How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 167 Junior sister should be crying for me, right?

Chapter 167 Junior sister should be crying for me, right?

Hot, chaotic.
Flowers intertwined, broken and reborn into waves, blended into the torrent of time, and turned into the color of the sky.

The cracks on the ground were like broken armor, the red color was endless, boundless, and as far as the eye could see, it was confusing.

This is a world of nothingness and illusion.

Among the piled rubble, a man in red clothes slowly rose up with a knife, and gravel shook off from his orange hair.

This figure is tall, even if he stands casually at an angle, he still looks so tall and straight.

Zhu Huan'an exhaled slowly, lowered his sword eyebrows, and looked left and right at the surrounding scenery.


At this moment, the surrounding sand suddenly shook, and strands of black mist rose from the hills, rushing towards a stone trough not far away.

Then, another figure stood up straight, or it could be said that it was carried up by the black mist.

Taking a closer look, it was Li Sanyun.

But at this time Li Sanyun's complexion was pale, and a dark hole in his chest was particularly conspicuous. If it wasn't for the gloomy smile at the corner of his mouth, he would have looked dead.

"Huan'an, it's you."

As he spoke, Li Sanyun walked out of the cave. If he looked closely, he could see a white Gu worm placed on his heart.

It was this Gu that connected his heart and used the energy of the Holy Ruins to prolong his life.

"I wanted to capture the Shen family Qilin son, but I was afraid it would cause serious trouble."

"The next best thing is, if the woman playing the piano is as smart as you said, she would be a good choice."


Li Sanyun touched the white Gu worm in his chest, and a smile appeared on his dry cheek, which looked particularly strange.

"Junior brother, why did you come in for her?"

Zhu Huanan's expression did not change, he just stepped forward slowly.

"As a qualified senior brother, it is a duty to shelter fellow juniors from the wind and rain."

While speaking, he looked up at the dim sky, and looked at the river of time through the yellow sand all over the sky.

"Is this the illusion world?"

Li Sanyun was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "You still know about the illusion world?"

Hearing this, Zhu Huan'an let out a long whoop and closed his eyes.

"The Illusionary Realm is transformed by the divine thoughts of the ancient gods when they fell. What you cast is not the Fight Against the Heavenly Gang Formation, but the Liankun Xuyou Formation which is similar to it."

Li Sanyun's face became even more solemn when he heard this. He tilted his head slightly and narrowed his eyes.

"Zhu Huanan, knowing too much is not a good thing."

"Since you have heard of the illusion world, you should also know what my purpose is. I will not kill you."

"As long as you are willing, you can be used by my Wanlun Kingdom."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Huan'an inserted the knife into the sand in front of him, put both hands on the handle of the knife, and looked down at Li Sanyun.

"Then I'll give you a chance to convince me."

"Why should I become the lackey of Wanlun Kingdom?"

Being looked down upon by Zhu Huan'an, Li Sanyun suddenly frowned. The black energy around him carried him flying to the top of a hill, his face calm.

"running dog?"

He raised his chin, with a disdainful tone, and sneered:
"The Great Evolution is approaching. Even the First Lord was beheaded by the national master of our Wan Lun Kingdom. Due to internal and external troubles, we are already at the end of our battle."

"And my Wanlun state-owned fairy alliance relies heavily on it, and there is a great tendency to dominate the mortal world."

"If it weren't for the overwhelming fortune after the collapse of the dynasty, which would have made the last batch of heroes in your Dayan even more outstanding, do you think I, Jin Lun Wei, would have spent all my energy recruiting you here?"

Speaking of this, Li Sanyun raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, stretched out his hand and said:

"I heard that you are from a humble background. You are an orphan taken in by the old man who destroyed the Yuan Dynasty when he traveled around the mortal world. There is no family and country to speak of. Joining our Wanlun Kingdom is the only way to seek immortality and enlightenment!"

"Come on, as long as you say a word, I will take you to Wanlun Kingdom." After listening to Li Sanyun's words, Zhu Huanan took a deep breath and slowly raised his head.

His golden eyes were cold, and his tone was like frost, freezing through the desolate red desert.

"If, I say no."

The corners of Li Sanyun's mouth stiffened and he slowly retracted his hand.

"Then senior brother, I have no choice but to kill you."

After saying that, a harsh buzzing sound sounded all over his body, and as he tiptoed, he slowly rose into the air and suspended in the mid-air.

"Huan'an, all the cultivators in my Wanlun Kingdom have natal Gu worms."

"This white tomb Gu of mine can not only extend and end lives, but also store energy and blood for cultivation. Although I am physically disabled now, in this illusion world, it is not a problem to use the five emperors' secret techniques of the five levels of heaven sealing."

Zhu Huanan below looked at the floating Li Sanyun and the white insect that was constantly flapping its wings in his chest, with a hint of surprise in his eyes:
"What kind of Gu insect is this?"

"so smart?"

Black mist filled the air behind Li Sanyun, condensing into the shadow of a heron. The heron's yellow eyes were like beans, lifelike.

"Golden Lunwei imperial bestowed Gu worm, the top-ranked Gu 49th, naturally it will not be weak."

"If you want to learn"

Stretching out his hand again, Li Sanyun said with a half smile:
"Senior brother will give you one last chance to join my Golden Wheel Guard."

The only person who responded to him was Zhu Huanan's disdainful eyes, and the black knife was suddenly pulled out.

"You can't be a human being!"

"I can't be a dog!"

As the words fell, the heaven and earth suddenly trembled, shaking as if the earth was shaking.

Li Sanyun's expression changed drastically, and then he fell from the sky like a kite with its string broken.

He quickly reached out to grab the White Tomb Gu on his chest, only to find that the invulnerable White Tomb Gu had died suddenly.

Without the white tomb Gu, the vitality in Li Sanyun's body quickly passed away. He looked at Zhu Huan'an who was walking slowly with unwillingness and disbelief. Every step of the man in red seemed to step on his heart, making him cough continuously. Blood.

Suddenly, he saw something in his eyes, and the whole person came to his senses like a flash of light, and he stumbled and wanted to stand up.

He saw that the scales on the handle of the black scabbard were open, and there seemed to be a dark pupil. Just one glance made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

The buzzing sound that shook the world was actually caused by this knife!

"This is, how could this be?"

As the black knife passed by, Li Sanyun felt his eyes spinning.

In the end, he could only see his headless body falling down, while the red cloak vibrated the long knife, scattering the dirty blood without looking back.

"How could it be"

"Black Emperor Dragon Gu."

After killing Li Sanyun, Zhu Huanan looked at the dim sky again.

His eyes were filled with thousands of thoughts. Suddenly, Zhu Huan'an waved his hand and took down his redwood tree, revealing his strong body like a knife and an axe.

On that broad back, covered with dense tattoos, was a black dragon with angry eyes ready to fly into the sky!
Along with it, there were countless scars and several arrow holes that were difficult to heal. Zhu Huanan's expression was filled with determination and hatred.

"The Kingdom of Ten Thousand Wheels?"

"Of course I will go back."

Turning the wrist, the humming black knife fell silent and was sheathed by it.

Zhu Huan'an casually put Sequoia on his shoulders, turned around and left without stopping, his lips turning into a sad smile.

"Come on, junior sister."

"You should be crying for me."

 A typhoon is blowing outside. This is the first time I have experienced a typhoon in my life. I feel like the windows are about to be blown apart, Kazakhs!

(End of this chapter)

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