How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 101 I will take action on this matter!

Chapter 101 I will take action on this matter!

Shen Fengchen walked down the hill slowly. He was tall and handsome, and even without saying a word, he carried an aura as if he ruled the world.

Just inexplicably, he felt a slight throbbing in his heart, as if something was different, which made him frown slightly.

But I can't tell what it feels like.

"Hey, why did you appear here?"

Suddenly a greeting interrupted Shen Fengshen's thoughts, he looked up, and saw the figure in the purple hat slowly approaching in front of him, naturally stretched out two slender wrists, those slender hands were like warm jade holding his cheeks.

It turned out to help him straighten the clothes around his neck.

Murong Jingyan's tone was faint, making Shen Fengchen's ears itch slightly:

"You don't know that monsters haunt here."

"Is it dangerous?"

Seeing that Shen Fengchen's face was stiff, but there was no resistance or vigilance on his body, Murong Jingyan's heart also relaxed a little.

The supernatural powers of the little yellow duck can multiply people's desires.

I put my hand on his neck without stopping it, which shows that this person is not as guarded as Qu Yong in his heart, and it can even be said that he trusts others.

It should be the right identity.

The purpose of probing was achieved, Murong Jingyan immediately withdrew her hand and turned to her side, her tone returned to her usual calm, and asked:

"Well, what are you doing here?"

Shen Feng and Shen Wenyan were stunned for a moment, then subconsciously squinted his eyes, as if he hadn't gotten used to the hot and cold gentleness.

However, with his temperament, he didn't feel displeasure, but curiosity arose.

After thinking for a moment, Shen Fengchen answered truthfully:

"Of course I came here for the monsters of Longji Mountain."


Murong Jingyan suddenly reacted, and glanced at the sword on Shen Fengchen's back at the same time. The edge of the big sword was very blunt, and it didn't fit the death shape of those monsters.
Is it this guy?

"Could it be that you killed all the monsters in Longji Mountain?" Murong Jingyan hurriedly asked.

Shen Fengchen nodded slightly, then shook his head immediately, thinking that the woman in front of him should be from Lianchi Tiangong, so he asked:
"Although I have killed a lot, the monsters in Longji Mountain are generally too weak. I am afraid that only the monster king here can achieve the purpose of my trip."

"Do you know where this demon king is?"

The purpose of the demon king
Murong Jingyan imagined that although ordinary monsters were not comparable to Tianfeng Renxiu who was not at the same level, but according to what his senior brother said, they were all rough-skinned and thick-skinned.

I'm not even satisfied, so I'm going to find some demon king.

It's not difficult to guess, this guy is probably here to break through the door of the sky, and his talent is definitely not trivial. He should be on the way to help Gan Rong get my bath water. Could it be that he is also a young man.
Yes, use him!

"Demon king, hehe."

"Others don't know, but I naturally know."

While speaking, Murong Jingyan put one hand behind her back, raised her head to look at the moon, and put on an air of a master.

"However, if you want me to tell you, I still need the young master to do me a small favor."

Hearing Murong Jingyan's address like this, Shen Feng smiled deeply, and with great interest, he came to his side with his arms folded, and followed Murong Jingyan's gaze to look at the moon in the sky.

"But it doesn't matter."

Turning her eyes slightly, Murong Jingyan thought of a way, turned her head and hooked her fingers.

Shen Fengchen felt sorry and lowered his head, and after listening to Murong Jingyan's words, the corners of his mouth curled up, as if he had expected it.


"It's a word."

"But I also have a request."


Murong Jingyan coughed lightly: "You do me this little favor, I'll tell you where the Demon King is, we don't owe each other, how can we ask again."

"Well, forget it, it's nothing more than spending more time looking for the demon king."

"Hey, don't, you mention it, you mention it."

The corner of Shen Fengchen's mouth was smiling, he turned around to face Murong Jingyan, his dragon brows and star pupils shone with blue light, extending like boundless stars in the universe.

"You just have to tell me why Qu Yong wanted to chase you down."

Murong Jingyan's expression flickered under the mask, and she quietly took half a step back. How could there be a third person who knew about Qu Yong chasing and killing her?

"How did you know?"

"I ran into it by accident."

Turning her head to prevent Shen Fengshen from seeing the change in her eyes, Murong Jingyan's thoughts began to spin rapidly.

This guy is Gan Rong's best friend, but even so, the six-seal monster is his biggest secret at present, even Qian Rong and Duo Tian Lou's grandfather have never told it, if it is leaked out and attracts covetousness, it will be a disaster.

At least in the sanctification, after collecting multiple seals, you can be alone.

Therefore, you must not tell the truth. If you say too much, you will be wrong. What is the reason?
Seeing that Murong Jingyan was silent, Shen Fengshen said in a timely manner:
"Don't be afraid, I'm not a scourge, just tell the truth."

"Even Naqu Yong has to give me some face, otherwise, he won't be able to be the young master of Lianchi Tiangong."

"Of course, he probably isn't either."

Shen Fengshen's tone was indifferent, in his imagination, this was probably an internal struggle among the young masters of Lianchi Tiangong, at this time Qu Yong had the upper hand, while the woman in front of him fell into a passive position.

But the words changed in Murong Jingyan's ears.

This guy has such a loud voice?

Even that guy Gan Rong would not dare to say that!

In Murong Jingyan's heart, the blue-clothed boy in front of him has been upgraded from Ganrong's younger brother to Ganrong's best friend, and now he has even been promoted to Ganrong's big brother.

Dry capacity is really a good unit of measurement.

"You mean, Qu Yong dare not touch you?"

