Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 131 It Hasn't Been Broken For Two Years

Chapter 131 It Hasn't Been Broken For Two Years
Yanjing, Peace Hotel.

The boxes in Room No. [-] were filled with bigwigs from Yanjing's antique circle.

Excluding the dozen or so people who went in recently, it can barely be counted as "half of the country".

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Master Che said slowly: "Brothers, take it easy these days."

"Go in again, and there will be no food delivery person in the future."

"Everyone should have read the news. He, on the 28th of last month, just went to the new Sanxingdui Museum, and once again emphasized the issue of inheritance and protection of cultural relics."

"At this time, there are still people doing things with cultural relics. If you don't die, who will die?"

"Is it that serious?"

A certain expert sitting under Master Che wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"I just came back from Jinzhong. A few days ago, my nephew took a glazed brick from Famen Temple from me."

"It's not exposed, is it?" Che Lijun asked nervously.

"It's exposed, the whole fuck is exposed, and it's used for live broadcast appraisal. I heard that the police are preparing to investigate recently."

"I'll go!" Many people present exclaimed.

"Is your nephew on good terms with you?" Che Lijun asked.

The subtext is that the relationship is not good, so don't contact me in the future.

"Not bad, his dad saved my life before."

After Che Lijun listened, he nodded, tapping his fingers on the table rhythmically, and everyone else present looked at him.

After a while, he cleared his throat and made a suggestion:
"How about this, let him go directly to the police station to surrender, and by the way, confess to those tomb robbers in Jinzhong."

"I remember that you asked them to collect things before, and you used the things you collected as stolen goods. There were those cultural relics as the background, and the matter of glazed bricks was taken away."

"Crack down hard now, if you keep running away, maybe you will be implicated."

"Then he shouldn't go to jail?"

"I can't sit still." Che Lijun smiled lightly: "A little fine, six months of probation, and I will be responsible for any excess."

This sentence "more is mine", was too confident, and instantly dispelled almost everyone's doubts.

Of course, not everyone believed it. For example, Wu Xingfei, who had just returned from Africa, wondered why everyone was praising Che's stinky feet.

In fact, this is because he has just returned to China and the news is behind.

If he knew that the "leaders" that this small group held before are all in prison now, he wouldn't doubt it in his heart.

"Om~ That Mahu doesn't know he's a donkey ~ That bird doesn't know he's a chicken~"

Hearing his cell phone ringing, Wu Xingfei quickly picked it up from under the table.

The caller ID was an unfamiliar number, but considering that he had been abroad for too long and it was normal for acquaintances to change numbers, he still had to answer the call.


"Excuse me, is this Master Wu Xingfei?" It was a very clear male voice who spoke.

"I am, who are you?"

"Someone asked you to appraise a huanghuali chair, worth 6000 million yuan, do you remember?"

"How much? 6000?"

"You've hallucinated from eating mushrooms, right?" Wu Xingfei said angrily.

On the other end of the phone, the other party was silent for a while, and then said:
"The first snow in 2019 was a little later than in 2018. Do you have any impression of a huanghuali chair in the Yanjing Sales Department of Gard Auction House?"

Wu Xingfei hesitated before answering this time, because before going abroad, he did work in Garde for a while:
"Wait, let me think about it..."

"I have no impression of the huanghuali, but I have the impression of the red rosewood."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

Suddenly, a middle-aged man's hearty laughter came from the other end of the phone, laughing so much that Wu Xingfei panicked, thinking he had overturned his car.

"It's okay, thank you Teacher Wu."

After hanging up the phone, the friend beside Wu Xingfei asked him:
"Old Wu, are you looking for furniture? I have a pair of Huanghuali chairs from the Qing Dynasty. Would you like to sell them for 800 million?"

"Old Chu, you've sold your lifeblood, the huanghuali, are you trying to nourish yourself?"

"How is it possible, I... wait a moment and answer the phone."

Old Chu picked up the phone, and there was also a clear male voice on the other end of the phone: "Is it Teacher Chu Yunfei?"

"Yes, I am. Are you?"

"I'm your treasure friend. At this time last year, I asked you to appraise a huanghuali chair, and the estimated value was 6000 million. Do you still have any impression?"

"6000 million?" Old Chu exclaimed, attracting Wu Xingfei's attention.

He smiled at Old Wu to express his apology, and then answered the phone:

"6000 million huanghuali? Is it a chair with a curved back in the Ming Dynasty?"

"Usually, only the ones that the emperor has sat on are sold at this price. There are only a dozen of them in the world, and they all belong to the owner."

