How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 252 3er, you can’t control it

Chapter 252 San'er, you can't control it

At the city gate, the yellow sand gradually stopped.

A white boot stepped over the gatehouse and stepped lightly on the rubble.

The footsteps were not audible, but when everyone glanced at her from the corner of their eyes, they inadvertently stopped on 'her' body.

At first, it was because of the smooth black hair that reached past her shoulders.

Her hair is as long as blue silk, and her goose neck is as slender and white as the dusk clouds and falling snow, making her look elegant and generous.

Looking down, the dark eyebrows are shallow and long, and the narrow red phoenix eyes are breathtaking, cold and unparalleled, and there is a sense of distance that is distant from others.

But a little red mole at the end of the eyebrow restrains this lofty vision, adding a feminine charm, making people want to look more and unable to take their eyes away.

The only fly in the ointment is that the woman's cheeks are hung with a veil, making it difficult to see the true face of Mount Lu.

At this moment, Murong Jingyan put on clean white clothes and went into battle lightly.

Although he took off his mask, the prince still cared about it in his heart.

The frightened and suspicious looks of those people when I was a child are still vivid in my mind, and it is not like a mask that can be put down at the drop of a hat.

She also doesn’t want everyone in Duotian Tower to know her true face, that she actually looks like a weak woman.


Today, I need to give it a try.

I want to know whether that guy manipulates people's hearts based on his intelligence or his appearance.

In the city, with the appearance of Murong Jingyan, many monks who were sitting quietly and chatting stopped their voices, and some even stood up slowly and squinted their eyes to look.

No matter where he is, no matter where he is, no matter how noble he is on weekdays, he can't help but look at the figure slowly walking into the city at this moment, as if there is a kind of magic power.

These eyebrows, this pace, this repulsive temperament

Different from the eyes of the male cultivators, most of the female cultivators in the city are not alone, and are more or less accompanied by men as allies.

They also looked at Murong Jingyan, but their eyes were somewhat wary, looking up and down without blind spots.

This is the instinct among women. No matter what their identity or status is, when they meet a beautiful woman who steals the limelight, they will always compare themselves with each other immediately.

Especially on such a public occasion.

Murong Jingyan walked forward and slowly entered the main street.

"Who is this woman? Her facial features are so amazing."

"Yes, and it has such a temperament without describing it. It's really true."

"Senior brother! How can you say that other people's girls are beautiful? I, I will ignore you!"

"Hey, junior sister, don't be like this."

There were already whispers on both sides of the street. The monks with female companions did not dare to show off too much, while the lonely men nodded frequently, wondering whether they should show their faces.

The people in Duitian Tower were scattered in all directions, their eyes also shining.

What a beautiful woman.

Moreover, the black hair shawl and the way she moves are too elegant. What is the origin of this woman?

"Where is the young master? Why haven't you entered the city yet?" someone asked.

"I don't know, maybe I'm lost."


"What are you talking about? Young Master will get lost?"

"Oh, you said, young master, how do I know!?"

He breathed a sigh of relief and curled his lips meaningfully:

"Fortunately, the devil is not here."

"If such a beautiful woman is seen by the young master, I'm afraid she will be jealous and will kill the woman!"

No one else dared to say anything when he said this, but they all acquiesced.

After all, in their hearts, the young master is a woman.

What a cruel woman!

I wear a mask every day and dare not show it to others, and I even dare not take it off in front of my own people.

Definitely is.

There are flaws in the face.

No one dares to say, no one dares to ask, but it is an unspoken secret among them.

Murong Jingyan, who was in the field, did not hear these whispers and just walked forward silently. Finally, he stopped under an empty tea shed.

On the top floor of Renren Restaurant, Wu Sanzheng, the top disciple of Star Reacher, stood tall with one hand in front of his chest.

Seeing that Murong Jingyan was covered by the tea shed, Wu San took a breath and said with a smile:

"What a beautiful woman. With the veil on her body, she has such beauty, especially her cold energy."

"If it's okay to become a Taoist couple, do you still have the ability to practice?"

Wu San smiled, looked away, and started joking with his young master.

After all, the young master likes to hear this.

Wu San was slightly stunned when he turned around, because his young master's face was heavy and he looked at him with disappointment.


What kind of expression is this.

Shaking his head, Young Master Zhaixing patted Wu San on the shoulder and sighed:

"You help me for three years, and I will call you senior brother."

