Chapter 73
Cao Cao moved, raised an army of 20, and Wang drove to Luoyang.

Liu Bei also moved, raising [-] troops from Chengdu to Chang'an.

Compared with the last time he came to Chang'an, Liu Bei could feel that this ancient city was completely new.

The damaged city walls and houses have been repaired. At a glance, many new shops have opened on the streets, and the flow of people is dense. Although it is not as prosperous as Chengdu, it is not comparable to the bleak scene in Liu Bei's memory.

The government offices and military offices have already been built, which is the style that Lao Liu likes, simple but not simple.

Under the leadership of Pang Tong, Liu Bei entered the government office.

In the government office, there is the latest household registration and land registration information, which can accurately show the work results of Pang Tong and his courtiers.

In the past two years, there have been new changes in Guanzhong.

Since Dong Zhuo's death, the warlords in Liangzhou have no leader, and they are attacking each other internally, and Guanzhong is the place that suffered the most disaster.

Ten rooms and nine empties are not an adjective, but a real phenomenon.

At the most serious time, in the ancient city of Chang'an, there was not even a single person to be seen on Bairi Street, just like a ghost town.

It is different now, the permanent population of Chang'an City has reached [-], although many of them are family members of the army and veterans who have been discharged from the army, but finally there is a new atmosphere.

After more than ten years of development by Zhang Lu and Liu Zhang, the population of Hanzhong and Bashu is basically saturated.

When the Kingdom of Shu acquired Yizhou, there was basically not much chaos, and because of this, it obtained the results of years of governance by Zhang Lu and Liu Zhang.

After Pang Tong came to power, he issued many preferential policies to attract Guanzhong people who fled to Yizhou during the war to return to Guanzhong.

The government will grant land and houses for free and give them a one-year tax holiday.

Attracted by the policy, many people were moved and returned to the Sansuke area.

The population and financial resources of Guanzhong have also been improved as a result.

After reading it, Liu Bei was very satisfied with the work of Pang Tong and others.

In a short period of time, Pang Tong has done a good job.

The daily supply of grain and grass for the Guanzhong army no longer needs to be mobilized from Bashu, and can be satisfied by itself.

"Kong Ming's reconstruction of Dujiangyan in Chengdu has already achieved some results, and with the achievements of Shi Yuan's governance, there will be no worries about food and grass in this war!"

"The minister decides to die for the lord!"

With Liu Bei's affirmation, Pang Tong felt warm and satisfied.

"In fact, the reason why the ministers were able to straighten out Guanzhong so quickly is because of the young master's great efforts."

"What credit can that Zhuzi do? It's not because of Shi Yuan and others' hard work!"

Liu Bei complained, but the corners of his eyes were raised upwards, and the satisfaction in his heart was beyond words.

When Liu Bei put Liu Chan in Chang'an, he was worried in his heart.

Soon, Liu Bei clearly felt the source of his worry.

Liu Chan sits in Chang'an and doesn't do any serious business, but wants to build the Great Wall and Shanglin Garden.

After Liu Bei knew about it, he almost came to Chang'an from Chengdu with his male and female swords in hand. If it wasn't for the dissuasion of the officials, Liu Chan's butt would have blossomed.

This prodigal stuff!
Later, Liu Bei learned that Liu Chan did not use the treasury in the public house, and all the expenses were paid by the prince's house, so Liu Bei didn't care so much.

If you like to mess around, just mess around, it doesn't affect the overall situation anyway.

However, things changed later.

The key turning point came a few months ago, when Lao Liu learned through private channels that the treasury income of the Prince's Mansion was actually more than that of him, the King of Hanzhong.

Of course, Lao Liu is not a extravagant person. Most of the income of the states in the Kingdom of Shu comes from the public treasury, and Lao Liu's internal treasury is only for maintaining the expenses of the harem.

But even so, the income of the Prince's Mansion shouldn't be more than that of the King of Hanzhong!

Lao Liu is not happy,
But Lao Liu can't say it!
"Most of the Shanglin Garden in the North has been repaired, and now more than 3 war horses have been domesticated. There is no need to withdraw a penny from the treasury of Chang'an and Jicheng, and Yongliang's finances are thus greatly affluent."

