Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 124 Is It Possible That The Other Party Thinks You Have No Money?

Chapter 124 Is It Possible That The Other Party Thinks You Have No Money?

Zhang Yang's first understanding of jadeite rough was when he was in elementary school, reading the novel "Golden Eyes", in which the protagonist Zhuang Rui beat the rich second generation in the face at the rough stone auction.

One knife heaven, one knife hell.

Thousands of stones can earn tens of millions.

Then this piece of rough stone worth 20 yuan can't contain hundreds of millions of things?
Zhang Yang was about to take a good look at it. According to the anchor Ah Huang, what is so special about this raw stone of Munazhong?

A pair of white hands suddenly stretched out, blocking his sight.

In the live broadcast room, Ah Huang was saying: "Now let the assistant Qiuqiu take everyone to the machine station."

What's the point of asking the female assistant to take such a large rock instead of the male anchor?
Zhang Yang realized that his thinking was too simple when he saw the posture of the female assistant holding the original stone.

The rough yellow stone was hugged in front of the chest, forming a sharp contrast with the snow-white skin. The gully behind the stone was squeezed, and it was so full that it seemed to be about to jump out.

And when she bent down to put the stone into the machine, the picture that the cameraman showed the audience was even more beautiful.

Good edge!
Not to mention cutting rough stones, even sawing wood is watched by people.

The barrage's reaction was similar to what Zhang Yang thought.

【Brothers are here to cut the original stone again】

【Thank you Qiuqiu, I'm ready】

[The size of this stone is just right, nothing is blocking it]

【I'm not as good as a rock】

"It seems that I am the only one who really came to see the original stone." Zhang Yang thought to himself.

But the stone was blocked too much, and no information appeared.

The female assistant closes the cover of the machine and the motor starts.

Zhang Yang didn't know how long he had been waiting, anyway, in the live broadcast room, everyone was shy, and there were no heavy samples.

In the end, a VIP user asked, "Is my material not cut yet?", and the anchor went back to the machine.

His material?

Zhang Yang took a look, the person who spoke was the number one in the live broadcast room, his account level was similar to that of Chen Yanguang, and he was also a rich man.

The audience in the live broadcast room affectionately called him "Goutuo".

"Okay, okay, the final result will be announced soon."

"Let's see, can we get a bracelet of ice-green color, or a ring face of emperor green?"

The male anchor and the female assistant, one fixed the bottom of the rough stone, and the other slowly pushed away the cut top layer.

"Three, two, one..."

The voice of "Oh~" in the mouth of the surrounding atmosphere gradually became louder, and it reached its peak in an instant after seeing a touch of green.

"Is it really shipped?"

Zhang Yang looked closely, and although there was only a patch of green the size of a thumb, it was very deep and transparent.

The anchor said that this is the authentic Bingyang green, which is big enough to make three ring noodles, and it will not be a problem to sell a million.

The "dog care" in the live broadcast room immediately sent tens of thousands of gifts to express their gratitude to the anchor.

Just such a small piece, can it be worth millions?
Zhang Yang thought of the brothers from Jiucaigou in his live broadcast room.

Among them, it is not uncommon for them to spend millions to buy jade, but after buying it, the loss is less than half, and they are considered the Buffett of the jade world.

"Brother's material has been finished, give us a good start for the live broadcast room!"

"The piece just now is the best piece I brought back from the mine. The elder brother said he wants it, so we can't hide it."

"However, I still have a lot of little information, which I left for the brothers and sisters in the live broadcast room."

"Come on, bring us today's rough stone feast."

The anchor waved his hand, and soon, the small table was covered with large and small stones.

There are yellow ones and black ones, each piece is numbered, and some of the surfaces have large and small "windows" that reveal an emerald green color.

"Give everyone 3 minutes to take a rough look first, just like picking goods at a street stall."

"Brothers who want to buy later, you can contact me directly whether you want to open it or not."

"You can pick it yourself, or I can pick it for you. If the things you open make money, we will give you a good gift in the live broadcast room..."

3 minutes?enough!

Zhang Yang quickly observed the rough stones that had been opened. After all, the exposed green was not too much to say that it was imperial green.

The rough stone numbered 003:
"Name: Emerald Rough Stone (Bean Seed)"

"Material: omphacite rock, toothpaste"

"Production time: 2023"

"Detailed information: rough jadeite, after removing the skin on the surface, you can get valuable jade"


Zhang Yang thought that he was dazzled just now, so he rubbed his eyes.

"Damn it, there's really toothpaste."

Continuing to look at the other rough stones next to it, all the green ones exposed through the windows are, without exception, the configuration of "bean seeds" + "toothpaste".

He immediately realized that these were all fake.

In the place where the window is opened, it may be the inside of the original stone, which is coated with a layer of toothpaste, which is why it looks so green.