"I haven't encountered it in recent years."

"Teacher, are you sure?"

"I'm sure. 6000 million, if you said Zimbabwean currency or South Vietnamese dong, then I didn't say it." Old Chu said confidently.

After hanging up the phone, he looked at Wu Xingfei who was eager for knowledge, and explained why he made such a fuss just now:

"Nowadays, rotten fish and rotten shrimp dare to price huanghuali tens of millions, which is even more outrageous than us."

"Actually, I also received this call just now." Wu Xingfei said lightly.

"Ah?" Old Chu was stunned.

Just then, Che Lijun's phone rang.

"Hello, Zhang Yang. I haven't contacted you for a long time. How are you doing?"

"I am also a old appearence."

"A 6000 million huanghuali chair, who would dare to set such a price?"

"Impossible, you can't have cubs together, how can you sell it for 2.4 million..."

After Che Lijun finished making the phone call, he was surprised to find that both Old Wu and Old Chu came over and stared at him enthusiastically.

"What's the matter? Do I have flowers on my face?"

Old Chu shook his head: "Did someone ask you just now, have you ever appraised the 6000 million huanghuali chair?"

Che Lijun nodded: "Yes, Zhang Yang called me just now."

"Zhang Yang is Teacher Wang's apprentice, half of my apprentice, and half of Mr. Zhong's apprentice...You can think of him as the Guo Jing taught by the Jiangnan Seven Monsters."

"He seems to be engaging in live broadcast appraising treasures now, let me show you."

Che Lijun opened Zhang Yang's live broadcast room.

Zhang Yang is still connected to the mic, and the sixth expert has been confirmed.

"Su Renying, right? Come on, brothers, wait a minute, I'll find the contact information of this expert."

Che, Wu, and Chu all looked at Su Renying who was drinking.

Che Lijun suddenly thought of something, and immediately opened an internal communication group.

Sure enough, as he thought, Wang Guosheng posted part of his address book in the group more than ten minutes ago, and Zhang Yang replied "Thank you".

"The night gave me black eyes~"

Su Renying's cell phone rang, and Che Lijun no longer had any doubts.

In the end, when Zhang Yang persuaded the lame old man to leave, among the people present at the restaurant, a total of six people received his call, asking about the 2.4 million huanghuali.

Only one is really short-sighted. I remember someone asked him how much Hainan Huanghuali chairs can be sold for, and he replied "at least 6000 million."

"This matter will not be counted on me in the end, will it?" This careless expert was a little panicked.

"That's not true. Those who engage in live broadcast appraising treasures are looking for traffic."

Wu Xingfei has some personal opinions on the live broadcast of appraising treasures, and deliberately exaggerated:
"You, it's over!"

Old Chu has a better personality, looking at Che Lijun:

"Old Che, isn't that Zhang Yang your half junior brother?"

"Can you expose this matter and tell him not to mention it. It is obvious that the intermediaries of those auction houses are using our name to make money!"

Che Lijun shook his head with a serious expression:

"That little black money doesn't matter."

He remembered how he was "trapped" by Cheng's father and son.

"What's really troublesome is that we've been held in the shit basin now, and we don't even have a channel to wash the floor."

"If it wasn't for my brother Zhang's kindness to help, you guys, Old Chu and Old Wu, your reputation would already be rotten."

"Yes!" "That's right!" "That makes sense..."

Many people at the scene took Che Lijun's words seriously.

Even Wu Xingfei agreed in his heart, and listened carefully, wanting to see what kind of fart Master Che could make.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Che Lijun was very satisfied.

This is the case in the antique circle. After a while, until all the senior people are imprisoned or buried, he becomes the oldest authority.

He cleared his throat and suggested, "I think it's time for us to act."

"You mean, let's go live to appraise treasures too?"

"Isn't that a little too low?" Someone in the crowd said anxiously.

"Not going to the live broadcast, but going offline. Didn't you notice that my junior brother Zhang held a very amazing event?"


Zhang Yang didn't know that the way he came up with to save the Hailin Museum was already on people's minds.

He is busy working as a mediator in various live broadcast rooms.

"Sister, you are really a group product. If you don't believe me, take a look. What is it in my hand?"

"Your one is female, and mine is male. We are a couple!"

"Would you rather believe that your stuff is fake than that we are a couple?"

"That's fine, you just admit it's fake, don't tear our appraiser's clothes, you will tear them apart."

[No. [-] live broadcast room is noisy again, the anchor is going to put out the fire]

[Researcher Nie: Save, save, save]

[Brothers, this live broadcast mode is not bad, the work is very intensive]

[Good-looking is good-looking, but I am worried that Master Zhang will not be able to resist himself]

Zhang Yang really couldn't bear it any longer.

