Chapter 88 City
One hundred thousand Wei troops marched south from Luoyang, entered Nanyang County, and encircled Wancheng.

The Wei army did not attack by force, and dug many trenches from outside Wancheng, planning to besiege for a long time.

At the same time, Cao Ren led an army of [-] from Luoyang to Tongguan, and a hundred thunder chariots bombed day and night.

Liu Bei, who received the news, was actually prepared.

He ordered that Pang Tong be the commander-in-chief to unite the troops of Zhang Fei, Ma Chao, and Tongguan to fight against Cao Ren's [-] troops.

On the other hand, he personally commanded an army of [-], and Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong and other ministries went out of Wuguan to break the siege of Wancheng.

In the summer of the 24th year of Jian'an, [-] Shu troops and [-] Wei troops confronted each other in Nanyang.

Shanglin Court.

From the winter of the 21st year of Jian'an to the summer of the 24th year of Jian'an, it took two and a half years, and this spectacle was finally built.

Wonders: Shanglin Garden,

Description of the spectacle: The huge forest garden located in the Northland occupies one-third of the entire Northland area. It is divided into three parts: the inner garden, the middle garden, and the outer garden. The garden is full of aura and is the habitat of races such as deer gods and guards. It is also a place of faith,

The internal buildings of the wonders: Deer Tibetan Garden, Water Dragon Lake, Forest of Seedlings, Tibetan Army Valley, Lingguo Garden,

Spectacle Generates Faith: 203212,


Since the completion of the construction of Shanglin Garden, Liu Chan has harvested 10 amber attribute points and 100 golden attribute points, which can be said to be quite fruitful.

The completion of Shanglin Garden brought a different kind of vitality to the whole Beidi County.

The spectacle is not a separate product, and with the surrounding supporting facilities, Beidi County has become the cavalry production base of the Shu Kingdom.

This cavalry production base is centered on Guyuan City, Beidi County, and Shanglinyuan is the core, covering more than a dozen cities in the entire county, as well as a large number of military camps, training grounds, and weapon workshops.

The milder climate and abundant rainfall made the land in Beidi County fertile, attracting a large number of Han Chinese to move in.

The establishment of the Xianbei vassal state certainly made the people of the ten tribes of Xianbei live a better life than before, but it also made a large number of wandering Xianbei herdsmen more miserable.These people believed in the God of Deer, and then entered Beidi County, where they were granted fields by Liu Chan, registered in their household registration, and began to live a life of half-herding and half-cultivating.

Now that the war in Nanyang County is becoming more and more tense, and Pang Tong is in Tongguan again, the reason why Liu Chan does not sit in Chang'an is because Beidi County is more important than Chang'an City at this time.

The Nanyang battle report was sent, and the Shu army was at a disadvantage.

Liu Bei and Guan Yu joined forces, but compared with Xiahou Dun's [-] Wei army, the cavalry was weak.

The Wei army surrounded Wancheng, and set up more camps in the east of Wancheng, controlling the passages leading to Luoyang and Xuchang, with deep ditches and high fortifications, and was not in a hurry to fight the Shu army.

The Wei army took advantage of its own advantages, always using light cavalry to plunder the Shu army's food roads.

This place in Nanyang is really suitable for cavalry combat.

This small-scale, multi-frequency combat method hit the pain points of the Shu army.

The Shu army is not without cavalry, but Ma Chao's and Zhang Fei's troops are currently unable to move.

The [-] cavalry troops in the North had to keep an eye on the Xianbei and the Southern Huns.

Although both of these two have surrendered, this is based on the generous rewards and the deterrence of force, both of which are indispensable.If the [-] riders in the North were to go away, maybe the Xianbei and the Southern Huns would make some troubles.

Such things as surrendering and then rebelling are really normal for Xianbei and the Southern Huns.

Now that Chang'an is empty, Liu Chan relies on the [-] cavalry troops from Beidi County to watch the situation.

Taking advantage of the completion of Shanglin Garden, Liu Chan found a reason to summon the senior leaders of Xianbei and Southern Huns.

In the palace of Lushen Mountain.

The kings led by the Shanyu Huchuquan of the Southern Xiongnu were distinct from the ten chiefs led by Bei Kebineng of the Western Xian Dynasty.

The Southern Huns looked down on the Xianbei people, and the Xianbei people also thought that the Southern Huns were weak.

In addition, the territories of the two clans are not far apart, and they often have conflicts over trivial matters.

Therefore, the relationship between the two parties can be described as extremely poor.

Liu Chan watched all this, and the atmosphere in the hall did not ease until he spoke.

"Everyone has come all the way and worked hard."

"Where is your Highness, as long as the king and His Highness call, the Southern Xiongnu will not hesitate."

Hu Chuquan was the first to speak, and the leaders of Xianbei did not fall behind. They expressed their loyalty and praised the majesty of Shanglinyuan.

Whether they are as loyal as they said, Liu Chan is not sure, but their envy is indeed revealed on the outside.

This spectacle is not only of great benefit to the Shu Kingdom, but also to the Western Xianbei and the Southern Huns.

"You have been in the borderlands for a long time, so you naturally know the hard work in the borderlands. I have already reported to my father and set up a house for you in Chang'an City."

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Everyone knelt down and thanked each other.

"When you are free, you can go to Chang'an City and walk around more. The orchid in the wine shop is also a different style."

After Liu Chan finished speaking, there was another burst of laughter.

Liu Chan ordered people to bring ten good horses and a hundred pieces of fine armor.

"Now the Cao bandits are making trouble again in Nanyang. Cao bandits are always harassing our army's supply roads because of their large number of cavalry troops. It's very annoying. I want to ask you to send troops and horses to help our army. These are the greetings gone."

Speaking of dispatching troops, the complexions of the leaders changed.

Hu Chuquan asked tentatively.

"I don't know how many soldiers His Highness wants us to dispatch?"

"Three thousand rides per family!"

After the number was said, the two hostile families showed hesitation.Even faintly, he walked to the side.

You must know that those who can go to the battlefield are definitely not ordinary herdsmen riding a horse and holding a knife, but elite cavalry from various families.

That meant that every cavalryman had one or two good horses, solid armor, and good weapons.

The most important thing is to be familiar with the military skills of Xianbei and Southern Huns.

Although the Southern Xiongnu and Western Xianbei had tens of thousands of grassland cavalry, each family of such elite cavalry was only about [-].

"Your Highness, three thousand riders, isn't it..."

Hu Chuquan was stopped by Liu Chan before he finished speaking.

"I know what Shan Yu is worried about. To tell the truth, these things are just a fraction. I have an extra reward for whoever can make the most military achievements in Nanyang."

"What reward?"

"A city!"

Liu Chan looked at the kings of the Southern Huns, and then at the leaders of Xianbei. They were all moved.

"The royal court of the Southern Huns has been in disrepair for a long time, and the palace is ruined. I can build another Shanyu royal city for you, or build the first city of your own for the leaders of Xianbei."

"I will obey His Highness's orders, and I will not give up unless I destroy Cao's bandit!"

(End of this chapter)

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