Chapter 62
Chai Sang.

Lu Su sat behind the lantern, and in front of him was Lu Meng who came to plead guilty.

In the battle of Jiangxia City, Lu Meng only brought back more than [-] of his [-] troops.

Generals such as Gan Ning and Su Fei led their troops to surrender to Liu Bei.

After the great victory of Wenpin, he led [-] soldiers and horses, occupied Xiling, entered E County, and joined forces with Liu Chan in Wuchang City.

When Sun Quan heard the news, he distributed [-] troops to Lu Su, and returned to Jianye with the rest.

Sun Quan worried about the instability in the rear, but in fact he left the matter to Lu Su.

In this battle, Soochow suffered heavy losses.

Not only lost a lot of supplies, but also lost almost all the land gained from the early battle with Liu Biao.

Of the [-] troops that Lu Meng did not bring back, except for those who died in battle and surrendered, many of them became prisoners, and it is estimated that there are nearly [-] people.

This is a big pot, someone has to carry it.

"All the ministers say that you are the chief culprit who started the war without authorization."

Lu Meng kowtowed and only said once.

"The final general is willing to accept the responsibility."

In terms of the whole war, the collapse started in the battle under the city of Wuchang, but the owner was innocent, so Lu Meng didn't say anything, and willingly took the blame.

Lu Su sighed.

"My lord has ordered you to be reduced to a commoner. You go back to the countryside so that you can study by yourself and cultivate your temper!"

Lu Su knew the importance of Lu Meng to Soochow, so he kept him.

Lu Meng had been in Soochow for many years, and he was well-informed about the news from the court and China. Naturally, he knew that it was Lu Su who blocked all the pressure and saved his life.

"Great governor, the final general is ashamed, but he is not convinced."

Lu Su saw it and nodded.

"Keep this breath in your heart, it will be useful in the end."

"Thank you, Commander-in-Chief!"

Seeing Lu Meng's back slowly disappearing before his eyes, Lu Su closed his eyes.

Now in front of him is a lot of mess.

The city of Wuchang was lost, and [-] Wu soldiers became prisoners, which brought a series of chain reactions.

The families of the soldiers who died in battle should be comforted, and the soldiers who are still alive must find a way to get them back. The lost land will cause internal problems in Soochow and trigger a series of disputes...

After Gan Ning surrendered to Liu Bei, he led three thousand Jinfan thieves to plunder Soochow counties day and night.

The heavy financial pressure made Lu Su a little out of breath.

The best way to deal with internal conflicts is to transfer them outward, but Soochow now has no room to transfer them externally.

Hefei in the north cannot be defeated, and the battle in the west has just been defeated.

The only saving grace is Yamagoshi.

But the most that Shanyue can replenish is the population, and the rest can't be counted on.

What's more, if the prisoners are changed later, Liu Chan will definitely speak loudly.

But at this moment, Lu Su received a message.

Guan Yu besieged Xiangfan, and Cao Ren and Le Jin called for help.Man Chong and Li Dian led the army to rescue.

Guan Yu's [-] troops surrounded the point to fight for reinforcements, and defeated Cao Wei's [-] reinforcements again.

At this time, Hou Yinfan of Wancheng in Nanyang County defended himself.Man Chong and Li Dian could not regain Wancheng, and reinforcements from Jingzhou arrived again, so they led their troops back.

After the Wei army retreated, Hou Yin quickly surrendered to Shu.

Wancheng has fallen, and the Shu army besieged Xiangfan and attacked it day and night. Cao Ren and Lejin were invincible, and when Xiangfan was about to be breached, they led their troops to break through.

Nanyang County fell into the hands of Shu.

So far, all the land in Jingzhou has fallen into the hands of Liu Bei.

After Lu Su heard the news, he traveled day and night, returned to Jianye, and met Sun Quan.

Sun Quan also had a bitter face at this time, a little disappointed when he saw Lu Su.

"Xiang, Fan, and Wan have all fallen into Liu Bei's hands, and Jingzhou may be completely hopeless."

