Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 144 Does the archaeological team still lack experts?

Chapter 144 Does the archaeological team still lack experts?
Captain Liu's words are reasonable.

Xiao Chu didn't argue, he said he only had one appeal: to keep the ancestral grave of this enthusiastic treasurer.

You can't let people have to buy tickets to enter the museum during the Ching Ming Festival in the future, right?
"I can't be the master of this. We can't stretch our hands in Linhai to deal with Bozhou's affairs."

Captain Liu's tone was very helpless. In the case of a different place, he was essentially no different from Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang reported it, and he reported it.

"Hey, second generation official, think of a way." Chen Yanguang suddenly interacted with Xiao Chu.

When he said this, his tone was low, and he obviously didn't show his face, but Zhang Yang always felt that he saw him raising his eyebrows.

"Why don't you think of a way?" Xiao Chu countered.

"I'll find a way? That's fine." Chen Yanguang agreed, and turned to ask Zhang Yang: "Brother, is there a possibility for the brothers from Xiling to destroy..."

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Zhang Yang quickly pretended to cough a few times and interrupted him.

The police and their family members are all here, and you still want to destroy the corpse?
This topic is too dangerous, let's change it first.

"Second Master Cheng, take another look and see if there is anything else nearby, as long as it's not dust, I'll make a decision."

"That's great."

Cheng Zongwen responded, and everyone's attention returned to the tomb.

It is impossible to restrain the bones, because there are tomb robbers mixed in.

"Now I'm curious, whether this tomb belongs to a famous person from Wei during the Three Kingdoms period."

What Chen Yanguang said was also the common thought of the rest of the people.

Xiao Chu then asked Baoyou: "Are there any famous people in the history books in your ancestors, during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties?"

Baoyou shook his head: "No, if there were celebrities, my ancestral grave would have been lost."

"Then what's your last name?" Zhang Yang asked.

A pottery shard picked up by his second child during the identification process just now, can already be concluded that the age of this tomb is after the establishment of Wei State.

Now, the camera is focused on the epitaph behind the tomb door.

Zhang Yang vaguely saw the word "Hou".

Could it be someone from the Xiahou clan?
"My surname is Xu." Baoyou replied.

"Who is there with the surname Xu?" Chen Yanguang said to himself.

"Hey... what are you doing?" Captain Liu suddenly called out.

It turned out to be the Second Master Cheng. Seeing the words on the epitaph, he wanted to get closer, but when he moved, his feet crackled.

"It's okay, I looked at the road, and all I stepped on were branches that fell in." Second Master Cheng said in relief.

But this is what Captain Liu believes or not.

Anyway, Chen Yanguang said that he sounded like the sound of crushing bones.

Soon, both Baoyou and Cheng Laoer arrived in front of the stele.

Because of the tight tomb door protection, this epitaph is still intact after thousands of years, but it is full of dust and dust.

"Come here, let's see whose tomb it is!"

Everyone was a little excited. At this time, Zhang Yang finally saw the age of the stele—228 AD.

The time when the stele was carved should also be the time when the owner of the tomb passed away.

While wiping the dust, Baoyou read aloud the important information on the epitaph.



Zhongkang is the name of the owner of the tomb, and his name is Xu Chu.

The same thought came to all minds:
Is it him? !
With the same surname as Baoyou, even if he is not his ancestor, he may belong to the same big family.

"Xu Chu is also from Bozhou, and is a fellow villager with Prime Minister Cao, so it is reasonable to be buried here."

Zhang Yang looked at the information found on the Internet, and explained to everyone in the video conference.

"The title of Marquis of Mouxiang was conferred by Cao Pi's son, and he died of illness not long after the conferment was completed."

"Congratulations, Baoyou, now you have a celebrity in your ancestors." Chen Yanguang congratulated.

"Now, I'm really going to enter the museum." Xiao Chu said worriedly.

Captain Liu's perspective on issues is different from everyone else's.

Xu Chu?That is Cao Cao's most trusted bodyguard, a proper historical celebrity.

This tomb is definitely an ancient tomb that can be included in the list.

The tomb robber who entered this kind of tomb and killed someone in the tomb is 100% a big case!
"You two, get out of the robbery hole quickly."

"I'm going to call the police!"

After Captain Liu said this, he immediately started pressing the landline.


When the two climbed out of the burglary, the big yellow dog barked twice, as if announcing that this special video conference tonight was over.

Captain Liu left first, and it was Baoyou who kicked him out.

It is estimated that it won't be long before other treasure friends in the fan group will know that the account of this Pikachu avatar is a note.

"Master Zhang, you can't really be Tiaozi's undercover agent?"

Baoyou turned around and checked Zhang Yang's details.

"Did you just know?"

Chen Yanguang and Xiao Chu replied in unison.

"Look, they all want to slander me, so I'm innocent."

"If it's really undercover, they must protect my identity now." Zhang Yang analyzed calmly.

"It makes sense~"

Baoyou quite agrees with Zhang Yang's statement.

"Okay, leave me alone, you two should check your confession first." Zhang Yang suggested: "When your local police come later, don't reveal your truth."

"Then, do you mean we drilled this hole purely out of curiosity?"

Cheng Zongwen quickly came up with a statement, discussed it with Baoyou, and gradually perfected the details.

When the siren sounded on the distant road, the two parties exited the room with their repeated statements.

As soon as the two left, Xiao Chu said that his folk archaeological team would leave tomorrow and go straight to Bozhou.

The target is... Cheng Zongwen.

He had to meet someone who knew so much about burials.

"What do you mean? You want to deal with my dad?" Chen Yanguang asked vigilantly.

"What, he's your father?" Xiao Chu was even more surprised: "Why do I feel that he looks like a grave robber who wants to enter the tomb to pick up leaks."

"Oh~ I see, it turns out that your family became so rich..."

"Don't worry about how their family got rich." Zhang Yang interrupted Xiao Chu's speculation, and asked him, "Please explain first, why are you promoting your archaeological team in my group?"

"Stealing people?"

"Ordinary people from the Huyou family, let's have fun with you, the second generation of officials, right?"

"Then you are really a bit of a beast." Chen Yanguang interjected.

"No, absolutely not." Xiao Chu retorted immediately: "The archaeological team we are establishing now is a public welfare organization."

"Like this Baoyou, he is now a field worker hired by our archaeological team, and he has a certificate."

"Is it legal for you to do this?" Chen Yanguang questioned.

However, Zhang Yang did not express any objection after reading the documents Xiao Chu showed.

Whether it is legal or not depends mainly on who will interpret it.

Anyway, if it is the Cultural Tourism BU who issued this certificate to explain, there should be no problem.

Zhang Yang thought for a while and asked Xiao Chu:
"Does your archaeological team still lack experts?"

"I am proficient in dividing gold and fixing acupoints, inverting buckets and scattering soil, and I also have certain attainments in cultural relics appraisal."

"Quiet!" Suddenly, the voices of several young people came from Xiao Chu's side.

Finally, Xiaoyue, who had met before, appeared in front of the camera, holding an "expert certificate" with no name on it, and said to Zhang Yang:
"Teacher, we have already prepared this for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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