When he first helped Teacher Nie, he just wanted to make some show effects.

But he underestimated the strength of the audition for offline appraisal.

Personal attacks:

"Baoyou, your stuff is fake."

"Some people, wearing the aura of experts, defrauding ordinary people of their money, they are even worse than animals."

There is a lot to say about him:

"Baoyou, this is the font of Microsoft Yahei."

"Who told you to look at the font and the content of the text, can modern people write such a good article?"

Whoever swears:

"Baoyou, the copper in your Xuande furnace is electroplated."

"Hahaha, if this thing is wrong, I will eat it!"

The most ruthless one is an old man who even wants to resort to the law:
"Baoyou, you are a new imitation."

"No! You're talking nonsense! This thing has been at home for 96 years. You say it's fake. I want to sue you."

Good guy, after chatting with such a person, Zhang Yang feels that his whole body is not well.

The four researchers who assisted in the identification were in good condition, probably because of Zhang Yang. Seeing how they looked when they first participated in such activities, they felt very happy.

"Brothers, I can't stand it anymore, I will withdraw first."

Zhang Yang checked the time, and it was time to download it.

【Teacher, won't you be on mic today?I have been waiting for three hours]

"Waiting for three hours?"

Zhang Yang clicked on the backstage and took a look. There really was a treasure friend who started queuing up when he first started broadcasting, and has been waiting until now.

This is a hardcore fan, so it’s not good to let people down, so let’s add 5 minutes to the shift.

"Brother is the National Treasure Gang?"

"If you feel that your treasure is worth less than 100 million, then send a Lianmai application."

According to Zhang Yang's experience, 100 million is a hurdle, and the probability of counterfeiting is more than 95% for things with a higher value.

【No, just a little thing passed down from home】

"That's no problem. In our live broadcast room, ancestry is the safe word."

Zhang Yang clicked to accept Lianmai.

"Welcome to this treasure friend, sorry to keep you waiting."

"It's okay, teacher, I found a family heirloom today, and I would like to ask you to help identify it."

Baoyou spread out his hands, and in the palm of his hand was a jade object with a thin top and a thick bottom. It was shaped like a spoon, but the head was not sunken, but a button protruded out.

The texture of the jade itself is not bad, and the carving is also good, but it is too beautiful, a bit like a modern imitation.

"This is a hook, is this also inherited from the ancestors?"

Zhang Yang's questioning tone was somewhat casual amidst doubts.

The jade belt hook is now the hardest-hit area for ancient jade counterfeiting.

Those jades of poor quality can be made into jade belt hooks, and then made a little old, the price can increase dozens of times.

"Yes, it is inherited from the ancestors!"

"Brother's anti-reconnaissance awareness is fine."

Zhang Yang smiled and nodded, observing carefully.

"Name: Jade Belt Hook"

"Material: Hetian Jade"

"Production time: 176 BC"

"Detailed information: The jade belt hooks used as decorations on the waists of ancient nobles, and the embossed panchi patterns symbolize the dignity of the owner of the hooks"

Um?real thing?
Or Western Han?
"Baoyou, is your surname Kong? The family has been passed down for more than 2000 years?"

"Let me remind you first, if you dig out the graves of your ancestors, it's not good to be passed down from your ancestors!"

"It wasn't dug, it was passed down. During that special period, my grandfather buried this thing in the cave, so it was not taken away."

"Where are you from?" Zhang Yang asked for the address first.

"I'm from Changnan City, Jiangnan Province."

The capital of Jiangnan Province, in the Western Han Dynasty, was worthy of a person with jade hooks carved with panchi patterns...

Zhang Yang patted his thigh: "Baoyou, your ancestors didn't dig Haihunhou's tomb, did they?"


"Definitely yes, this big tomb on your side can produce jade belt hooks from the Western Han Dynasty."

"Even if it wasn't your grandfather who dug it, it might have been your great-grandfather. Of course, don't be nervous, the police will investigate the matter clearly..."

"No, teacher. We are still dozens of kilometers away from the tomb of Marquis Haihun." Baoyou explained.

"Afraid of being discovered, I moved."

Zhang Yang gave a very reasonable explanation.

"But there are so many things in Haihunhou's tomb, why is this one handed down from the family?"

"How much more do you want!" Zhang Yang pretended to be shocked and asked: "The jade belt hooks from the Western Han Dynasty are not enough."

"Wherever this thing is placed in any museum, it can be directly exhibited."

