Chapter 155

"Master Zhang, good afternoon, can you take a look at this thing for me?"

Baoyou who spoke was a middle-aged man with a little Hunan accent.

"This should be your first visit to our live broadcast room, Baoyou?"

The opposite party does not show the collection, but greets politely first, which is completely different from the old fritters in the live broadcast room.

"Yes, I don't know why, but I pushed your live broadcast for me as soon as I was on Douyin."

"I know why." Zhang Yang, who is well versed in big data, took the initiative to help Baoyou's confusion: "It must be when you usually talk, you said the keywords [antique] and [identification]."

"Hey, how did he know?"

Another woman's voice came from the other end of the video. Judging from the tone, it should be Baoyou's wife.

"Baoyou, let's take a look at your baby first."

For some reason, Zhang Yang couldn't help but look forward to something for this kind of cute new friend.

It is estimated that many people who eat public meals in the live broadcast room will have the same idea.

Sure enough, what Baoyou came up with did not disappoint.

An old clay pot with four ties, the appearance of calcification is a bit obvious, and the mouth is surrounded by hairy, remnants of aquatic organisms.

Brand new!

"Baoyou, are you [Haidilao]?"

"We don't like hot pot."

"Who asked you about the hot pot? What I'm asking is, did you fish this thing out of the water?"

"Ah, yes, fished out of the river."


【Baoyou's tone is very sincere】

[It is estimated that I made a lot of money and was arrested by big data]

"Why is this thing in the river?" Zhang Yang asked suspiciously, "Why did you go to the bottom of the river to fish for something?"

"Teacher, do you know Tianyuan Deng Gang?" Baoyou tried to explain.

"I know, the fishing god, are you related to him?"

"He is my idol."

"You can just say that you are a fisherman?"

Zhang Yang thought to himself, with such a big circle, isn't it just an air force?
Serious fishing, who goes into the water to touch things?

"Actually, I was going to touch mussels at the bottom of the river, but I didn't expect to find such a thing."

"Just this one?"


"I see, then, is the water deep?"

"It's estimated to be six or seven meters."

"Are there houses under the river? Or some deep pits?" Zhang Yang asked.

The depth of the water is not bad, Zhang Yang speculates that there may be tombs or ruins at the bottom of the river.

Baoyou said, "No, I haven't seen it."

But at this time, Baoyou's wife said, "There is a legend, isn't it?"

"Oh?" Zhang Yang smiled: "Baoyou, give the microphone to the siblings, and explain it carefully."

[Husband and wife are birds in the same forest, how about a good confession?]

[Backstab from the person next to the pillow]

【Wait to fight】

"Don't give it to me." Baoyou's wife said, "I just remember that there is a village at the bottom of the river according to legend."

"There is a village? Baoyou, did you pick up this jar from that underwater village?"

"I don't know, I just touch the mussels." Baoyou began to pretend to be confused.

"Don't be nervous, we are from the same family." Zhang Yang said with a smile: "You are from Hunan Province, from the line of Master Zhang Dafo?"

"That village, under the water, is the Zhang family's ancient building."

"My surname is Zhang too. We can't write two characters in one stroke."

"But I don't believe in Zhang." Baoyou muttered, "Teacher, which dynasty does this jar belong to?"

"Modern, 100 years, five yuan." Zhang Yang quickly replied: "Baoyou, there is a village down there, are you not interested?"

"How about, when I go in next time, ask the teacher to come with you?" Baoyou said hesitantly.

"Me? I dare not. If you want to go, you can only find someone named Zhang Qiling to accompany you."

"Which spirit, which spirit?" Baoyou's wife suddenly asked from the side.

[Zhang Qiling, have you seen these three words, Baoyou]

【Just call him little brother】

【If you want to play antiques, you can't do without reading some novels】

"Don't look for it deliberately, the next time you see a handsome guy going down the river, it might be him." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

But thinking of someone's "golden soup" magic operation, he added another sentence:
"But if you see someone wearing a diving suit and carrying an oxygen cylinder down the river, remember to call the police directly. Those are grave robbers."

"Oh, I see!" Baoyou's wife replied beside him.

"Teacher, I read the barrage saying that this kind of fish caught in the river must be handed over to the Cultural Relics Bureau, or you will be arrested?"

"Do you believe the words of the barrage judge?" Zhang Yang shook his head: "This kind of rags worth five yuan can't be pickled, and the police and the cultural relics bureau don't even have time to take care of them."

"Then can I touch a little more?" Baoyou suddenly said excitedly.

"No, why did you still speak your mind?"

Zhang Yang was about to disconnect the mic, but when he heard this, his hands froze.

