Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 135 Teacher, Am I the punishment?

Chapter 135 Teacher, Am I the punishment?
【Master Zhang, will you be jointly blocked by other museums like this】

"Brother, what you say is a little too high on me, and a little too low on public museums."

"The main source of collections is archaeological excavations, unlike ours, which mainly relies on buying."

"Take the bronze wares that you usually think are the worst. There are 140 million pieces in the collections of public museums across the country."

"The things you usually bring out don't have some inscriptions, and people don't like them."

While chatting with the barrage, Zhang Yang quietly added the friend of Baoyou just now.

Although Baoyou said that he still needs to consider it, but inside and outside the words, everyone is very interested in this "collection of auction items" organized by Zhang Yang.

Which cultural relics player can refuse an auction?
There are not a few people like this in the barrage, almost every day someone asks:
【Master Zhang, what conditions do you need to participate in your auction】

[Do you know all the items in this auction?Fidelity? 】

[I am 18 years old and drive a Maybach, can I participate]

【I have a piece of Ru kiln with a wide open door, can it be auctioned】

"Speaking of Ruyao's brother, go to the hospital and make an appointment."

"For the rest, don't just talk about it, let me show you something hard."

As soon as Zhang Yang finished speaking, a friend named [I want to eat in prison even in my dreams] applied for Lianmai.

"What's the matter, brother?"

"Is the family unable to open the pot and have to eat in prison?"

Baoyou is a man of action, and he didn't say a word when he came up. He first pointed the camera at a three-legged bronze tripod full of green rust.

It was obvious that he was in a hurry.

"Teacher, please tell me first, is this thing punishable or not?"

"It looks good, you pat the side, I'll take a closer look."

Zhang Yang has always been the urgency of Baoyou.

After reading it, he shook his head. The result was very disappointing.

"You are a modern imitation, and even in the past few years, you have just been fished out of the cesspit."

"The cesspit? I'll go!"

Baoyou originally wanted to pick up the tripod and show Zhang Yang the bottom, but he heard that the green rust was soaked in feces, so he quickly put on gloves.

"Teacher, what about these two?"

Baoyou picked up two bronze mirrors again.

The shape is simple and full of green rust, just looking at the back is quite bluffing.

"Is there any one of these two that is correct?"

"It doesn't work, it's all a modern imitation."

If there is no accident, this should be a treasure friend of the "Jiu Ling" level, and he is only two steps away from the Emperor Jiu.

"To be honest, if I hadn't looked at your level 9 fan card, I would have suspected that you were selling fake bronze wares, and you came here to find the shortcomings and improve the craftsmanship."

The three fakes that Baoyou took out are all high imitations.

However, he plays bronze wares and doesn't have any special purchase channels, which is indeed at the level of normal people.

"Is it really an imitation? But the person who sold me said that these things are worth two and a half years."

"Only these three things?" Zhang Yang waved his hand: "Stop talking nonsense, even if it is true, it's not worth the sentence."

"Do you think prison food is so delicious?"

"Anyway, it's all fake. Tell the truth, how much did you spend for these three pieces together? Tell us to make everyone happy."

"More than 4." Baoyou raised four fingers with difficulty.

"How much? You spent [-] for these three pieces of shit?"

Zhang Yang bent down directly, and took out a piece of Heshibi from the Hedong Group from under the table.

"Baoyou, I see that you have amazing bones and extraordinary talent. You have a collection talent that surpasses Curator Ma."

"This piece of He's Bi, I received 3 yuan from you and passed it on to you."


[Not very harmful, but extremely insulting]

[Brothers hurry up and join the Jiucaigou VIP group, the group number is ***]

[The three pieces cost [-] yuan, I don't even dare to think how much money he lost in total]

【I will offer fifty thousand, please pass this piece of Heshibi to me】

"The brother who paid [-] yuan understands the crime of fraud. [-] yuan is just a three-year sentence for me, right?"

Speaking of the crime of fraud, Zhang Yang suddenly figured it out.

"Baoyou, the person who sold your things didn't lie to you when they said it was worth two and a half years."


"Because of your amount, he himself will indeed be sentenced to two and a half years in prison."

"This..." Baoyou told Zhang Yang in an awkward tone, "Actually, my brother-in-law sold it to me."

"Is it the sure brother-in-law?"

"Yes, my wife and I have been married for more than ten years. Forget it, let's treat it as my wife taking the 4 yuan back to her natal family." Baoyou comforted himself.

Zhang Yang couldn't help giving him a compliment: "Brother, you understand the equivalent."

Baoyou was silent for two seconds, then sighed, indicating that he still had the goods:

"Teacher, I still have some things, which I collected in the antique market. Please help me see if there are one or two real ones, even if they are modern imitations."

As Baoyou said, he picked up a big wooden box and put it on the table.

He told Zhang Yang that it has been seven or eight years since he first came into contact with bronze wares.

Lin Lin always spent a total of one million yuan. Half a year ago, he asked Master Yue to take a look, and it was all fake.

His mentality directly collapsed.

After losing over one million yuan, this is a strong player at the "Leek King" level!
"Then this box of yours was collected in the last six months?"

