How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 254 I’ll give you 5 minutes

Chapter 254 I’ll give you five minutes

After the words fell, the jade hand also held up the veil.


The silver hook fell lightly from the shell of his ear, causing Long Zhan to forget to breathe.

The light and shadow are faint, reflecting on the thin veil, like the light and shadow of fleeting time, it is beautiful.

Even the various prodigies on both sides of the street poked their heads out curiously at this moment, wanting to catch a glimpse of their beauty and see what this pure and pure fairy looked like.

gentle wrist

Long Zhanxin said, he was about to see it

But at this moment, changes suddenly occurred.

Murong Jingyan's eyes suddenly changed and she raised her sleeves.

Snapped! What a big mouth!

Long Zhan flew out in a spiral, bringing with him a cloud of blood mist!

Immediately afterwards, Murong Jingyan turned around and extended her palm, causing the tables and chairs to shatter and hit another figure that broke into the tea shed!

As soon as the bearded man stepped into the tea shed, he felt a surge of murderous intent. His expression changed and he subconsciously raised his palms. The huge force instantly caused him to take three steps back suddenly, and several bowl-sized bowls were kicked out under his feet. pit.

The tips of Murong Jingyan's toes were slightly staggered, kicking up a fine dust smoke.

Looking back again, there is no beauty.

At this moment, Murong Jingyan not only did not take off her veil, her brows were raised, and she stood proudly with one hand behind her back.

Hehe. Someone is here again.

The big man was shocked in his heart. He was a mountain-moving god. Although he took the attack in a hurry, he was able to knock him back three steps. What kind of strength was that! ?

Murong Jingyan on the other side was also thinking in her mind.

His palm seemed sudden, but in fact it had been prepared for a long time. Logically speaking, even if someone could catch it without dying, they would at least vomit blood and fly backwards.

This guy sneaked up on me without defense, and he only took a few steps back before losing his strength. The palm of my hand didn't work at all?

Murong Jingyan's eyes were filled with cold light.

These guys came prepared.

At this moment, Prince Murong was very upset.

What I am doing is crazy.

Why do you want to show this guy my true appearance? Is he worthy?


That guy was influencing me.

The numbness after the murder once made Bai Yi Jingyan panic, because this indifference that did not belong to him was so unfamiliar, affecting him all the time and guiding him to a different path.

At this moment, Prince Murong also felt the same way.

When did this house become so worldly and tactful, trying to take crooked shortcuts and rely on other things?


Want to deal with me?

Come on then, you just want to be my enemy and be prepared to die.

Thinking of this, Murong Jingyan raised her brows and looked at the big man.

With just one look, the bearded man was stunned.

This murderous intent. . .

He comes from the three tribes and sixteen tribes of the Western Wasteland, a place beyond the Great Wall further than the Sin State.

In that wilderness area, he had never seen the Pearl of the Grassland, which was regarded as the princess of all things, but he had heard rumors about it.

She was an extremely strong-willed woman who could capture a wolf with her bare hands at the age of five, and could kill a dire bear with a long knife at the age of nine.

After awakening and cultivating, she made even more progress day by day. With the body of a woman, she surpassed the grassland son Lang. She was worshiped as the moon of Neng grassland and was named Yue Khan.

And he comes from the most remote part of the wilderness. He was born with supernatural powers. He can break giant valleys and rocks with one punch. He is the purest warrior among the Banshan clan.

According to the legend of Su Wen Yue Khan, it is indeed impressive that a female prostitute could achieve this level, but the most important thing is that the high priests of the grassland worked together to deduce the story and saw the person who could save the grassland.

It's a woman.

What is Yue Khan? If the wild man had not encountered a natural disaster and needed to write something on the Hidden Dragon List, I would not want to assist any princess.

It's best if he's really as awesome as the rumors say.

But now, he saw Murong Jingyan's eyes.

Those were a pair of indifferent eyes, with a condescending attitude, as if everything in the world was a pitiful existence in her eyes.

this. .

As a warrior on the grassland, even if the big man faced a monster as terrifying as a hill, he didn't even have a word of fear in his eyes.

At this moment, my heart trembled.

"How many people are there? Come out together."

Murong Jingyan saw that the man in front of her was quite powerful, so she spoke calmly.

The sound immediately woke him up from his thoughts.

After a brief pause, the big man scratched his head.

"Hey, I really can't hide it from you."

"It's just me."

Seeing Murong Jingyan's cold eyes, the big man thought he was blaming himself:

"Ouch, don't blame me yet!"

"I thought I was the last one, but I didn't expect that I was the first! They are not as clever as me, so they probably didn't recognize you!"

Murong Jingyan frowned.

What the hell is this guy talking about?

From a distance, Murong Jingyan saw Xia Luo winking across the street.

He shook his head and signaled Charlotte not to act rashly. This big guy looked half-dumb and incoherent. He wanted to find out what was going on first.

