Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 104 1 Black in Front of You

Chapter 104

The Hailin Museum, which was once listed as one of the "Twelve Must-Visit Attractions in Linhai City", has been deserted recently because of the murder outside the museum.

The old people in several museums have left, as if the museum will close down tomorrow.

But at such an important time, the actual speakers of the Hailin Museum, Wang Guosheng and Master Wang, did not stay in the museum to stabilize the morale of the army, but ran to Zhang Yang's studio.

And he offered to cooperate with Zhang Yang to live broadcast Jianyibao.

"Teacher Wang, many treasure friends who came to live broadcast Jianbao, most of the things they brought were small things of a few hundred yuan. Letting an expert like you look at them is a bit like shooting mosquitoes with cannons." Zhang Yang was a little displeased. Said kindly.

He didn't really think that Master Wang was too big, after all, the quality of the things in the hands of those folk collectors who went to participate in the "Treasure Hunt" was not much different from what Zhang Yang usually appraised.

What Zhang Yang is really worried about is that netizens like to do hard work, and the elderly may not be so receptive, and it will be bad if the atmosphere is awkward.

"How can Jianbao talk about cannons and mosquitoes? It can help people distinguish between real and fake things, isn't it enough?"

Master Wang didn't care about Zhang Yang's words, and said with a smile.

"I've watched your show, and many people came to appraise Wenwan, ivory products and so on. You forgot, I used to be famous for appraising miscellaneous collectibles?"

Seeing that the old man even used his title of "miscellaneous appraisal expert", Zhang Yang had no choice but to agree to live broadcast with him.

Before Master Wang appeared on camera, he first explained to the netizens in the live broadcast room.

"Brothers, a heavyweight guest is coming today."

"Those things that may send you in, I can only say that you should be more cautious and don't explain much."

"Miscellaneous collections, such as bamboo carvings, wood carvings, and the Four Treasures of the Study, you can greet them as much as you want. With the help of this teacher, I will definitely be able to give you a clear analysis."

[Could it be the police who conduct appraisal? 】

[It may also be a museum]

[Brothers, it's time to bring out the heirlooms]

[A little shock for the new guests]

"Okay, then let's welcome the first Baoyou Lianmai."

While accepting Lianmai, Zhang Yang got up and welcomed Master Wang to sit next to him.

His eyes were still on Wang Guosheng, and he saw a very surprised expression on the old man's face.

What could make an eighty-year-old man who had experienced hardships show such an unexpected expression?

Zhang Yang turned around quickly, and what Baoyou showed in the camera made his eyes go dark.

On a small round table, there are three old books that are yellowish and thread-bound, each of which has the same name "Jin Ping Mei Ci Hua".

"Hey hey...Mr. Zhang, may I ask you to watch this?"

The person who spoke was Baoyou with a slightly green voice, and he should not be very old.

After seeing the heavyweight guest, an old man with the appearance of a gray-haired expert, his somewhat sullen laughter stopped abruptly, and he became polite in an instant.

If Master Wang wasn't around, he would definitely be able to watch it, and he would also watch it with the netizens in the live broadcast room.

But now, Zhang Yang was a little speechless for a while.

"I've read all of your books." Master Wang broke the silence.

Um?what's the situation?What's the point of this book?

Zhang Yang quickly observed, and sure enough, these books had something to say.

Thread-bound book in traditional characters, date of production, 1933?
Seeing Zhang Yang's serious face, Master Wang tilted his head and asked him, "Have you seen it before?"

"No." Zhang Yang quickly denied: "Mr. Wang, tell me about this. I don't have much research on these books."

"I can only tell that these books should be from the 40s and [-]s in the last century. It is not easy to preserve them so well after the war."

"It's more than difficult." Master Wang said with emotion: "In three or three years, this kind of book was funded by the [Yanjing Ancient Lost Novels Publishing Association] and published by the Kongde Library in Yanjing. Only 120 sets were printed in total. .”

"Mr. Lu Xun and Mr. Zheng Zhenduo, each bought a set."

"This set of books is also what we commonly call the Wanli Book now."

[Holy shit, stand in awe! 】

[Who is this old gentleman, as if I have experienced it personally]

【Master Wang Guosheng, you don’t even know each other?I have learned art from a pawn shop in Yanjing City since I was a child, I have never seen anything]

【Isn't Master Zhang an upside-down?How come people at this level know each other]

"This treasure holder, is this handed down from your family, or did you buy it yourself?"

"Are there only these three copies? A set should be ten copies." Master Wang asked softly.

Baoyou didn't rush to answer, but asked Zhang Yang: "Master Zhang, isn't this illegal?"