"Yeah, this is the last box. If it doesn't ship, I will quit." Baoyou said solemnly before opening the box.

Of course, there is a high probability that he is lying to himself.

"How many pieces do you have here?"

"A total of more than a dozen pieces, most of which are bronze weapons."

"It can be seen that you really worked hard." Zhang Yang affirmed: "If the age of the bronze weapons is correct, they are all classified as first-class cultural relics."

"If it's true, you'll be punished."

"Come on, let's come to some easy identification methods."

According to what Zhang Yang said, Baoyou placed things in rows on the table, and then gave him a bird's-eye view.

Zhang Yang looked at them one by one.

Looking at it, a smile quietly hung on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing Zhang Yang's smile, Baoyou immediately became excited, and quickly asked, "Teacher, is it true?"

Zhang Yang nodded: "You pick up the third one from the second row from top to bottom."

"Your thing is real, and it should be able to reach the Han Dynasty."

Baoyou held something like a small wine glass and asked Zhang Yang:
"What is this, teacher?"

The utensil is cylindrical, hollow, thicker than a thumb but thinner than a wrist, smooth in appearance, and has a nail-thick hole on it.

"What do you think it is? What did you buy it for?"

"Buy? No, no, there is no business. I have inherited it from my ancestors."

As soon as he heard it was true, Baoyou immediately changed his mind.

"Don't panic! You don't even have the concentration to play with bronze wares. How dare you ask me if I will be punished?"

"Teacher, tell me first, how many years can this be sentenced?"

"One minute is not enough." Zhang Yang pouted and said, "You are just a halberd."

"Eh? Anchor, why are you swearing at people for no reason?"

"The halberd I'm talking about, do you understand? The scientific name of this thing is 鐏."

【Hahaha, what a halberd】

【Emperor Lin is furious】

[Could this be the handle of Lu Bu's Fang Tianhua halberd]

"The handle of Fang Tian's halberd should be pointed at the bottom, right?"

Zhang Yang couldn't answer the question asked by the barrage, but what he was sure of was:
"Although this thing is from the Han Dynasty, its value is actually not high. If it is from your ancestors, you can hold it and play with it. It's fine, and you won't be punished at all."

"Of course, if the number goes up, it means that the ancestral inheritance is not good, and it must have been dug into an ashes."

"Okay, then I must keep the things passed down by this ancestor."

Baoyou cheerfully holds this halberd in the palm of his hand, like holding a little chicken.

Anyone who reads it knows that this person hasn't bought a real thing for many years.


[Why can this halberd be his own collection? 】

[Aren’t bronze wares all cultural relics?The anchor has a bit of a double standard]

"To clarify, there is no double standard for anchors. The standards for anchors have always been stable."

"For things like cultural relics, the main value is based on the value. If you hand in a halberd handle, they don't even bother to issue you a certificate, so they just throw it in the warehouse."

[Then what should be handed in and what should not be handed in? 】

Seeing that there are a lot of Baoyou who have the same problem in the barrage, Zhang Yang is too lazy to explain, so he directly asks the barrage:

"Is there any Internet police in the live broadcast room, please come out and explain."

Soon, an application for mic connection from [Linhai Internet Police #132] popped up in the background.

"Here we come, the police officer is here."

"Don't worry, although I know that all you have are scraps of copper and iron, and they are all fakes, but if you are curious, I will satisfy your curiosity."

"Alarm light!"

"Hello, anchor!"

After the Internet police accepted Lianmai, there was no video, but a picture.

In the center of the picture is the logo of the "Huaxia Cultural Relics Protection Technology Association".

"Police officer, you are so professional!" Zhang Yang said with emotion: "Come on, the live broadcast room is entrusted to you."

"Okay, then let's talk about that bronze halberd just now!"


A quarter of an hour later, the barrage barrage in the live broadcast room finally disappeared.

Instead, denounce publicity.

[Why did the anchor bring the note here]

【The good life is broken】

【It's all right now, don't let me play anything】

Regarding this, Zhang Yang could only helplessly spread his hands.

What the Internet police are talking about is legal provisions. Things before the Yuan Dynasty are considered ancient cultural relics and cannot be traded. This is indeed a rule.

As for why it can be traded in private, because it is really out of control.

But everyone ignored the phrase "If the source cannot be ascertained, we will try our best to guide collectors to hand it in" that the Internet police said.

The implication of this is that even 100% animal products will not be confiscated if there is no transaction record.

Of course, this kind of publicity can't be said in the live broadcast, it will become a bad guide.

"Brothers, don't worry." Zhang Yang comforted the barrage: "Except for the brothers of Lao Jiumen and Cyber ​​Xiling, you don't really think that you can buy real products, do you?"

"It's true that our group is out of stock, right?"

As if in response to Zhang Yang's words, Chen Yanguang's gang came and brought the latest antique porcelain developed by his fiancée's company.

The person who came to Lianmai this time was the salesman of their team, a young woman with a slightly ecstatic voice.

It's just that the posture of identification is a bit special, a blue and white porcelain plate is placed on her snow-white leg skin.

"Come on, Consultant Zhang, take a look at this of our group, how can you rate it?"

(End of this chapter)

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