Chapter 129 Helping Every Dream

At the end of the live broadcast, Zhang Yang was still taking off his makeup, and Tang Qiyun was already standing by with a small notebook and asked him about the video editing.

"Boss, in this issue of ours, there are two old nine sects, three national treasure gangs, six leeks, and one who is here to do the work."

"Which one should you choose as a selling point?"

The selling point she asked was the theme of each video on the official account of the studio on Xiaopozhan.

[Master Zhang’s Appreciation of Treasures] is used to release Zhang Yang’s daily collection of appraisals; [No.

Now the two accounts, without buying promotion, only have [-] to [-] views per issue.

Stability is quite stable, but it is too whimsical to count on this amount of broadcasts to attract fans or make money.

If it wasn't for Xiao Tang's hard work, Zhang Yang would have wanted to stop.

Seeing that Zhang Yang, the boss, lacked interest, Tang Qiyun felt a sense of crisis. She needed this job very much.

Xiao Tang decided to draw cakes in reverse.

"Boss, have you forgotten that our goal is the top [-] UP masters, the ones with just enough business orders?"

"Look at the craftsman Geng and Master Wang. Every video has a business list. They also have to find a way to shoot the video. You only need to appraise treasures in the office, and you can make money while sitting."

"Even if the video doesn't make money, you can still do live broadcast."

"In case Douyin becomes obsolete one day, go to Xiaopo Station and hang out with the anchor of Qianjian, and you will have no worries about eating and drinking..."

At first, Zhang Yang listened carefully to Xiao Tang's words.

But the latter sentence, he really didn't hold back, and couldn't help laughing:
"Hahaha, junior girl, you didn't draw the cake like this."

"Think about it carefully. Is there a possibility that Xiaopozhan is pornographic, and Douyin can't be pornographic?"

Tang Qiyun thought about it, and after serious thinking, she felt that what Zhang Yang said made sense.

She immediately put it another way:
"Boss, if you don't struggle at a young age, don't you feel that life is meaningless?"

"Actually, it's quite cool to lie down and not struggle."

Sister Gao interjected from the side, Xiao Tang's words really touched her heart.

Zhang Yang couldn't bear to dampen the enthusiasm of the school girl. The team needed such energetic members, and it would not work if they all acted like two old employees.

He thought hard and gave Tang Qiyun a new plan.

"You should still remember the old Nine Gates you met at the beginning today?" Zhang Yang asked.

"I have the impression that he stole the glazed bricks from Famen Temple." Tang Qiyun answered eloquently.

"It doesn't have to be stealing, it can only be said that it is suspected to have been obtained from illegal channels." Zhang Yang corrected.

"How about this, you create a new account, I have already thought of the name, called [Jian Bao Ti Xun Guan], and in the future I will post this kind of very punishing old nine door videos."

"This time I will send this one who plays with glazed bricks."

"Isn't he crazy and wants to go in and step on the sewing machine?"

"The purpose of this account is to help every such dream."

"However, you have to disguise your account as a slice UP master, and you can't have anything to do with our official video account."

"Otherwise, from now on, Lao Jiumen will not come to our live broadcast room."

After hearing Zhang Yang's thoughts, Tang Qiyun's eyes lit up.

"This is good!"

"I have analyzed the comments under our two accounts, and many of them are here for the old nine."

"Things that are more punishable, the higher the degree of discussion."

"Statistics of background playback records show that many people skipped it when they saw that it was something small like jade."

"I don't like to look at identifying jadeite either." Sister Gao interjected.

Tang Qiyun became more and more excited as she talked, and asked Zhang Yang:

"Boss, how long do you think it's better to control the duration of the video?"

"When are we going to launch this type of video?"

Zhang Yang shook his head, saying that he didn't care about the details, and that the school girl just let go and do it.

Whenever Xiao Tang felt that he was too busy alone, he would make another move.

After talking with Zhang Yang, Tang Qiyun happily returned to her work station and started working.

She worked harder than ever.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, the carefully edited first video of "Jian Bao Ti Criminal Officer" was officially launched.

"Glazed Bricks of Famen Temple".

In order to be able to be watched by others, it is still the old routine before, first arrange the false playback volume and the number of likes.

Then wait for fermentation.

Compared with other platforms' popular searches and promotions, the popularity of Xiaopozhan's videos has risen a bit slowly.

It wasn't until the afternoon three days later, when it was time to get off work, that Zhang Yang received his first positive feedback—an investigation call from the Baoji City police.