"Then who is he?"

Murong Jingyan raised her hand and pointed to the side, and the two of them looked at each other.

At this moment, Long Zhan was lying on the ground with his butt stuck out, with a red slap mark on the left side of his face, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

What are you doing?

Why did you hit someone suddenly?

Also, who is this stupid guy who suddenly breaks in and ruins my good deeds?

I, I’m about to see it!

Although it's just a trace, the feeling of tightening in the heart, this woman is so beautiful that she can't escape!

"Hey, who is this little match?" came the big man's voice.


Long Zhan stood up strangely, almost relying on the strength of his toes.

Slowly turning his head, he repeated with a dead look in his eyes: "Little match?"

"Are you talking about me?"

Vomiting, Long Zhan swayed forward, grabbed the man's collar and shook it vigorously. "Don't look at those who are big and thick, old man."



Shake again.

Soon, Long Zhan discovered something was wrong.

It's not right.

Why is Mao moving on his own, this guy?

Long Zhan felt like he was pushing a rock, and it was a very big and honest boulder. He slowly raised his head and saw a pair of beautiful white teeth sneering at him.

Loosening his collar, Long Zhan smiled lightly.

He smoothed the man's cloth with both hands, nodded and said:

"As the saying goes, no acquaintance can be made without fighting, good brother, look at you, you look a little anxious, this Mai is quite particular."

"Oh, there's another one."


With a slap, Long Zhan's body spun around, and the other half of his face swelled up.

"What the hell?"

Long Zhan burst into tears.

I was just striking up a conversation, and got slapped with two big fights without doing anything. What an injustice.


Suddenly there was a loud thunder, and then another figure broke into the tea shed and attacked the man directly.

After a flash of light and shadow, the big man lowered his arms, and the man took a few steps back to prepare for the attack.

The visitor was wearing a white robe and looked very heroic. Compared with Long Zhan, who had oily hair and pink face, he could be called refreshing and chic.

Seeing Wu San, Long Zhan couldn't help crying:

"Big brother!!!"

"You are finally here!!"

Then he shouted to the man:

"You're done. My senior brother is invincible and I'm going to kill you right now!"

Upon hearing this, Wu San's expression changed, and he quietly shook his numb hand behind his back, and whispered: "Young Master, don't talk nonsense."

Oh open?

The man touched his brain, looked at Long Zhan and then Wu San, and understood immediately.

"It's two against one, right?"

He rolled up his sleeves and showed a smile.

"I'll beat you twice and give you face!?"

Long Zhan opened his mouth and told the man directly that he was stunned and raised his hand to point in the direction of Wu San:

"My senior brother can beat you to death on his own. If I don't care about you, I will show you off, right?"


"good good good good!"

This time the man strode forward, looked in the direction of Wu San, and said with red eyes:

"Come on, come on, today either I will beat you to death, or you will beat me to death!"

Wu San raised his hand and touched his empty waist with the other hand:

"Wait, wait, that's not right."

"Waiting for you, uncle!"

The big man swung out an electric cannon, and the strong wind blew up half of the shed. Wu San was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. If Fei dodged in time, his head would probably be knocked off!

Not far away, Murong Jingyan looked at all this with a cold look, with some doubts in his eyes.

What are the origins of these guys?

Aren’t you here to deal with me?

Why did you start fighting yourself?

[Interesting, interesting. 】

Murong Jingyan's brows furrowed even more. While she was distracted, the guy's voice appeared again.

But this time he did not refuse. Instead, he raised his head and asked:

"You claim to be the king of controlling people, but let's talk about the origins of these three people and why they are fighting."

[Can’t you even see this? 】


[Because you and them are the same kind of people, and birds of a feather flock together, you understand this truth. 】

"What do you mean? How can I be the same kind of person as them?"

[Because you are all very simple-minded. 】


[Let’s do this, if you release me, I will help you bring them all into the Tiandu Tower, believe it or not~]

"Haha, you should keep these delusions to yourself. Most of your soul has been lost. It won't be long before you become one with me."

Prince Murong sneered, unmoved at all.

[It's none of your business whether my soul is in trouble or not. I'm just asking you if you dare to take a gamble. 】

[Anyway, now that the body belongs to you, it doesn’t matter if you try, I won’t commit suicide. 】

[At the critical moment, you can seize me at any time. 】


[I think this man is not weak to Cao Diantian. If he accepts him, it will definitely be a big help. Are you really not tempted? 】


[There is also this guy named Long. I can feel it. Although this guy looks useless, if there is nothing you can’t see through, how can you talk to him properly? 】


[This opportunity is not to be missed. If you miss it, you will have to face the hordes of monsters at the Second Heaven Pass with your bare buttocks. 】


"Here you go, half a stick of incense."

(End of this chapter)

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