And what about the ones without windows?
There are white-bottomed greens, bean seeds, dried green seeds, etc., which are basically worthless materials.

The best kind of water is a fist-sized, swarthy ice jadeite rough, which is very inconspicuous among the rough stones, number 38.

The item information shows that this piece of jade has been cut.

Obviously, the anchor who sells rough stones has probably seen the quality of the goods, and then made a layer of fake leather to sell.

As an old anchor, Zhang Yang knew that this stone must have been prepared for Tuo.

A real liar would not be so kind as to leave a leak.

Maybe the piece of emerald worth millions at the beginning was also for Tonger.

But that's okay, first come, first served.

Zhang Yang immediately went to the mic button on the live broadcast interface.

Before he had time to click "Confirm Application", the anchor had already connected to the first customer.

Coincidentally, as soon as that person came up, he directly called No. 38 who wanted to buy ice seeds.

Soon, this rough stone was sold at a price of 5000 yuan.

In the end, it was made of ice seeds and floating flowers, the size of which can play a piece of nothingness cards worth hundreds of thousands.

"Why don't you play cards according to the routine?" Zhang Yang was a little depressed.

"Is this pawnbroker in a hurry to get off work? Why don't you sell a few yuan first, and then come up and cut the size 38?"

"Even give me a chance to cut off the bullshit."

Zhang Yang thought for a while: "If I can apply for Lianmai sooner, even if I have childcare, can I still cut off my husband?"

Click to follow, set a reminder to start broadcasting, and come back tomorrow.

The next day, Zhang Yang found another piece of ice material with the number 28 among the vast number of rough stones in the live broadcast room.

This time, the anchor Ah Huang just said "Everyone have a good look", and Zhang Yang clicked on Lianmai to apply.

Rejected in seconds.

Reapplied, again rejected.

After repeating several times, finally, the anchor and his child connected to the mic.

"I boil it!"

Zhang Yang slapped the table angrily, and Tang Qiyun, who was just about to get off work, was taken aback by his movement.

After a while, Xiao Tang knocked on the door of Zhang Yang's office.

"Senior, aren't you off work yet? Isn't tomorrow the final exam?"

"I know! Isn't it still early?"

"Oh, I thought you had some trouble with your review." Tang Qiyun said embarrassedly.

"I was enraged by the dog." Zhang Yang smiled helplessly.

"Dog care?"

"Isn't there a guarantee for drawing cards? Boss, just pay more." Xiao Tang asked suspiciously. She thought Zhang Yang was playing some card drawing game.

"I'm not talking about the game, but this."

Seeing the thirst for knowledge on the junior girl's face, Zhang Yang was afraid that he would be considered another Xu Jie tomorrow, so he simply showed his mobile phone page.

"Some of the good things this anchor sells are only sold to his nurses, and I can't get them anyway."

"But isn't it normal to sell it to Tonger?" Xiao Tang was even more puzzled.

"It's not normal at all." Zhang Yang said sternly, "If you're not in a hurry to get off work, just come and have a look."

Tang Qiyun nodded, stepped forward, and glanced at the phone screen.

It happened to be the picture of the female assistant leaning over to put the rough stone into the machine.

Everything that should be exposed has been exposed.

"Senior, this is..."

Zhang Yang glanced at the phone, momentarily at a loss for words.

He quickly pointed to the small characters on the upper right corner of the screen in the live broadcast room and said: "Look, they have specially marked it as a serious emerald rough live broadcast room, and there are no bad directions."

"So don't think about it."

"Okay!" Tang Qiyun nodded reluctantly.

Soon, the rough stone was cut out.

"Wow~ so beautiful!" Xiao Tang exclaimed softly covering his mouth.

There is a reason why jadeite has been loved by women since ancient times. Even if it is a freshly cut rough stone, there is a kind of refreshing beauty under the light.

"This piece, you can make a thin bracelet, 20 will go up!" Zhang Yang said with emotion.

After watching it for so long, he already understood the routine of this live broadcast room.

The rough stones without windows, except for those with a single glance, have basically been cut open, and then made into fake skins to restore them and sell them.

Because there is no window, this kind of thing is called "full masking material" by experts, and buyers will not be surprised if it is opened.

As for those with windows open, they are purely for fooling Xiaobai.

When the bean seeds are sold, it is obvious that they are not losing money, but the anchor will insist that the buyer missed it, and ask him what he wants to carve into.

To sum it up in one sentence: rely on childcare to attract people, and rely on tricks to deceive people without losing money.

But even such a broken live broadcast room can have more than 7000 viewers and tens of thousands of likes during prime time at night.

Zhang Yang lamented that there are so many leeks on Douyin that it is impossible to cut them all.

"Is this the legendary rough jadeite?" Xiao Tang asked Zhang Yang, pointing to the stone on the phone screen.

"Yeah, I was optimistic about it at first, but this anchor doesn't connect with me."