After explaining his purpose, the police asked Zhang Yang about the live broadcast in detail.

Policeman: "The suspect took glazed bricks from Famen Temple. Can you confirm this information?"

Zhang Yang: "I'm not sure, the young man said it himself, he didn't give me time to read it at all."

Policeman: "So you actually didn't identify it at all, can you understand it this way?"

Zhang Yang: "I watched it for less than 5 seconds, how can I identify... you think I'm cheating?"

"But he admitted it himself. And the source of his other bronzes is also questionable."

Police: "Understood, thank you for your cooperation."

"Is it convenient for you to come to the Baoji City Public Security Bureau? I need your cooperation to record a statement."

Zhang Yang: "Did you get caught so quickly?"

Policeman: "The case is still under investigation for the time being. This does not conflict with the recorded statement."

Zhang Yang: "???"

There's something wrong, how can someone rush to record a statement in a different place without anyone being caught.

"Wait a minute, let me check the schedule."

Zhang Yang found an excuse, and quickly looked at the unread messages of each account in his studio.

Sure enough, in the background of the new account [Jianbaoti Criminal Officer], one day ago, a private message from Baoji Internet Police.

Said that his video has caused bad social impact, please delete it immediately.

Cause adverse effects?

Shouldn't the normal reason be "to avoid alerting the enemy"?

But the brother who played with glazed bricks blew himself up, and it seemed that there was no surprise or not.

People must have confidence.

Zhang Yang thought for a while, then said in one breath:

"If there is a problem with the video, please contact Xiaopozhan directly to delete it, we will not delete it ourselves, lest fans misunderstand that we have been bought by the suspect."

"Please use the normal channels to record the statement. I have cooperated with the local police in Linhai many times, and I will definitely cooperate with them."

After saying this, Zhang Yang was very quick, he didn't give the other party a chance to speak, and hung up directly.

Want to address the person who asked the question?There are no doors.



05:30 in the afternoon, Hailin Museum.

After the incident of jumping off the building, the museum has been deserted, but today it finally became lively again.

Because the large force from the Yangcheng Museum has arrived.

The specific matters of tomorrow's exhibition will be handled by the old staff of the museum.

Hailin Museum has also held exhibitions before, and everyone is familiar with it.

Zhang Yang is mainly responsible for the reception work.

On the other side of the Yangcheng Museum, the old acquaintance, Deputy Director Zou, led the team, and he was among the people who opened the coffin.

The rest of the team are all researchers who are about the same age as Zeng Gong, in their 40s and [-]s, in their prime of life.

These people are not only here to be in charge of the borrowing and exhibition of cultural relics, but also to take this opportunity to come to Hailin Museum for investigation and research.

After exchanging pleasantries, many people secretly looked at Zhang Yang.

It turns out that this is Director Zhang who, together with Zeng Gong, rescued the "Tomb of the Great Eunuch of the Southern Han Dynasty".

I heard that he is still related to Mr. Zhong.

At this age, with this appearance, he is a proper "second generation of Bo", but I don't know which "heir" of the big boss in the circle.

Under everyone's gaze, Zhang Yang chatted with Deputy Director Zou all over the world.

He didn't get up until the sun set and the museum was cleared, ready to lead these guests to the museum to see the collection.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a hint of eagerness in the eyes of the two middle-aged guests.

What do you mean?
Wouldn't it be because you think you are young, and you will come up to compete with yourself in a cliché later, right?
Or, they have ulterior motives...


Zhang Yang took a breath and made a gesture of invitation:

"Everyone wait in the hall outside for a while, and take a look around. I'll make sure the preparations for the banquet tonight will come."

Going last is always the safest.

After he finished the phone call and returned to the guests, the main show finally began.

The two middle-aged men who had stared at Zhang Yang stood up and were introduced by Deputy Director Zou:
"This is Researcher Qiao, he is an expert in porcelain identification..."

"This Researcher Nie, he specializes in metal objects, especially bronze objects..."

After Zhang Yang greeted the two, Deputy Curator Zou didn't even bother to open the map of Yan Kingdom, and said directly:

"The two of them have special identities - members of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and the Cultural Relics Appraisal Committee of the Museum."

"To put it simply, they are responsible for the identification of cultural relics of museums that have been registered and operated in China."

"Screen out those problematic cultural relics on display to avoid misleading the public."

Researcher Nie explained that this was all caused by the National Treasure Gang.

The museums recognized by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage must accept the appraisal of official personnel on time from this year, otherwise they will be disqualified.

