Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 106 You Are a Match Made in Heaven

Chapter 106 You Are a Match Made in Heaven

"Master Zhang, should I go down and have a look?"

Cheng Zongwen squatted down and pointed at the robbery hole, his tone light and light, without any surprise.

"Maybe there is something near the entrance of this cave, which can help you determine the age of this tomb, teacher."

"No!" Wang Guosheng and Zhang Yang said at the same time.

"Teacher Wang, you go first."

Zhang Yang didn't expect Master Wang's reaction to be the same as his own, but the reasons for their opening were somewhat different.

"Don't destroy the scene, there may be evidence to solve the case." Wang Guosheng said very seriously: "It's better to call the police first, this tomb will have an archaeological team to carry out rescue excavations."

"Yeah, leave the rest to the archaeological team, don't be too curious, pay attention to safety." Zhang Yang also echoed.

[I always feel that Master Zhang is implying something]

【Tomb robbers are getting more and more arrogant now】

[Don't the anchor ask where this robbery hole is? 】

"By the way, dear friend, where did you find this?"

Zhang Yang also wanted to know the answer to this question.

"This is on the outskirts of Linhai City, next to Bijia Mountain Scenic Area."

Cheng Zongwen stood up and gave the distant view of the mountain.

On the edge of the picture, you can see that there are several people walking towards the ancient tomb along the road he just went up the mountain.

"Teacher, it seems that someone is coming. I'll hang up first and go to the police right away..."

After hanging up Lianmai, Cheng Zongwen walked down the mountain quickly, and met the people who went up the mountain halfway up the mountain.

It was none other than the rich second-generation three brothers headed by Chen Yanguang.

"Uncle, is this the big tomb you mentioned?"

Wei Fuguang was holding the phone, and the sound of Zhang Yang saying goodbye to the audience and downloading the broadcast was coming from the phone.

They only followed when they saw that Lianmai was almost done.

"What's the matter, do you want to go into the robber's cave?" Cheng Zongwen showed a kind smile on his face: "You guys still dare to visit the tomb?"

He also heard the story of the three brothers being trapped in the grave robbery pit.

"Don't dare, dare not." Huang Bin, who has become a trainee lawyer, waved his hands quickly.

The last time he returned from the police station, his father criticized him severely.

Now whenever he thinks about tomb robbery, his father will sing "Tears Behind the Bar" in his head automatically.

"Actually, it's okay, let's just take a look, and don't go in and steal things."

Chen Yanguang's mind was active and he was eager to try.

"The greatest tragedy in life is the loss of freedom; the greatest pain in life is the loss..." Huang Bin's voice suddenly sounded.

"Okay, okay, can't you stop watching it?" Chen Yanguang directly raised his hands in surrender.

He turned his head and asked Cheng Zongwen about the business:
"I've already called the police. Shall we go straight back now? Or wait here for the police?"

"Go back, the police won't be too anxious to come to this kind of tomb that has been stolen."

Cheng Zongwen is very experienced, and imparts experience to the three young men in front of him.

On the way back, the three young people couldn't help being curious and kept asking Cheng Zongwen about Feng Shui.

"Uncle, isn't Feng Shui a feudal superstition?" Huang Bin asked.

"It's enough for the ancients to believe it. There is no one who doesn't believe in Feng Shui for the owner of the tomb that the tomb robbers are looking for."

"Then is there still time for us to learn Feng Shui?" Chen Yanguang asked.

"It's too late, but Feng Shui is a very complicated subject. If you want to learn it, you have to work hard."

"How long will it take to reach your level?" Wei Fuguang asked.

"Awei, can you show Uncle Cheng a little respect? You can learn from his five-success power. It's up to you to decide where your next bar will be opened."

"Then I will drive next to the Municipal Public Security Bureau. The more dangerous the place, the safer it is." Wei Fuguang said thoughtfully.

"Just for your courage." Cheng Zongwen stretched out his hand, made a sign of "seven" to Wei Fuguang, and said, "Study with no distractions, at most seven years, and you will be able to become a teacher."

"I have been studying Fengshui for 12 years. If I show Fengshui to others, I should be able to barely support myself."

Cheng Zongwen's words directly cut off all the thoughts of the three young people.

seven years?Who has this spare time!
Similar thoughts emerged in the hearts of the three at the same time: Feng Shui, let's just watch the excitement.

With the same view as them, there is also Master Wang:
"Zhang Yang, for things like Feng Shui, it takes too much energy to learn from family traditions from an early age."

"People of the older generation, including my younger brother, liked to study Feng Shui, but he has studied it all his life, but he still hasn't figured out why."

