at this moment.

"On the day Brother Dai left, he talked a lot with me. He also said that he would invite me to Xiakou to play when he had time, saying that there were great changes and fun..."

Looking at Wen Dan who was falling asleep while talking, Lu Lingqi helped her cover the quilt.

Liu Chan is here!

Lu Lingqi felt a little uneasy in her heart, she slowly closed the door of Wen Dan's room.

After thinking about it, I still plan to find Wenpin.

Men and women are different, even if Lu Lingqi became sworn brothers with Wenpin, she had never found him so late.

In Wenpin's study room, it was very quiet at this moment, without any activity.

"Brother, are you asleep?"

Holding the lamp, Lu Lingqi walked into the room, and saw Wen Pin sitting at the desk, motionless.

And in front of him, there is also a figure.

Liu Chan!

The two remained motionless, as if time had stood still.

On the desk, there is a jade pendant, which is Wen Dai's personal belonging.

"Liu Chan, what did you do to my nephew?"

"Sister, don't worry, what else can I do to my nephew, now my good nephew is in my third uncle's camp, doing well."

Liu Chan is one meter tall, but his aura at this moment makes Wenpin, who is 1.8 meters across, dare not move lightly.

"Young master is so courageous!"

"Brother is overrated."

"Sister Yi, go and watch outside, don't let anyone in."

Lu Lingqi left the candle on, glanced at Liu Chan, and finally went out, keeping her eyes on the door.

The lights illuminated the two faces.

One is immature and the other is mature.

The Liu Chan in front of him at this moment has wisdom and stability that are completely beyond his age.

Wenpin saw it in his eyes and dared not take it lightly.

It is recorded in ancient books that saints are born to know it. Could it be that the kid in front of him is that?

"What do you want, son?"

"For the sake of my brother!"


"No, Yanli!"

Wenpin smiled.

"Prime Minister Cao sits in the seven states of the Central Plains, with hundreds of thousands of armored troops and hundreds of good generals. Liu Bei is now dissatisfied with the land of one state, and his troops are no more than [-]. Although the crouching dragon and phoenix are wise, Guan Zhang and Zhao Yiyong are still unable to match a million troops. Why should I give up the bright moon for the dim light?"

"Although the bright moon is shining, what's the use if it doesn't shine on my elder brother?"

"what for?"

"Now in Jingzhou, our army has accounted for more than half. My brother's army is in a corner, and if I don't take it for me, there will be a battle. If you win, your brother's army will suffer heavy losses; if you lose, you will inevitably leave your hometown and flee north. Winning or losing is of no benefit, and the wise will not take it."

"I can also lead the trilogy to go north to return to Cao, without losing the title of Marquis."

Liu Chan smiled.

"Brother's talent, how is it compared with Zhang Liao and Xu Huang?"

"I am good at defending, but not good at attacking."

"Brother part, is the Northern Army good at fighting?"

"Not enough!"

"Older brother is good at water warfare! If you belong to Cao Cao, you will not lose the position of marquis. However, the world is so big that Cao Cao hates very few people. With your elder brother's talent, he is not in Jiangxia, so he should guard Hefei. Since Dongwu lost Xiakou, Hefei must be taken. Then there will be a fierce battle! My brother is from Liu Biao's old department, and he is not Cao Cao's cronies. Zhang Liao and Xu Huang's talents are not as noble as those of the Cao family and Xiahou family, let alone brother?"

Liu Chan looked at Wenpin, and there was a slight change in Fang Gubo's calm face at this moment.

"If the war in Hefei is about to start, and my brother's trilogy is exhausted, how can I stand in Caoying?"

At this time, Wenpin seemed to see that terrible future.he took a deep breath and asked.

"If I belong to Liu, what should I do?"

"In today's world, the power of the three pillars has emerged. The power of Jingzhou belongs to me. If my brother returns, he can resist Sun Quan in the east and resist Cao Cao in the north, and achieve a lot of achievements. Why die of old age in the city of Hefei, and don't have to endure the pain of leaving home."

Wenpin made up his mind, stood up, faced Liu Chan, and bowed.

"I see the young master!"

In the autumn of the 16th year of Jian'an, Liu Bei's army won Xiakou, and sent troops to the north to capture Shiyang and Anlu. Zhang Fei fought against Cao's army and won.

Wenpin down.

In the same month, Wenpin led the Ministry to move to Xiakou.


After Lu Su retired from the army, he was recruited back from the front line of Chaisang by Sun Quan.

The king of Jiangdong was quite remorseful at this time.

"Zijing, I regret that I shouldn't have done it!"

Sun Quan had just quelled the Shanyue Rebellion, and at this time Jiangdong had also stabilized.

However, losing Xiakou was a great loss for Soochow.

"My lord, why should you blame yourself? The so-called loss of the east corner, the harvest of mulberry elm. When our troops withdraw from Xiakou, only Cao and Liu are left in Jingzhou. One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. We can implement a perfect strategy. When Cao Cao's main force enters Jingzhou, we can seek Hefei. If Hefei is obtained, our Soochow navy can go straight to the Central Plains, enter Xuchang and meet the emperor, and become a king and overlord."

"Gu also knows this, but he is still resentful. Liu Bei is ambitious, my sister is also ungrateful, and the folks even say that Marquis Wu has a clever plan to secure the world. He lost his wife and lost his army."

Lu Su kept his head down without saying a word, but he could feel the murderous intent in Sun Quan's green eyes.

"Zijing, do you know where this statement comes from?"

"The minister has heard a little bit!"

Sun Quan drew his sword and cut off the corner of the table with one stroke.Judging by the momentum, it is a bit stronger than Cao Cao's letter of persuasion in the Battle of Chibi.

"Liu Chanzhuzi, you bullied me too much!"

Yes, all these remarks came from Xiakou.

The return of Wenpin expanded the second-generation team led by Liu Chan.He made up some Sun Quan's lace all day long, and spread it in the form of nursery rhymes, which were catchy and spread across the river in a short time.

"Could it be that Xiakou really can't be defeated?"

"Wenpin was attached, and Liu Bei gained another [-] troops. Wenpin is Liu Biao's old army, and his subordinates are also veterans of Jingzhou, who are good at water warfare. It is not easy for us to attack."

Xiakou was taken by Liu Bei's army, and the entire southern part of Jingzhou became the rear area, so you can farm with peace of mind.

With Zhuge Liang's ability, sooner or later, the wasteland will be turned into fertile land.

Lu Su estimated that after Liu Beifang digested the land in the south of Jing and the north of Jiangxia, the strength of Xiakou would increase.

Instead of fighting hard in Xiakou, it is better to attack Hefei, which has fewer troops.

Sun Quan calmed down, but there was still anger in his heart.

"Liu Chanzhuzi, he's messing around in Xiakou, I'll have to see what else he can do!"

"My lord, Liu Adou is just a jerk, so you don't need to be as knowledgeable as him."

(End of this chapter)

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