Lu Su smiled.

"My lord, this is not only not a bad thing, but a great joy!"

Sun Quan's complexion changed, and he looked at Lu Su.

"Zijing, what do you mean?"

"Nanyang has fallen into Liu Bei's hands. I'm afraid Cao Cao doesn't have the heart to entangle Liu Bei in Guanzhong anymore. At this time, all his thoughts are on Xuchang, and all on the emperor."

After Lu Su said this, Sun Quan finally understood.

The Son of Heaven is the jade seal in Cao Cao's hands, a tool for him to order the world, and a source of legitimacy for him to establish Wei and Han in the future.

An emperor is more important than Guanzhong.

But when you look at Nanyang, Wancheng is not far from Xuchang.

Man Chong and Li Dian blocked Fang Xiadao, blocked the passage of the Shu army into the Central Plains, and blocked the advance of the Shu army.

Cao Cao is temporarily out of crisis, but it will take time to rearrange.

"My lord, the situation of the three pillars has changed. Cao Cao is the strongest, followed by Liu Bei, but the difference in strength between the two parties has become smaller and smaller. At this time, Cao Cao needs to maintain harmony with us, and we also need to maintain harmony with Cao Cao."

Sun Quan nodded his head, his blue eyes became a bit more thoughtful.

Cao Cao had the land of seven states, Liu Bei had the land of five states, and he had only one state.

But his state, no matter which side it joins, is enough to change the balance of power.

"Send an envoy to remarry Cao Cao."
Wuchang City.

Were the two countries Wei and Wu repaired?
Liu Chan got the news in the second capital built by Sun Quan.

If it is said that before, Cao Cao and Sun Quan were only hooking up in private, but now they are walking together openly.

The face is gone.

The two parties remarried.

In the name of the Han court, Cao Cao granted Sun Quan the title of Marquis of Jianye and allowed him to establish the country.

In the past, the legitimacy of the Sun family in Jiangdong was achieved by Sun Quan's father and brother.

Parts, swords, that is the last word.

But in the end, there is no legal support.

People are dissatisfied.

So once there is a change in the front line of Soochow, the rear will be unstable.

In the battle of Chibi that year, before Cao Cao came, there was a voice of surrender in Soochow.

Even if he decided to fight against Cao later, Sun Quan still wanted to put a large army in his hometown, and he didn't dare to send all of them to the front line, just to defend the second and fifth boys inside.

Now, after Sun Quan obtained the feudal state, he can confer an official position on his own to calm people's hearts.

A group of courtiers of Soochow no longer hold official positions in the court, but are officials in the state of Wu.

In this way, the stability of Wu State will increase significantly.

In the direction of Guanzhong, after Cao Cao learned that Xiangfan had been breached, he asked Xiahou Dun, who was besieging Xiagui, to return to the army immediately to defend Tongguan, and asked Zhang He to lead his army back to Hedong and blockade Puban.Cao Cao is planning to give up Guanzhong.

After the army withdrew, Cao Cao led the tiger and leopard riders and returned to Xuchang.

It seems that Cao Cao decided to move the capital.

For today's Shu Kingdom, it is not afraid that the other party will fight you in the field and fight you quickly, but it is afraid that the other party will adopt methods like Cao Cao's, close their doors and fight for the economy with you.

Guanzhong is dilapidated, and Jingzhou is a place of long-term war. Most of the grain and grass of the Shu army in Guanzhong depend on Bashu and Hanzhong.

Fighting for the economy is definitely not enough.

Therefore, Tongguan must be won.

Without Tongguan, the terrain in Guanzhong would be incomplete.

Only by taking Tongguan can the Kingdom of Shu be completely united, and this breath can survive.

After all, the battle on the front line is not Liu Chan's concern. For Liu Chan, stabilizing the situation in the southeast is the most important thing.

Outside Wuchang City, Lu Su, still in Tsing Yi, clasped his hands before the pass.

"Lu Su came to pay his respects to His Highness!"

(End of this chapter)

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