"But senior brother, you are too disrespectful to women. People are good-looking, and you are talking about all kinds of dirty things."

"San'er, don't blame junior brother for not warning you. You are still too young. You can't handle this kind of woman."


Wu San thought to himself that I am not older than you. If it weren't for your identity, I would really want to beat you eight hundred times.

You stole the mistress's obscene clothes and took a bath. When I knelt down with you on the street, I didn't see you respect anyone. How can you be sure?

You are awesome, you can handle any woman you are! Can you please respect me first? ?

The young master of Star Reaching continued to speak, his tone was preaching:

"And look again, this woman's face is covered with a gauze veil. Do you know why?"

Being asked this suddenly, Wu San's displeasure suddenly stopped.


After a second thought, Wu San understood instantly:

"Because she wanted to remain mysterious."



Wu San quickly pointed his fingers again:

"I know, because she is too beautiful and doesn't want to be coveted for her beauty."

"Wrong again."


Wu Sanyi clapped her hands: "Because she is actually ugly! She is an ugly woman under the veil!"

"You must not be wrong this time!"

“What a mistake!!!!!”

Damn it! ?

Wu San's neck turned red and he became anxious:

"Neither this nor that."

"What's the reason for that?"

Ha ha

The young master of Star Reaching sighed deeply at Wu San, and suddenly said loudly:

"If you still refuse to accept that you are young, please remember this to me, young master!"

Wu San frowned and lowered his head, ready to hear what he had to say.

. . .

After waiting for a long time, my ears felt as if they were deaf, and there was no sound at all.

"No, what do I remember!?" Wu San couldn't help but ask.

Raising a finger, Young Master Zhaixing looked at the sky:


"Don't worry about remembering anything, just remember it!"

Wu San's face turned pale, his mouth squirmed and he stumbled back, his eyes full of disbelief.

This guy.

What about playing?

Just when Wu San was clenching his fists and almost losing control of himself, the young master of the Star Reaching Sect in front of him had already shaken his head, turned around and walked away, patting his butt.

Looking at the sloppy back, Wu San took a deep breath, and his bulging neck slowly calmed down.

Forget it, I don't have the same experience as this guy.

But strangely enough, the young master was not confused by the color this time?


Presumably, he also saw that although this woman was calm and gentle, her aura was something that even I couldn't see through. She was definitely not a simple character that was easy to get along with.

Moreover, that woman has already attracted attention. If she is provoked rashly, she will also attract the attention of others.

It's good that he can calm down and save me a lot of trouble.

Thinking of this, Wu San closed his eyes and nodded, then turned and walked towards the fence, ready to watch the excitement and wait for someone who was not discerning enough to strike up a conversation with this mysterious woman of unknown origin.


As soon as he put his hand on the railing, Wu San was stunned.

I saw a figure striding out of Renren Restaurant at my feet.

The man's robes are white and luxurious, and he wears a jade sword on his waist. His short short hair is combed smoothly and meticulously, and he walks with a certain arrogance that is incompatible with cultivators.


Why does his sword look so familiar?

Wu San felt something was wrong. He slapped his waist with his hand, and his pupils suddenly shrank!

I fuck your mother!

Isn't that dog-looking guy below the young master? Why is he stealing my sword? ! ! ?


Under the tea shed, Murong Jingyan slowly took a seat.

Looking at the deserted street, those red phoenix eyes looked away, with a hint of loss in them.

Is that so?

I clearly showed my face, but no one came to talk to me. Instead, they kept me at a distance.



Touching her cheek with her delicate hands, Murong Jingyan's eyes were filled with sadness.

My face, when you think about it, is nothing special. Those saints and fairies in the world of cultivation are all real women, and they are no better than me.

Deficit Palace thought that guy could fool those people just by relying on his face.

So, how much does he really know how to control people?

At this moment, the bearded man with beards who had been motionless in the field also made some movement.

He stood up slowly, bent his bear-like body, and looked under the tea tent with squinted eyes.


My bloodline is boiling. Others can't see it, but I can't. This girl is like a fairy!

I have never heard of any other female cultivators in this Sword Questioning Association besides princesses who are in the form of immortals and demons.

Is it a princess?


Rumor has it that the princess is the most beautiful woman in the country. She also loves beauty and has no problem with wearing a veil. . .

This woman has taken off her veil. Is she a pockmark?

No, I have to go and see for myself!

(End of this chapter)

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