Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 142 1 Brick Takes Down the Tomb Robber

Chapter 142
The consequence of Sister Gao's shouting was that all the security guards and police were called in.

Among the crowd eating melons, some were holding guide flags, and some were wearing colorful hats. Those who didn't know about the scene thought it was the [-]th anniversary concert.

【Now it's Master Zhang's turn to play】

[I'm so angry, it's this friend who is showing off the limelight]

[Crackdown on unscrupulous profiteers, justice liquidation! 】

Zhang Yang was not as optimistic as the barrage.

Gold inlaid with jade, the biggest problem lies in the "jade".

Gold can be used to measure purity and weight, but the Hetian jade underneath cannot be calculated.

The jade that dare to sell in the scenic spot has very little plastic, and basically can issue a Hetian jade certificate.

They are all Hetian jades that have been appraised by the organization. I said that the jade value is 580, and the gold value on it is 8 yuan.

You said that this jade wholesale market can be bought for 5 yuan?That's because you don't know how to do it!
How is this defense broken?Can't break it.

"Teacher, can you help us identify the price of this jade pendant?"

Sister Gao is like a person who overwhelms tickets. The spotlight of this concert is finally given to Zhang Yang.

Among the melon-eating crowd, someone has already recognized him, shouting, "This is Master Zhang, who is making music with wheat."

It can be seen in the camera that the policeman is looking at him with his head tilted, with a vigilant look on his face.

"The market price of this kind of gold inlaid jade is generally no more than 20 yuan, and the same style is available online."

Zhang Yang didn't talk nonsense.

A direct showdown is the first step in dealing with such profiteers.

The stall owner naturally wants to quibble, saying that "Jade is not the same, and gold is not the same".

Of course Sister Gao was not convinced, and in an instant, the two sides quarreled.The police and security guards who were still on the sidelines rushed to maintain order.

The person who helped hold up the mobile phone knew how to fight against fraud. Taking advantage of the chaos of the crowd, he sneaked behind the stall owner's booth, apparently looking for evidence.

"Brother, or sister? What do you want?" Zhang Yang asked him.

"Ms. Zhang, I'm still in the second year of junior high school." On the other end of the video, it was Sister Gao's son who spoke.

"I want to find their account books. Generally, profiteers will keep accounts."

This way of thinking, how many TV shows have I watched?

"Huh? Where's their account book?"

The children muttered while searching, Zhang Yang thought for a while, and directed:
"First, show me the other things they sell at their stall."

"Oh, see."

"It's what my mother said to sell, it's a lie."

This time, Zhang Yang finally saw all the item information clearly.

Gold inlaid jade contains not only Hetian jade, gold, but also plastic and copper.

Why doping?
Zhang Yang quickly found the answer to this question on the Internet: because if only gold and jade are used, not only the cost is high, but the key point is that mass production cannot be done.

A medium must be used to fix the thin piece of gold leaf on the jade to create a sense of inlay.

Impurity?That's easy.

Zhang Yang sorted out his thoughts and said, "Little handsome guy, have you ever heard of a hero appearing?"

"Wait, you do this first..."

【Okay, it's justice from heaven again】

【Master Zhang really is an old Jianghu】

[I declare that this is the serious behind-the-scenes stream]

Sister Gao was arguing with the stall owner through the police when she suddenly saw her son walking over with a mobile phone.

"Did Master Zhang say something?" she asked.

The boy shook his head, took out the gold inlaid jade pendant he took from his grandmother, and took two steps forward.

"You lied to my grandma that this thing is inlaid with gold?"

"Of course, our gold has a certificate."

The female stall owner was arguing with Sister Gao, when the child suddenly interjected, she answered without thinking too much.

What she said can be regarded as the truth, gold is real gold, but it is less than 0.1 grams.

"But I don't think it's gold."

"What do you think? Kid, can you tell if it's real gold?" the security captain asked beside him.

"Of course I can." The boy nodded.

He pointed to his own eyes and said, "Mine are golden pupils."

What is golden pupil?
Born to distinguish golden pupils?
Sister Gao has never heard of it, and neither has the stall owner.

Only the policeman had watched the TV series with the same name. In an instant, the way he looked at Sister Gao's son changed.

Is this baby a secondary school student or a melon?

"Anyway, no matter what you say, we have certificates."

"If you don't believe me, you can spend your own money to do the appraisal and issue a certificate, 3000 yuan." The stall owner said impatiently.

"Still using identification?"

"Our science teacher said that real gold is not afraid of fire, you will know it after a little practice."

Before the stall owner could reply, Sister Gao's son was already very familiar with it and asked the security captain who had spoken just now to borrow a lighter.

"My dear grandson, this can't be burned. If it burns out, they will definitely not let you return it." The old lady stood up and stopped.

"Mom, they won't refund the money now."

When Sister Gao spoke, her voice was a little anxious.

Her mother-in-law is really a good leek.

At this time, her son's small gesture of gently pointing at the phone caught her attention.

The phone has... Boss!

"What did you say about the golden pupil just now, is it the boss who instructed you?"

Sister Gao took the phone and took a quick look.

Just seeing Zhang Yang, he nodded slightly towards the camera.

Well, we have a bottom line!
"Brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts present, be a witness."