"You won't wait to say that I spread unhealthy information, just invite me to drink tea?"

Zhang Yang was amused, he had been on mic for 2 minutes, now he was worried that it might be too late.

But he still calmed Baoyou's restless heart:

"Brother, your unabridged version of the book cannot be released to the public, but it's fine for you to read it under the quilt, just pay attention to your body."

"Listen, your voice is a little weak."

"Ah, as long as it's okay." Baoyou let out a long sigh of relief: "I found this in my great-grandpa's relics. He used to study at Yenching University."

"It seems to be from a scholarly family." Master Wang nodded.

"Teacher, are these things valuable now?"

"This..." Zhang Yang looked at Master Wang: "Can you tell me?"

Zhang Yang really doesn't know what kind of policy this kind of thing is.

Master Wang smiled slightly and said, "It's a pity that your set is not complete, otherwise it would be worth a lot if you go through the auction channel."

"For this kind of books, it is still recommended that you collect them yourself."

【Hahaha, what else is he collecting after watching it all】

[literary value is actually quite high]

[This is Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng's masterpiece, I have a set of deleted and reduced versions in my collection]

"Okay, thank you teacher."

Baoyou understands it very well and doesn't have too much entanglement.


"Ahem, brothers, you should pay attention."

Zhang Yang pretended to cough twice, reminding the audience in the live broadcast room to pay attention to the next occasion.

"I forgot to introduce you. Today's guest is a well-known miscellaneous appraisal expert in China, Mr. Wang Guosheng."

"Teacher Wang's knowledge is here, everyone should cherish this opportunity and don't waste it."

"Come on, welcome to the next treasure friend."

The pixel of the second Baoyou’s mobile phone is a bit low. After taking a picture for a long time, he couldn’t focus. In the end, he simply zoomed out the lens and finally got a clear shot.

The treasures he brought were packed in six small red paper boxes arranged in a row.

"Baoyou, what are you pretending to be?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Hi two teachers, here are six pills, I bought them before, Angong Niuhuang Pills."

The person speaking at the other end of the video was a middle-aged man with a northern accent.

"I'll go!" Zhang Yang looked at Teacher Wang in surprise, and the latter nodded at him.

It means that Master Wang also agrees that this is a good treasure.

Logically speaking, this kind of thing should be shown directly to Wang Guosheng, after all, the old man must be very familiar with this kind of "miracle medicine" that the folks often say.

But from the very beginning, Wang Guosheng made an agreement with Zhang Yang that he didn't come here to steal the show, and let Zhang Yang come at his own pace.

According to Zhang Yang's usual habits, he first asked about the origin:

"Baby, where are you from?"

"This is the medicine produced in 74 that I bought in 73."

【In [-], I was not even born】

【I was just one year old at that time】

【My dad was born in [-]】

[The two fathers and sons in front should not recognize each other]

"Where is this produced, in China, or in Korea?"

"Domestic, produced by the local Yingkou Traditional Chinese Medicine Factory."

"How much did you pay for this?" Zhang Yang asked curiously.

The eldest brother took out a red receipt, pointed to the words on it, and said, "When I bought it, one piece cost two yuan and three cents, and six pieces cost a total of more than 12 yuan."

"It's so cheap!" Zhang Yang thought about the low price in 73, but he didn't expect it to be so low.

The big data next to it shows that Angong Niuhuang Pills, made before 93, have an auction price of more than [-] yuan because of the addition of "rhinoceros horn" medicinal materials.

And a lot similar to the age of the medicine in the hands of this treasure friend, a Angong Niuhuang Pill from the 60s, was sold for a sky-high price of 11.

[The salary at that time was only 30 yuan]

【Making a fortune】

[Two yuan in the [-]s, the purchasing power is about the same as the current [-] yuan]

【Isn't this expired】

Seeing the issue of expiration in the barrage, Zhang Yang's knowledge blind spot was touched, so he immediately asked Master Wang who was beside him humbly.

"Ms. Wang, will this medicine expire?"

Unexpectedly, Wang Guosheng seemed to be thinking about something, so he didn't reply right away.

It was Baoyou who answered the question first: "This is sealed with wax, so it shouldn't expire!"

"It won't expire. In those days, this kind of medicine was well sealed." Master Wang came back to his senses, and continued Baoyou's words.

"Teacher, how much can I sell this thing now?"

"I read on the Internet that it is made of artificial bezoar and sells for 900 yuan a piece." Baoyou asked the question he was most concerned about.

"Actually, there are two prices..."

Zhang Yang talked about the price of the auction and the actual drug itself, and left it to Baoyou to make his own judgment.