Shen Fengchen laughed, as if he thought this question was ridiculous:
"If this reason sounds satisfactory to me, it's only a matter of a few words to help you deal with him."

Seeing Shen Fengchen's tone, Murong Jingyan couldn't help but believe it right now, and now she urgently needs Shen Fengchen's help.

"Well, since you asked the question sincerely."

Murong Jingyan turned her head away, and inadvertently waved her fingertips on the token of the abandoned sword, pinching a white crystal particle.

Gan. I didn't expect to use this thing on myself one day.

That's it!

After crushing the particles, Murong Jingyan lifted the mask with his left hand, and quickly rubbed his eyes with his right hand, and his tone became sad:
"Actually, he."


Shen Fengshen noticed the change in Murong Jingyan's tone, and turned around in surprise.

The reflected stars are like countless pearls falling on the boundless wasteland, and the wind reverberates among the mountains, swelling the clothes of the two of them.

Murong Jingyan suddenly looked back.
I saw the frowning brows, the wet tears, and the smart eyes were slightly red and swollen at the moment, as if there was endless sorrow.
Taking a deep breath, Murong Jing's expression was not astonishing, and he continued to die.

"He failed me."

"Now that I see through it, for the sake of his reputation, he wants to kill me to silence him."

After the words fell, what surprised Murong Jingyan was that Shen Fengchen didn't seem to respond, just looked stunned.

Is this material still not fierce?
Wait, the eyes are so hot! ! ! !

Shen Fengshen, who was in a daze, saw Murong Jingyan rubbing his eyes with both hands, and the big teardrops kept falling from his smooth cheeks as if he didn't want money, and then he came back to his senses.

Seeing Keren'er crying violently in front of him, he looked left and right, finally untied the precious silk wrapping the hilt of the great sword, and handed it over in a hurry.

"Don't cry yet."

"Are you serious!?"

Murong Jingyan took the silk satin and wiped away her tears fiercely, but the magic beast crystals seeped into her eyes, her whole face was frantically repelling the powder, the tears couldn't be stopped at all.

"Woo. Yes, it's true. God"

Now Murong Jingyan is full of regrets in her heart, and then she is sorry for Qian Rong.

This stuff is really hot!

Seeing Murong Jingyan's tears streaming down, Shen Fengshen's complexion gradually darkened, if it wasn't true, how could he cry so heartbreakingly?

Qu Yong lost. In front of me.
Shaking his head, once again confirming that it was Qu Yong who had betrayed Murong Jingyan, and after he didn't get it wrong, a hundred thousand whys flashed through Shen Fengchen's head.

Naqu Yonghe Dehe Neng, Taoist companions are like exiled immortals and have half-hearted minds, he suddenly remembered that there is indeed a wife in Lianchi Tiangong.

Ever since he was a child, there are many jealous people around Shen Fengchen, he has already sneered at these people who envy him, but at this moment, for the first time, he truly realized what jealousy is.

"Do you still have a handkerchief?"

Murong Jingyan was about to cry to death at this moment, she squatted on the ground and kept rubbing the dry corners of her eyes, if this continued, her eyes would almost dry out from crying.

Warcraft crystals are so terrifying!
Untied the girdle around his waist, Shen Feng immediately knelt down and handed it over, saying in a deep voice:


Qu Yong has made Shen Feng feel unhappy, or more serious.

"I'll do it."

Wiping away the tears from his face, Murong Jingyan returned the belt to Gan Rong. At this time, his cheeks were flushed and he looked haggard.

It's finally cleared up.

"it is good."

After a while, Murong Jingyan said slowly: "The demon king's lair is on the plain in the northwest, you start immediately, as long as you search patiently, you will definitely find something."

"Now I will tell you the karma with Qu Yong, so my request."

Shen Fengchen took the drenched belt, hesitated for a while, and then put it into the storage magic weapon, nodded:
"Of course I agree."

Early the next morning, Murong Jingyan had set foot on the road again.

The only difference is that Murong Jingyan put away Master's bamboo hat and changed into white clothes, the purpose is also different.

"Where do you think the demon king will be?"

Murong Jingyan lowered her head and asked.

The little yellow duck poked its head out, rolled its eyes and said: "You are really good at lying, what if this kid is killed by Qu Yong."

With a light cough, Murong Jingyan looked forward.

The place to tell Shen Feng Shen is of course nonsense, but it is not without reason, because the Northwest Plain is the only flat place among the undulating terrain of Longji Mountain, and Murong Jingyan has not set foot there for days.

Because there is a clear view, it is estimated that Qu Yong will catch up soon.

"Don't worry, if he didn't boast, there would be no reason for Qu Yong to really touch him."

"On the contrary, it can buy us time. When I first find the demon king in his mouth, I can fight a fierce battle. I can see the door of Tianfeng and be promoted to Tianfeng. Why be afraid of Qu Yong."

The little yellow duck rolled his eyes again and shrank his neck.

And hundreds of miles in the opposite direction.

Somewhere in the vast plain grassland, the yellow grass stretches as far as the eye can see, a purple dress wearing a bamboo hat is walking slowly on the road.

A hole was opened in the void, and Qu Yong's figure protruded from it, and slowly landed on a mountain peak.

His eyes circled around, like an eagle hunting its prey, revealing its viciousness and sharpness.


Qu Yong straightened his neck suddenly, took two steps forward, looked at Ziyi and shouted in surprise:
"Finally found her!"

The raccoon cat on his shoulder also stood up and hurriedly urged:
"Quick, use your thunder strike, don't overdo it!"

 I'm coming too!

  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket! ! ! ~~
  Monthly ticket recommendation ticket, thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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