"Gold inlaid with jade, if the gold is all fake, then they are pure frauds!"

Sister Gao took the gold inlaid jade and lighter and stuffed them into the hands of the police.

"Comrade policeman, you are the most fair and impartial. If you burn it, they dare not deny it."

Of course the policeman was unwilling to do such a thing, and finally pushed back and forth, and pushed it into the hands of the security captain.

The reason is that the lighter belongs to him, and he has a good grasp of it.

"Yes, yes, the lighter is difficult to use." The security captain thought angrily: "You are obviously afraid of getting into trouble!"

It's not a problem to have so many people around the scene, it still needs to be resolved as soon as possible.

He shook his head, fixed the jade pendant on the wooden branch of the stall, with the golden Buddha statue facing down, and slowly burned it with the outer flame of the lighter.

Roast on low heat.

Within half a minute, the air began to smell of burnt plastic.

"It's plastic, it has plastic in it!"

The closest melon eaters exclaimed while clapping Douyin.

But this was not over yet, just when the security captain felt that the fraud had been confirmed and was about to stop, the jade pendant burst into flames with a "chi~" sound!

The jade pendant, which was only slightly bigger than a thumb, was ignited with raging flames, and thick black smoke came out!
【Is this jade pendant or coal?】

【on fire】

【The hearts of this group are really big, hurry up and put out the fire】

【What kind of material is burning such a big fire】

How much plastic is stuffed in here!
Zhang Yang looked at such a big fire, and he didn't understand it.

The security guards at the scene were frightened and quickly used fire extinguishers.

"Master Zhang, what's going on?" Sister Gao asked Zhang Yang puzzled.

Is the intensity of the fire also included in your calculations?
"Calm down." Zhang Yang said with a smile, "My friend, I can only help you here."


Sister Gao's troubles were resolved, and the subsequent live broadcast process went smoothly.

Everyone unanimously took out the gold inlaid jade that had been treasured in their homes for a long time, and told how they were attracted by the first prize ticket in the supermarket, and finally lost several hundred yuan.

To sum up in one sentence: Compared with the experience of quilt routines, the leeks in the live broadcast room have never lost.

After the live broadcast was over, Zhang Yang asked Xu Jie to carry the equipment into the car so that he could take it to the museum along the way.

Everyone can go directly to work there tomorrow.

On the way to the museum, Zhang Yang's phone kept vibrating, and someone was in a hurry and kept sending him messages.

When I went to the museum, I saw more than a dozen messages, one every 2 minutes, all with the same content:
[Are you there? ]
The person who sent the message was a male fan in the group.

[I'm here, what's the matter? ]
The other party played two voices in succession:

"Teacher, is it convenient to make a voice call? I can't type clearly."

"It's very important. If it's not important, just block me."

Seeing what the other party said seemed to be the case, Zhang Yang agreed to the voice application.

As soon as it was connected, I heard a man's voice from over there: "Master Zhang!"

Then came another man's voice: "Shut up, I haven't asked you to speak yet!"

"Baoyou, what's the situation with you?" Zhang Yang asked.

The voice that spoke at the beginning sounded familiar to him.

"I'm Baoyou, he's not." The man who spoke last explained.

Then he began to tell what had happened.

"Teacher, it is like this."

"I went to the field to look at the crops this afternoon when the sun was about to set."

"As soon as I arrived at the grove beside my field, the family dog ​​barked into it."

"Our place, teacher, you may not know, is Bozhou. There are so many ancient tombs, and there are tombs everywhere. My family's ancestral tomb is here."

Bozhou?Zhang Yang thought about it, isn't that in Nanwan Province?
There seems to be Cao Cao's tomb in that place.

"I watch your live broadcast every day, and I know that the tomb robbers set foot on sites during the day and start work at night, so I became vigilant at that time."

"As soon as I entered the reed marsh, darling, I saw a hole bigger than the entrance of the cellar. There were some blue bricks scattered around the hole, and some of them had patterns on them. They looked like old objects."

"The dog is still barking into the hole."

The blue bricks are most likely tomb bricks!Zhang Yang analyzed in his heart.

Baoyou's story is slowly approaching its climax.

"I understood at the time, people entered this cave, and they wanted to dig up my ancestral grave."

"So I picked up a brick and squatted at the entrance of the cave."

"This dog is quite cautious. He couldn't come out when he heard the dog barking. After I drove the dog home for half an hour, he sneaked out his head."

"When I go up, I'm just a brick..."

The blue brick slapped on the head, tsk tsk, there should be something wrong.

The man who spoke out first just now should be the grave robber who got hit by a brick.

But he greeted Zhang Yang as soon as he came up, as if he knew Zhang Yang too.

Could it be a thief friend in the group?

At this time, Baoyou finally allowed the tomb robber to speak.

"Master Zhang, it's me, Second Cheng."

In the voice, Cheng Zongwen's voice trembled with excitement.

"Quickly tell this treasure friend, I really didn't rob the tomb!"

"Second Master Cheng? Is it really you?"

To be honest, Zhang Yang didn't quite believe it.

Didn't you agree to start a new life?Why did you go into the robbery again.

Also dug Baoyou's ancestral grave?

(End of this chapter)

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