How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 237 Death of Qilin

Chapter 237 Death of Qilin
The strong wind blew through the mountains and stirred up the sea of ​​clouds.

The cliffs are high, the stars are gradually setting, and the exquisite stars are spreading towards the end of the sky, reflecting each other and shining brightly with the sea of ​​clouds in the distance.

The blood moon sleeps.

The demon is silent.

Everything seems to have returned to silence with the dust
Zhu Huanan held a candle in his hand, and his golden eyes were like bright flames in the night, always staring at the man opposite.

However, Shen Fengchen did not act rashly and narrowed his eyes in silence.

The two of them didn't make any move for a long time, just because they understood each other well.

Once you take action, it is definitely not to test the depth of Taoism.

But the swords are at odds with each other, and life and death are only a matter of a moment.

Therefore, it is crucial to observe the enemy's posture, weapons, and even breathing rate.

The more they looked at each other, the more they frowned, because the guy opposite had almost no flaws.

In Shen Fengchen's eyes, the red-clothed swordsman stood leaning casually, but he was like a majestic blazing sun that made people unable to open their eyes. He was unparalleled in his sharpness.

In Zhu Huan'an's eyes, the blue-robed young master's movements were almost perfect, and his momentum was as vast as the sea, swallowing up everything.

Slowly, the two men began to raise their weapons-holding hands.

The mountain wind passing by suddenly stopped, and the air pressure on the horizon was heavy.

There seemed to be dragons roaring all around, it was ethereal, yet deafening.

In the distant wasteland, the remaining tree demons felt the strange atmosphere, restrained their auras, and consciously averted their gazes.

Shen Fengchen took the first step.

As this step was taken, something unexpected happened in the void, and the phantoms of two giant beasts emerged one after another. It turned out to be a blue unicorn with angry eyes and beard. Its huge claws were holding on to a white-maned black dragon, and it opened its mouth to devour. !

Zhu Huanan also walked forward quickly. As he drew his sword and lowered his head, the suppressed black dragon suddenly used force to break free from the giant claws of the unicorn. Its huge body rolled up and flew into the sky with the unicorn.

Da da,

Just when Zhu Huan'an and Shen Fengchen were about to confront each other, a sudden burst of rustling footsteps sounded out of place.

Although the voice was soft, it caused the two people in the field to stop their movements tacitly, and the earth-shattering battle that was about to break out came to an abrupt end.

It was Murong Jingyan who walked out of the cave.

At this moment, Murong Jingyan was holding the stone wall with one hand, her hair hanging down in front of her forehead, her features could not be seen clearly, and she was extremely weak.


Zhu Huan'an stopped, looked at Shen Fengchen not far away with caution, and said.

Seeing Zhu Huan'an put down his sword, Shen Fengchen did not take advantage of anyone's danger. He also looked back at Murong Jingyan with his sword pointed, and said softly:
"Is your poison healed?"

Murong Jingyan did not reply, but still supported the stone wall with one hand, as if to relieve Su Xing's headache.

Shen Fengchen was closer and saw that something was wrong with Murong Jingyan's state, so he immediately wanted to move over.

But as soon as he took a step, Zhu Huan'an raised his black knife and warned in a deep voice:
"Don't move."

Looking sideways at Zhu Huanan, Shen Fengchen said coldly:
"Zhu Huan'an, are you still in your current situation?"

"Being my enemy is not the way you should go."

After saying that, Shen Feng took out a breath and said calmly:

"We might as well let your junior sister decide whether to form an alliance with Shen."

"This is of great benefit to you and your Abandoned Sword Villa. In other words, your Abandoned Sword Villa is bent on being an enemy of our Shen family, trying to rely on a certain powerful official of the family or..."

"Want to commit treason?"

Zhu Huanan chuckled disdainfully:
"Mr. Zhu doesn't want to interfere with your affairs. If someone wants to provoke our senior brothers and sisters, I'm not afraid of stepping in."

"Now, get out of here!"

Shen Fengchen completely ignored Zhu Huanan's words. He turned his head slightly to look at Murong Jingyan and said loudly:
"Miss Murong, please say a few words!"

"But I still remember the agreement you made with Shen that day, to help me, Fu Longsi, in the Wenjian Association."

As Shen Fengchen finished speaking, Murong Jingyan also reacted.

Standing up straight, Murong Jingyan lifted her long hair from her forehead and looked at Shen Fengchen and then Zhu Huanan with confused eyes.

