Chapter 43 Brave Heart
The huge general's servant woke up and stood in front of Liu Chan, which shocked him immensely.

Troops: Broken Guard Warrior Figurines (Unknown),
Troop Description: An ancient guard with the same origin as the Great Wall Guard. Even though he has lost his personality in the long years of fighting, he still has a strong sense of fighting.Its leader is one of the strongest among the guards.

"My lord, don't be afraid, now that I have Yuan Mizhu, it's not the same as before."

Lu Di swore a promise.

The terracotta warrior general swung his fist and hit the invisible barrier erected by the deer body.

The deer retreated more than ten meters, leaving four long marks on the soil, and then lost its strength.

After one punch, the winner is already divided.

Lu Di froze on the spot.

I want to keep playing, but it feels like I can't beat it.

But it would be too embarrassing to withdraw now.

"Lead them to the snake's nest."

After Liu Chan gave the order, Lu Di replied very sincerely.

"My lord, listen to you."

With the Yuan Mizhu, Ludi is indeed different from before, and his speed and agility have been raised to a higher level.

Surrounded by a group of terracotta warriors, they are still able to do a job with ease.

The important thing is that Lu Di, like all the Taoists of Tianshi Dao, can also use spells.

The road leading to the snake's nest is very muddy and overgrown with swamps. The deer tread the water and ride the waves, flying on all fours.

In the snake nest, the giant snake saw the deer turn around, and there was a touch of joy in its emerald eyes, and it summoned its snake son and grandson, wanting to eat black.

But then, the appearance of the figurines of guard warriors made the giant snake's eyes flash with fear.

The terracotta warriors of the imperial guard fought with the son and grandson of the giant snake, but Lu Di relied on his superb positioning skills to walk around in the chaotic snake nest and was about to jump out of the battlefield.

His lair has become a mess, the giant snake is not willing to let the deer go, but the giant snake was about to stop it, but the general figurine grabbed its huge body with one hand and pulled it out from the stone pillar.

In just a short while, Lu Di had completely jumped out of the battlefield and led Liu Chan away from the snake's nest.

After escaping the snake's nest and heading south along the river, Liu Chan saw a huge dock.

Liu Chan was amazed that even though the entire Shanshen Palace had been destroyed, the remaining buildings were still counted as wonders in the system.

The Garden of Harvest to the north of the Snake's Nest counts, and so does this shipyard.

Wonders: Southsea Shipyard (Repairable),

Description of the spectacle: When the mountain god was at a disadvantage in the war, he invited allies outside the sea area to build a huge dock, which can build seagoing ships far and wide.

In the dock, there were already no traces of people.

Several sub-docks have been damaged, and traces of hasty escape can be seen, leaving a lot of materials and supplies.

Perhaps when the war was unfavorable, the allies of the mountain god and his remnants fled from here.

Liu Chan didn't find anything useful in the dock, and everything that could be moved here had already been moved away.

This giant dock is huge, except for the part built on the ground, it seems that there is something underwater, Liu Chan didn't go deep.

Liu Chan rode a deer body, intending to go east, bypassing the snake's nest, and reuniting with a group of Taoist priests.

On the way forward, I saw a huge sea beast, which fell into a small lake.The body of the sea beast has rotted, and the lake water is also turbid.

"How did this sea beast get here?"

"My lord, there is something wrong with the water in this lake!"

Just as Lu Di gave a reminder, a group of wild beasts surrounded the lake.

But the beasts hadn't moved yet, a howling sound resounded in the distance.

On the plain, the giant snake was running for its life, and it had completely ignored it.

Behind the giant snake, the terracotta general was chasing it.

The land was no worse than a swamp, and the giant snake moved much slower, and was eventually overtaken by the terracotta general.

The two sides fought together, but the giant snake was not the opponent of the general figurine, and was thrown away by him.

The giant snake fell into the lake, causing a splash of water to fall like a torrential rain.

Lu Di opened the barrier to block the erosion of rainwater.

The terracotta general seemed to have exhausted his strength after throwing the giant snake away, walking step by step, at a much slower speed.

Reaching the edge of the lake, the general's strength was exhausted and he could no longer move.

His body seemed to have reached its limit, his eyes lost their luster, and his body began to fall off little by little.

"I can't punish all the thieves, I am ashamed to be responsible for your Majesty's entrustment!"

The huge terracotta general turned into dust and fell to the ground, leaving no more traces except for the last sentence.

Watching this scene, Liu Chan finally understood that the Mountain God Palace had clearly turned into a battlefield, but why he only saw people from the Mountain God's side.

Liu Chan sighed a little. Although these soldiers had lost their personality, they still did not forget their mission.

But Liu Chan didn't have the time to sigh for too long, and the giant snake came out of the lake.

The giant snake at this time is completely different from before, its emerald green eyes turned blood red.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Snake language reveals endless anger and madness.

"Don't run away!"
Meng Huo's camp.

"My lord, why are you back again?"

Meng Huo punched his subordinate in the face.

"You still want me to die at the hands of Mr. Zhuge?"

"That was not what I meant."

The subordinate who was beaten did not dare to fight back, and explained with a smile.

"The general of the Shu army has captured the king three times, and he has been released every time. I don't know what he wants to do?"

"No matter what that Zhuge villager wants to do, let me tell you, it's useless!"

Meng Huo went to the center of the camp and gave a speech to the defeated soldiers who had come back with him.

"My warriors, you are the strongest fighters. The sharp weapons of the Han people cannot make us surrender, and the sweet words of the Han people cannot shake our faith, because we have a brave heart!"

Meng Huo let out a loud roar, and the soldiers below him, who were already depressed, also roared.

"Mr. Zhuge arrested me not to mention three times, but even ten times or a hundred times. I wouldn't bend my knee to him, and nothing would make me bend my knee to him."

"The king is mighty!"

"For the Horde!"

Just when the crowd was excited, scouts outside Meng Huo's barracks rushed over.

"Snakes... there are snakes!"

"What's so scary about snakes? I'll kill it and eat snake meat tonight."

Meng Huo picked up his weapon and was about to meet the enemy, but saw not far away, a huge elk coming towards him at the speed of an arrow.

"Didn't you mean the snake, why did it turn into a deer?"

Meng Huo thought that the deer was not bad, so he raised his weapon and chopped it down, but the deer was very dexterous, and it passed him and went to the distance without staying for a second.


Meng Huo got up in embarrassment, turned his head, and saw a giant snake tens of meters long, with a big mouth, spitting out snake letters, coming towards him.

Meng Huo crashed.

After just a few seconds, he made the most sensible choice in his life.

"Hurry up to the Han army camp, ask Kong Ming to help!"

(End of this chapter)

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