He thought about it and asked Baoyou:

"Where are you from Hunan Province?"

"Changde. Teacher, are you from Hunan Province too?"

"No, but we should have..."


After hanging up Lianmai, Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows at the camera:

"Just now, this precious friend's awareness of cultural relics protection is a little weak. I don't have the energy to persuade you. Sir, please follow up."


[The things dug out are worthless, do I still have to hand them in? 】

"For this kind of thing, you just ask me directly to see if the thing is worth money?"

"That's what Jianbao anchors do."

Zhang Yang smiled and gave pointers to the barrage.

"Don't keep looking at the barrage and saying that punishment is not punishment. Even if it is real punishment, if you come to me, at least you can earn a free door-to-door pick-up service for nothing."

[Can't I just call the police? 】

[Alarm is useless, I just tried it]

【Not all...】

"Wait a minute, this precious friend named the sweeping monk in the Sutra Pavilion, don't go."

"Like me, hurry up and yell at me."

When Zhang Yang saw the barrage like this, he knew that it was either a joke or something really happened.

This time, it's the latter.

As soon as Baoyou connected, the pictures he gave were shocking: barren mountains, dilapidated temples, and stone wells half covered by weeds.

At another point in time, this is Liaozhai described by Pu Songling.

Fortunately, Baoyou held a red rope in his hand, which was a joy.

"Baby, what are you doing?"

"Teacher, I am a fisherman in a broad sense."

Baoyou pulled the red rope up from the ground, only then did he see a pie-shaped metal object tied to the other end of the rope.

"It's a strong magnet, and my hobby is playing strong magnetic salvage."

Zhang Yang looked at the magnet in Baoyou's hand, then at Ishii in the distance, and understood.

This is the idea of ​​hitting someone's temple wishing well!
"It's been abandoned for so long, is there anything in it?" Zhang Yang asked pretending to be puzzled.

When he asked this question, Baoyou couldn't help showing off.

"Hey hey, there are not many."

"Look, teacher."

Baoyou spread out his hands, and there were a few golden coins with outer circles and inner squares in his hands.

[Is this a gold coin? 】

[Damn it, get rich]

[In the past, in the ancient river of Suzhou, someone used a metal detector to find this kind of gold coin]

[What gold coin, this is water meter gold]

The barrage is still knowledgeable, and Zhang Yang also gave others a popular science.

The water meter gold is actually the copper coins unearthed from the puddle.

Because it is not corroded by oxygen, a patina similar to gilt effect is formed on the surface, which is a very distinctive ancient coin.

The few coins in Baoyou's hands are all copper coins from the middle and late Qing Dynasty, most of which are Qianlong Tongbao.

These copper coins, without exception, are all produced in the Bashu area, so there are certain iron impurities in the copper coins.

"Baby, where are you?"

"In Meishan." Baoyou replied: "Teacher, I called the police and said that I dug copper coins in the well, and the police said that they have no time to deal with such trivial matters."

"Then they want to make you rich." Zhang Yang said with a smile: "The gold water watches of yours are all in good condition. If they can be sucked out, it means there are many more underneath."

"Did you go down and take a look?"

"Don't dare, I'm alone here, I'm afraid there are dirty things sealed underneath."

As Baoyou said, he walked to the side of the well. The mud and debris around him showed that the bottom was indeed quite dirty.

It took him a lot of time to fish out these copper coins, but if you count the hourly wages, it's quite a bargain.

"Teacher, I just dug up these things. How about I call a few people and come again in a few days?"

"Don't ask me about that." Zhang Yang refused with a face full of refusal: "Why do you ask for my opinion? You want me to be the mastermind?"

"But do you know that the money in this kind of wishing well is entrusted with the wishes of the owner, and there is a deep cause and effect!"

"Karma adds to the body, aren't you afraid?"

"Ah?" Baoyou said in amazement, "Then what should I do?"

"Well, I have been practicing for a long time, and I will fight these karma for you, how about it?"

"Teacher, what do you mean, I will send you the money."

"Yes, postage is fine." Zhang Yang nodded, put his hands together and said, "Let all the causes and effects be added to me, so what's the problem?"

"Coincidentally, Master Zhang, I am not afraid of karma."

Baoyou turned the camera to focus on his face, and saw that his head was bald and he was wearing a string of Buddhist beads around his neck.

【It turned out to be a bald donkey】

【This is the well I dug myself】

[No wonder the police dare not control]

"This master, what's your name?"

The monk also clasped his hands together and replied, "The poor monk's name is Nocturnal Ecstasy."

(End of this chapter)

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