"Why don't you help me think about it and see if there is any way?" Zhang Yang said casually.

He wanted to wait and see, to see if the anchor would replenish the stock, and he just came in with a request today.

After listening to Zhang Yang's words, Tang Qiyun nodded heavily and began to think deeply.

About 5 minutes later, when Zhang Yang saw the buyer of Xinlianmai cutting out a piece of bean seed material full of cotton, Xiao Tang proposed her idea.

"Boss, they didn't connect with you. Is it possible that it's because you used the studio's live account, and you panicked when you saw your name?"

"No, I was also rejected when I changed my trumpet."

"Have you never spent on your trumpet?" Xiao Tang asked insightfully.

"You mean, they think I can't afford the money?"

"It makes sense. If I were a high-level account and gave them some small gifts, maybe there would be a chance."


The next day, five o'clock in the afternoon.

In Yangming's studio, three employees sat around Zhang Yang, watching him operate Chen Yanguang's account on a tablet.

The eldest brother and his fiancée went to Yanjing to open up the antique handicraft market. When they received a call from Zhang Yang, they heard that they wanted to borrow the account. Without saying a word, he directly said that he would give the account to Zhang Yang.

Who asked him to accidentally turn on the speaker when he was answering the phone?

Miss Cheng was watching from the side to see how he changed his mind.

Chen Yanguang's first strike on the shore was to cut the comma first.

"Boss, the leader of Jiucaigou is the number one brother in our live broadcast room, right?" Sister Gao, the manager of the fan group, gossips daily.

"Yes." Zhang Yang nodded.

After logging into Chen Yanguang's account, the first video uploaded was Xiaolihua's stepmother's dress-up video.

Big brother, he really, I cried to death.

The video was a bit off-putting and not suitable for public viewing, so Zhang Yang hurriedly searched for the Yuanshi live broadcast room.

"Boss, watch two more videos!" Xu Jie was still a little bit unsatisfied.

"Pay attention to your face, I will arrange a blind date for you on the weekend." Sister Gao kindly reminded someone.

"Are you so rich in private activities now?" Zhang Yang asked casually.

"Of course, we usually... what the hell?"

In the middle of speaking, Sister Gao couldn't hold back when she saw the Doubi balance on her account.

"Damn it!" Xu Jie was half a beat behind and exclaimed the same way.

"Boss, how many zeros are there? One, two, three, four..."

"Don't count, there is still 10,000+ yuan left, and he dare not spend it before he has time to spend it."

After Chen Yanguang handed over his account, he had a private chat with Zhang Yang.

Tell him: Spend the balance as you like, but don't cancel the follow, save it for the sister's live broadcast room to support the scene.

Zhang Yang didn't show any ink, and while the anchor Ah Huang was still blowing water with the barrage, he directly pulled to the bottom and presented a big laser sword worth 100 yuan.

If you are willing to put a gift on it, you can't wear emerald.

"Thank you, thank you Chik Choi for carrying Big Brother's big sword."

"Brother, is this the first time you come to our live broadcast room? It's the first time I've seen you at your level and ID."

[This is an old rich man in the beauty zone]

[Looks like a local tyrant who only sleeps with female anchors]

[I heard that I like men now, I saw him give gifts to a male anchor before]

[I know the male anchor, it's called Master Zhang]

Zhang Yang felt that he had been victimized by his reputation, so he quickly came out to defend himself:
【I'm here to play with rough stones, don't make rumors about me】

"Playing with rough stones? Brother is talking about gambling with stones, right?"

"It's good to bet on stones, big brother. We don't have anything in the live broadcast room, only rough stones are enough." Ah Huang said cheerfully.

【Can I see the stone first】

"Okay, come on, assistant, bring up the good things first."

After a while, the table was covered with rough emerald stones of all sizes.

Yishuier's bean seeds [full Mongolian material], the kind that actually do not lose or make money when they are grown.

Compared with the previous ones, this batch is obviously the "leek special edition" prepared by the anchor for "Big Brother".

"It's so dark, I don't even want to take out an ice species for fishing." Zhang Yang said in his heart.

[Can the anchor help me choose one? 】

Zhang Yang chose to throw the problem to the other party, and after posting the barrage, he paid another 100 yuan gift.

Hold it hard first.

"Boss is grand! Is Lianmai suitable for you?"

[Okay, can you not show your face? 】

"Okay, of course it's fine."

The anchor Ah Huang initiated an application for Lianmai, and Zhang Yang accepted Lianmai after covering the camera.

"Hello, big brother!"

"What grade of jade do you want to open? The ones I showed you just now are waxy, ice and glass. We also have them here."

"Is there any ice variety? I think the whole bracelet with floating flowers."

"Yes!" Ah Huang said, and took out a rough black jadeite the size of a volleyball from under the table.

When the item information surfaced, Zhang Yang knew that the other party had bitten the bait.

(End of this chapter)

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