Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 176 It's just a few rough stones, it's really unnecessary

Chapter 176: Just a few rough stones, really unnecessary (two-in-one)

"The scientific name of this should be Danshu Tiequan?" Baoyou asked Zhang Yang.

"Now these two words mean the same thing, don't worry. Just bring the camera closer and let me take a look."

It is easy for Zhang Yang to identify the authenticity of things, but now he is even more curious, what is written on the iron certificate of the alchemy?

[Those who have meritorious service from the country's military officials must be honored with noble titles.Huang Bin, Marquis of Yichun, is loyal and loyal, upholds a pure and good will, will be a little leisurely, and has won a lot of military exploits...]

Huang Bin?Marquis of Yichun?

Seeing this name, the first thing Zhang Yang thought of was Chen Yanguang's somewhat talkative lawyer friend.

But soon, the historical knowledge in his memory reminded him that this Huang Bin was one of the founding heroes of the Ming Dynasty.

He was originally Chen Youliang's subordinate. During the battle, he led his troops to defect to Zhu Yuanzhang, who was still the Duke of Wu at that time, and exchanged a share of the merits of Conglong for an iron coupon of the alchemy book.

On the piece of iron in Baoyou's hand, the words on the back read:

[If you commit a capital crime, Lumi will not pay you at all].

In other words, if you commit a capital crime, your title will be lost and you can get a life in exchange.

Of course, the final interpretation rests with Lao Zhu.

Huang Bin in history was killed because he was implicated in the "Hu Weiyong rebellion case", which strongly proved that the iron book of Danshu was not immune to the crime of rebellion.

"Friend Bao, where did you get this thing?"

"I found a friend to buy it." Baoyou introduced: "This is from his family. He signed a contract with me to guarantee that this thing is real, otherwise I will be compensated three times."

"Is your friend still in touch?" Zhang Yang asked.

This is not the first time he has heard of this kind of deception of "signing a contract to guarantee its authenticity".

Generally, in this kind of scam, the identity of the scammer is fake or stolen. After signing the contract and taking the money, the person disappears.

But the situation of this treasure friend is different. Yesterday, he arranged pesticides with the seller all night long.

And also scored.

After listening to this, Zhang Yang's face became confused.

The item information shows that this was produced last year. Is there something wrong?
"You put things under natural light, and I'll take a look."

Zhang Yang directed Baoyou to rotate the collection so that he could observe the iron coupon of the alchemy book from all angles.

Finally found the problem.

There is nothing wrong with the iron part, but the rust is very old, completely different from the modern chemically aged ones.

But the words above are wrong.

It must be that the lighting just now was not good. Now under natural light, you can see that the golden handwriting shines as if it had just been written.

"Did someone redraw the words on it?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Yeah, originally the words on it were a bit blurry, and there was soil, so I couldn't see them clearly."

“So I found someone to deepen it.”

After washing the patina, another brand-new method of destroying cultural relics emerged.

[Brother’s ways are so wild]

【Hundreds of years of traces are erased at once】

[Fortunately, the collection is not paintings and calligraphy. What if I trace someone else’s painting over and over again?]

[It is recommended to form a CP with a brother who washes patties]

Zhang Yang was silent for half a minute.

He felt that what Baoyou said was most likely true.

"Teacher, it should be all right?" Baoyou looked at the barrage and felt a little worried.

"It's not a big problem. The cultural relics protection department won't have the same knowledge as you." Zhang Yang replied, "And there is still a chance to restore it."

"Can it be repaired? Then it's okay."

Baoyou breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately asked happily:

"Then I should be able to win a prize, right? This is the safest collection, and the death penalty can be avoided."

"You said it the other way around. During the Hongwu period, you were the most dangerous."

"In his later years, Zhu Chongba specialized in killing heroes who had iron certificates of alchemy. Without this thing, he would still be able to touch you."

Zhang Yang shook his head, but immediately changed the topic:
"However, I can give you the [Least Common Sense Collector Award], do you want it?"

"Teacher, this is a bit insulting." Baoyou said a little angrily: "Where should I fill in the harvest address?"

"If it is finally confirmed that it is your award, the little assistant will send you a private message in the background."

Zhang Yang took a screenshot of this treasure friend's ID and sent it to Xiao Tang.

"[Extraordinary lawyer Huang Aotian] sent a striking message: Teacher, can you ask me if Baoyou sells this thing? I want to buy it very, very, very much."

Zhang Yang suspected that this message was sent by Huang Bin.

After all, it is the treasure of an ancient person with the same name, so it is normal to want to collect it.

"Lawyer Huang, you can ask it yourself. I don't do intermediary work here."

Zhang Yang smiled and rejected the other party.

Just want me to help you for 30 yuan?It's better to find someone to inquire about the price before coming back!


