Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 170 The Legendary Story

Chapter 170 The Legendary Story
"You mean, we dug up a piece of Yuan blue and white worth [-] million yuan in a short while?"

After so many years of drilling in the soil, the cultural relics handled by several tomb robbers ranged from [-] to [-]. Yuan Qinghua and the others never dug any of them.

When "Guiguzi Down the Mountain" was the hottest, they had dug many tombs from the Yuan and Ming dynasties under the leadership of Leader Xiang, hoping to keep up with the trend and make a fortune.

In the end, nothing was gained, and several brothers were involved.

Of course, they wouldn't believe Zhang Yang's unfounded words now.

"One hundred million?" Zhang Yang shook his head, "It's too small."

"Your layout is small."

"Do you know Gao An? 19 pieces of Yuan blue and white flowers were found in a cellar, and a museum of Yuan blue and white flowers came out directly. Maybe there are still some in your tomb!"

Zhang Yang wanted to keep this group of people here and chat for a while longer.

"Isn't it Gao An? Let me tell you, not only blue and white flowers from the Yuan Dynasty came out of the construction site, but also Longquan Kiln, Jun Kiln, and Cizhou Kiln."

"My master is just one step late, otherwise they would have stolen it."

Xiang put his head aside and patted his subordinates on the shoulder at the same time, indicating that it was time to disconnect the mic.

The shorter the time, the safer it is.

"Damn, this is too stable!"

Zhang Yang watched the other party's prompt to disconnect the mic, and gritted his molars.

He has been live streaming treasure appraisal for several months, and he has never seen such a steady tomb robber.

He originally wanted to analyze to the other party how authentic the Suma Liqing on the porcelain was and how exquisite the decoration was.

"I still don't believe it, can you bear it?"

Zhang Yang and Dan Mu chatted casually for 2 minutes, and sure enough, the other party came to mic again.

"The next time something like this happens, we should set a threshold of 100 yuan for continuous wheat, so as to reasonably squeeze them out."

Zhang Yang was thinking wildly, and his attention was already on the screen.

This time, the tomb thieves brought out several blue and white wine glasses from the tomb. Judging from the decoration alone, it is obviously the same as the wine jug just now.

"Come on, Master Zhang, explain why these wine glasses are written in Manchu script?"

The tomb robber asked in a questioning tone, trying to deduce that the jug just now was not blue and white from the Yuan Dynasty through these few porcelain cups that were obviously from the Qing Dynasty.

"It's okay for you to think it's from the Qing Dynasty." Zhang Yang nodded indifferently: "Talk to me privately after I go down, I'll take this set."

"Yongzheng four-piece blue and white jug set, folk kiln, good quality, I will pay three thousand and five."

【I pay four thousand】

【I pay five thousand】

[Are you selling wheelchairs here?No one cares whether the thing is genuine Yuan Qinghua? 】

[Can there be fake ones that came out of the tomb?The anchor’s tone has changed]

[Those who say things are real Yuan blue and white, your IQ is suitable for tomb robbery]

After listening to Zhang Yang's words, the other side of the video was silent.

When it was almost 15 seconds, the other person asked aloud:
"Do you dare to buy things from grave robbers?"

"Are tomb robbers rare? I know a few myself."

Zhang Yang picked up the phone from the table, and on it was a photo he had prepared long ago with Mao Shiqi, and his own face was mosaiced.

This was taken by Mao Tugong on his own initiative, saying that in case he got caught up in the boss, taking out this photo could prove that Zhang Yang was "one of his own".

"real or fake?"

The tomb robber Eleven didn't believe Zhang Yang's words, so he asked to zoom the camera closer.

When he saw Mao Shiqi's face clearly above him, he froze for a moment.

"Hold on, let's take a look, is this Seventeen?"

"Huh?" Xiang Boutou walked over from the thief's cave with a puzzled look on his face.

When he saw the photos Zhang Yang showed, he was also stunned.