In Wang Guosheng's eyes, Cheng's second child is obviously an onmyoji, who looks after other people's yin and yang houses.

Probably because of Zhang Yang's family relationship, this young man knew such a rare profession.

What he meant was that he hoped that a good seed like Zhang Yang would not disperse his energy on unimportant things.

But Zhang Yang asked him a very strange question:

"Teacher Wang, have you heard of the sixteen-character yin-yang feng shui secret technique?"

Wang Guosheng thought for a moment thoughtfully, then shook his head:

"I have studied ancient books such as "Shaking the Dragon Sutra", "Funeral Sutra", "Xue Xin Fu", etc. Is the Feng Shui secret technique you mentioned also in any ancient book?"

"No, I just heard about it somewhere." Zhang Yang waved his hand awkwardly. He just wanted to make a joke, but he didn't expect that Master Wang really seemed to have something.

The book "Burial Sutra" sounds like it has nothing to do with the tomb.

Seeing that Zhang Yang seemed to be very interested in these things, Wang Guosheng's eyes changed, thinking of the purpose of his visit today, he adjusted his direction in time:

"Actually, it's okay to read these ancient Fengshui books."

"Huh? What does the teacher mean?"

Zhang Yang looked puzzled, didn't you just say that this kind of thing "waste energy"?

"What I mean is that the books mentioned just now are collected in the Hailin Museum. If you are interested, you can read them at any time."

Wang Guosheng began to lead the topic intentionally: "Not only these, but also the ancient books that my brother studied before his death, which may contain the sixteen-character secret technique you mentioned..."

"How? Are you interested?"

"Of course I'm interested." Zhang Yang nodded, then smiled and said, "Teacher, just tell me what you mean."

Zhang Yang is well aware of the situation in the Hailin Museum. At such an important time, the old man even came to the studio to accompany him to live broadcast.

It is said that he is purely out of interest, even a fool would not believe it.

"Oh, it's not about the museum..."

Wang Guosheng explained the matter in detail, and seeing that Zhang Yang didn't have any resistance, he took out the "letter of appointment" with a green casing from his bag, and handed it over.

Wang Jianye won't be able to come out for a while, and the museum will continue to operate.

No one in the Wang family is interested in this mess. Private museums, when encountering homicide cases, usually end in a cool way.

Everyone just wants to quickly divide up the things in the museum and make their own fortunes.

"I can barely put the stalls together now, but when I leave, Jianye wants to settle in the UK directly in the future, and this museum will be disbanded."

"Why don't you find a reliable buyer?" Zhang Yang asked doubtfully after accepting the letter of appointment.

Master Wang invited him to be the deputy curator of Hailin Museum.

Said to be the deputy curator, when the curator is not around, he is the curator.

It is foreseeable that the curator will be absent for a long time in the future.

So what Wang Guosheng actually meant was to recruit the talent Zhang Yang.

Although he had no interest in working for the Wang family, Zhang Yang did not directly refuse, because he had to agree first before he could ask the question he asked Wang Guosheng in a logical manner.

What if one day the Hailin Museum is for sale?
Wang Jianye, the serious successor, has lost his heart, and his plan to escape from Linhai is enough to explain everything.

The founder of the museum and the spokesperson of the Wang family, Master Wang, has a family centered in the north, and is now at the age of raising grandchildren and caring for the rest of his life.

As for the rest of the Wang family, there are too few successful ones. Zhang Yang has already seen it when he was helping Wang Xuerong's husband with the funeral.

Everyone is a sensible person, and Wang Guosheng instantly understood what Zhang Yang meant.

The old man frowned slightly and fell silent.

Zhang Yang did not speak, quietly waiting for the old man to think.

After a while, Wang Guosheng said:
"Even if money is no object, you are too young."

"Once the Wang family withdraws from the Hailin Museum, you won't be able to grasp it."

"Although there are more than 2 collections in the museum, only about [-]% of them belong to me and Jianye's father. The remaining half are donated by relatives and friends of the Wang family. If the museum is to be sold, the items must be returned. .”

"There are also some that were lent to us by the customs and government agencies for exhibition, accounting for more than half of the collections on display, and they have to be returned."

"I made a rough estimate. In this way, of the more than 4000 collections on display, there may be only [-] left in the end."

"At that time, the exhibits were not systematic, and the museum was no different from closing the door."

When Wang Guosheng was talking about these things, he didn't mention money at all.

All he considered was the survival of the museum.

After Zhang Yang listened, he thought about it carefully, nodded and admitted: "I think it's too simple."

He originally wanted to gamble on stones, make a fortune, and directly buy the Hailin Museum.