[This drug can be sold for hundreds of thousands outside the intensive care unit]

【Angong Niuhuang Wan is used well, it can really extend life】

[My grandfather spent 91 yuan to buy two [-]-year-olds two years ago]

[Actually, Chinese medicine is really hard to say, different people have different opinions]


"Let me check the time. It's 03:30, it's a bit late. Teacher Wang, let's go out for dinner after two more identifications?"

"Don't worry about the bullet screen, don't you have enough things today to open your eyes?" Zhang Yang responded with a smile to the bullet screen.

Mainly considering Master Wang's age, it is not an option to let him sit with him all the time.

"Come on, this treasured friend named Wine Sword Immortal, are you here to appraise the bronze sword?"

"I'm here to appraise the wine." Baoyou followed Zhang Yang's words: "Isn't the teacher going out to eat? You can't eat Moutai twice."

While talking over there, the camera showed a bottle of Moutai, a classic milky white glass bottle.

Different from ordinary Moutai, there are two red strings tied on it, and the words "Special Wine for GWY Agency Service Bureau" are written on the strings.

"To be honest, I don't dare to pronounce the words above you." Zhang Yang pretended to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

"I'm afraid the Internet police in the live broadcast room are too sensitive."

【Read it, if something goes wrong, we'll bring you food】

[This treasure friend has some background]

"Teacher, can this be identified?" Baoyou asked.

"Yes, you can turn the bottle around, and I'll look at the production date on the back."

Zhang Yang has confirmed that this wine bottle was produced in 2013.

If it matches the production date of this wine, there is a high probability that there is nothing wrong with it.

Baoyou turned the bottle over and saw "2009" written on it, Zhang Yang frowned.

"Baoyou, I don't know much about wine, but from what I can see, there should be something wrong with this thing, and the production year should be false."

"Isn't it from 09? I took a look at the bottle, and it's quite transparent. It's not the same as the current Moutai bottle."

"Brother, is it so important that the glass is impenetrable?"

Zhang Yang suspected that this treasure friend might have watched too much porcelain appraisal.

"Haha, I'm sorry, teacher, I forgot it's glass."

Baoyou laughed awkwardly, and took out a black, brick-like object from the table next to him.

"Actually, I want to ask the two teachers to help me look at this brick and inkstone."

The so-called brick inkstone is an inkstone carved with ancient bricks, usually ancient bricks from the Qin and Han Dynasties, after all, modern bricks are of little value.

Zhang Yang frowned again.

After seeing a lot of things, the obvious old objects are different, such as the brick and inkstone in front of me, with a simple and simple atmosphere.

"Is there any engraving on it? Generally, this kind of brick will have a clear history, otherwise it is worthless."

"Yes." Baoyou turned over the stone inkstone, pointed to the engraved big characters on it and said:
"It says [Rebuild Luoyang Palace in the first year of Han Jian'an]."

【Hahahaha, this man is really smart】

【Spiral chat explodes】

[This is a Han brick, the thing that opens the door]

"Is it the first year of Jian'an? Brother, wait a minute, let me see what year it is."

Zhang Yang looked at the chronology, the first year of Jian'an, 196 AD, and the "production time" of this brick is 195 years.

"Brother, where did you get this thing?"

"Heirloom." Baoyou replied eloquently.

Zhang Yang gave him a thumbs up: "This is for the police, we two brothers, is it necessary to do this?"

"Tell me, where did this come from?"

"It's really ancestral."

"Is the ancestors fighting against each other?" Zhang Yang asked with a smile.

"No, my ancestor was an official in charge of five provincial salt taxes during the Daoguang period. There used to be a plaque on the door given by Emperor Daoguang. There were many such things in the family before, and they were all lost."

[The Emperor of Stealing Light?Such a ruthless tomb robber]

[This buddy was talking, his voice suddenly trembled]

[Hahaha, the old nine doors certified by the emperor, right?]

"Brother, you won't wait to take out the Faqiu seal bestowed by Emperor Daoguang?"

"No, it's really inherited from the ancestors." Baoyou said solemnly.

"Can you show me how much this thing is worth now?"

"Money? This kind..."

Zhang Yang just wanted to quote the price, and it was worth a thousand dollars.

But Master Wang suddenly pressed his hand under the table and gave him a subtle look.

Then, the old man asked: "This treasure holder, are you from the Central Plains province? Have you ever stayed in Zhongzhou Middle Road in Luoyang City?"

As soon as the voice fell, Lianmai's Baoyou directly disconnected...

 There is another chapter in the early morning, strive for daily 8k update
(End of this chapter)

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