"It's really him, thinner than when we knew him." Xiang Batou muttered to himself while looking at Zhang Yang: "When did you meet?"

"That's quite old~"

Zhang Yang showed a dazed expression, as if recalling the past.

In fact, it was based on Mao Shiqi's personal experience and quickly added it.

"This is an epic story involving various factors such as love, family affection, friendship, ethics, redemption, punishment, crime, society, history, etc. I usually call it "Mao Shiqi Past Events."

"At that time, Xiaomao was still a small worker on the construction site in front of our pawn shop, and I was just an ordinary teller."

"Once, he walked into the pawn shop in a panic with a dirty jar, and told me that a relative in his hometown sent an antique, and wanted to see if it could be used for some money."

"I took the jar and took a look. Half of the jar was filled with blood-red liquid, and there was a white severed finger floating on the surface of the liquid..."

[Holy shit, so heavy mouthed]

【legend?Ye Qing Hui]

[Why the 90-year-old woman came back to life, why hundreds of sows screamed in the middle of the night, and who is behind the scenes]

[I hope this story won’t end]

Zhang Yang mixed "Chang Chen tells ghost stories", "Lao Liang's stories", "legendary stories" and other messy things together with Mao Shiqi's experience, and told them for seven or eight minutes.

This kind of story highlights a story that turns over and over a thousand times, that is, people who come back to the story will continue to listen to the beginning of the story before dying.

A few tomb robbers who usually don't have much fun, of course they were attracted.

Thinking that the internet police were following him right now, Zhang Yang didn't dare to rest.

After he finished speaking, his throat was almost filled with smoke.

"That's the end? It's too short." The fourth child asked Zhang Yang with unsatisfactory expression on his face, "But I didn't expect the seventeenth child to experience such a legendary story."

"When he said this, I remembered that when Brother Seventeen walked up to the police with a bronze vessel in one hand and said, 'Who is the policeman? I want to surrender', the back view was really domineering." 45 recalled .

"Domineering fart, look at your springy appearance, you really look like a bitch."

"If you hadn't touched Brother Seventeen in the middle of the night, I don't think he would have surrendered."


Zhang Yang became more and more shocked the more he listened to the tomb robber.

They were all men, so how could they still hear the love-hate relationship between them and Mao Shiqi?

"Okay, stop arguing."

He shouted at the head, and the others immediately fell silent.

"Master Zhang, let me ask you one last time, is this your ancestral tomb?"

"No." Zhang Yang replied with a somewhat hoarse voice: "So don't dig around, it's a mistake!"

"That won't work. We believe in your vision. Since you said this is Yuan Qinghua, we must dig to the bottom."

Xiang Baotou didn't fully believe what Zhang Yang said, but because he took out a photo with Mao Shiqi, his attitude somewhat changed.

After all, Mao Shiqi was in prison for a few crimes for their brother, so it was inappropriate to bully his brother's friend at this time.

"Okay, in a few days, we will deliver your share to you."

Leaving such a sentence before Xiang Baotou left was a small threat and temptation.

He didn't realize how many people were following Zhang Yang's live broadcast...

At this time, at the Linhai City Public Security Bureau, the Internet police officer responsible for tracking IPs was typing on the keyboard so hard that it almost started to smoke.

"This group of people is too cautious and used two layers of private VPNs. Fortunately, they use the same software when connecting to the microphone."

"Captain, we found the place!"

Captain Sun was supervising the battle at the side. Hearing this, the expression on his face was both nervous and excited.

The more complicated the methods used by the suspects, the more they can find out the address of the other party, the more capable their Internet police team is.

After reading the address, Captain Sun hurriedly asked the police to send the location to Captain Liu who had already set off ahead of schedule.

"Captain, is this Master Zhang also summoned? He looks like an accomplice of the tomb robber." The new Internet policeman asked Captain Sun.

"What you said makes sense." Captain Sun nodded: "But after the case is solved, I will prepare the certificate and then talk about it."

(End of this chapter)

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