Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 133 Stepfather, save me!

Chapter 133 Stepfather, save me!
"Teacher, the expert you're talking about shouldn't be named Zhang, right?" Zhang Yang said half-jokingly.

"Although I know a lot of tomb robbers, the main reason I deal with them is to satisfy their desire to go to prison."

Being teased by him like this, Wang Guosheng, who had a serious expression on his face, also laughed.

He smiled and said, "Hahaha, Xiao Zhang, you are still far from an expert."

"I'm talking about the big boss of Yanjing Shengbao Pavilion, Niu Renai."

"This is what he gave me."

Wang Guosheng wanted to pick up the crutch on the coffee table, but hesitated for a moment, and then retracted his hand.

Having been in the antique business for decades, he certainly knew that some of his friends' things came from wrong sources.

But Cha Lailu is what the police want, and Wang Guosheng has always insisted on being wise and safe.

Therefore, this newly unearthed golden nanmu walking stick in front of him is like Xu Zhu who has been eating vegetarian food and praying to Buddha for more than [-] years.

It was too late, and he was already overwhelmed.

What's more, there was a 20-year-old Zhang Yang watching beside him.

So hesitating to the end, Wang Guosheng pushed the crutch in front of Zhang Yang.

"Xiao Zhang, please hand this over to the police station directly."

"no problem."

Zhang Yang agreed to the matter, which meant that he was going to take the pennant again.

Deputy curator Zou in the system is not at all interested in this crutch. He is more concerned about the Niu Ren'ai that Master Wang mentioned.

"Old Wang, Niu Renai's son, is he called Niu Weichang, that Dr. Sea Turtle from the Cultural Relics Appraisal Committee?"

"Yes." Wang Guosheng nodded: "It was him who pushed you down."

The way the story unfolded, Zhang Yang almost didn't realize it.

Master Wang is an old Jianghu, so he broke the defense of Deputy Curator Zou in one fell swoop.

Judging by the unconcealable anger on the middle-aged man's face, this matter should not be groundless.

Niu Weichang should have been in Deputy Curator Zou's notebook long ago.

But now, a big clue fell in front of him - the enemy's own father had something to do with the tomb robbers, and was also a dealer in stolen goods at the last time.

Deputy curator Zou turned himself into a great detective and began to analyze the "case":
"Old Wang, you just said that Niu Ren'ai gave you this stolen item. Was there anyone else present when you gave it away?"

"Yes." Master Wang recalled for a moment: "Che Lijun is here."

"And the one who brought back a lot of African ivory is called Wu Xingfei."

"They're all acquaintances!" Zhang Yang interjected.

"Hahaha, Xiao Zhang, you will know in the future, this circle is really not big." Master Wang laughed.

In fact, it is not only small, it is pitifully small.

According to the information Zhang Yang found on the Internet, this Niu Renai's ancestral home is at the junction of Linhai and Wanshan.

Be regarded as a half-townsman.

In the words of Master Wang, this is because a few decades ago, when a thousand wastes were waiting to be built, rich people rushed to Yanjing, and all kinds of antiques also flocked to Yanjing, and the antique circle suddenly prospered.

These collectors from the Jianghuai area, of course, have to hug each other for warmth to feel safe.

Later, those from the northern faction went in because of tomb robbery, and many people from the southern faction were arrested for selling cultural relics. On the contrary, the team of Master Wang and others grew stronger day by day.

No, even a future star like Zhang Yang has joined the group.

Master Wang and Deputy Curator Zou, Zhang Yang seems to be listening to a story when you say something to each other.

In short, at the end of the story, the Niu family got into big trouble.


In the evening, Deputy Director Zou left after eating, Wang Guosheng suddenly called Zhang Yang to sit next to him, and said mysteriously:

"Xiao Zhang, have you heard of the Cultural Relics Appraisal Committee?"

"Yes, I have dealt with them."

Zhang Yang nodded, he immediately thought of Du Shiming, that old expert who was always deceiving people intentionally or unintentionally.

"Then are you interested in becoming one of them?"


Zhang Yang answered quickly and accurately.

Wang Guosheng was caught off guard by his decisiveness, took a deep breath, and asked him again:

"Can you tell me your reason?"

"Because their level is a bit low, and they only appraise the things of the police and customs. It's really boring."

It's crazy, but Master Wang thinks it's reasonable.

He thought for a while and advised Zhang Yang:

"There are not many experts at the provincial level, but you have to go step by step, and you have enough qualifications before you can enter the national appraisal committee."

"Think about it, in the future, while enjoying the state subsidy, you will not only be able to see all kinds of rare treasures, but also get everyone's recognition for you..."

Master Wang's words were sincere, and he really regarded Zhang Yang as a junior to support him.

Feeling the painstaking efforts of the old man, Zhang Yang was too embarrassed to refuse, so he could only agree first and go to see Du Shiming after a while.

If the big expert Du doesn't give face and firmly disagrees with him joining, then there is no other way.

In the next few days, with Master Wang sitting in the museum, Zhang Yang returned to his familiar rhythm of life.

until one night.

Zhang Yang came out of the Hailin Museum and was getting out of the elevator, ready to go to the underground garage to pick up his car.

Suddenly, I saw from a distance that there seemed to be a clump of grass growing in the trunk of his car.

Lush green, very lush.

Of course, it is impossible to grow grass on the car, especially this BMW that I just bought.

"Who, dyed green hair and played hide-and-seek like others?"

Zhang Yang stood at the door of the elevator, in the center of the monitor's field of vision, and shouted at the clump of grass.

The hiding person stood up upon hearing the sound, and waved at Zhang Yang in embarrassment.

"Master Zhang, I, Wei Ping'an!"

"I'll go, Brother Pingan?"

Zhang Yang remembered that this guy did say that he was in Linhai.

If you are interested, you can search carefully on the Internet, and it is not surprising to find the Hailin Museum.

The question is, why is he here?
"I came to you for help!" Brother Pingan said with a sad face, "Master Zhang, no, now you are my adoptive father!"

"Don't, Fengxian, let your fart go."

Seeing that Wei Pingan was still in the mood to tell jokes, Zhang Yang relaxed a lot.

But when he saw the other party and struggled to pull out a bulging black travel bag from the rear of the car, the string in his heart suddenly tightened again.

"Father, if you come a little later, I'll put these things on your trunk."

Brother Pingan said, opened the bag, and turned on the light with his mobile phone.

Zhang Yang only glanced at it, then subconsciously took two steps back.

He lowered his voice and asked, "Aren't you selling graves? Why are you digging graves?"

"Now that the business is so fierce, do you want to destroy the business of your competitors?"

In the travel bag, on the top were a few khaki clay pots, which looked like old things with a lot of soil.

Underneath, there are strings of copper coins, which have just been dug out and are still glued together.

"I don't know either!" Brother Pingan scratched his hair with a bitter look on his face.

"I asked a few brothers to help dig the cemetery. I went to deliver food to them this evening, but found that everyone was gone, and even the tools were taken away."

"I called and asked to tell me that it was shipped."

"Dig up a bag of treasures for me and put them under the tarpaulin in the cemetery."

"I opened it and saw that this is not a shipment, it is killing me!"

(End of this chapter)

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