Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 187 Next Time, Next Time 1 Definitely

Chapter 187 Next time, next time for sure

"This is the end?"

Looking at the police car's retreating figure, Zhang Yang felt empty in his heart.

He rarely feels this way, why?

Yes, although he punished the bad guys, he had no substantial gains.

It's like completing a mission in the game but not receiving the mission reward.

Zhang Yang quickly returned to the table and picked up the leather portable safe containing Wang Qi's porcelain plate paintings.

With 300 million in his hand, he took a deep breath and felt instantly refreshed.

One word, cool!

"Aren't you going to show me?" Chu Zhenmin sat on the chair and asked Zhang Yang with a smile.

He stared at this box for a long time. Flat safes like this are usually used to store calligraphy, paintings or jade.

Old Chu was very curious about what was inside.

"Yes, show it to my fourth uncle quickly, so that he can learn a lot." Chu Ziqiang came up and said very happily.

"Then I'm going to make a fool of myself? It's just a porcelain painting."

Zhang Yang slowly opened the safe with a smile on his face.

After Chu Zhenmin saw clearly what was inside, his eyes immediately lit up.

"Wang Qi's?!"

"This is a genuine product. How much did you pay for it?"

Chu Zhenmin held this porcelain plate painting "Ma Gu Presents Birthday" in his hands and couldn't put it down.


"It's not bad. It's well preserved. Although 30 yuan is not cheap, if you keep it in your hands, there will be room for appreciation in the future."

Chu Zhenmin glanced at Zhang Yang meaningfully, and suddenly changed the subject:
"It's just that paying market price for genuine products doesn't show your ability."

"Your master, Master Wang, missed at least tens of millions of treasures in Panjiayuan."

"Of course, you..."

"Tch!" Chu Ziqiang suddenly said, interrupting his uncle: "It seems that Fourth Uncle, you have retired and fished every day, and you no longer have good news about fishing."

"Would you like to search online to see the recent changes in Wang Qi's works?"

"What changes?" Chu Zhenmin asked.

As an elder, of course he couldn't just do whatever Xiao Chu said.

I can only ask Zhang Yang for help.

"Actually, Wang Qi's works are restricted from leaving the country." Zhang Yang replied.

"Really?" Chu Zhenmin was surprised and happy, and then said, "Then I'm not rich?"

Zhang Yang/Xiao Chu:? ? ?
Seeing that the two juniors were confused, Lao Chu told them that he was very knowledgeable about the "Eight Friends of Zhushan".

The porcelain paintings of these people covered two walls of his home.

Among them is Wang Qi's four-strip landscape screen, which he purchased in 15 for [-] yuan.

In 500, there was a French buyer who offered [-] million to buy it.

At that time, he wanted to sell it, but because he had not retired yet, his status did not allow him to sell such exquisite cultural relics abroad.

The results remain in the present.

Four screens, a complete set!
Zhang Yang conservatively estimates that if it is speculated, selling for 4000 to [-] million should not be a problem.

After hearing what Lao Chu said, Chu Ziqiang grabbed the hand of his fourth uncle:

"Fourth Master, aren't I decorating my new house? The living room just needs a set of landscape screens."

"That's not easy." Chu Zhenmin waved his hand: "Let's go look for it in Panjiayuan."

"I'll buy you Qi Baishi's "Twelve Screens of Landscape" directly."

"Is "Twelve Screens of Landscape" expensive?" Chu Ziqiang turned around and asked Zhang Yang.

"That one is not expensive. In [-] years, it only cost [-] million." After Zhang Yang finished speaking, he laughed out loud.


In the evening, Wang Guosheng, who was far away in his hometown in Linhai, called and asked Zhang Yang how he felt on his first day in Yanjing.

Zhang Yang told him: "Teacher, I feel that the water in Yanjing is a bit deep!"

Then he briefly talked about Che Lijun's apprentice.

Master Wang didn't show any surprise, and the old man seemed to be very aware of these tricks.

He just told Zhang Yang:
"Eating people is soft-spoken, and taking advantage of others is short-handed. You should pay attention to yourself, and their despicable methods will be of no use."

