Chapter 167 To the top?
"Then I'll think about it again!" Baoyou hung up Lianmai hesitantly.

"Such a good thing, why is it not our turn!"

Zhang Yang chatted with the barrage with a regretful face, and many people in the live broadcast room thought the same as him.

Is this traditional custom terrible?

In the eyes of those who play antiques, jade pigs, jade cicadas, jade plugs, Gabala, beads from coffin carts, etc., let alone put them at home, they can be worn to sleep.

Still sleeping soundly!
Is it such a good thing to give away a Hetian jade pendant from the late Qing Dynasty for free?

[I don’t know how to be blessed when I am blessed! 】

[If it were me, I could keep her filial piety]

【Change me, I can stay with you in the coffin for one night】

[If it were me, I could stay with you in the soil for one night, just leave a hole for ventilation]

【No, what are you doing? 】

"It's indeed a bit too perverted. House manager, please seal the two people who are going to be in the coffin with you for five minutes."

"It's not to say that you are wrong, but to let you feel the extent to which normal people in this world can tolerate such strange things."

"You guys are a bit too against the sky."

After purifying the environment in the live broadcast room, Zhang Yang Lianmai is the last treasure friend today.

"Teacher, you must have never seen this thing before me."

What Baoyou shows on the table is a white object that looks like both a stone and a plastic.

Next to the things, there is also a large glass bottle commonly used to make medicinal wine, which contains an unknown liquid.

"Don't move, I'll take a look."

Zhang Yang is very confident, nothing on this planet can escape his eyes.

"Name: Shi Taisui (organic matter)"

"Material: polyvinyl alcohol, polyacrylic acid"

"Production time: [-] million years ago"

"Detailed information: A natural organic substance produced in Changbai Mountain. It is often used as a medicinal material to soak in water and drink. In fact, heavy metals exceed the standard"

"Are you Changbai Shanshi Tai Sui?"

Zhang Yang has always looked into science. He is very familiar with Tai Sui, commonly known as "Meat Ganoderma".

"Amazing, Master Zhang." Baoyou exclaimed, "Then how much do you think this thing of mine is worth?"

"It mainly depends on how much the person who wants to buy is willing to pay."

Zhang Yang gave an ambiguous answer because there was really no market record.

Baoyou didn’t hesitate and continued to ask:
"I'm going to start a business and set up a stall to sell the water soaked by Shi Taisui. Teacher, please help me see, what is the appropriate price?"

"It mainly depends on how many years you want to serve in prison and how quickly you want to go to jail."

【Ha ha ha ha】

[Baoyou is stupid]

[The heavy metals in the water soaked by Shi Taisui exceed the standard, so you dare to sell it without knowing anything]

【Is this thing fake】

"Teacher, I am a real stone Taisui, not poisonous." Baoyou argued.

"It's the real Shi Taisui who is poisonous, but the fake ones are made of plastic, so why is it poisonous?" Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Just treat this thing as ore. It's similar to picking up a stone in the mine and soaking it in water to drink. It's heavy metals seriously exceeding the standard."

"But I saw that many pharmacies sell water made by Shi Taisui!"

Baoyou still didn't believe what Zhang Yang said, and what he said was indeed the truth.

"Heavy metal poisoning is chronic, and it's fine to drink a little."

"If you really want to drink something strange, you can buy insect tea. That stuff is brewed by the worm's answer. It really has medicinal effects, and it can be tested."

Baoyou was silent.

After a while, Zhang Yang was about to disconnect the mic before the other party thought about the next question:
"But I read on the Internet that Tai Sui is a flora, and it will grow up if you raise it."

"That's Tai Sui meat, and people raise it to eat Tai Sui meat, not soak it in water to drink." Zhang Yang answered fluently.

[The host doesn’t understand, don’t talk nonsense, I’ve been drinking the water soaked in Shi Taisui for several years, nothing happened]

Seeing someone coming out of the barrage to speak out, Zhang Yang was happy.

This person is probably either limped by a fool, or a merchant who sells Shi Taisui.

"It's fine after drinking it for a few years. Have you ever thought about the possibility that you are drinking water soaked in plastic?"

"Or, you want to sell us some plastic?"

Zhang Yang left a sarcastic smile, and switched the live broadcast to the advertisement that Xiao Tang asked someone to make.

Advertisement for the [-]nd "Hai Lin Zhi Guang Auction Fundraising".

The location of the audition was changed from Linhai to Yangcheng thousands of miles away.

The reach is a bit long, but as long as the background is hard enough, this is not a problem.


After downloading the live broadcast, Zhang Yang first checked his bank account.

It's okay, 200 million has already arrived.

These include his personal dividends from the auction and the dividends from the Hailin Museum auction.

If it weren't for the fact that the private collectors in Linhai didn't have too many things, the income could be even higher.

Calculated, it took him about a week before and after, which is about the same as going to Yangcheng to pick up leaks, and it is safer and legal.

Most importantly, the future looks promising.

As for revitalizing the Hailin Museum, it's just a matter of passing.

At six o'clock in the evening, librarian He called and said Mr. Zhong had arrived.

It was aimed at the cultural relics that Zhang Yang brought back from Neon, especially the bronze sword.

When Zhang Yang arrived at the museum, Mr. Zhong and Master Wang were video chatting with someone.

Seeing him enter the door, the two elderly people enthusiastically pushed him to the camera.

At the other end of the video is Deputy Director Qin of the Shaanxi Provincial Museum.

Master Wang smiled and introduced Zhang Yang's "achievements" to the old man on the other end of the video:
"Old Qin, that Tang Cai Vajra statue, the Kangxi Buddha head, and the bronze sword were all discovered by Xiao Zhang first."

"Especially this Buddha head, he paid for it himself and bought it from overseas cultural relic dealers."

Hearing these words, Zhang Yang felt a little embarrassed.

The Buddha head was bought by the eldest brother on the list, and he paid for the shipping fee himself.

The two of them were still discussing to find out who had the Buddha body and see if they could get together a whole Buddha statue.

As for the Tang Cai, it is even more difficult to claim credit.

But Master Wang's compliments, one sentence after another, from the bronze sword all the way to the glazed bricks of Famen Temple, almost praised Zhang Yang as the first in China for 5000 years, and did not give him any chance to intervene.

"Is this to introduce me to a blind date?" Zhang Yang murmured in his heart.

Turns out he was overthinking it.

Because the three finally chatted with a familiar name: Niu Renai.

A well-known antique dealer in the capital, the brother-in-law of Deputy Curator Qin's son, is now in the detention center to confess what he committed.

The eldest grandson of deputy curator Qin is awaiting judgment because he bought and sold stolen goods from tomb robbers online.

Zhang Yang is the thread that connects their family to jail this time.

"It turns out that the two teachers were putting weight on me just now!"

"But there's no need to be so humble." Zhang Yang thought to himself.

"Okay, brothers, I understand what you mean."

Deputy curator Qin at the other end of the video sighed, with a helpless expression on his face.

"My grandson committed a crime. As a grandfather, I am somewhat responsible, so I can't blame Xiao Zhang for this matter."

"And look at Xiao Zhang, you have a righteous face, and you are not small, and you really deserve the love of the two old brothers."

"It's just that the tomb robbers in Jinzhong don't think like me!"

Deputy curator Qin acted as a tip-off, telling the three of Zhang Yang that the leader of the tomb robber was surnamed Xiang, and that this account might be blamed on Zhang Yang.

To the top?
Hey, second master Cheng, your enemy is here!
 Thanks to the big brother FluffyFluffy for the reward of 1500 coins!Thank you for your monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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