The next treasure friend, after Lianmai, did not show Zhang Yang the real thing, but showed a picture first.

The vernier caliper of Wang Mang, the classic cultural relic.

"Teacher, for a wise man like you, do you believe that Wang Mang is a time traveler?"

Baoyou asked Zhang Yang with a smile, his voice sounded like that of a young man.

Inside and outside the words, it seems to be implying something.

"Don't ask me first." Zhang Yang turned away from the guest: "Tell me first, do you think he is?"

What grade of bait do you want to catch the anchor's fish?
【I think it is】

[It’s a fart, Wang Mang is a mentally ill person who worships the ancients]

[It is written in the history books: Wang Mang is the buffoon in the farce of the transformation within the ruling group]

[Didn’t it say that Wang Mang was Peng Jiamu who traveled through time?]

"Hehe, I think so anyway." Baoyou smiled a little naively: "Because I found other evidence."


Zhang Yang immediately sat up straight.

"What evidence? Is it the legendary Pisces jade pendant that allowed Peng Jiamu to travel through time and become Wang Mang?"

According to the rumors circulating on the Internet, the Pisces Jade Pendant is a treasure of the ancient Loulan Kingdom and has very magical power.

In reality, the Pisces jade pendant is a funeral object in the tomb of Princess Chen of the Liao Dynasty and her son-in-law, and there is nothing special about it.

Zhang Yang originally thought that it would be an embarrassing job for the other party to take out a pair of fabricated jade pendants.

Unexpectedly, Baoyou was quite pragmatic, and what he took out was a piece of cloth coin.

"Teacher, the evidence I found is more reliable than the jade pendant you mentioned."

Baoyou pointed to the cloth coin on the table, which looked like a shovel and had the words "大布黄千" written on the front.

[Dabu Huangqian] is a relatively common currency minted during Wang Mang's new dynasty, and it is also the youngest type of cloth currency.

The price generally ranges from a few hundred to thousands of dollars.

Zhang Yang took a look and determined that the production time was in "AD 10", which was the second year of Wang Mang's founding of the country.

"There is no problem with the item. This is the cloth coin minted by Wang Mang at that time."

"But your thing can only prove that he worships ancient culture extremely?"

It is estimated that Qin Shihuang never imagined that 200 years after he unified the currency with "Qin Banliang", that is, copper coins with an outer circle and an inner square, a mentally ill man named Wang Mang would actually start minting cloth coins again, which consumes copper and labor.

Now, that is the "Renaissance".

Even a step further, using hanging needle seal script (a type of small seal script) to write the face value on cloth coins greatly increases the difficulty of manufacturing.

"Teacher, look at these two words carefully."

"what happened?"

Zhang Yang looked in the direction of Baoyou's finger.

The other party refers to the characters "big" and "cloth".

The character "big" in seal script is a bit like a stick figure with arms hanging down.

But Huang Qian didn't know what happened to this big piece of cloth. There was a small circle hanging down on the right side.

The whole character looks like a person playing basketball.

And when you accept the setting that this painting is a person playing basketball, the curved "cloth" character is like a person shrugging his shoulders with his back to you.

"Chicken are you too beautiful?"

[The anchor doesn’t pretend anymore, right?]

【Wang Mang is also IKUN】

[Brothers, Xin Kunkun can not only travel through time, but also become an emperor]

[Is this TM real or fake?Draw someone playing basketball? 】

"There's no reason. The Western Han Dynasty doesn't have any round things that can be played with in your hands?"

Zhang Yang resisted the urge to watch the barrage because he couldn't hold it in anymore.

He kept reminding himself in his heart:
This is just a wrong version of currency, and professional anchors cannot mislead others.

[Dabu Huangqian] was originally known for its many editions. This may have been a mistake by the person who made the copper model (mold) at that time.

"Teacher, is my evidence solid?"

When Baoyou was talking, the camera kept shaking slightly, and it was reasonable to suspect that he was shaking his legs proudly.

"It's probably printed wrong!" Zhang Yang held back a smile and asked Baoyou: "How did you get this thing?"

"I bought it at an overseas auction." Baoyou said with a smile: "When I saw this villain playing basketball, my pupils quivered and I thought it was a fake."

"Then I thought about it, who would be so good at counterfeiting? So I bought it as the wrong version of the coin."

The price of the wrong version of the coin was much higher than that of the ordinary Dabu Huangqian. In addition, it was an auction, so some people argued about it. In the end, Baoyou spent more than 1 to win it.

"Teacher, is my price worth it?"

"At present, the loss is about 20%. If the transaction is released in the future, the price may rise a little."

Zhang Yang gave Baoyou a thumbs up, willing to play tricks with real money, he is a real IKUN.

"Then, is mine the most innovative collection?"

Baoyou has not forgotten about the rough diamond prize.

"Of course!" Zhang Yang nodded: "You directly deconstructed Wang Mang's recasting of currency."

