The update time has been unstable in the past few days, causing trouble for everyone

The best enjoyment when I read novels is when I can keep up with updates, so I understand how annoying this underworld update is

Because I have a lot of things to do, the time of writing the book may be a bit unstable compared with other authors, but I will try to keep it at 2 o'clock in the evening, or start updating before [-] o'clock, and Chapter [-] will not be released later than [-] o'clock. Because I know that some readers like me to read a chapter before going to bed
As long as I have time, such as not going to work tomorrow, even if there is a delay today, I will make it up in the middle of the night, just hoping to keep updated
As for whether it can be achieved every day, I can’t guarantee it, but I promise that I will try my best to do so. As for the promised supplement and word count, although the time may not be immediate, it will definitely be done.

Finally, thank you for your follow-up reading, and I understand those who raise books!But don’t save too much or you’ll forget it!

Love you guys

In addition, ask for a monthly pass haha, let's try this month and see if we can break [-] at the end of the month

(End of this chapter)

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