Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 173 Why are you standing still, run away

Chapter 173 Why are you standing still, run away

"Master Zhang, take a look, my mother is very young, just a few years behind you."

"As the saying goes, female juniors hold gold bricks, and female juniors hold two gold bricks."

"Actually, I am a rich second generation. My mother earned all the money. Our family has a golden mountain."

"Besides, my mother is in the jade business. The combination of the two of you will definitely make a bigger fortune."

"Don't really think about it..."

Although Baoyou tried his best to keep him, Zhang Yang hung up Lianmai without hesitation before his aunt showed up.

[Dog anchor, do you have today too? 】

[Hahahaha, I almost became a stepfather]

[It's the first time I saw the anchor look so embarrassed]

[Teacher, you missed the opportunity to experience the rich woman's steel wool ball]

"Don't forget, I'm Jianbao's live broadcast studio." Zhang Yang reiterated: "I don't take any other jobs except Jianbao."

At this time, a bullet screen floated over:
@京宝综合九 elder: [Are you free?Will you identify the culprit later? 】

"Elder Ninth, I only appraise treasures, and I don't take any other work."

Zhang Yang repeated the answer just now very forcefully.

No matter what, you can't slap yourself in the face right away, can you?

When Zhang Yang was tough, in the group of the folk archaeological team, Chu Zi forced him to hit him.

【Teacher, we have already found the trace of the leader】

[Mao Tugong found the yard where they settled]

【They seem to be shipping from Laimhai. We have filed a record with the local police station and are going to arrest them on the spot】

[Now we are following with the police]

[Don’t worry, when we catch the person, all the stolen goods will be transported to the Hailin Museum]


At the same time, on the provincial highway in the northern suburbs of Linhai City, Xiang Bantou was sitting in the passenger seat, flipping through the notebook in his hand.

There are very few lessons in the notebook about selling rice.

In the past many years, Niu Renai had basically wrapped up the things they had stolen.

The few "rice sales" were also led by Eleven, who was already in prison, and pretended to be a brother on the construction site, and sold things to antique shops in the city.

In fact, this seven-member team has very little relevant experience.

But Xiang Batou is an old Jianghu after all, and knows a lot.

When he was still one kilometer away from the destination, the leader Xiang let his subordinates pull over the car. He got out of the car and walked to a nearby higher hillside to observe the surrounding situation.

After looking at the surrounding terrain, he muttered something to the leader:
"In the middle of the day, the palms raised look like returning to the nest, and Qiu Fu is faintly dewed. Then I look for the returning nest from Qiu Fu, and there may be hook pods like spiral spirals."

"In ancient times, this is a good place to hold a celebration banquet."

"This place has good luck. It will definitely go well this time."

As soon as Xiang Baotou analyzed the terrain, he forgot that they were not going to rob the tomb this time, but to trade.

He drove on with his six brothers.

When he reached a melon stand at the provincial road fork, the driver stopped, rolled his head down the window, and asked the middle-aged man wearing a straw hat by the side of the road:

"Are your melons ripe?"

Captain Liu raised the brim of his straw hat:
"I run a melon stall, can I sell you raw melon eggs?"

Xiang Baotou and Captain Liu looked at each other and smiled, and the codes matched.

He greeted the other party: "Brother, let's take a look at the goods first?"

"Okay. Brothers, come down and eat a watermelon? Don't waste my props."

Captain Liu greeted the other tomb robbers to get off the car.

When passing by the car door, he was startled when he saw the cold light in the car.

Grave robber with a knife?

Fortunately, they were called out of the car.

He was wearing a soft body armor, but it couldn't protect against these cold weapons.

Before opening the trunk door, Xiang first confirmed his "sincerity".

Seeing that Captain Liu had seven-figure balances in several accounts, he completely let go of his guard.

I'm even thinking about which account to use to accept transfers later.

"Come, brother, please take a look."

Xiang opened the trunk and saw twelve black suitcases, neatly stacked and very professional.

"What should we look at first?"

"Let's look at the bronzes first." Captain Liu's answer was exactly the same as the barrage in Zhang Yang's live broadcast room.

After all, this is the most punishing thing.

"No problem, come on, give me a hand."

The two of them worked together to lift the No. [-] suitcase down. After opening it, there were several brocade boxes inside.

"Let's take a look at the most valuable piece here first, the bronze tripod from the Western Zhou Dynasty."

"We dug this out in the suburbs of Chang'an City. After digging, we deliberately left some broken copper and iron in the tomb for the archaeological team to replace."

"Later on, when we saw the news on the Internet that an archaeological team had unearthed tombs from the Western Zhou Dynasty, we knew what dynasty the excavated things belonged to."

Speaking of his "masterpiece", Xiangtou smiled proudly.

Captain Liu quickly took a look into the brocade box that the other party opened.

A tripod in such good condition is a real punishment!

With this thing, he was relieved.

Because of similar things, Captain Liu has seen it in Zhang Yang's live broadcast room. If it is true, it is a second-class cultural relic if it is conservative.

Stealing and reselling, starting in five years.

"Brother, why don't you take it out and palm your eyes, so as not to say later that I exaggerated the price."

Nodding his head to the handle, he made a gesture of please.

"No, let's hurry up and move on to the next one."

Captain Liu scratched the back of his head, so that the team members who were observing the situation with binoculars from a distance knew it was time to act.

"Okay!" Xiang closed the brocade box on his head and prepared to introduce the second bronze item.

At this moment, on the provincial road not far away, two cars suddenly turned into a fork in the road and drove towards the melon stall.

Soon, the car arrived.

Leader Xiang reacted quickly. He had already locked the trunk, waved his men to get in the car, and was ready to drive away.

He glanced at Captain Liu and asked:

"Who is this, is it yours? Or are you here to buy melons?"

Captain Liu blinked in confusion and replied:

"Why do I feel like this is a police car driven by plainclothes police officers?"

Then the two looked at each other and exclaimed at the same time:


Although the expressions are similar, it's just that they are surprised, but they are not the same.

"Police, don't move!"

The voice of the police came.

"Why are you still standing there, run!"

He shouted to the boss and quickly ran towards the car door.

"Fourth is driving!"

Suddenly, he felt someone push him hard from behind, causing him to lose his balance and throw himself directly towards the grass on the side of the road.

Finally, he stepped on the rind of the watermelon he had just chewed, and it hit the ground directly.

Headmaster Xiang, who was cursing, forced himself to raise his head, only to see Captain Liu holding up a small notebook and waving at the police not far away.

The other party still had the time to tell him and his companion:

"Shut up, there are all police officers around here, you can't escape."

"Fart, old four, don't worry about it, drive out!" Xiang Batou shouted.

"If they want to drive away, just shoot the driver to death!" Captain Liu also shouted.

"Don't, don't shoot! I surrender, I surrender!"

The fourth man in the driver's seat panicked, yelled at the top of his lungs, stumbled open the door and got out of the car, and sat down on the ground.


Starting tomorrow, the [-]-word update rhythm will resume.

(End of this chapter)

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