How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 266 Find Zhu Huanan

Chapter 266 Find Zhu Huanan

The snow is withered and green, the thick rime is surrounded by the bamboo forest, and the cold wave is spreading, showing the depth.

The horse's hooves passed by the gray stone, dispersed the fog, and disappeared into another thick fog.

Murong Jingyan was sitting on the horse, her bamboo hat fluttering on her head, and the fragrance of flowers flowed away with the wind, leaving behind a cool fragrance.

Glancing back from the corner of his eye, Murong Jingyan let out a breath.

That day when he sent out the invitation, Shen Su actually followed him. At this moment, he was sitting calmly behind him, even holding his waist with one hand.

And after a few days, Murong Jingyan became more and more certain that although the horse he was riding was lifelike, it was not actually a living thing at all.

Traveling thousands of miles for a day without taking a break to eat, how could an ordinary foal do this? But then I thought about it, the sword world is a world of its own, how can there be any living things in the chaotic mist passing through it.

At this moment, a figure rang out in his mind.

[This woman wants to kill Zhu Huanan and become your enemy. 】

[Why not kill her? 】

Murong Jingyan recognized that it was his prince's voice, her expression remained unchanged at this moment, and she responded in her heart:

"If you hadn't caused trouble, both Shen Su and Shen Fengchen were mine, how could we have ended up in this situation?"

"If we leave her alone, this woman might really find our senior brother. If he kills her then, won't we just make an enemy again?"

"If not, let her stay with me. After all, there are no enemies of Shen Fengchen in this Sword Asking Club."

【You mean】

Murong Jingyan smiled, but her eyes were a little sad:


"Shen Su is very strong. If I can put the blame on Yuan Chuang, she can still be used by me."

Just as Murong Jingyan was fighting in her heart, the two of them had arrived outside the dense forest unknowingly.

Snow suddenly began to fall in the sky.

Different from the scattered snow spots before, goose-feather-like snow fell from the gray dome. Murong Jingyan, who walked out of the forest, slowed down, reined in her horse, and her beautiful eyes slowly opened wide.

In front of us is a vast snowfield stretching as far as the eye can see.

The snow color stretches, and the white color connects the sky and the earth. The snow falls all over the sky. There is no dazzling white snow, only the endless vastness, with the heaviness of ancient years, is fascinating.

Just as Murong Jingyan was sighing with emotion, Shen Su's ears moved slightly, and she suddenly stepped on the horse's back with her toes and flew up.

The sudden movement made Murong Jingyan look back, but in the next moment, Murong Jingyan felt a chill on her back and almost instinctively turned over and dismounted.

At the same time, a silver gun passed by his scalp silently, knocking off a corner of his hat.

Without a hit, several figures suddenly rushed out of the quiet forest around them, each holding a weapon. The burst of energy and blood directly evaporated the flying snow here, and the breath firmly locked the two of them.

"Kill them!!"

Shen Su, who was riding high into the sky, snorted coldly. She drew out her long sword, her movements were both fast and slow, with an indescribable Taoist charm.

Not seeing a burst of energy and blood, he just said nothing and flew towards the ambushing master.

Seeing Shen Su taking the initiative to welcome him, several people were not polite, and they all went to kill Shen Su first.

At this moment, Murong Jingyan was standing next to the horse, looking at the incomplete bamboo hat in her hand, her face darkened, her beautiful brows twitching slightly, it was a kind of renounced anger.

If I had reacted a little slower.

It seems that these guys have been lying in wait here for a long time, waiting for the monk to be distracted for a moment. The shot was silent and aimed at penetrating the heads of the two of them.

Fortunately, Shen Su reacted quickly and was not taken advantage of.

"It's okay to kill people and seize treasures, but you guys shouldn't do it."

"Destroy this bamboo hat!"

Murong Jingyan clapped his hands behind him and smashed the guqin upright on the ground. With his slender five fingers, he played the most domineering and crazy style of ancient music!

The faces of the monks who were hunting Shen Su for a quick victory changed slightly. When they looked back, they saw pieces of bamboo collapsed, as if they had been torn apart by something.

As soon as the monk who was close raised his sword, he and the sword flew backwards, spitting out a large mouthful of blood.

The other few people were entangled by Shen Su and couldn't dodge, so they had no choice but to fight hard. Their mouths trembled, their faces turned red, and they almost suffered internal injuries in order to hold back the blood.

But when the sound of the piano passed by Shen Su, nothing seemed to happen, which showed the control of the master of the piano sound.

Shen Su wandered in the forest, her sword skills were agile, and she suppressed several people even though she didn't activate her energy and blood.

The person who took action first realized something was wrong. Although his appearance as a divine beast was not superior, the ancestral Anpo Yousui gun was hard to guard against, but he was too weak to deal with this woman and could not hurt her at all!

"Let's go first!"

"These two women are not simple!"

When the other people heard this, they immediately felt like they were amnesty. They realized something was wrong as soon as they fought. How could a normal person be so calm when being attacked by a sneak attack and take the initiative to kill him! ?

Two people used Taoism together, and a seven-story pagoda appeared, suppressing Shen Su with billowing demonic energy.

Several other people took advantage of this opportunity and scattered, preparing to escape into the dense forest.

But it is a pity that what greeted them was the red silk brocade in the forest, and the spiritual silk silk was like a dormant red rope, surrounding their retreat.