"Teacher, I really inherited it from my ancestors." Baoyou said firmly.

"Since it's so precious, why don't I just donate it to the museum?"

"Baoyou, I'm sorry, don't be nervous. This kind of thing is inherited from the ancestors. It's okay to collect it yourself, as long as you don't sell it to foreigners." Zhang Yang comforted.

Although there is a high probability that it came out of the tomb, according to Baoyou's attitude, it is really possible that his grandfather dug it.

"It's okay. I'm not short of money. It's not good to lose this thing in my hands."

Baoyou is very organized, and Zhang Yang couldn't help giving him a thumbs up.

"If you really want to donate, of course I can't stop you. But let me tell you a place, you can think about it."

"Have you heard of the Hailin Museum?" Zhang Yang said with a smile.

[See the picture for the poor dagger]

[Donate to the host himself, right? 】

[To some extent, this proves that things are indeed precious]

Baoyou also laughed after hearing this: "Teacher, didn't you resign from the museum? Why did you return to the old club to receive the goods?"

"I didn't leave my job, who made the rumor?"

"In the Haihunhou Tomb Museum, there are too many such things. If you donate them, they may not necessarily be exhibited."

"But if you donate it to us, I will definitely find a separate display case and offer it to you."

Zhang Yang looked at this jade belt hook, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

If I had to describe it, I would be an addict.

"Can you state that I donated it?" Baoyou was concerned about this issue.

"Of course the source will be indicated, even if you want to put a black and white photo of yourself next to it." Zhang Yang said very sincerely.

As the deputy curator of a museum, he can still fulfill this promise.

"No need, no need."

"Teacher, why don't I come to your event!"

"Of course you can, you, I will directly set the final for you."

"Also, we will reimburse you for your round-trip air ticket to Laihai."

This is good for private museums. In terms of money, there is no need to go through complicated approval procedures.

[Reimbursement of round-trip air tickets?Then I have something to say]

【Actually, I am also a senior collector】

【Teacher, I also have treasures that I want to donate to your museum】

【I, I, I, I want to donate too】

"I understand everyone's desire to donate things, but we don't accept fakes!"

"Porcelain from folk kilns in the late Qing Dynasty is worthless, and they are not accepted!"

"The ones that come out of the tomb can be collected, and I can guarantee that the conditions in Linhai's prison are not bad." Zhang Yang said to the camera.

"Teacher, you won't trick me to Linhai and then send me in?" Baoyou suddenly panicked a little.

"You worry too much. If you can be sent in, the police are already on their way. You have no chance to come to Haihai to serve your sentence."

"It's too real." Baoyou said with emotion.

"Teacher, I still have a few ancient coins, please help me take a look."

"No problem." Although it's past the off-duty time, Zhang Yang still willingly agreed.

There are more than a dozen ancient coins, most of which are copper coins from the Qing Dynasty, and there are also a few Yuan Datou.

This kind of thing is very simple to identify, to judge whether it is true or false, just estimate the price according to the result of big data matching.

The last one was quickly identified.

"You are..."

Before Zhang Yang finished speaking, Baoyou suddenly heard the doorbell, "Ding Dong!"

[Come here, Tiaozi is at your door]

[Hahaha, the anchor is so happy]

[Things directly become stolen goods]

[Baoyou is still young, come to this live broadcast room and want to get out of it? 】

"Teacher, it's not really a policeman, is it?"

After watching the barrage, Baoyou really panicked now.

"It's okay, you go to open the door first, I'll wait for you."

Zhang Yang felt that this thing was fine, at least it didn't just come out of the tomb recently, because the surface of the jade obviously showed signs of being played with.

After a while, Baoyou returned to the camera with two middle-aged men.

"Master Zhang, hello!" The visitor greeted Zhang Yang happily.

"Hello. Who are you?"

"We are the staff of Changnan City Museum." One of them smiled brighter than flowers.

"In the Haihunhou Tomb Museum, there are indeed several pieces of jade belt hooks from the Western Han Dynasty, so let us hand over these things to the Changnan City Museum for safekeeping!"

"By the way, we will also write down the donation information of the cultural relics in the exhibition hall, thank you dear friend."

"I boil it!"

Hearing this kind of words, Zhang Yang couldn't help but burst out the quintessence of the country.

Official end?

 Thank you Xiongwang GG for the reward of 100 coins!Thank you for your support!If I collect 1000 monthly tickets, I will be able to draw a lottery next month (guaranteed 100 yuan), and I will post as much as I can in the group!Love you guys!
(End of this chapter)

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