After Zhang Yang listened, he probably understood why these two had such fiery eyes.

Hailin Museum is a private museum, so the probability of fakes is obviously higher.

Zhang Yang can understand their mood.

Because he also did this kind of thing, and broadcast it live.

"Such a good thing, why did it come now!" Zhang Yang felt a little uncomfortable.

After he took over the Hailin Museum, he spent a lot of effort to pick out all the problematic collections on display.

If I had known and waited, I would have waited for these two free laborers.

Now, they can only welcome them to waste a few days!

In the next seven days, "Lingnan Cultural Exhibition: Yangcheng Museum Linhai Special Exhibition (Phase I)" will be held as scheduled.

Two days before the exhibition, two researchers, Qiao and Nie, mixed in the crowd, identified the cultural relics in each exhibition hall of Hailin Museum one by one, and made records.

The expressions on their faces gradually changed from excitement to doubt and bewilderment.

In the end, only the word "boring" remained.

"There is nothing wrong with it. The two of us have identified loneliness in the past two days." The two researchers said exhausted physically and mentally.

Their previous confident smiles had been transferred to Zhang Yang's face.

"Thank you for your hard work!" Zhang Yang said with a smile, "I suddenly felt that the burden on my body was lightened!"

"Do you two have any certificates or medals that you want to award to our museum?"

"Certificate? What certificate?" Researcher Nie didn't understand what Zhang Yang meant.

"It's a certificate to prove that there is not a single fake in our museum."

It's only natural to make a public face.

"Otherwise, how can we distinguish ourselves from those ordinary municipal and provincial museums?"

"But you are a private museum?"

"The top scorer in the private school's college entrance examination, isn't he the top scorer?" Zhang Yang asked rhetorically.

"What you say makes sense."

Qiao and Nie, two researchers, were convinced by this theory and nodded repeatedly.

They looked at Deputy Director Zou: "How about we apply to the higher authorities?"

Deputy curator Zou gave them a blank look and was a little speechless.

He looked at Zhang Yang: "I'm sorry, Director Zhang, even if there is no fake, there is no reward."

"It is your job to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of the collections in the museum."

"Is there any punishment for finding fake ones?"


"I understand, the two researchers are here to help the poor with technology, right?"

"It's okay for you to understand so well." Researcher Qiao nodded.

"Actually, we came to the sea this time to communicate more with you." Deputy curator Zou said tactfully.

What kind of communication, in fact, is for Zhang Yang's sake to help stop the coffin last time, giving pointers.

It's a pity that I didn't point it out.

After Zhang Yang heard this, he pursed his lips in embarrassment, and stopped talking.

Deputy curator Zou was understanding, and hurriedly said to him:

"Curator Zhang has any requirements, just ask."

"We should have supported a high-quality folk museum like yours."

"Can't there be only one Guanfu Museum in the whole country?"

"Teacher Zou's words touched my heart." Zhang Yang hammered his palm, his excitement was beyond words.

"At the beginning, I told Mr. Wang that we should strive to achieve [Southern Wangbeima] or [Southern Sea Linbei Guanfu]."

"Now with the full support of the Yangcheng Museum, I am confident."

Deputy curator Zou felt a little guilty when he heard Zhang Yang's tone.

He always felt that he was about to be bullied.

But he didn't have a chance to speak at all, because Zhang Yang didn't stop talking.

"Everyone has also seen that the flow of museums is still not big enough."

Zhang Yang pointed at the endless stream of people outside the window, opened his eyes and spoke nonsense.

"For so many days, I have been thinking about how to drain, and finally I thought of a way."


"Do you want to hold a voluntary treasure appraisal activity?" Deputy curator Zou asked tentatively.

He glanced back at the two researchers, and silently mourned for them for two seconds.

For every museum researcher, it is definitely a kind of torture to appraise treasures for free to ordinary collectors, especially they may encounter torture from the National Treasure Gang.

But why did everyone express their support just now, let's just appreciate the treasure, anyway, it will be a day of torture.

But he didn't expect that Zhang Yang shook his head and spit out a sentence:
"It's not a one-off, I hope it's a long-term event."

Hearing this, the two researchers' eyes on Zhang Yang changed.

devil!This man is a devil!

 Thanks to the big brother FluffyFluffy for the reward of 500 coins!Thanks to 659646546 for the reward of 100 coins!It's a new month, I wish you all the best!There is another update today.

(End of this chapter)

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