"Want to go?"

Murong Jingyan's voice came from above her head. Several people looked up and saw a stunning beauty standing on a bamboo tree. Her perfect cheeks were like a dreamer waking up from a dream, and she was dressed in white like an immortal.

This is the fairy holding all five fingers, filled with a strong aura of destruction, a point of divine light with petals, and rapidly falling downwards with the wave of his hand!

After a while.

Murong Jingyan bent down and after groping for several corpses for a while, he looked at his palm.

In the palm of his hand lay three round crystals. If they weren't shining with colorful light, they would be just like the gravel of the river bed.

"This is the tear of ten thousand years."

"Is this what the Qianlong List's rating depends on?"

Glancing at Shen Su who was not far away, Murong Jingyan put away the three Ten Thousand Years Tears without leaving a trace, coughed lightly and pretended that nothing happened.

Shen Su put the sword back into its scabbard at this moment. Her expression was calm throughout the whole process, but although she did not show what her ancestral blood was, Murong Jingyan could still see how strong she was.

Shen Su didn't seem to care about the ownership of those ten thousand years of tears, and just spoke lightly, as if to remind:

"When we get here, the killing has already begun."

"Further ahead is the battle tomb. Rumor has it that the battle tomb contains the fighting spirit of ancient warriors and even ancient living corpses. Many extraordinary things will happen there."

"Although there are not as many tears of ten thousand years as Dragon City and Yueqiao Bay, they are enough to cause people to fight."

Murong Jingyan smiled noncommittally. She didn't think that if she wanted to leave, how many people could stop her.

But when she saw a silver gun on the ground, Murong Jingyan still put away the contempt in her heart. After all, even these little-known guys almost made her fall. It was still too imprudent.

If you really get scratched, how can you seduce others? ?

Another two days passed.

The two men and one horse were galloping around the snowy field, and they understood why this snowy field was called a battle mound. The ruins of daggers and the piles of armored mounds that could be seen everywhere all showed how tragic battles had taken place here. .

But Murong Jingyan quickly discovered the clues.

Even though the scale of this battle was large, from his current perspective, it was still too mundane, more like a mortal battle.

There are no ravines created by the Heaven-Destroying Earth-Destroying Dao method, and there are no magical weapons. If you look through the crown tomb, you can see that they are all ordinary soldiers with cold armor, rusted by the erosion of time, and their original appearance cannot be seen clearly.

While walking in the wilderness, Murong Jingyan could sometimes hear the sounds of fighting and shouting.

Shen Su said it was the lingering spirit.

I just lament that the Sword-Questing Club has been running for two thousand years, and almost all the heroic fighting spirit here has been absorbed. In recent sessions of the Sword-Questing Club, it is no longer rare to hear of anyone who can merge with the fighting spirit of the ancient warriors and produce wonderful changes.

During this period, Murong Jingyan encountered the legendary living corpse, which was a kind of movable skeleton soldier. He also killed two pairs of men who coveted him and started a battle.

After several battles, the living corpses contributed two Ten Thousand Years Tears, while the monks left six.

After receiving nine thousand-year tears in two days, Murong Jingyan didn't know if she had more or less, and she also wanted to give Shen Su some sweet spots to win over her.

However, Shen Su was not interested in this. She just wanted to find Shen Fengchen's murderer as soon as possible.

Murong Jingyan's tireless brainwashing was still somewhat effective. At least Shen Su was no longer only convinced of Zhu Huan'an, but she had to find Zhu Huan'an and ask clearly.

Two more days passed, and the two finally arrived at a place.

Here is one arched snow bag after another. Murong Jingyan rubbed the star-shifting ring on her hand, closed her eyes, and frowned slightly.

“This is it”

This feeling was so vague that Murong Jingyan simply turned over and dismounted, walking step by step deeper into the snowpack.

Shen Su just followed Murong Jingyan.

In a place where Murong Jingyan could not see, Shen Su sniffed lightly with the tip of her nose, and inadvertently leaned next to Murong Jingyan to smell the aroma. If her eyes were not covered with white silk, I am afraid she would be a little intoxicated at this moment.

To her, the floral fragrance on Murong Jingyan's body had a natural affinity.

After Murong Jingyan kept changing directions, her footsteps finally stopped.

In front of the two of them was a huge snowpack, covered in thick white snow, making it difficult to see what was inside.

"Senior brother is in here?"

Murong Jingyan raised her hand, preparing to blow away the snow with her palm to see the situation, but as soon as she raised her hand, Shen Su stopped her.

"somebody is coming."

Before Murong Jingyan could speak, Shen Su raised her finger and pointed to the sky, grabbed Murong Jingyan's sleeve and hid in the snow bag next to her.

Murong Jingyan did not doubt Shen Su's perception. This woman was almost always unpredictable during the whole journey. She could tell that someone was coming without even seeing a figure.

Sometimes Murong Jingyan wanted to take off her eyeballs and wash them, otherwise she wouldn't be able to use them anymore.


Murong Jingyan was suspicious. Shen Su should know what her strength was. Do they still need to hide when they join forces?

Soon, Murong Jingyan knew the answer.

I saw a gust of wind blowing up from the sky for no reason, and then a shadow appeared at the end of the sky, coming straight towards here, the speed was staggering.

Murong Jingyan looked over and her pupils suddenly shrank.

"It's him!?"

(End of this chapter)

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