But in fact, running a private museum in China is not just about money.

Wang Guosheng, as well as the Wang family, have been cultivating in Linhai for so many years, and they paid far more than money.

"It's okay, young man, it's good to have vigor."

Seeing Zhang Yang admitting his mistake frankly, Master Wang showed an expression of appreciation on his face.

"Actually, Zhang Yang, have you ever thought that if you don't buy a museum, being a curator is the same..."


The conversation between Zhang Yang and Wang Guosheng lasted for nearly two hours, and finally reached a consensus smoothly.

In fact, Master Wang has only one core appeal, which is to preserve the Hailin Museum founded by him and his brother.

And Zhang Yang is the most suitable candidate he can find so far.

In order to impress Zhang Yang, not only the position of deputy curator, he even gave up [-]% of the museum's net profit.

Although the museum may not make much money recently, the attitude is here.

The reason why Zhang Yang chose to agree is simpler:
He hasn't been a museum curator yet. Although he is a deputy, how can he let go of the opportunity to experience it?
In the face of resources and social status, pure money is simply not worth mentioning.


On the second day after Zhang Yang took office, another happy event happened.

Chen Yanguang is getting engaged!
"Actually, I have a little disdain for the Cheng family. You know what the father of their family is."

"But Cheng Shihui is really nice. Don't look at her exaggerated clothes when she came to the museum before, but she actually lives very simple in private."

"When I was in elementary school, my father went to jail. She was sensible much earlier than me."

When sending the invitation, Chen Yanguang chatted with Zhang Yang about his fiancée with great interest, and the air was full of sour smell.

Zhang Yang picked up the invitation and looked at the engagement photo of the big brother, the two newcomers were indeed a match.

Thinking of Chen Yanguang asking him to "pay money" to some old friends, he asked:
"Have you dealt with those matters? There won't be anything wrong with the engagement ceremony, right?"

"It's over, I'll confess directly."

"It's all thanks to my father-in-law. With a man like him who abandoned his wife and daughter and went to work on the sewing machine by his side, I just have some ambiguities with the female anchor. He is simply a good man."

"Don't spoil the word "good man." Zhang Yang curled his lips and said, "Will there be too many people then, won't we meet those two from your father-in-law's family?"

"No, no, my wife's uncle, it seems that the company is in a hurry and has gone home. There is an old man left, just eating quietly."

At this time, Zhang Yang didn't know that Boss Cheng's urgent matter was caused by three employees of Yangming Studio.


Three days ago, in the studio.

It was already time to get off work, but after Zhang Yang left, the three employees touched him back at the same time.

"What's the matter, has the result of opening the box come out?"

Sister Gao anxiously asked Xu Jie before she entered the door.

"It's out, wait for me to cast a screen for you to see."

On the computer screen, lines of personal information are displayed, including hotel accommodation information, hospital medical information, and so on.

The owners of these messages all have the same name: Qiu Junchun.

He also thought that Master Qiu, who was the number one in Jinmen, was directly asked by Xu Jie to find a friend to give him flesh.

"What's the use of this?" Sister Gao looked at Xu Jie: "Is there any use to know Master Qiu's nightlife?"

In the past few days, during the rising popularity of cracking down on counterfeit videos, the sailors invited by Qiu Junchun began to fight back frantically.

Counterattacks come from two directions:
One is to frantically report the account [Jianbao No. [-]], causing Xiaopozhan to directly take down the anti-fake video.

At present, Xiao Tang is still appealing, but with the situation of Xiao Pozhan, the hope of unblocking is slim.

Second, I don't know where Master Qiu invited some old men with the title of "expert so-and-so", and they posted a lot of videos to support them.

Some directly admitted that Master Qiu's things were correct, while others questioned the accuracy of Zhang Yang's video appraisal.

The three people in the studio, Sister Gao and Xiao Tang, put a lot of effort into cracking down on fake videos, and they couldn't accept such a result.

Xu Jie came to join in the fun.

Master Qiu's method was proposed by Sister Gao.

But the result is a bit embarrassing, it seems that all the searched information is useless.

"The hotels like Qiu Junchun seem to be in the same city." Xiao Tang discovered the blind spot.

"Map, map, where is this in Jinmen?"

The three of them kept making dots on the network map. The place with the most dense red dots formed a small circle, and there was only one building in the circle—Victoria Foot Bath City.

"Is this linked to the Victoria Square in Kaiyuan?" Xu Jie went off track every day.

"Why don't you ask in the group if anyone knows this place. See if you can go and find out what this Qiu guy does?" Sister Gao suggested.

(End of this chapter)

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