Zhu Huanan glared at Shen Fengchen and said angrily:

"Junior sister, don't worry about what he says!"

"Just come to me. This guy named Shen can't do anything to you. Even if you were forced to promise him anything before, it doesn't matter. Senior brother will solve it for you."


Chen Fengchen shook his head and slowly extended his hand to Murong Jingyan with a sincere expression.

"bring it on."

"You promised me."

Zhu Huanan snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and said softly:

"Ayan, come to senior brother." "Senior brother will take you away."

Under the competition between the two, Murong Jingyan closed her eyes and her dark eyebrows frowned.

Finally, without saying a word.

Go forward.

Da da,

Da da da.
As Murong Jingyan's footprints lengthened, their expressions suddenly changed dramatically.

Zhu Huan'an's hand lowered slowly. He held a knife in one hand and looked at Murong Jingyan's back in disbelief.

Shen Fengchen, on the other hand, curled up the corner of his mouth and looked at Murong Jingyan, who was getting closer and closer, and a huge stone in his heart finally fell.

"You came."


When Murong Jingyan stood still in front of her, Shen Fengchen took a long breath.

For such a long time, he has not won over anyone like Yuan Chuang, except this female cultivator from the Abandoned Sword Villa, for her suspected immortal and demonic strength?

No. He believed that he alone could be proud of the heroes in the sword-asking world.

The reason may come from his curiosity.

After several coincidences, Shen Fengchen really wanted to have such a person by his side who could help him better. If not, at least he could protect him a little and protect him in this treacherous world of sword-asking.

Then, Shen Fengchen turned around and faced Zhu Huan'an.

With Murong Jingyan's support, his expression at this moment was not as sharp as before, and he said calmly:

"Brother Zhu."

"If your mind changes, Shen will do the same."

Halfway through the words, Shen Fengchen suddenly felt something was wrong, because Zhu Huanan's expression not far away changed slightly, as if he had seen something incredible, and his pupils shrank slightly.


Shen Fengchen was about to speak but stopped. His neck was stiff and he looked down.

At some point, his chest was penetrated by a slender hand covered in scarlet and carrying fragments of a broken heart.

Broken blood-colored jade beads fell along the fingertips.
Click, the blood dripped to the ground and turned into a crimson blood-red begonia.

One drop, two drops.The blood-colored jade beads have turned into a stream of blood, sliding down the palm of the hand to the fingertips.


Shen Fengchen subconsciously wanted to grab this hand, but the next moment, red black fire ignited in his chest like a vortex, and the scorching energy swept through his organs, causing Shen Fengchen's face to twist, and he opened his mouth to let out an unwilling roar.

The person behind him was well prepared, and immediately drew out his knife, and then with huge force like the wings of a divine phoenix, he instantly knocked the heartless body away!

Shen Fengchen was like a kite with its string broken, falling feebly into the sky.

At this moment, a sense of powerlessness and confusion lingered in his heart.

It even made him seem to have forgotten to exchange his life for his life.

Looking up, the noisy wind was like the hustle and bustle of experience. His hair covered his eyes, and he could only vaguely see a cold face, looking down at him indifferently.

The ruthlessness, indifference, and ridicule in those red phoenix eyes made Shen Fengchen see it clearly.

His mouth was slightly open, Chen Fengchen's vision was blurred, and the corners of his mouth covered with blood stains murmured to himself:
"It turns out that this is fate."

"Is it doomed?"

On Tongtianya, the shock in Zhu Huanan's eyes gradually subsided. Everything happened so fast that he couldn't even react.

Sheathing the knife and stepping forward, Zhu Huanan looked at Murong Jingyan with a complicated and unfamiliar look.


"Do you know who you just killed?"


Ha ha
With a strange chuckle, Murong Jingyan suddenly covered her mouth, and under Zhu Huanan's attention, she arched her body and started laughing, her laughter unabashedly concealed.

Seeing Murong Jingyan like this, Zhu Huanan's eyes became even more confused.

"It's okay, senior brother, this guy is very strong."

"I just didn't expect to be so stupid. Not only did he not see the recovery of my cultivation, but he also exposed his back to me like this. It's no one else's fault that he is seeking his own death."

After saying that, Murong Jingyan seemed to have had enough laughter.

He stood up and stroked the long hair on his temples with his blood-stained fingertips. His beautiful face turned to reveal a harmless smile.

"Senior brother, didn't you say?"

"Do you want to take me away?"

(End of this chapter)

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