[The case was solved, Wang Mang minted coins to pay tribute to Kun Kun]

[This collection finally has the smell of a small broken station]

"Okay, teacher."

"I would like to ask you to help me look at something again."

Baoyou put away the cloth coins and took out another piece of porcelain with blue and white background.

The size of the bottom of the porcelain is about the size of an adult's palm, and the decorations are painted with some flowers and plants.

Different from ordinary porcelain, Baoyou's is like a watering kettle, but it only has one mouth.

The top is sealed, and there are two rings for tying ropes.

"You bought this at the auction too?"

Zhang Yang looked at the shape of this thing and felt a smell through the screen.

"No, this is old porcelain that my classmates and I collected in the countryside of Xingtai."

"Oh, I bought it from a fellow villager. Didn't you ask him what it was for?"

"I didn't ask, I found it on the window sill of a broken house. The fellow heard that we wanted to buy it, and charged us 500 yuan."

"500 yuan?"

Zhang Yang took a closer look at the item information:
"Name: (Blue and White Porcelain) Tiger"

"Material: kaolin, cobalt"

"Production time: 1619"

"Detailed information: A typical late Ming Dynasty blue and white porcelain chamber pot, used by wealthy men at night"

As expected, it was a chamber pot. Zhang Yang’s initial feeling was that it was right.

It is probably because there is no handle, otherwise Baoyou can see what it is.

"If it's 500 yuan, then you've earned it."

"This is a tiger from the Ming Dynasty. Nowadays it is generally called a chamber pot."

Zhang Yang smiled and congratulated Baoyou.

[From the Ming Dynasty?Awesome]

[I missed it, congratulations Baoyou (speaking while pinching his nose)]

[Will someone really buy the chamber pot?]

[Some people even use chamber pots to make tea, just wash them clean]

"A chamber pot from the Ming Dynasty?" Baoyou's voice trembled slightly.

He turned the tiger in his hand around and poked the mouth of the bottle with his index finger.

"Isn't it right, teacher, this size is too thin, I can't use it?"

"Teacher, do you always use this kind of thing?" Baoyou asked, pretending to be surprised.

"Brother, your aggressiveness is a bit too strong." Zhang Yang smiled and said to Baoyou: "Is it not made for little boys?"

"Besides, didn't you pick it up, why are you unhappy?"

"Why don't you smell it and see if it still smells?"

"I fucking don't smell it." Baoyou couldn't help but laugh: "No wonder the fellow looked a little surprised when he heard that we were going to buy this thing."

"I thought he didn't want to sell it!"

"It's pretty good, at least it's an orderly cultural relic." Zhang Yang comforted Baoyou: "It's passed down from generation to generation."

"Is this thing valuable? I want to sell it as soon as possible."

"Of course it's valuable. It's easy to sell it for several thousand yuan. Bigger antique stores will take it."

After listening to Zhang Yang's words, Baoyou looked at the things in his hands for a while and sighed:
"It's a pity, what a beautiful bright blue and white flower."


After the last treasure friend disconnected the microphone and saw the barrage reminder, Zhang Yang remembered that the Ming Dynasty chamber pot should be awarded an award.

"Just now, this treasure friend called [What are you doing], remember to receive the best leak-picking award."

Zhang Yang showed the camera the prize he had prepared for this award.

The raw stone filled with cotton is worth several hundred, making it the most valuable prize this time.

"Teacher, this can't be considered the strongest, right?" Xinlianmai's treasure friend questioned: "You haven't looked at my stuff yet!"

"Huh? Let me see."

Zhang Yang looked at the collection of this loud-mouthed friend Bao.

An ancient jade whose shape resembles the "Hongshan Culture Jade Pig Dragon", a national first-class cultural relic.

It really is a heavyweight!

Baoyou's jade pig dragon is bent into a C shape as a whole, like a bracelet missing a quarter.

If it is true, it can be basically confirmed that it was unearthed in WNTQ, CF City, because only the Hongshan Cultural Site there has a jade pig dragon with this shape.

[National Treasure Help Come Spicy! 】

[This person is here to lower the level of the small broken station]

【Quickly say you are from Douyin】

[Hongshan Culture Jade Pig Dragon Auction Reference Price: 300 million]

"The barrage is fine, and the reference price has been given."

"Baoyou, where did you buy it?"

Zhang Yang asked while starting to read the item information.

"Name: Jade Pig Dragon"

"Material: Xiu Jade"

"Production time: 5513 BC"

"Detailed information: The Jade Pig Dragon of Hongshan Culture, which has been passed down for thousands of years, represents the level of jade in the ancient culture of northern China during the Neolithic Age and is an unearthed cultural relic."

This is actually a real thing?
Zhang Yang rubbed his eyes in disbelief, he must have misread.

(End of this chapter)

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