Domestication of war horses is always a topic that cannot be avoided.

Now Zhang Fei and Ma Chao's two elite cavalry, Youzhou Cavalry and Xiliang Cavalry, add up to 1 cavalry.

These two armies have spent a lot of money, and the financial support of Yongliang and Liangzhou is already a bit stretched.

With Shanglinyuan, the situation is different.

"In recent years, the rain in Beidi County has increased greatly, the vegetation has flourished, the number of wild animals has increased, and the land has become fertile. I have ordered people to build a city in Beidi County, arrange military settlements, and build many cavalry camps. Now, our army has added [-] cavalry. All are stationed in Beidi County."

The completion of the supporting buildings for the wonder of Shanglin Garden can greatly reduce the time, resources and money for sending cavalry from the Kingdom of Shu.

The price of a cavalry now only needs the money of an infantry.

Not only that, the maintenance fee is also reduced.

Pang Tong agreed to Liu Chan without hesitation and sent [-] riders.

The various cavalry units of the Shu Kingdom now add up to [-] cavalry.

The war is about to start, and the troops originally stationed at Ma Chao in the northern border may be transferred away and enter the battlefield to fight against the Wei army.

This ten thousand army is the key to the smooth control of the border counties such as Beidi and Yunzhong.You must know that inside and outside the Great Wall, there are still many alien races who have not joined the Kingdom of Shu.

"This Zhuzi has finally done some serious things."

After Liu Bei heard about it, he finally didn't mind about the private money.

"I heard that there are many Xianbei, Qiang, and Huns among the ten thousand riders. Has anything happened?"

What Liu Bei fears most about an army mixed with foreign races is internal stability.In case of a mutiny, it's no joke.

"Don't worry, my lord, these alien soldiers are no different from our Han soldiers. The young master's two generals, Deng Ai and Jiang Wei, are extremely talented. Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, Zhao Tong, Ma Tie, Ma Xiu and others are also young talents, and they are more than enough to manage this army."

"That's good!"

Liu Bei became interested and wanted to review this new army.

So he took a few hundred riders and traveled north all the way to Beidi County.

As Pang Tong said, the originally barren land in Beidi County has become fertile land, which is no worse than Guanzhong, except that the population is less.

Liu Bei first went to Guyuan City, the newly built county city in Beidi County, and met a group of courtiers in the city. He also deliberately tested Deng Ai and Jiang Wei, and found that they were as talented as Pang Tong said.

Guan Xing, Zhang Bao and other second generations of Shu, Liu Bei also took a look, and he felt a little relieved that they had indeed become talents.

Afterwards, Liu Bei led his people towards Shanglin Garden.

Liu Bei has always been curious about the scene of Shanglin Garden.

More than half of the splendid Shanglin Garden has been completed, and the scene in it has its own strangeness.

The clouds were piled high, and the aura filled the field. Groups of war horses took off their reins and ran on the grass under the leadership of deer guards.

Liu Bei took a few glances, and there were many famous horses among these horses.

In the unbuilt place, there are still a large number of stone soldiers carrying huge materials in it, without disturbing ordinary people.

Liu Bei looked around, and was planning to go to the core of Shanglin Garden, Luzang Garden.

But before they arrived, his group was stopped by more than [-] deer god warriors who were half human and half deer with weapons.

Liu Bei has been traveling north and south for so many years, and such a brave man is still rare.

"Ordinary people are not allowed to enter without the Lord's order. If you want to practice, you can go to the Celestial Master to get the rune card, a piece of 1000 taels."

1000 two?

Is this guy crazy?

No wonder the income of his prince's mansion is higher than that of his Hanzhong king's internal treasury.

"I am Liu Bei Liu Xuande!"

Liu Bei thought that if he reported his name, the other party would let him go.

But the dozen or so Lushen warriors looked at each other, puzzled.

"Who is Liu Bei Xuande?"

"Whoever he is, my lord said, even if his own father comes, don't even think about going in without spending money."

After hearing this, Liu Bei could hardly hold back the male and female swords in his hands.

Liu Adou!
(End of this chapter)

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