"Teacher, don't worry. I'm just here to take a certificate test. I have no interaction with Teacher Che or the others."

What Zhang Yang didn't expect was that the day after he said these words, he would be slapped in the face by reality.

Among the judges for the expert review was Che Lijun.During the process, Master Che did not make things difficult for Zhang Yang. He was even suspected of cheating. When he asked about the knowledge of bronze appraisal, the questions he asked were based on common sense.

Zhang Yang had already prepared for it, so he could naturally answer it.

But after the assessment, what was supposed to come came.

In the lounge, Master Che brought a bottle of mineral water to Zhang Yang and sat down opposite him.

"Xiao Zhang, I shouldn't have offended you in any way, right?"

"No." Zhang Yang replied with a smile: "Teacher Che, you have always been a role model for me to learn from."

"No, don't say that." Che Lijun waved his hands quickly: "Xiao Tian is a fool, and he is the one to blame for what happened to him."

"But actually you can discuss it with me. I think he would be happy to offer you 80 million to let him go."

Only 80 million?

Zhang Yang felt a little fluctuation in his heart.

This Grandfather Tian must be too poor. He is simply a shame in the leek harvesting world.

Master Qiu of the National Treasure Gang earns more than him.

"I didn't know beforehand. Next time, next time."

Zhang Yang decided to keep his dignity on the surface, after all, Che Lijun was one of the judges.

It directly determines whether he can "put it in the warehouse", and indirectly determines whether Xiaochu's civilian archaeological team can obtain the establishment.

"next time?"

Che Lijun thought for a while, he was just a disciple. Could it be that Xiaotian was sentenced not long ago?
This Zhang Yang actually planned to grab someone to grab him, he really wasn't a person!

"Don't worry about next time."

"I'm here to talk to you about cooperation."

"I heard that you held a treasure appraisal conference?"

Che Lijun told Zhang Yang about the cooperation he mentioned.

In fact, it is just a few people in their circle who lack channels for exposure.

I want to use this platform to publicize the voluntary treasure appraisal conference to reappear in the public eye.

Short videos are a sinking platform, and experts like Che Lijun want to make money by making ordinary people and laypeople feel that they are masters in the industry.

In this way, they can earn a lot of money just from the paid appraisal orders.

Not to mention making money by appearing on other shows after becoming famous.

"We have basically been on CCTV and local TV stations, have a certain mass base, and are very familiar with the environment of offline treasure appraisal. This program with yours is a match made in heaven."

"Who are the teachers specifically?" Zhang Yang asked.

When he heard the names Che Lijun said, he called him a good guy.

All acquaintances.

At that time, the fake certificates sent by the Cheng family were basically issued by these people.

They are all a group of people who have no bottom line for money just like Master Che.

If this is absorbed into the appraisal conference, this program will basically stink.

But a direct refusal requires a reason. Che Lijun is not a little guy like his apprentice, and he needs to be decent.

Zhang Yang thought for a while and came up with an idea:

"Senior brother, the next treasure appraisal conference will be held in Yangcheng, and the places for experts have been reserved by the people from the Yangcheng Museum."

"It's okay, we can go to the audition stage to help."

"Instead of doing this, why not hold one in Yanjing?"

Zhang Yang took out a piece of paper from his briefcase and wrote three lines of words.

"Che Lijun, treasure appraisal expert;"

"Chu Zhenmin, former director of the Cultural Relics Bureau;"

"Shenghai Yongxing Auction Company."

At the same time, I thought in my heart:
"It is better to leave such an important task to clean up the Yanjing antique circle to capable people."

"I just need to hide behind the boss and collect money."

Zhang Yang drew two plus signs between the three lines, and an equal sign at the end.

"Teacher Che, if you add up these three items, can you make money while standing?"

"Absolutely, you seven and I three." Che Lijun replied excitedly.

He took Zhang Yang's pen and wrote the word "money" after the equal sign.

After he left, Zhang Yang smiled and added the word "prison" behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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